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Perhaps you did not read the links? Harper has knowlingly and willfully allowed Canadian investors to be swindled by the U.S. Justice Department for $43 millions by a company that launders drug monies earned by corrupt federal agents who brought more than $1B of cocaine a year into Canada. If you see nothing wrong with these felony crimes, then you wouild make a great American citizen. Down South they like their citizens deaf, dumb, and blind.

When it comes to posts about corruption you have to be prepared to read - not just glance.

Apart from anything else, Prime Ministers don't unseal sealed documents, courts do. Petition a judge if you're so certain of your allegations.

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Seriously, do you mean to tell me that a sitting PM cannot order a court file to be unsealed? If only a judge could issue such an order then there will be a lot of corrupt judges paid vey well to seal court records to hide the crimes of the wealthy and political players of Canada. I would hope a MP or Senator would also have a way to unseal such a file as well. In this matter I must plead ignorance and defer to your knowledge of these legal issues.

As for being sure, there are six or seven credible witnesses at last count including the FBI Chief Supervisor (Ted Gunderson) who was poisoned last year. He left a video deposition before they got to him however.

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Seriously, do you mean to tell me that a sitting PM cannot order a court file to be unsealed? If only a judge could issue such an order then there will be a lot of corrupt judges paid vey well to seal court records to hide the crimes of the wealthy and political players of Canada. I would hope a MP or Senator would also have a way to unseal such a file as well. In this matter I must plead ignorance and defer to your knowledge of these legal issues.

As for being sure, there are six or seven credible witnesses at last count including the FBI Chief Supervisor (Ted Gunderson) who was poisoned last year. He left a video deposition before they got to him however.

Yes, seriously. We have a division of powers in this country.

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Just curious. What would motivate a judge to open a can of worms that could get him or her fired? Can citizens or any elected officials compel a judge to uinsela a file? Would it be through a motion or does someone have to file a claim in order to create a case file or????? It appears to me that there is no leagal process in place to force transparency in matters that affect public safety and public security. Do you realize the people doing the smuggling are/were officials of a foreign government?

Could a judge from the World Court order the files to be opened? To me secrecy does not belong in any courtroom unless the case involves disclosure of secret weapons or technology. Political secrets are not exempt from disclosure and it is super shameful that politicians would hide under the robes of our justices.

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Just curious. What would motivate a judge to


Could a judge from the World Court order the files to be opened? To me secrecy does not belong in any courtroom unless the case involves disclosure of secret weapons or technology. Political secrets are not exempt from disclosure and it is super shameful that politicians would hide under the robes of our justices.

What do you mean know legal process? You fill out the paperwork, file a petition with the court to unseal the records, and if you have a compelling case and if the court is in the appropriate jurisdiction (ie. going to the Hague to demand paperwork on what you allege is a Canadian/American scandal is a "no go") then maybe the judge will do so. But the onus is on you, not on the courts.

Edited by Charles Anthony
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Secrecy is what Steven does best. This should all be forwarded to the W5 people. Here is a scan of an unedited exhibit is a Court file at Osgoode Hall so I have say there is more than just some merit to what is being claimed here, especially if you read all 4 pages to this letter. It is also an exhibit in the Supreme court files and also in this law society complaint http://bruceslawsocietycomplaint.wordpress.com.


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No to mention, almost everything mentioned in here is from before Harper's time mostly done by the US government. Even the stuff that happened during Harper's time was allegedly done by the courts which we all know are no friend of Harper. So how again would this be Harper's fault? Or is this just another timely political piece?

This took place in 2006 so it is hardly a "timely political piece" I agree that Harper did not smuggle the drugs nor did he steal the $43 million BUT he was given a chance to get the the $43 million back for Canadian investors and turned his back on them. http://2006bruce.blogspot.com He also showed no interest in finding out who allowed corrupt American FBI agent to smuggle HUGE quanties of drugs into Canada. I think if I were the PM I would want to know where $1B of drugs went to and who made the profits in Canada. It was alleged that a good portion of the proceeds were ending up in campaign funds. As a PM I would want to know whose campaign fund gets drug monies. Of course if I was a PM who was getting some of those drug monies in my campaign fnds,, then I would do what Harper has done and just ignore the whole mess and hope everyone else does too!

