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Canadians FEAR Trump...Big Time

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Just another election cycle in the USA, but this time there is a new wrinkle. Despite claims that American voters are supporting Trump (or Sanders) out of fear instead of anger and disillusionment, polling results "north of the border" suggest that the true source of any such "fear" actually comes from Canada.

Nearly two-in-three of Canadian voters surveyed — 65 percent — said they feared the very prospect of Donald Trump getting elected president of the United States, while 23 percent said they did not. The survey, conducted by Canadian polling firm Leger and sponsored by the newspapers Le Journal de Montréal and Le Devoir, also found majority support for Hillary Clinton becoming the 45th president.


So why do polled Canadians, and by extension many other Canadians, FEAR Donald Trump's election campaign and possible U.S. term as president ?

What are the reasons for such FEAR compared to other candidates and previous presidents ?

Is the FEAR rational ?

What do fearful Canadians think a President Trump means to them or their lives across the border ?

Why are they so afraid ?

I'd like to see Trump wins. He's a breathe of fresh air. He doesn't talk like a regular politician! His sentiments are similar to Republicans, except that Trump doesn't mince around, he says things more explicitly. Political correctness is not in his vocabulary - that alone, gives him points in my view!

People are just so darn tired of political correctness but they can't say anything.....because of political correctness.

Trump speaks for these people. He says what they can't say!

And I'd really want to see him going against Clinton. According to Conrad Black, Trump will mop the floor with Hillary.

I like to see that. Just for Benghazi....and for the women she went after, who were sexually assaulted by her husband.

According to pundits on Meet The Press, Clinton crew is afraid of Trump....simply because he's unpredictable. Clinton is well-prepared to go against Cruz, or Kasich. They know the rhetorics that'll come out of these two.....but Trump? They can't exactly say how he'll go after them, or what script he'll have in firing back.

If the rebuttal of Trump against Clinton is anything to go by (Clinton accused him of being sexist) - to which Trump fired back that she was an enabler for her sexist husband, I'd say Clinton doesn't hold a candle.

Clinton slaps, Trump punches back!

It'll be great just watching the debates! I can't wait. I want Benghazi brought up!

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Donald Trump appears (at least during the campaign) to be completely incompetent. Mean spirited (whereas a president needs to be diplomatic to a certain degree), unable to engage in rational debate (e.g. dropping out of one of the republican debates because he didn't like the terms), and what few policy ideas he's given have been poorly thought out (e.g. make Mexico pay for a wall). Many of his comments during the election have been... questionable (e.g. Muslims celebrating 9/11); you'd think someone attempting to run for the most powerful position in the world would do a little fact checking before hand.

And its not just his actions during the election that are questionable but also his past record... remember, he's a businessman who was basically given everything he needed right at the start (i.e. can't really say he's a "self made man".). He's also declared bankruptcy multiple times. (I do recognize that, in the business world, declaring bankruptcy is often useful to prevent a business from shutting down and give it time to reorganize... still, he managed to rack up huge amounts of debt. Not exactly the type of attitude you'd want the president to take.)

The problem is, even if Trump doesn't specifically do anything to target Canada, having such an incompetent person in charge of the U.S. (a country with which we have strong economic and social ties) might just end up dragging us down along with the U.S.


And never forget, Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter.


Donald Trump may've declared bankruptcy several times.....but he seems to be able to bounce back again and again!

How many businessmen were able to do that?

Look....despite all those failed businesses.....he's still a billionaire, right? That's business savvy. He's got the flair for it....let's not forget that glaring fact! Not many can go through several bankruptcies, and still come up on top!

Donald trump isn't the best there is......BUT, there are no choices at all! Cruz and Kasich and all the self-righteous Republican establishment didn't do anything, you'd think they're all in bed with Obama!

I wanna see someone different! He may be flamboyant and a showman.....but hey, don't we have our own celebrity PM, who loves selfing it with his fans?

Competent world leaders refrain from taking cheap potshots at candidates for a Presidential election - especially when that candidate has the momentum, and could likely become the sitting President!

Taking cheap potshots, is, mean-spirited....especially when no one is taking cheap potshots at you!

