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Anne Coulter comes to Canada

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There is free speech and there is trolling. She is the later. Not welcome here. Everything she says is inflammatory to get a certain response out of both her supported and protesters. Calculated troll. She knows the outcome and is crying because she is the reason it happened.

You obviously have no concept of what free speech means. Yep, people can be offended by speech. So what? People don't have the right not to be offended by something. However, if somebody wants to speak, and others want to hear them speak, that's part of our right and freedom in this country. One person's "baseless and extreme" comments are another person's truth.

Since she earns her living by offending people

God damn right she does! And it's not against the law to offend. It's not hate speech to offend. If you don't like it, don't listen to it. But get your do-gooder, busy-body, fascist feet off my rights and freedoms.

How ironic that coming off of a month where several universities hosted "Israel Apartheid Week", Ann Coulter if forbidden to speak because she's offensive! :rolleyes:

All because of loud-mouthed, mouth-breathing, imbeciles like Gosthack.

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You only managed to use NAZI five times in that post...try harder.


When you call someone like Lictor a nazi....well that's the same mistake as calling a Chianti a Beaujelais...both are red wines....just a mistake in geography.

Calling Coulter a Nazi...that's just an indication you're an idiot.

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......shame on all those forum members who support this loathsome NAZI with all your fake patriotism you shit on every Canadians grave who died fighting NAZI intolerance...

The only difference between Coulter and Zundle is that Coulter incites hate across pretty well all groups except her own.

Those who persist in their view that the Left suppress free speech fit exactly into the Coulter mold.

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you're usually quite astute this time you're way off the mark...recognize a NAZI when you see one and recognize those who support her as no different than a NAZI

congrats to the University students for practicing their right to demonstrate and freedom of speech to shut down this hate filled bitch and her Canadian rightwing nut supporters...

shame on all those forum members who support this loathsome NAZI with all your fake patriotism you shit on every Canadians grave who died fighting NAZI intolerance...

I think we are recognizing one here since this person wishes to remove someones right to speech. Wishes to silence political dissidents. Hmm what does that sound like.

Tolerant indeed.

Edited by Alta4ever
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Sad day indeed, correct me if i'm wrong but it was the U of O that invited and infact paid for MS Coulter to speak was it not...it leaves me wondering what where their motivies in doing so...when they had no intention of letting her take the stage...atleast that is the impression i'm left with.

I suspect that whoever scheduled her had no idea who she was, and didn't have the backbone to stand by they decision to invite her. I doubt that this screwup was intentional since it leaves the U of O, not Ann Coulter with a black eye.

I also ask what are "they" afraid of, What are Canadians afraid of.... her stinging words, her threats, her opinions what exactly....I mean most of them are not new to us....this nation has produced some of the worlds finest warriors on the planet, we have proven that time after time in every major conflict around the world and yet this one women has our capital shaken in thier boots....and yet we can not come up with someone who can debate with Ms Coulter, proving or disproving her opinions, i guess not...instead we find some lame excuse to keep her from the stage, Security my ass...actions of cowards...not warriors or thinkers....

She doesn't strike me as particularly violent.

For those that might be offended and can not debate with her on that level have the opition of not attending, and yet these same people who cry foul...and threaten violence really pour fuel on the fire, they give credit to her cause giving her much more media coverage than she deserves...Since when is it OK in this nation to threaten anyone with violence just becuase we might not want to her thier words....

starting to sound like those middle eastern countries we slagged in regards to the cartoons of Allah.

Many on the left are reluctant to debate. For sure, Al Gore wouldn't debate Bjorn Lomborg about the merits of global warming.
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The only difference between Coulter and Zundle is that Coulter incites hate across pretty well all groups except her own.

And you think that's the only difference?

You really have no desire to be seen as credible do you?

Those who persist in their view that the Left suppress free speech fit exactly into the Coulter mold.

So you would invite her back to speak then?

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There is free speech and there is trolling. She is the later. Not welcome here. Everything she says is inflammatory to get a certain response out of both her supported and protesters. Calculated troll. She knows the outcome and is crying because she is the reason it happened.

Trolling can get you kicked off a website, or out of someone's house or disinvited to a university, but trolls shouldn't be threatened. I wish she had been allowed to speak, and I wish there were more outrage over the threats, which appear to have been real.

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I want to know when the muslim girl who was told to ride a camel gets the last laugh and files an HRC complaint against Coulter. Being told that she should only have the rights to ride a camel to me is a lot worse than the president of UofO asking Coulter to be cogniscent of our hate speech laws. The former is a blatant attack based on race and religion. The latter is nothing more than poignant legal advice.

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I think we are recognizing one here since this person wishes to remove someones right to speech. Wishes to silence political dissidents. Hmm what does that sound like.

Tolerant indeed.

yes nice edit mr rural alberta home of Jim Keegstra...should I repost what you edited out?..of course I should...
freedom to spread hate and intolerance they espouse the philosophy of others like Jim Keegstra, Ernst Zundel, David Duke and now Coulter...

we know where you Argus, Dancer, Shady and others like you really stand we've seen it in many other threads...hiding behind demands for free speech is all smoke and mirrors it doesn't fool anyone to your true nature...

