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Obama vs Romney - POTUS 2012

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LOL, yeah, they say a lot at Huffington Post, the leftwing blog. The polls say something else. Latest Gallup, latest Rasmussen, latest Wall street/NBC.

Huff Post bases their electoral map on state by state polls. Obama used to be in the 300's, he's down to 271 so they're obviously not biased.

Romney basically needs to win all the swing states (which could happen) but that's pretty much the only reason Obama is being viewed as the the likely winner even though they are vitually tied in the popular vote.

It's a tight race that's for sure. I have no idea why you're so certain your guy is gonna win, it's not like either one is trailing or gaining substantially.

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Huff Post bases their electoral map on state by state polls. Obama used to be in the 300's, he's down to 271 so they're obviously not biased.

Romney basically needs to win all the swing states (which could happen) but that's pretty much the only reason Obama is being viewed as the the likely winner even though they are vitually tied in the popular vote.

It's a tight race that's for sure. I have no idea why you're so certain your guy is gonna win, it's not like either one is trailing or gaining substantially.

I base it on momentum. It's all Romney's right now. Plus, if an incumbent is below 50%, as Obama is at 47% this late in the election campaign, it doesn't bode well. Never has in the past.

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Huff Post bases their electoral map on state by state polls. Obama used to be in the 300's, he's down to 271 so they're obviously not biased.

The polls are primarily conducted by organisations that are sympathetic to Obama's reelection campaign, and they normally oversample Democrats in their polling. Aside from the Huffington Post's overt leftism, they aggregate polls that are more often than not carried out with dishonest methodologies to parrot the narrative of Obama's dominance and inevitable reelection.

Romney basically needs to win all the swing states (which could happen) but that's pretty much the only reason Obama is being viewed as the the likely winner even though they are vitually tied in the popular vote.

The same thing has been true for every Republican contender since Reagan. Immigration in recent decades has destroyed New York and California, turning them into Democratic strongholds. The Republicans are always experiencing this disadvantage considering New York and California are the most populous states, and therefore have the mos electoral votes.

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I base it on momentum. It's all Romney's right now. Plus, if an incumbent is below 50%, as Obama is at 47% this late in the election campaign, it doesn't bode well. Never has in the past.

The outcome is entirely up to Romney. Most of the media is doing everything it can to cover for Obama. If Romney loses, I will blame his lack of conservatism and attempt to be a "moderate". For example, he made several unforced errors in the last debate: he didn't reject the false premise of the "glass ceiling" and "pay inequality" for women, he didn't reject the false premise of greater restrictions on access to gun yielding lower rates of (gun) violence, and he didn't address how he would tackle inflation (a few examples). This race is Romney's to lose. The Republican party did something similar in 2008 with putting forth a faux conservative like John McCain. Conservatism always wins, but the Republicans buy into the false narratives concocted by the leftist media.

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The Durango Herald endorses Obama, saying, "Romney has publicly demonstrated no core convictions beyond his obvious belief that he should be president. He apparently thinks that simply not being Obama is qualification enough."



The conservative LA Times also said of Romney, "The only thing he really stands for is his own election," and went on to endorse Obama. http://www.latimes.c...0,3229774.story

The Santa Fe New Mexican also endorsed Obama, writing,

"He inherited an unholy mess — an economy teetering on the edge of a second Great Depression and two foreign wars top the list of disasters. Slowly, steadily and with his eye fixed firmly on the needs of the country, the president has worked hard every day to improve our collective good. It was President Obama who bailed out the auto industry, salvaging 1.1 million jobs and keeping manufacturing alive in this country. It was President Obama who made the gutsy call to invade a compound in Pakistan, tracking down and killing Osama bin Laden. It was President Obama who finally signed comprehensive health reform so that no American has to fear bankruptcy because of a medical catastrophe. More work remains for a second term…

So much accomplished in four years. So much remaining to be done."


Obviously Paul Krugman was going to support Obama. Here's the quote though "Obviously, Republicans like claiming that it’s all Mr. Obama’s fault, and that electing Mr. Romney would magically make everything better. But nobody should believe them."

Edited by cybercoma
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The margin is so close at the moment that given the fact that the elctoral system favours the Republicans we might have another election where the candidate with fewer votes than his opponent wins the majority of the electoral college votes and is thereby elected. I hope that is not going to happen but the closer the margin is the more possible such an outcome would be.

