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Syrian refugees coming to Canada.


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Politicians don't care, it's not their money they are wasting. Instead of asking we the people as to what should be done, they prefer to say screw the people, this is how things will be done. They always seem to feel that they know what is best for us. :lol:

True but the consequences of such an an ill thought out major policy could be devastating for Canada. Granted we are not taking in millions of male migrants but bringing in that many people who are so opposed generally to our ways especially when it comes to women, can only result in problems. Problems mainly because a Liberal gov't would not stand up to demands for changes which will come.

Bear in mind that Ontario allready recognizes polygamous marriages from outside of Canada so pays welfare to multiple 'wives'. As the demographics change so will demands for accommodation increase.


Also keep in mind what is happening in Europe


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Well, we saw how well bringing a million migrants into a country the size of Germany has worked out. If we bring a half-million into Canada, expect the biggest beneficiaries will be those who sell bear repellent spray.


We need something that really brings home just how badly the foreign policies our side keeps pursuing in the ME region have worked out. Millions of refugees on our TV's still doesn't seem to be doing the job so perhaps when they're on our streets it'll start sinking in.

Don't forget the path to enlightenment is often a painful one. It doesn't have to be but for the moment it seems to be the one we're on.

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If the Liberals get their way, they will probably want to bring in 5 million. All votes that they will be relying on once those criminal refugees start to vote. Besides we already take in approx. 300,000 to 400,000 thousand new legal and illegal immigrants every year. So cheer up, your wish has already come close to being true.

Economists tell us we'll need a 100 million new Canadians by the end of the century if we're to survive as a country.

Am I to believe right wingers are starting to doubt the economists?

It's about time.

Edited by eyeball
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Politicians don't care, it's not their money they are wasting. Instead of asking we the people as to what should be done, they prefer to say screw the people, this is how things will be done. They always seem to feel that they know what is best for us. :lol:

A little reality for ya: the LPC laid out their plan about various issues including refugees, then they asked "we the people" what they thought. It was called an election and Canada said yes.

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Really. Name them. Stop fabricating,

You have to wonder what those pauper nations like Switzerland and New Zealand and Finland and Norway will have to do to survive if you need 100 million people.

Edited by Argus
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A little reality for ya: the LPC laid out their plan about various issues including refugees, then they asked "we the people" what they thought. It was called an election and Canada said yes.

So, what you are saying here is that the plight of refugees was more important to Canadians than any other obvious and more important issues concerning Canada like jobs and poverty and trying to save our social and medicare programs, uhmm? Refugees is what it is all about.

A little reality for ya: It was a minority of different immigration groups,churches and special interest groups that wanted all this refugee immigration to happen. And it was the corporate controlled media that constantly pushed and wanted to keep it going and trying to make it appear as though all Canadians wanted this massive refugee immigration to happen. Funny, I never heard one person that I know of or have come into contact with that said that refugees were more important to them than anything else in Canada. It was the media party that wanted it. And when the media party goes silly on something, your antenna should go up. In most cases they are up to trying to sell us something that will not be of any benefit to Canadians.

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The same can be said of the policies we elected governments to pursue that helped create so many refugees to start with.

It's not like we didn't know what we were doing is it?

Actions/reactions, I guess people still don't understand this critical point. WHY is this happening? Seems like certain leaders are to blame for all of this.

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So, what you are saying here is that the plight of refugees was more important to Canadians than any other obvious and more important issues concerning Canada like jobs and poverty and trying to save our social and medicare programs, uhmm? Refugees is what it is all about.

A little reality for ya: It was a minority of different immigration groups,churches and special interest groups that wanted all this refugee immigration to happen. And it was the corporate controlled media that constantly pushed and wanted to keep it going and trying to make it appear as though all Canadians wanted this massive refugee immigration to happen. Funny, I never heard one person that I know of or have come into contact with that said that refugees were more important to them than anything else in Canada. It was the media party that wanted it. And when the media party goes silly on something, your antenna should go up. In most cases they are up to trying to sell us something that will not be of any benefit to Canadians.

I don't think anyone is saying this item was more or less important than any other. It was however a significant item on the agenda, there are various polls that indicate it was/is important to Canadians in general, not the selected special interest groups you seem to think are alone in this, and then there was the most important poll of all. You know, the election?

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We need something that really brings home just how badly the foreign policies our side keeps pursuing in the ME region have worked out. Millions of refugees on our TV's still doesn't seem to be doing the job so perhaps when they're on our streets it'll start sinking in.

Don't forget the path to enlightenment is often a painful one. It doesn't have to be but for the moment it seems to be the one we're on.