With the economy struggling, it isn't to Canada's benefit to have to start off with a soured relationship with our trading ally, just because someone has had a bromance with the outgoing President, and couldn't keep his darn mouth zipped!

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And how did that work out for the people of Toronto?

From all the tributes I've heard....and from all the short stories coming out from folks being interviewed on tv, and anecdotes being given by the press, Rob Ford (for all his addiction, which should be seen as an illness if someone is without any bias), had done something good for the people of Toronto. They talk about him knocking on doors and personally asking people of what help they needed. And apparently, he actually delivered! I just heard this morning a member of the press talking about Ford, personally taking a crew to remove a dumpster or something that a neighborhood was complaining about.

No wonder Ford Nation is strong! People were able to forgive him and were prepared to look the other way....warts and all.

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Just watch what happens if Trump happens to stumble into the nomination. Cape Breton property is already on the way up.

I'd have to see it to believe it - I mean, the actual moving. Talk is cheap.

Anyone who actually moves to Canada has most likely planned to move to Canada anyway, with or without Trump!

Heard all that from Alec Baldwin! Did he actually move? It's a good marketing ploy though, for Cape Breton.

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Look....despite all those failed businesses.....he's still a billionaire, right? That's business savvy. He's got the flair for it....let's not forget that glaring fact! Not many can go through several bankruptcies, and still come up on top!

Trumps businesses don't even outperform the market as a whole though, which means hes below average as a businessman. Hes simply rich because his father was and even if he had just invested his 40 million dollar inheritance in market indexes he would be richer than he is now.

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One thing I've been hearing more and more about is the comparison of Trump to Hitler. I fail to see how this is a new thing as we saw both Obama and George Bush Jr. both equated to Hitler and Nazi-esque rhetoric.

'OH my god he wants to build a wall'. And he has specific reasons for it. Why do we lock the doors to our homes?

Trump is correct that there is a process to enter the country legally. The USA has every right to deport people who cross over the border illegally.

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Trumps businesses don't even outperform the market as a whole though, which means hes below average as a businessman. Hes simply rich because his father was and even if he had just invested his 40 million dollar inheritance in market indexes he would be richer than he is now.

Well....he kept bouncing back from bankruptcies. He's got the knack for business, is all I'm saying.

Money is money - doesn't matter whether it's been inherited, or hard earned.

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Well....he kept bouncing back from bankruptcies. He's got the knack for business, is all I'm saying.

Money is money - doesn't matter whether it's been inherited, or hard earned.

In comparison, George Bush Jr bankrupted a couple companies and never bounced back and even he got to be President.

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In comparison, George Bush Jr bankrupted a couple companies and never bounced back and even he got to be President.

Do I dare assume we agree on this one about Trump?

One thing I've been hearing more and more about is the comparison of Trump to Hitler. I fail to see how this is a new thing as we saw both Obama and George Bush Jr. both equated to Hitler and Nazi-esque rhetoric.

'OH my god he wants to build a wall'. And he has specific reasons for it. Why do we lock the doors to our homes?

Trump is correct that there is a process to enter the country legally. The USA has every right to deport people who cross over the border illegally.

Are we really in agreement on this one? I don't see anything wrong about building the wall. And he's right.....it's so easy for the drug cartel to go in the US (and corrupt the system). If there's more control in that border....I don't see how it wouldn't be a good thing for Canada, too.

Are we of the same mind on this? Really?

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The other Republican candidates are all worried about votes. That's all they care about. One of them (Cruz or Kasich) was saying....."how can you expect a Latino to vote for you when he knows you'll deport his illegal grandmother."

That's puts the democratic system in a bind, doesn't it?

You don't want to upset a group (especially a big group), therefore you'll change the rules for them.

Keep watch what's happening in the USA.

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Do I dare assume we agree on this one about Trump?

Are we really in agreement on this one? I don't see anything wrong about building the wall. And he's right.....it's so easy for the drug cartel to go in the US (and corrupt the system). If there's more control in that border....I don't see how it wouldn't be a good thing for Canada, too.

Are we of the same mind on this? Really?