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Sorry fellas but I cannot ignore the mystery of Harper's silence on this issue. At least one of his spokesmen should come forward and explain why the PM did nothing to help get the "missing" $43 million back even if he did it without mentioning that the real thief was the U.S. Justice Department. The below links tell the story from A-Z but I know people are lazy and will not bother to read them.

So let me summarize in a few sentences... The U.S. government operated a "cut out" company in Aventura, Florid called American Financial Group that laundered drug moneys on Wall Street with proceeds going to various candidates. They used Levesque and Nesbitt Burns in Canada to liquidate washed moneys.

The monies they were washing was from vast amounts of cocaine corrupt FBI agent Terry Nelson, Steve Finta and Pierre Jeanette smuggled into Canadian aboriginal lands for almost 20 years. 2 insiders, Erling Ingvaldsen and Bruce Gorcyca came to Canada and made Harper aware of the H U G E operation.

Regular investors from Canada, Germany, Latin America etc. also were used at AFG to help conceal their covert government mission. 139 of these Canadian investors invested $43 million like the Toronto victims Louis Sapi, Brian McWilliams, David Lewis, etc. In 2001 The Toronto Star announce they lost their $43 Million. http://www.investorvoice.ca/PI/229.html

In 1996 this whole operation was reported to the FBI by an AFG employee (Bruce Gorcyca aka Tony DiMarco) who resigned after learning that $1.25 of of a $16 million drug deal was headed to the hands of Jeb Bush who was starting his governorial campaign with those funds. The following year in 1997 honest Mounties caught Nelson with 4,000 pounds of cocaine in Regina, Saskatchewan. He was arrested and booked but then Ottawa let him slide out of Canada and Harper made sure the court files were sealed and remained sealed after he was first elected. But in 2006 he received this letter http://2006bruce.blogspot.com What to do? His choice was to help Canadian citizens recover their money, or help Bush cover up a major scandal. Gee, which option did he choose?


Both of the insiders were thrown out of Canada using fake crimes to hide the real ones even though a refugee claim was filed by one of them (and ignored for 8 years) How do we know about the drug smuggling? Eye witness reports from former CIA operative Chip Tatum, Former IRS Agent Bruce Gorcyca, Insiders Erling Ingvaldsen and their pilots as well as local citizens of Saskatchewan and an veteran FBI supervisor named Ted Gunderson who was conveniently poisoned in 2014. Read here: http://www.memresearch.org/grabbe/montdrug.htm These links below tell the story in greater detail below. Also be aware that the president of American Financial Group is a former U.S. Justice executive of over 20 years assigned to Panama where his wife Teresita Tapia was the personal secretary and banker/translator for General Manuel Noriega.



The point is Harper was made fully aware of all of this and did not do a thing. Now then only heroin addict would not want to know W H Y? If we recall what Snowden told us about NSA collecting information on every major world leader, do you seriously think the do not know all of Harper's secrets? http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/24/nsa-surveillance-world-leaders-calls

What leader with even a pea-sized conscience will knowingly allow $1B of drugs to be imported into Canada and just look the other way, or allow his own supporters and citizens to be swindled for $43 million? I submit the Bush family used NSA intel to keep the PM deaf, dumb, and blind and firmly under their thumb. The only other explanation is that Harper was one of those receiving drug money campaign donations. A Parliamentary commission could get to the bottom of this with a proper investigation. Old crimes of corruption are no less despicable than new ones in my opinion.


So the final question is whether PM Steven Harper has pledged his allegiance to the Canadian people or to the Bush family and Terry Nelson? (Those who read the interviews of Chip Tatum on line will note that he met Terry Nelson at the Bush family home in Florida.) One final note... AFG Prez Ed Chism who supposedly stole $87 million from investors spent a long 8 months behind bars before he was released and ordered to live outside of North America so he could never be subpoenaed as a witness in any criminal case or law suit. Convenient eh? The CFO of AFG is a former CIA analyst named David Siegel who never spent more than 24 hours behind bars. What's the odds of both informants ending up with the same lawyer (William Gilmour) who "misplaces" documents for both or them? He then makes it legally impossible for either man to return to Canada. Hmmm.... coincidence?

Mark Twain once said "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." This AFG/ Harper cover- up matter proves Twain was a man of great wisdom and vision.