I agree that getting involved in American wars is not the way for Canada to go. You need to talk to the American corporate warmongers who are always trying to get a war going somewhere. Instead of trying to deal and talk with other leaders of other countries, they prefer to go in and dictate to them and tell them as to how things will be done from now on. And if they do not want to cooperate than they get bombed. That is not fiction, it's fact.

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I don't think anyone is saying this item was more or less important than any other. It was however a significant item on the agenda, there are various polls that indicate it was/is important to Canadians in general, not the selected special interest groups you seem to think are alone in this, and then there was the most important poll of all. You know, the election?

Look, besides the election supposedly being all about refugees, it was more about the media party and the Liberal elite that wanted to get rid of the Conservative government. They just didn't like them. They had to go and the people were convinced and went along with them believing that PM Harper was bad for Canada. The Conservatives were not always angels but the Liberals for sure will not be either, and your tax dollars are going to lose out big time with the Liberals back in power. 200 hundred million tax dollars over the next year to be spent on a bunch of strangers who do not deserve it. As far as I am concerned this is criminal. To be taking millions out of the taxpayer's pockets and giving it away to satisfy their own ego's and programs and agendas is theft. Ask we the people and see what they think about it. Refugees was not an issue.

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Look, besides the election supposedly being all about refugees, it was more about the media party and the Liberal elite that wanted to get rid of the Conservative government. They just didn't like them. They had to go and the people were convinced and went along with them believing that PM Harper was bad for Canada. The Conservatives were not always angels but the Liberals for sure will not be either, and your tax dollars are going to lose out big time with the Liberals back in power. 200 hundred million tax dollars over the next year to be spent on a bunch of strangers who do not deserve it. As far as I am concerned this is criminal. To be taking millions out of the taxpayer's pockets and giving it away to satisfy their own ego's and programs and agendas is theft. Ask we the people and see what they think about it. Refugees was not an issue.

I don't know what you mean with this we the people meme you keep on about, maybe you mean what you want. If you check the polls, you will find that on average, Canadians are roughly divided, with supporters slightly ahead. Or do you think that pollsters twist peoples arms when they poll them?

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I don't know what you mean with this we the people meme you keep on about, maybe you mean what you want. If you check the polls, you will find that on average, Canadians are roughly divided, with supporters slightly ahead. Or do you think that pollsters twist peoples arms when they poll them?

Depends on the question being asked and how it is being poised to we the people. Most polls are not always to be relied on. Most pollsters will ask questions of people that the pollsters want to hear. Referendums work better. In many a poll, most people asked about a certain issue, never gave that issue any thought until it was asked of them. And most people when asked about a certain issue will most likely want to agree with what the pollster is asking them. They want to look good, and they get a few seconds of fame. Ask them also about what the cost may be to them and their money, and things may turn out different.

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Ask them also about what the cost may be to them and their money, and things may turn out different.

Yet all the moaning about costs anti-refugee types such as yourself has done hasn't seemed to change anyone's mind. There is still significant support among Canadians for helping these people. Do you seriously think people don't know that their taxes pay for this help?

Personally, I'd far rather we spent more on helping people than bombing or shooting people ... If I could arrange that none of my taxes went to any kind of war, that would suit me. Would it suit you?

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Depends on the question being asked and how it is being poised to we the people. Most polls are not always to be relied on. Most pollsters will ask questions of people that the pollsters want to hear. Referendums work better. In many a poll, most people asked about a certain issue, never gave that issue any thought until it was asked of them. And most people when asked about a certain issue will most likely want to agree with what the pollster is asking them. They want to look good, and they get a few seconds of fame. Ask them also about what the cost may be to them and their money, and things may turn out different.

I suspect many people who get asked a question about refugees have already seriously considered it the issue. As you continuously point out it has been all over the news for a quite a spell. I suspect your comments about pollsters framing the questions to get the answers they want is just your flimsy attempt to undermine the actual results, which challenge your own personal opinion.
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Actions/reactions, I guess people still don't understand this critical point. WHY is this happening? Seems like certain leaders are to blame for all of this.

Seems like certain populations are also to blame for the politicians they keep electing. Why they do is the more important question.

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Well their seems to be a number of Canadians who feel that regardless of whatever the topic they are asked about in regards about tax dollars being spent on something or about issues like refugees, they will say let the government look and worry about it. They appear to forget that they are the government and it is their tax dollars, that are being spent, and that it is not the governments money. Many people can't seem to grasp this.

