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FACT: Noah’s Ark and Ship Building

The Noah story is ridiculous. A human can't gather 2 of every animal, that would take a million years, he'd have to dig into the earth to get smaller insects etc. How would he know which is male & female?

But let's suppose he has a massive ark the size of a massive zoo. How does this guy and his wife keep them all alive? Feed them? Keep the mosquitos from flying away? Great tall tale, that's all it is.

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The Noah story is ridiculous. A human can't gather 2 of every animal, that would take a million years, he'd have to dig into the earth to get smaller insects etc.But let's suppose he has a massive ark the size of a massive zoo. How does this guy and his wife keep them all alive? Feed them? Keep the mosquitos from flying away? Great tall tale, that's all it is.

We don't know the exact details! Just like a plant-eating dinosaur (stegosaurus?) was described in the Bible....

How would he know which is male & female?

That reminds me, in the theory of evolution....which came first, the male or the female?

Anyway, the passage for the ship's measurements, and the sea currents ended up scientifically true!

You can say that those are just coincidental....however, when you've got those two, plus all the other listed facts to contend with (plus some more that are not listed yet)- not to mention the accuracy of the word stretching/stretches/stretch used in the Bible.....it's definitely no longer coincidental!

We say "expansion of the universe," or the universe is "expanding." We got used to the word "expanding" or "expansion." So this statement from the astronomy site was a real surprise to me too when the scientist clarified that the actual description for the universe is not exactly "expanding." That the right description for it is that it is stretching!

You guys will keep ignoring that?

The least I expect from you - if you are truly searching for truth - is that you'd acknowledge, at the very least, that the Bible is worth looking into.

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Speaking of Noah. Why aren't Manitobans build their houses in wide ferrocement barge anchored in place.

No flood problems. No sand bags, no cleaning. Houses would just rise and then sit back again.

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FACT: Sanitary Practices, Disease Prevention and Public Health


Sanitation practices and disease prevention were introduced some 3,500 years ago, as stated in the Bible!

Excerpt from…The First Book of Public Hygiene:

On 28 September 1976, the following telegram was received at the World Health Organization Headquarters in Geneva:




This was the first information to come out of Zaïre (now Republic of the Congo) regarding the Ebola viral epidemic that killed hundreds of infected Africans living in and around the Yambuku hospital, near the headwaters of the Ebola River.2

The deadly African Ebola virus

Among the more deadly and incurable of viruses is the Ebola virus, named after the Ebola River region in the African Congo, where it was first identified. It has since been found elsewhere in Africa with the same deadly effects.

Doctors suspect that the virus, which equally affects all primates, may have originated in rats. Strangely, some people are totally unaffected by the virus. Outbreaks come in waves and then seem to subside completely.

While research continues, little is known for certain of the virus’s origin and mechanisms of infection.

The nuns at the Yambuku mission hospital were using five unsterilized needles to give injections to hundreds of people each day. Epidemiologists have concluded that this caused the outbreak that occurred simultaneously in 55 villages surrounding the hospital.

The first to die were those who received the injections. Then the disease moved through families, killing mainly those who had prepared the dead for burial. It also swept through the hospital’s staff, killing nurses and midwives who had contact with patient blood and vomit. It is believed that the Ebola disease may have been transmitted through sexual contact as well.

Viral diseases such as Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, hantavirus and dengue are also striking panic and alarm worldwide. Old diseases that had been considered to be no longer health problems are re-emerging in importance.

What is worse, there is no cure or vaccine for many of these deadly diseases.

On the positive side, the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, provide tremendous insight and relief concerning disease prevention.

These ancient writings, when used in conjunction with modern medicine, can break the mode of transmission of virtually every scourge known to humanity.

What follows is a brief summary of the biblical instructions pertaining to public health and sanitation.

Bear in mind that these regulations were practised some 3,500 years before the germ concept of disease was discovered (mainly by the creationist Louis Pasteur5)!

The instructions recorded in Leviticus 15 are strikingly similar to modern disease-prevention techniques.

For example, anyone touching a person with a ‘running issue’ (that is, a bodily discharge), or anything upon which that person sat or lay, became ‘unclean’. In addition, should the ‘toucher’ touch someone without first having washed his hands, uncleanness would be transferred to the person he touched as well.

Just a little more than 100 years ago, these precautions were instituted in modern medical facilities to prevent diseases from spreading. ‘No touch’ surgical and dressing techniques are now used.6 Gloves are necessary for persons touching infected areas and careful hand washing is observed before and after patient care. In addition, ‘universal precautions’ require that all bodily secretions be treated as potentially infectious agents.