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The Romney campaign is now buy ad time in Maine, targeting the 2nd congressional district. Maine allocates it's electoral votes by district, so Romney could pick off an electoral vote without even trying very hard. Smart strategy. He's got Obama playing defense all over the map.

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The Romney campaign is now buy ad time in Maine, targeting the 2nd congressional district. Maine allocates it's electoral votes by district, so Romney could pick off an electoral vote without even trying very hard. Smart strategy. He's got Obama playing defense all over the map.

OR Romney didn't reserve his AD buys so now in the last two weeks the only time he can find is in Maine. Maybe read the news stories Shady.

Edited by punked
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Why are you guys bothering to argue?

The Bildeberg and Trilateral commission decides what policies to enact not the President. Boy are you guys this naive, how is this possible? Tell me Obama has done differently then Bush? he has signed more drone and covert ops in four years than Bush did in 8. He is working for Wall Street, not main street.

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Obama's down to 54 on InTrade. He was at 74 three weeks ago.

You know what else Intrade shows right now? Obama winning the election.


They were only off by 1 electoral vote in 2008.

And 270towin still has it at a 74% probability of Democrats winning.


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Guest Derek L

Dems up to their old tricks...


It's an updated version of their old smokes for votes scheme from back in the day.

Or how about this one:



State and federal agents are investigating fake letters being sent to Republicans and appear to be from the supervisors of elections in 21 counties.

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Gallup: Obama cuts into Romney’s national lead

By Jonathan Easley -

President Obama is closing in on GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney nationally, according to the closely watched Gallup daily tracking poll.

Romney takes 50 percent over Obama at 47, in the poll of likely voters released Wednesday. That’s the closest Gallup’s likely voter tracking survey has been since Oct. 14. Romney had maintained leads of between 5 and 7 points over the last seven days.

The survey is a rolling seven-day average through Oct. 23, so it completely encapsulates polling data since the second presidential debate last Tuesday night in Hempstead, N.Y., but includes only one day of reaction to Monday night’s foreign policy debate in Boca Raton, Fla.

According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, Romney leads by less than 1 percentage point nationally, 47.9 to 47.2.


It's a nail-biter!!!!

Edited by betsy
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Gallup goes from a 7 point lead to a 3 point lead two days after the Debate. There are still 4 days worth of Romney leading by 7 points in that poll so that means Obama is pulling in some big numbers and Romney's star is falling. I think Gallups numbers are off as well but a trend is a foot. Could it be the debate? Could it be Romney's support of a man who thinks rapes are God's will? I have no clue but it is bad bad news.

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Gallup is pretty useless, as far as I'm concerned. Their polling is consistently different from the other pollsters and they were one of the most inaccurate in 2008. I wouldn't give much weight to their results.

The funny thing is you wouldn't say that if Gallup had Obama up by seven points. You're so consistently dishonest. The aggregate of the polls, as far as RCP is concerned, is Romney up by just under a point - this bodes badly for Obama considering the Democrats typically dominate the two most populous states. More importantly, Romney's leading in key swing states, and RCP's electoral college has it with Romney at 206 and Obama as 201.

Either way, we'll find out on November 6. The funny thing is how drastically the narrative has changed from one of an inevitable Obama reelection, parroted by non-thinking drones like yourself, to one of panic.

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The funny thing is you wouldn't say that if Gallup had Obama up by seven points. You're so consistently dishonest. The aggregate of the polls, as far as RCP is concerned, is Romney up by just under a point - this bodes badly for Obama considering the Democrats typically dominate the two most populous states. More importantly, Romney's leading in key swing states, and RCP's electoral college has it with Romney at 206 and Obama as 201.

Either way, we'll find out on November 6. The funny thing is how drastically the narrative has changed from one of an inevitable Obama reelection, parroted by non-thinking drones like yourself, to one of panic.

What Key swing state would that be? Would it be Ohio? Nope? Would it be Iowa? Nope? Would be Nevada? Nope? Well there is the election. Romney is in free fall Obama is on the rise and he has a 30 point lead in early voting in Ohio. I think you are delusional.

BTW Gallups presidential approval poll which is a 3 day poll instead of the 7 day tracker has Obama at 54% approval. You might have some bad news coming in the next few days and that is before you realize Obama has a ground game that is going to add 2 points to his poll numbers that Romney does not have.

Edited by punked
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