Part of the problem with Mexico's drug cartels are the same problem that the drug cartels had in Columbia. Learn about 'Fast and Furious' and note how it was totally counter productive to what the stated goal was. Quite similar to the Iran-Contra affair in the problems it is creating. So the US is only contributing to the never ending problem.

South Park nailed it years ago and this is now the true scenario of voting for a douche or a turd. Both options leave a bitter taste, and the aroma is pungent.

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I'd have to see it to believe it - I mean, the actual moving. Talk is cheap.

Anyone who actually moves to Canada has most likely planned to move to Canada anyway, with or without Trump!

Heard all that from Alec Baldwin! Did he actually move? It's a good marketing ploy though, for Cape Breton.

Interesting how the Immigration Canada official government website crashed just after the final results of the so called Super Tuesday came in with Trump in the lead. Apparently the cause the crash was overload on the "how can I move to Canada" link. Coincidence?

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Interesting how the Immigration Canada official government website crashed just after the final results of the so called Super Tuesday came in with Trump in the lead. Apparently the cause the crash was overload on the "how can I move to Canada" link. Coincidence?

Coincident with many people leaving Cape Breton at the highest rate in the nation, which has nothing to do with Donald Trump's politics.

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Interesting how the Immigration Canada official government website crashed just after the final results of the so called Super Tuesday came in with Trump in the lead. Apparently the cause the crash was overload on the "how can I move to Canada" link. Coincidence?

Hype. Just about anything can go viral this days.

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Coincident with many people leaving Cape Breton at the highest rate in the nation, which has nothing to do with Donald Trump's politics.

Um, yes, you seem to be getting the picture. People didn't leave Cape Breton because of Trump, but they are thinking about going there because of Trump.

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Donald Trump may've declared bankruptcy several times.....but he seems to be able to bounce back again and again!

How many businessmen were able to do that?

Many can. That's what happens when you are spending other people's money (market credit) you just hoodwink another set of investors.

Look....despite all those failed businesses.....he's still a billionaire, right? That's business savvy. He's got the flair for it....let's not forget that glaring fact! Not many can go through several bankruptcies, and still come up on top!

First rule of business.....pay yourself first.....screw everyone else second. I think they call that the vulture rule. Many do go through many bankruptcies......there's always another sucker around the corner......and he says he's not a politician. The only thing different was you used to not be an open philanderer in politics, in business it was viewed with pride, then Bill changed all that. Edited by Bob Macadoo
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Um, yes, you seem to be getting the picture. People didn't leave Cape Breton because of Trump, but they are thinking about going there because of Trump.

More Canadians will continue to go to the USA than Americans to Canada...Trump or no Trump. More Canadians always have gone "south", which is amazing when one considers that the USA has 10x the population.

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More Canadians will continue to go to the USA than Americans to Canada...Trump or no Trump. More Canadians always have gone "south", which is amazing when one considers that the USA has 10x the population.

We shall see I guess. Luckily Trump wont get much farther than the GOP convention I suspect. (sorry Cape Breton)

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Doesn't matter...Donald Trump could pass away tomorrow but another American political "bogeyman" would just emerge for some Canadians (or Americans) to worry about.

Oh but not likely one with the entertainment aspect of Trump. Although the endless buffoonery is getting redundant to most Canadians. They prefer more intellect, even from a political soap opera.

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Oh but not likely one with the entertainment aspect of Trump. Although the endless buffoonery is getting redundant to most Canadians. They prefer more intellect, even from a political soap opera.

I doubt that...see Rob Ford. "They" define themselves as not-American, so anything will work.

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I doubt that...see Rob Ford. "They" define themselves as not-American, so anything will work.

Sorry to disillusion you, but Canadians define themselves as.....Canadian. Ford was also a bit of a buffoon, but I don't recall people discussing fleeing TO because of him.

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Sorry to disillusion you, but Canadians define themselves as.....Canadian. Ford was also a bit of a buffoon, but I don't recall people discussing fleeing TO because of him.

Sure they do....and that's why so many worry about the very American Donald Trump. FEAR Trump.....keep eyes glued to that foreign election campaign for the latest updates.

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