Leviticus 15 (NIV)

Discharges Causing Uncleanness

1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When any man has an unusual bodily discharge, such a discharge is unclean. 3 Whether it continues flowing from his body or is blocked, it will make him unclean. This is how his discharge will bring about uncleanness:

4 “‘Any bed the man with a discharge lies on will be unclean, and anything he sits on will be unclean. 5 Anyone who touches his bed must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 6 Whoever sits on anything that the man with a discharge sat on must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

7 “‘Whoever touches the man who has a discharge must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

8 “‘If the man with the discharge spits on anyone who is clean, they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

9 “‘Everything the man sits on when riding will be unclean, 10 and whoever touches any of the things that were under him will be unclean till evening; whoever picks up those things must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

11 “‘Anyone the man with a discharge touches without rinsing his hands with water must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

12 “‘A clay pot that the man touches must be broken, and any wooden article is to be rinsed with water.

13 “‘When a man is cleansed from his discharge, he is to count off seven days for his ceremonial cleansing; he must wash his clothes and bathe himself with fresh water, and he will be clean. 14 On the eighth day he must take two doves or two young pigeons and come before the LORD to the entrance to the tent of meeting and give them to the priest. 15 The priest is to sacrifice them, the one for a sin offering[a] and the other for a burnt offering. In this way he will make atonement before the LORD for the man because of his discharge.

16 “‘When a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his whole body with water, and he will be unclean till evening. 17 Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed with water, and it will be unclean till evening. 18 When a man has sexual relations with a woman and there is an emission of semen, both of them must bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

19 “‘When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.

20 “‘Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean. 21 Anyone who touches her bed will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 22 Anyone who touches anything she sits on will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 23 Whether it is the bed or anything she was sitting on, when anyone touches it, they will be unclean till evening.

24 “‘If a man has sexual relations with her and her monthly flow touches him, he will be unclean for seven days; any bed he lies on will be unclean.

25 “‘When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period. 26 Any bed she lies on while her discharge continues will be unclean, as is her bed during her monthly period, and anything she sits on will be unclean, as during her period. 27 Anyone who touches them will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

28 “‘When she is cleansed from her discharge, she must count off seven days, and after that she will be ceremonially clean. 29 On the eighth day she must take two doves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 30 The priest is to sacrifice one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. In this way he will make atonement for her before the LORD for the uncleanness of her discharge.

31 “‘You must keep the Israelites separate from things that make them unclean, so they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling my dwelling place, which is among them.’”

32 These are the regulations for a man with a discharge, for anyone made unclean by an emission of semen, 33 for a woman in her monthly period, for a man or a woman with a discharge, and for a man who has sexual relations with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.

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FACT: Sanitary Practices, Disease Prevention and Public Health


Excerpt from The First Book of Public Hygiene:

The Israelites were instructed to bury their waste material away from the camp (Deuteronomy 23:12–14).

The Israelites were also admonished to burn used dressings. Garments that contained a growth (perhaps a fungus) were to be washed. If the fungus/growth was removed, the garment was to be rewashed before using again. If not, it was to be burned (Leviticus 13:47–58). Note that a first wash could germinate hardy spores. The new growth could then be removed by rewashing. Objects that were touched by an infected person were to be washed. If the object was pottery, however, washing was insufficient (perhaps due to its porous nature). It was to be destroyed (Leviticus 11:33, 15:12).

Today’s health practices are quite similar.


Deuteronomy 23: 12-14

12 Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. 13 As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement. 14 For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.

Leviticus 13:47-58

Regulations About Defiling Molds

47 “As for any fabric that is spoiled with a defiling mold—any woolen or linen clothing, 48 any woven or knitted material of linen or wool, any leather or anything made of leather— 49 if the affected area in the fabric, the leather, the woven or knitted material, or any leather article, is greenish or reddish, it is a defiling mold and must be shown to the priest.

50 The priest is to examine the affected area and isolate the article for seven days.

51 On the seventh day he is to examine it, and if the mold has spread in the fabric, the woven or knitted material, or the leather, whatever its use, it is a persistent defiling mold; the article is unclean.

52 He must burn the fabric, the woven or knitted material of wool or linen, or any leather article that has been spoiled; because the defiling mold is persistent, the article must be burned.

53 “But if, when the priest examines it, the mold has not spread in the fabric, the woven or knitted material, or the leather article, 54 he shall order that the spoiled article be washed. Then he is to isolate it for another seven days.

55 After the article has been washed, the priest is to examine it again, and if the mold has not changed its appearance, even though it has not spread, it is unclean. Burn it, no matter which side of the fabric has been spoiled.