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I believe that the majority of Canadians do not understand anything as to what is going on with their tax dollars and what politicians say and do behind their backs. They seem to appear oblivious as to what are real issues and what are not. The only time it seems that Canadians can get up about something is when the media makes an issue out of it. And in most cases they will listen too and believe what the media tells them. They don't investigate to see if what the media says is true or not. Otherwise they stay fast asleep as if all is normal, nothing going on out there. I have friends who do not even listen to the news. That is how bad things are.

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I have friends who do not even listen to the news. That is how bad things are.

Not listening to the news is a good thing. Reading up on issues in varying publications is the better way to understand policies and issues in Canada. Maybe it's you and not your friends that need to expand your horizons.

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Not listening to the news is a good thing. Reading up on issues in varying publications is the better way to understand policies and issues in Canada. Maybe it's you and not your friends that need to expand your horizons.

That is why I listen to alternative news also. Sounds like something you also should do. Then you will understand as to where I am coming from.

Thanks to alternative media, I can now get the other side of the story that the mainstream controlled media will work hard to ignore and keep me ignorant of the facts and wrapped up in their grasp. I read and listen to both sides of the story. I guess from your response you do not. Aw well.

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That is why I listen to alternative news also. Sounds like something you also should do. Then you will understand as to where I am coming from.

Thanks to alternative media, I can now get the other side of the story that the mainstream controlled media will work hard to ignore and keep me ignorant of the facts and wrapped up in their grasp. I read and listen to both sides of the story. I guess from your response you do not. Aw well.

sanctimonious much! You read "the Rebel", ergo you're "well rounded"! :lol: Anyone choosing to align with so-called mainstream media is not... "well rounded", not objective and, by your assessment, not open to "both sides of the story"! In my personal well-rounded assessment, I've looked at the drivel/slop "the Rebel" passes off for "alternative coverage" of Canada's Syrian refugee program.


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sanctimonious much! You read "the Rebel", ergo you're "well rounded"! :lol: Anyone choosing to align with so-called mainstream media is not... "well rounded", not objective and, by your assessment, not open to "both sides of the story"! In my personal well-rounded assessment, I've looked at the drivel/slop "the Rebel" passes off for "alternative coverage" of Canada's Syrian refugee program.


Unfortunately for taxme, we've also read the court documents where Ezra claimed he wasn't a journalist and people would be foolish to believe anything he publishes.
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sanctimonious much! You read "the Rebel", ergo you're "well rounded"! :lol: Anyone choosing to align with so-called mainstream media is not... "well rounded", not objective and, by your assessment, not open to "both sides of the story"! In my personal well-rounded assessment, I've looked at the drivel/slop "the Rebel" passes off for "alternative coverage" of Canada's Syrian refugee program.


So I guess if people actually began to take the fringe seriously, they would no longer be the fringe. Then where would fringe readers get their news?

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So, we are going to have 25,000 - 50,000 Syrian refugees coming to Canada in the next year or so. The cost according to the CBC will be approx. 100 million Canadian tax dollars to feed,clothe,house, and for other expenses. They will take a toll on our medical and social services. Why is this happening? Who asked the Canadian taxpayer if they wanted them here? No one. We are just told by our politically correct pro-multicultural politicians that this will be so, dam the money, and dam what the taxpayer thinks. These so-called refugees are criminals. The reason I call them criminals is that they entered another country illegally therefore making them criminal illegals.And now these criminals are coming to Canada and will be treated like VIP's and better than our own people.

Our present day immigration policy needs an overhaul. We are allowing to many legal and illegal immigrants into Canada, around 300,000 - 400,000 every year, and many are ending up on welfare, aid that should be going to our own Canadians, many who live in poverty,kids going to school hungry, and our veterans who are treated worse than these illegals are. It is time for a moratorium on immigration until Canada can get the 2 million unemployed Canadians back to work. Our politicans should think about Canada and Canadians first, not the rest of the world first. Works for me. :)

(X)Well the liberals dream has come to pass. The CBC said today that the last of the 25,000 arrived last week. And I heard more good news from the CBC also. They said that another 12,000 more refugees will soon be on their way to Canada. Oh joy. I guess that we are going to get that 50,000 refugees as planned. Aw well, what's a few more thousand refugees to go on Canada's welfare plan. The liberals have gone mad.

While our senior citizen's on pension are going to get a raise of $0.55 cents on their pension checks because there is just no more money in the piggy bank to hand out we certainly have no problem finding lots and lots of money for our new guests. It is suppose to cost the government(that's you and me, folks)1.6 billion in the next six months to assist these so-called refugees. Just think about that when you go to work tomorrow that some of your taxes that you will have deducted from your pay checks next pay day will go towards helping total strangers, and not to your own people. Oh joy.

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