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yes nice edit mr rural alberta home of Jim Keegstra...should I repost what you edited out?..of course I should...

we know where you Argus, Dancer, Shady and others like you really stand we've seen it in many other threads...hiding behind demands for free speech is all smoke and mirrors it doesn't fool anyone to your true nature...

It was edited out because it was not valid but I will continue to ridicule you for you so called tolerance.


But its nice to see that you don't agree with free speech.

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you're usually quite astute this time you're way off the mark...recognize a NAZI when you see one and recognize those who support her as no different than a NAZI, the racist bigots on this forum and we all know who they are despite their disguise calling themselves conservatives or republicans are Nazi's in spirit all this BS about freedom of speech is freedom to spread hate and intolerance they espouse the philosophy of others like Jim Keegstra, Ernst Zundel, David Duke and now Coulter...

The 'camel joke' was meant to be offensive, but the comparison you're making is off the scale.

Calling today's conservatives 'Nazis in spirit' is as meaningless as saying we're the heirs to Stalin. I've always spoken up against that kind of hyperbole, as it stops all discussion from continuing. On another level, it's dreadfully short on imagination as far as insults go.

congrats to the University students for practicing their right to demonstrate and freedom of speech to shut down this hate filled bitch and her Canadian rightwing nut supporters...

shame on all those forum members who support this loathsome NAZI with all your fake patriotism you shit on every Canadians grave who died fighting NAZI intolerance...

"Speaking" and "Shutting down" are two completely different actions. I support her right to speak, to be offensive, and, incidentally, to face the consequences of whatever she says that is against the law.

But she has to speak first.

Also, I don't support her, Rush, Beck, or any of the hog-callers on US television. Furthermore, I think they are what's wrong with politics in America today. I have been denouncing them for years with all of my influence and power, which is to say none.

But that's all I can do, and that's all anybody can do about merely offensive speech. Eventually, if their content is as lacking as I say it is, then it will drift away into history's gutter. Even now, the Republicans are starting to question how useful these drones are to them today. A bitter and angry minority does not appeal to the wide voter base that's out there.

Do you remember the John Birch society ? They were another fringe group that outlived their usefulness with the Repubs, and eventually had to be cut loose. They're not well remembered today, but JFK, Martin Luther King and the like are.

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we know where you Argus, Dancer, Shady and others like you really stand we've seen it in many other threads...hiding behind demands for free speech is all smoke and mirrors it doesn't fool anyone to your true nature...

Free speech is pretty well defined in law, and due to the HRCs it's actually discussed a lot more often in Canada than in the US so we're all familiar with what is allowed and what isn't.

You can't ban offensive thought, or offensive speech. Hate mongering is a difficult grey area, but it should not be allowed IMO. That said, Coulter didn't even get a chance to speak, so we're all missing out on a chance to further the debate aren't we ?

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I want to know when the muslim girl who was told to ride a camel gets the last laugh and files an HRC complaint against Coulter. Being told that she should only have the rights to ride a camel to me is a lot worse than the president of UofO asking Coulter to be cogniscent of our hate speech laws. The former is a blatant attack based on race and religion. The latter is nothing more than poignant legal advice.

Why shouldn't this alleged Muslim girl just stand her ground and tell Coulter she's a bigoted @**hole?

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Why shouldn't this alleged Muslim girl just stand her ground and tell Coulter she's a bigoted @**hole?

Irony. That the biggoted asshole is trying to use our own system to defend her warped and racist point of view which was then turned back on her. Clearly she's not as smart as all the Conservatives here think. The only person who has been talking about these issues is Levant. He clearly brought her to Canada to stir it up so she can file a complaint. It would only be fitting that they be slapped with one as well.

Edited by nicky10013
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I want to know when the muslim girl who was told to ride a camel gets the last laugh and files an HRC complaint against Coulter. Being told that she should only have the rights to ride a camel to me is a lot worse than the president of UofO asking Coulter to be cogniscent of our hate speech laws. The former is a blatant attack based on race and religion. The latter is nothing more than poignant legal advice.

But one is a personal insult delivered by an individual, while the other is an official communication from someone who represents an institution. Of course, it's still blurry. The stand-up comedian from Vancouver who was found guilty, or whatever, was delivering insults to someone from a stage which I would have thought protected his free speech.

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But one is a personal insult delivered by an individual, while the other is an official communication from someone who represents an institution. Of course, it's still blurry. The stand-up comedian from Vancouver who was found guilty, or whatever, was delivering insults to someone from a stage which I would have thought protected his free speech.

There's a difference between a comedy routine and insulting someone, I would imagine. I can't remember the man's name but I saw the story on TV. From what I got through the story itself and not from his comments is that the guy was either going through his routine or just finishing up. There was some heckling and he exploded kramer style.

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