56 If, when the priest examines it, the mold has faded after the article has been washed, he is to tear the spoiled part out of the fabric, the leather, or the woven or knitted material.

57 But if it reappears in the fabric, in the woven or knitted material, or in the leather article, it is a spreading mold; whatever has the mold must be burned.

58 Any fabric, woven or knitted material, or any leather article that has been washed and is rid of the mold, must be washed again. Then it will be clean.”

Leviticus 11:33

33 If one of them falls into a clay pot, everything in it will be unclean, and you must break the pot.

Leviticus 15:12

12 “‘A clay pot that the man touches must be broken, and any wooden article is to be rinsed with water.

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FACT: Sanitary Practices, Disease Prevention and Public Health


Excerpt from The First Book of Public Hygiene:

The Israelites took great care before diagnosing a person as having leprosy or a similar condition. If there was any doubt as to the certainty of a diagnosis, the person was to be isolated for observation (Leviticus 13:1–14:57).

Once a person was diagnosed with a contagious condition, he was to be quarantined outside of the camp ‘all the days wherein the plague shall be in him.’ He was also required to wear a covering over his mouth, and to warn others by shouting, ‘Unclean, unclean!’ (Numbers 5:2–4 and Leviticus 13:45–46).

Modern hospitals also follow special isolation procedures for persons who have, or are suspected of having, contagious infections



Leviticus !3:1

1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may become an infectious skin disease, he must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons who is a priest.

Leviticus 14:57

57 to determine when something is clean or unclean.


Numbers 5: 1-4

The Purity of the Camp

1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 “Command the Israelites to send away from the camp anyone who has a defiling skin disease[a] or a discharge of any kind, or who is ceremonially unclean because of a dead body. 3 Send away male and female alike; send them outside the camp so they will not defile their camp, where I dwell among them.” 4 The Israelites did so; they sent them outside the camp. They did just as the LORD had instructed Moses.

Leviticus 13:45-46

45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt,[c] cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.

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FACT: Sanitary Practices, Disease Prevention and Public Health


Excerpt from The First Book of Public Hygiene:

Until the late 1800s, it was common practice for physicians and medical students to examine their living patients immediately after participating in autopsies.7

Of course, the pathogens that were present in the bodies of those in the morgue were spread to the hospital wards. When doctors began practising procedures similar to those found in the first five books of the Bible, mortality rates were drastically reduced.8


Numbers 19:11; 14-16 and 22

11 “Whoever touches a human corpse will be unclean for seven days

14 “This is the law that applies when a person dies in a tent: Anyone who enters the tent and anyone who is in it will be unclean for seven days, 15 and every open container without a lid fastened on it will be unclean.

16 “Anyone out in the open who touches someone who has been killed with a sword or someone who has died a natural death, or anyone who touches a human bone or a grave, will be unclean for seven days.

19 The man who is clean is to sprinkle those who are unclean on the third and seventh days, and on the seventh day he is to purify them. Those who are being cleansed must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and that evening they will be clean.

22 Anything that an unclean person touches becomes unclean, and anyone who touches it becomes unclean till evening.”

Leviticus 11: 31-35; 39-40

31 Of all those that move along the ground, these are unclean for you.Whoever touches them when they are dead will be unclean till evening.

32 When one of them dies and falls on something, that article, whatever its use, will be unclean, whether it is made of wood, cloth, hide or sackcloth. Put it in water; it will be unclean till evening, and then it will be clean.

33 If one of them falls into a clay pot, everything in it will be unclean, and you must break the pot.

34 Any food you are allowed to eat that has come into contact with water from any such pot is unclean, and any liquid that is drunk from such a pot is unclean.

35 Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean..

39 If an animal that you are allowed to eat dies, anyone who touches its carcass will be unclean till evening.

40 Anyone who eats some of its carcass must wash their clothes, and they will be unclean till evening. Anyone who picks up the carcass must wash their clothes, and they will be unclean till evening.

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FACT: Sanitary Practices, Disease Prevention and Public Health


Excerpt from The First Book of Public Hygiene:

Today, we know that failure to heed any one of these precautions could result in the transmission of infectious microorganisms.


Leviticus 11:34-36

34 Any food you are allowed to eat that has come into contact with water from any such pot is unclean, and any liquid that is drunk from such a pot is unclean.

35 Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean.

36 A spring, however, or a cistern for collecting water remains clean, but anyone who touches one of these carcasses is unclean.

Leviticus 15

12 “‘A clay pot that the man touches must be broken, and any wooden article is to be rinsed with water.