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People need to get off their ass and do some homework on this. The two insider witnesses who both tried to tell the story in Canada were quickly booted out and never allowed to testify under oath about what they knew and know. One is Erling Ingvaldsen that author Rodney Stich wrote about in his book and the other is this guy Bruce Gorcyca who first reported the operation back in 1991. Even an FBI Supervisor named Ted Gunderson went public about it when he interviewed a CIA pilot named Chip Tatum. (Just Google the Chip Tatum Interviews Canada Terry Nelson) then visit and read here http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.ca/ You have a former FBI Supervisor, a former U.S. Treasury Agent, a former CIA pilot, and a guy who worked for Terry Nelson for 10 years all telling the same story. http://www.stewwebb.com/Gene_Tatum_A_Letter_To_The_Montana_Senate_19970322.htm

Here is a photo of witness and former CIA pilot Chip Tatum who claims he met Terry Nelson at the Florida home of Jeb Bush


And you forgot to tell us that Gorcyca is also a pedophile too eh? http://www.opnlttr.com/letter/confessions-american-pedophile Like I say, do your homework and learn this guy has reported/exposed 15 crimes over the last 30 years, was a former Fortune 500 executive, 7 Year Red Cross volunteer, Salvation Army house parent, honorably discharged military vet, air traffic controller, certified AIDS counselor, Little League baseball and soccer coach and that sure is your typical criminal profile right? Read up Bubba... Uncle Sam has smeared every single whistle-blower in the last 30 years. How the hell do you extradite a person who is not indicted for any crime, no victim is identified, no dollar amount of any crime is disclosed, and there are no "charging documents" that Canadian Law requires??? Why was the guy held 10.5 months by Immigration Canada in maximim security lock down when his wife and kids are Canadian? Read the Immigration hearing transcripts where it says he "has been consistently truthful" Even the former RCMP Superintendent Ben Soave admitted this. Maybe you might want to actually read the 11 page sworn report of Private Investigator Ed Reiken found as an exhibit at this link http://bruceslawsocietycomplaint.wordpress.com Then come and share your thoughts once again. The truth is not always convenient.

So if this is not true, tell Harper to unseal the court file and let the public read it!


The below Ottawa Citizen is actually part of the official court file and it appears that the author no longer works for the Citizen. Parliament should subpoena this fellow and review his "information" in my opinion. Why would "intelligence sources" be concerned about the safety of a yank anyway?


If there are any lawyers on this forum, I ask that they weigh in advise if some legal action can be taken to halt and postpone the elections until we can see what's really involved in this cover-up and if Rob Nicholson is also involved since he is the one who authorized the fake extradition of one witness and the false arrest of another (according to 2 RCMP mounties). Also I just learned that not only were witnesses being threatened, but also the former Montreal woman lawyer for Erling Ingvaldsen. I also would think that shooting out people's house windows and family car can also be assumed to be a threat eh? Especially when nasty messages are then left on the family's answering machine. Someone needs to subpoena the Peel Police Dept. to get the police reports and recordings from the answering machine. Together with the video tape given to PM Paul Szabo and the other 29 recordings mentioned, there should be enough to determine the real story here. Just my opinion mind you. For sure this photo and the above court documents are not fakes. So what is the official government explanation for them. Did anyone talk with this Paul McKay reporter yet?


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... allowed the U.S. Justice department to rip-off Canadian investors to the tune of $43 million...

This seems to be a private affair but $43 million is about $1 per Canadian. Harper gave $10 million of Canadian taxpayer money to Maher Arar to silence him. Harper, in effect, gave several hundred million of our money to forestry workers to silence them. (No one now hears of Arar or softwood lumber.) So, what's your point? Edited by August1991
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The point here dear friend Voltaire are many:

* That our beloved leader Steven Harper cares more about hiding Bush family crimes than protecting Canadian citizenbs

* That Harper's trademark secrecy hid this major scandal for 9 years - so what else don't we know about - yet

* That Harper thinks nothing of obstructing justice by creating fake crimes to hide his own real ones.

* That 140 Canadian lives were financially destroyed by Harper's refusal to investigate - perhaps to remain out of jail himself?

* That Harper used Immigration Canada as a political weapon and censorship tool

* That Harper & Rob Nicholson need to be held fully and legally accountable for these crimes and human/civil rights violations

* That a PM who dose sneaky sh*t like this definitely does not deserve another day in Ottawa.

