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Found 9 results

  1. Sorry to say, but I lost my faith in this corrupt organization that serves the political will of a few super powers and does little to keep the peace, stop Russian and American invasions, and has no way to punish any member of the Veto-holding members. They consume a lot of money and are seldom objective as delegates (ambassadors) trade their votes for favors and money. http://www.defenddemocracy.org/united-nations-corruption-and-the-need-for-reform/ Like the IMF, WTO, and World Bank, the UN has become just another organization that serves the elite who have their own agendas. Yeah they operate UNICEF and a few good agencies, but overall it is a political machine that favors western and specifically American foreign policies. http://www.economist.com/node/4267109
  2. When a supreme court nominee runs into problems with serious allegations of sexual predation, the president orders a sham investigation; a move right out of the playbook of Validimir Putin. As millions of the president's useful idiots (some of whom post right here on MLW!) concoct ridiculous rationalizations, the national law enforcement agency meekly follows the president's orders without a peep. Despite the fact that the nominee has obviously been lying to congress for weeks, he is confirmed anyway. What has happened this week is a stride towards a descent into authoritarianism, American style. With a supreme court justice installed in such a disgraceful and corrupt fashion, what intelligent, thinking person could believe that when he needs to rule on Trump's corruption, he will render and impartial vote towards the verdict? Unlike Russia, we are unlikely to see President Trump become president for life (although the way Trump lives and eats, that's unlikely to be long anyway). The USA is now an oligarchy and Trump is himself the ultimate useful idiot, a reality TV personality playing the role of president. Trump, a sad caricature completely lacking a moral compass who bumbles from issue to issue gathering headlines, makes the billionaires richer with huge tax cuts while simultaneously driving up military spending. The USA is a jet and he's pointed the nose straight down and pushed the throttle to the max. When he leaves or dies, there will be other useful idiots who come along right behind him.
  3. Which news source in Canada do you think is most capable of delivering spin-free news to the public about a matter of government corruption that is objective and would withstand political intimidation? This includes all medias - broadcast, print, and online.
  4. This is up there with Andrew Leslie billing taxpayers a fortune to move several blocks in Ottawa: Furthermore: This is insane........are Trudeau's staffers coming to Ottawa from the Moon? As to the rules: These rules are reasonable, and include all government workers required to move for their jobs with the Government....I have no qualms with that.....A family friend, in the Forces, recently moved for their last posting from Halifax to Victoria BC, their cost, moving a four bedroom house worth of stuff and one of their cars (they paid for their truck and boat out of pocket) was just under $10000, in addition, another ~$4000-5000 for him and his wife to fly out and stay house hunting.........I never heard of real estate fees being covered.. Remember Bev Oda's $16 orange juice.........or better yet Mike Duffy????
  5. No matter how deep you bury skeletons or how far you you exile the witnesses, the truth has a habit of floating to the surface. PM Harper has never been one for transparency so when he decided to ignore the author of this letter and decided to extradite him instead, he probably figured his secrets were safe. http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.com who wrote the letter to Harper 9 fricking years ago and offered to take a polygraph test.
  6. For the third time in three weeks yet another thread about Stphen Harpers well hidden scandals from almost 10 years ago was deleted. The latest one to disappear was Titled: "PM STEPHEN HARPER CANNOT HIDE 9 YEAR $1BILLION COVER-UP". I made a comment on the thread yesterday and Scribblet made a rebuttal. I went to post this comment now, and guess what? The thread is gone! It was originally posted by user "Not Yet" three weeks ago. So is this a case of a biased moderator or a Harper hacker? Just more good stuff for my article I am researching. How convenient that someone deleted (CENSORED) this scan of an actual court order that POST-DATES the links Scribblet just posted. Please note that the fabricated stock fraud charges against Gorcyca were DISMISSED by the most Senior Federal Judge in America - Jack Weinstein on December 17, 2007 and Gorcyca has been a free man ever since. Read this link Scribblet and deal with the facts instead of trying to smear the man. http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.ca. At this same link you will also find: * Sworn statements from 9 eye witnesses (court documents) * Medical report of how Gorcyca was abused * Proof positive that the extradition was fake and illegal * Cmmentary from a University of Toronto Law Professor who reviewed the case * Some interesting photographs. * Scans of actual newspaper articles. Now if you can identify the name of any real victim that can be verified, I am all ears Scribblet. I asked you to give me a link to real victims but you keep posting the same 3 links and no victims are idientified in any of those links - only old accusations put to rest by Judge Jack Weinstein. SCREEN SHOT NO. 36
  7. WHAT WOULD IT MEAN TODAY? Dirty cops are easy to hate. But murder is one crime I do not think Patrick Kelly committed. Before you make any assumptions please consider the following facts before you reply... 1) Nobody doubts that Patrick was extremely corrupt, Even he admits it. 2) For 23 years Patrick steadfastly maintains he did not kill his wife - even after he was released. He could have been released 5 years earlier if he admitted to the parole board that he was remorseful for killing his wife, but he said he could not lie about being remorseful for something he didn't do. 3) Nothing at the crime scene linked Patrick as the killer, only an occupant of the same apartment as his wife. 4) For 23 years Patrick Kelly requested and was denied a polygraph examination. why? 5) The key prosecution witness (Dawn Taber) admitted she lied when she said she witnessed the murder. She recanted more than a year after Patrick was already sentenced. 6) Since Patrick was tried and convicted for murder a crime that carries a life sentence in Canada he did not have to stand trial for corruption. If he had to be tried for corruption (instead of murder) he could and would have implicated dozens of colleagues, including superiors in exchange for smaller sentence. 7) Now read this: http://PatrickKellyIsInnocentOfMurder.wordpress.com Now do you see WHY it was so perfectly convenient to convict him for murder instead of corruption? Just look at all the RCMP corruption that surfaced since Patrick was convicted? Ask him how much of it did he already know about and could have exposed back in 1985?
  8. I for one want to see some more fresh faces and idea people in Ottawa and less secrecy and corruption. I was once a Harper fan but he lost me with his secret trade deals and the Duffy mess. Plus he has not really told us of any new ideas he has to make more people prosperous.
  9. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/former-edmonton-cop-derek-huff-blows-whistle-on-brutality-corruption-1.1871353 So there is a notion by some that things can be corrected if you go through the right channels. Went through channels, got nowhere.
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