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FACT: Sanitary Practices, Disease Prevention and Public Health


Excerpt from The First Book of Public Hygiene:

The Israelites were clearly forbidden to have any sexual relationships outside of marriage. The biblical plan of husband and wife constituting an exclusive married unit certainly prevented the spread of venereal diseases.

Because of man’s failure to heed this admonition, sexually transmitted diseases continue to be the world’s leading contagious diseases.9


(Exclusive married unit)

Genesis 1

27 So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:23-25

23 The man said,

“This is now bone of my bones

and flesh of my flesh;

she shall be called ‘woman,’

for she was taken out of man.”

24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Matthew 19:3-6

3 Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”

4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?

6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

(Sexual relations outside of marriage)

Exodus 20:14

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

Leviticus 18:22

22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

10 “‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.

11 “‘If a man has sexual relations with his father’s wife, he has dishonored his father. Both the man and the woman are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

12 “‘If a man has sexual relations with his daughter-in-law, both of them are to be put to death. What they have done is a perversion; their blood will be on their own heads.

13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

14 “‘If a man marries both a woman and her mother, it is wicked. Both he and they must be burned in the fire, so that no wickedness will be among you.

15 “‘If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal.

16 “‘If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Exodus 20:14

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

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FACT: The human body is comprised of some 28 base and trace elements which are all found in the earth

God created man from the dust of the ground.

Genesis 2:7

7 Then the LORD God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Genesis 3:19

19 By the sweat of your brow

you will eat your food

until you return to the ground,

since from it you were taken;

for dust you are

and to dust you will return.

Chemical elements listed by their presence in human body

For chemistry students and teachers: The tabular chart on the right is arranged by elements in human body.

The first chemical element with the highest percentage is Oxygen and the last one with the lowest percentage is Magnesium.

Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/periodic-chart-elements/human-body.htm#ixzz1N2DqkJj0

Question: What Are the Elements in the Human Body?

Answer: Most of the human body is made up of water, H2O, with cells consisting of 65-90% water by weight. Therefore, it isn't surprising that most of a human body's mass is oxygen. Carbon, the basic unit for organic molecules, comes in second. 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of just six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus.

1.Oxygen (65%)

2.Carbon (18%)

3.Hydrogen (10%)

4.Nitrogen (3%)

5.Calcium (1.5%)

6.Phosphorus (1.0%)

7.Potassium (0.35%)

8.Sulfur (0.25%)

9.Sodium (0.15%)

10.Magnesium (0.05%)

11.Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Molybdenum, Fluorine, Chlorine, Iodine, Manganese, Cobalt, Iron (0.70%)

12.Lithium, Strontium, Aluminum, Silicon, Lead, Vanadium, Arsenic, Bromine (trace amounts)

Reference: H. A. Harper, V. W. Rodwell, P. A. Mayes, Review of Physiological Chemistry, 16th ed., Lange Medical Publications, Los Altos, California 1977.


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Up to approx. a century ago, it was common for sick people to be “bled”, and the process caused a lot of death. God revealed that “the life of a creature is in the blood,” long before science understood its function.

Leviticus 17:11

11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.

Leviticus 17:14

14 because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, "You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off."

­Do you ever wonder what makes up blood? Unless you need to have blood drawn, donate it or have to stop its flow after an injury, you probably don't think much about it. But blood is the most commonly tested part of the body, and it is truly the river of life. Every cell in the body gets its nutrients from blood.


This great verse (Lev 17:11) contains a wealth of scientific and spiritual truth. It was not realized until the discovery of the circulation of the blood by the creationist scientist William Harvey, in about 1620, that biological "life" really is maintained by the blood, which both brings nourishment to all parts of the body and also carries away its wastes.


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Stop spamming, ffs.

I don't see antibacterial soap and latex gloves in Leviticus, nor did I see any objection from God to certain biblical figures whoring out their unmarried daughters or wives.

How long do you plan to continue posting this garbage?

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Betsy, stop your preaching. Nobody gives a shit about what your religious philosophy is.

Obviously you do! :lol::lol:

Are you a twin of Cybercoma? You're lost too? :blink:

You better take that tinted glasses off so you'll see clearly where you are. And, you just don't read the topic titles - you have to understand what they mean!

You think when I titled this topic - THE BIBLE, (sciences, prophecies, studies/interpretations) - I was only kidding??? :D

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Stop resisting.

Your popular science mags - evolutionists science rags - are no match to the Bible.

If you really search for knowledge, then you should read and understand the Bible - because obviously you only think you do, but you don't really know the Bible at all! You're just repeating what you read/heard being said about it - just as you're repeating what you've read from your pseudo-science tabloids! I don't mean that as an insult.