* That refugee claims need to be "untouchable" by Ottawa and handled at the Provincial level

* That Harper allowed massive amounts of cocaine to continue be imported to Canada by corrupt U.S. officials

* That Harper's silence on this matter indicates he probably benefited from all this corruption

* That Nesbitt Burns and Levesque needs an independent audiit

* That Parliament needs to convene a special investigations and allow witnesses Erling Injgvaldsen and Bruce Gorcyca the chance to testify under oath and produce the recordings and evidence they collected over the years.

* The criminal court files of corrupt FBI Agent Terry Nelson need to unsealed and published in every major newspaper

* That the two honest mounties who arrested corrupt FBI agent Terry Nelson in Regina need to be subpoenaed to testify under oath.

* Ottawa Citizen reporter Paul McKay likewise needs to be subpoenaed to testify under oath about what he was told by what "Canadian Intteligence Sources.

* The refugee claim of Bruce Gorcyca should be heard in a public hearing and his spousal sponsorship processed.

* That Rob Nicholson should be subpoenaed to testify under oath about why he allowed an illegal extradition to take place.

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"As with the other fairy tale, if this topic has any credibility at all, it should be in the Canada/US Relations category."

I beg to differ with you on both counts. Fairy Tales are not supported by court records and sworn statements from over a dozen witnesses. The fact that you even said that indicates you did not even read the links below nor the 2001 Toronto Star full page article by Jennifer Wells about American Financial Group http://www.investorvoice.ca/PI/229.html Dead bodies cannot be fairy tales sir. $43 million dollars is not imaginary play money. So either read and educate yourself about this sophisticated scheme, or stick with subjects that require only a personal opinion.








As to being in a different category, I think that since there is an election coming and one of the candidates is involved in this criminal and unethical matter, every voter should "Know Their Candidates". PM Harper is the least transparent candidate in the field so I think this is probably a good example of just how much we don't know about him.

For those of you that wonder why the U.S. government smuggles drugs in the first place, read this explanation supplied by former CIA operative Chip Tatum: http://www.stewwebb.com/Gene_Tatum_A_CIA_FUNDING_OPERATION_19961228.htm

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I'm not really sure what you're looking for. If the PM isn't involved, then what concern is it of his? He's not the judiciary, and the RCMP operates largely at arm's length from the Government.

I get you have some sort of complaint, but to be honest with you, you really don't make that much sense and a letter from a reporter and a piece of legal correspondence doesn't mean much.

Could you at least summarize in, say, three or four sentences, what your accusation is, who are the principle parties, and why it is you think the PM should be involved in what looks like a police matter?

You may find the explanation you are looking for here when you keep in mind that Mike Huxtable is a personal friend of PM Harper and worked for Terry Nelson. Pay attention to where Chip Tatum says he met Nelson (Chip is a former CIA pilot). This also explains how and why so many Canadians got hooked on cocaine and heroin in the last 20 years: http://www.stewwebb.com/Gene_Tatum_FBI_Terry_Nelson_and_Montana_Drugs_1996.htm

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As to being in a different category, I think that since there is an election coming and one of the candidates is involved in this criminal and unethical matter, every voter should "Know Their Candidates". PM Harper is the least transparent candidate in the field so I think this is probably a good example of just how much we don't know about him.

For those of you that wonder why the U.S. government smuggles drugs in the first place, read this explanation supplied by former CIA operative Chip Tatum: http://www.stewwebb.com/Gene_Tatum_A_CIA_FUNDING_OPERATION_19961228.htm


What does something that happened in the 90's have to do with Stephen Harper? In your zeal, should you not be calling for the police to arrest Jean Chretien?

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To the OP I say "NFW" (No Fu*king Way). Harper may be many things but politically suicidal is not one of them. As for the last comment, it doesn't matter how old the story is. It is a matter of corruption involving a candidate for PM and should be told IMO.. No matter where Paul McKay works today doesn't really matter. He and his files should be subpoenaed by the House for investigation.

Note: I find the links to the interviews with Chip Tatum useful as background information that lends credibility to the curent allegations.

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Fooled me too! But then again the only extradition case I ever saw in the media was the Schreiber case. How many people does Canada extradited every year anyway? Do African countries even want their criminals back? I'd be curious to see stats on what countries seek extraditions from Canada. Anyone know or have links?

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How many threads with how many names do you need to start on this.. None of this has anything to do with Harper, and mostly to do with Anthony DiMarco/Bruce Gorcyca fleeing U.S. extradition for fraud.


The letter you quote here is dated '03 so why would you write someone who was not the PM at that time.


Edited by scribblet

Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province

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