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What improvements would you like to see in this discussion forum?


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That is just simply not true. Where do you get that from? Opinions posted here? I have seen posters express that sentiment over and over again here on this forum. Women represent 50% of the voting population, so let's try and represent them in all avenues that we can including political forums in whatever way we can. Until we can get past these men who hold the keys to the administrative rights to these forums, there is not much we can do.





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I can find just as many and plenty more that refute these sites. I'm not about to go down that rabbit hole. Please do not dismiss women participating in political forums. And again, if other women on this forum cannot convince the male administrators to adopt new ways of encouraging female members, it will not happen. Period!

Edited by WestCoastRunner
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Seeing how I'm a different person than Cap. Canada, your question is impossible for m to answer. Earlier this week Captain Canada and I were in live chat together. Gosthacked was there. Charles Anthony was there too. Take your baseless accusations to another forum. There is no need for that kind of gutter trash here.

Maybe you should admit that you are WRONG.

Its not that hard to post from two different PCs under different usernames. Kind of like how intelligence services have multiple online accounts to social engineer an outcome.

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I'm not. Women seem to have done that on their own.

Do you honestly think women don't give a dam about their country and their country's policies? This is exactly why we need more women on this forum and I have no idea why Charles and company don't encourage it in anyway we can.

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So you want to have segregation?

If you want womens topics what is stopping you from starting a thread?

I don't want segregation. I want more female members on this forum. If we want this, we need to use google techniques to promote this forum in rankings. To do this, we need to promote sub-headings for women. I don't get why this is such an issue? It is purely a technical solution and has nothing to do with men vs women.

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Its not that hard to post from two different PCs under different usernames. Kind of like how intelligence services have multiple online accounts to social engineer an outcome.

Also gost, with our chat the other night, you and Captain Canada were agreeing on everything. Take off the tin foil hat already.

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I don't want segregation. I want more female members on this forum. If we want this, we need to use google techniques to promote this forum in rankings. To do this, we need to promote sub-headings for women. I don't get why this is such an issue? It is purely a technical solution and has nothing to do with men vs women.

Why? Do you want more women because you think you are representative of women and are hoping for support in what are your invariably failed arguments? Because if all you want is an echo chamber Rabble has that in spades, it isn't the gender of the members that matters, it's their opinions and their ability to defend them. Why isn't it enough that women join the forum for what it is? There are many forums with many female members, if they don't join this one that is their choice, nice word that, choice.

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I have been lurking this forum for quite a number of years and have finally decided to get involved.

The main problem I see with this forum is the number of posters who seemingly ignore the topic at hand and instead decide to attack the poster directly. This goes against all rules of conduct for having a meaningful discussion.

It wouldn't surprise me to one day find that Greg has pulled the plug on this site entirely because of it. Many more people used to post here but have all left. I think they have left because of all the constant bickering and personal attacks. It's ok to disagree but it shouldn't be ok to bash someone personally.

Remember, if you wouldn't say it to someones face you probably shouldn't say it on here either.

I don't think we need more forum rules or stronger moderation but instead a mutual understanding and respect that I think has been lacking for a while. Let's not worry about who is saying something but instead look at the content of what is actually said. Good ideas can come from all political stripes so let's listen to everyone and respect different opinions.

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