I was that before about the Bible....and I'm still learning.

In fact, I'm being blown away by some of the details I learn as I do my researching - Biblical/scientific facts! It's like I've opened my pandora's box!

Clearly for the thinking skeptics, the theory of Intelligent Design is the ONLY VALID theory there is, as clearly evidenced by the facts posted on this thread so far, - we're not done yet - easily sweeping off other nonsense theories off the path!

There's way too many factual information regarding creation/origin that only the Creator/Designer could know.

And clearly - without any doubt - that Designer is the Judeo-Christian God!

The One and Only!

There is no other.


Anyway - with your obvious fixation/reliance on science - it's only sensible that you read, study and understand -the ancient Book that declared a lot of scientific facts long before science discovered them!

It's what any thinking skeptic would sensibly do!

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Betsy, stop your preaching. Nobody gives a shit about what your religious philosophy is.

You seem to be struggling, so let me help you.

This religious philosophy is more than just a philosophy! As you can see, it's giving empirical evidences - readable, therefore observable - that answers to origin/creation and other facts known only to One who has intimate knowledge.

They are in the Bible looooooong before science discovered and understood them!

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With all the scientific facts found in the Bible, it cannot be said that everything is just coincidental!

And this is one of the scientific facts that took my breath away:

Let me begin by saying that "expanding" isn't really the best word to describe what is happening to the universe, although that is the word that is often used - a word choice which I think leads to a lot of unnecessary confusion regarding what is already a difficult topic! A more accurate word for what the universe is doing might be "stretching".


Zeccheraih 12:1

1 A prophecy: The word of the LORD concerning Israel.

The LORD, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares:

Jeremiah 10:12 (and also Jer 51:15)

12 But God made the earth by his power;

he founded the world by his wisdom

and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.

Psalm 104:2

2 The LORD wraps himself in light as with a garment;

he stretches out the heavens like a tent

Job 9:8

8 He alone stretches out the heavens

and treads on the waves of the sea.

Isaiah 40:21-22

21 Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

Has it not been told you from the beginning?

Have you not understood since the earth was founded?

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,

and its people are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,

and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

Isaiah 42:5

5 This is what God the LORD says—

the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out,

who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it,

who gives breath to its people,

and life to those who walk on it:

Isaiah 44:24

24 “This is what the LORD says—

your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb:

I am the LORD,

the Maker of all things,

who stretches out the heavens,

who spreads out the earth by myself,

Isaiah 45:12

12 It is I who made the earth

and created mankind on it.

My own hands stretched out the heavens;

I marshaled their starry hosts.

Isaiah 48:12-13

12 “Listen to me, Jacob,

Israel, whom I have called:

I am he;

I am the first and I am the last.

13 My own hand laid the foundations of the earth,

and my right hand spread out the heavens;

when I summon them,

they all stand up together.

Isaiah 51:12-13

12 “I, even I, am he who comforts you.

Who are you that you fear mere mortals,

human beings who are but grass,

13 that you forget the LORD your Maker,

who stretches out the heavens

and who lays the foundations of the earth,

that you live in constant terror every day

because of the wrath of the oppressor,

who is bent on destruction?

For where is the wrath of the oppressor?

For that line repeated at least 11 times , and in the right context.....truly, only the Designer could've known about that!

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FACT: RODINIA and PANTHALASSA, one land and one ocean!

Science says one supercontinent and one enormous ocean existed on earth, a billion years ago – just as the Bible said in Genesis.

Genesis 1:9-10

9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

If you could travel through time to arrive at the Earth of a billion years ago, you would have a hard time navigating. A strange giant continent and a single planetary ocean would replace the familiar continents and oceans of today’s world. Yet, this is where the geologic history of Washington and the Pacific Northwest began -- on a giant continent of a billion years ago.

Geologists affectionately use the term “Rodinia,” a Russian word meaning “homeland,” for this giant continent of so long ago.

Though the exact size and configuration of Rodinia are not known, rocks of ancestral North America, often called “Laurentia,” very likely formed the core of the giant continent.


Prior to the breakup of Pangea, one enormous ocean, Panthalassa, existed on Earth


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You seem to be struggling, so let me help you.

This religious philosophy is more than just a philosophy! As you can see, it's giving empirical evidences - readable, therefore observable - that answers to origin/creation and other facts known only to One who has intimate knowledge.

They are in the Bible looooooong before science discovered and understood them!

The Bible is a book. A book of suggestions and parables, but no more true than Harry Potter.

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