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Michael...You should watch it...Not because Beck does a whole lot,but because it contains alot of history that few know about.Alot of it I did'nt know about.

But this is'nt Beck doing his loony tunes routine by himself.He actually had a discussion with historians.They are the ones who make the show,or steal it...

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Michael...You should watch it...Not because Beck does a whole lot,but because it contains alot of history that few know about.Alot of it I did'nt know about.

But this is'nt Beck doing his loony tunes routine by himself.He actually had a discussion with historians.They are the ones who make the show,or steal it...

Jack, you make valid points. But Michael's already made up his mind. He's already invested a lot of time in the meme he's created for himself.

But you're right. I was suprised at just how much history is unknown to people. I learned a lot.

Edited by Shady
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Jack, you make valid points. But Michael's already made up his mind. He's already invested a lot of time in the meme he's created for himself.

But you're right. I was suprised at just how much history is unknown to people. I learned a lot.

Sorry, Shady - but given that I responded to your challenge and you're ignoring mine altogether... implying that I'm closed-minded just kind of ... falls flat, I think.

I will watch this clip later, though, based on Jack's recommendation.

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Jack, you make valid points. But Michael's already made up his mind. He's already invested a lot of time in the meme he's created for himself.

But you're right. I was suprised at just how much history is unknown to people. I learned a lot.

When you have someone who consistently portrays himself as a complete nutter, then why should anyone feel obligated to watch him when he has something valuable to say? I mean based on his track record, I am not even sure if I want to watch it.

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When you have someone who consistently portrays himself as a complete nutter, then why should anyone feel obligated to watch him when he has something valuable to say? I mean based on his track record, I am not even sure if I want to watch it.

That's why I wanted it on Jack's nod. It is actually worth watching - definitely the best Beck yet. By the way, I hate his programme. By 'best Beck yet' - I mean 'the only Beck I've seen that was worth watching'.

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When you have someone who consistently portrays himself as a complete nutter, then why should anyone feel obligated to watch him when he has something valuable to say?

Complete nonsense. What's his so-called track record? Three or four instances in over a years worth of shows? Pfftt.

That's why I wanted it on Jack's nod. It is actually worth watching - definitely the best Beck yet. By the way, I hate his programme. By 'best Beck yet' - I mean 'the only Beck I've seen that was worth watching'.

Well, we all know that you don't watch his show. You just watch or read instances his critics have pointed out. That's why your premise falls flat on its face. Once again, you hate his program, over a years worth of shows, over 3 or 4 instances with which you disagree.

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Well, we all know that you don't watch his show. You just watch or read instances his critics have pointed out. That's why your premise falls flat on its face. Once again, you hate his program, over a years worth of shows, over 3 or 4 instances with which you disagree.

I used to watch him on CNN and thought he was innocuous and inconsequential. When he jumped to Fox, I thought "wha ?" when he was redefined as the... whatever he is.

How much time am I supposed to spend on a show before I make my mind on it ?

And the clips I have seen include some incredibly stupid and clownish things. So I have no obligation to keep watching. You may enjoy ridiculous behavior, or at least are willing to put up with it because he's on your right-wing team. That's your business. Not sure what makes you like him, but there you are...

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I used to watch him on CNN and thought he was innocuous and inconsequential. When he jumped to Fox, I thought "wha ?" when he was redefined as the... whatever he is.

How much time am I supposed to spend on a show before I make my mind on it ?

And the clips I have seen include some incredibly stupid and clownish things. So I have no obligation to keep watching. You may enjoy ridiculous behavior, or at least are willing to put up with it because he's on your right-wing team. That's your business. Not sure what makes you like him, but there you are...

Holy shit!!!

A 29 page thread about whether or not Glenn Beck is nuts :lol::blink::unsure:

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To get back to the clip...

A couple of things were a little troubling in the way they were glossed over...

While the historian showed the black folks in the paintings,he did not go far enough to in saying why the black patriots were usually behind something,or hidden down the corner somewhere.He made a dismissive claim about the French painters putting them there because they could'nt believe that balck folks were fighting along side white folks.That may be true,however,I think it's a little deeper than that.

Another thing,about the abolitionist,Fredrick Douglas...As someone who has a keen interest in the U.S. Civil War,I'm glad that they brought up Douglas' interpretation that the US Constitution was an anti-slavery document.It strengthens the arguement,and the position I hold,that the States Rights arguement of the South was a bogus one.That semantic arguement basically means that the individual states should be able to reserve the right to buy and sell human beings to do the owners dirty work for him.The Confederacy was nothing more than a racist institution that felt it was OK t do these things...

The sad thing out of that entire conflict is that the U.S. federal government did'nt follow through on what they said they would do,and 10 years after the war,Jim Crow segregation laws began to spring up all over the South...Usually through intimidation and murder...

Edited by Jack Weber
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Michael...You should watch it...Not because Beck does a whole lot,but because it contains alot of history that few know about.Alot of it I did'nt know about.

But this is'nt Beck doing his loony tunes routine by himself.He actually had a discussion with historians.They are the ones who make the show,or steal it...

At least you recognize that he's a Looney Tunes guy...Whackjob would be more like it...

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The fact that Glenn Beck irritates/bothers/frightens you guys on the left makes me enjoy watching his program all the more. :P

Offhand,I'm trying to think of someone on any of the other left wing networks that irritates/bothers/frightens me as Beck does to you.I even watch MSNBC sometimes,and I can't believe how this network is almost the polar opposite of FOX.Non critical of the Obama administration for anything,critical of the Republicans,even though they are not the one's running the country.But...I still watch them sometimes.A different viewpoint does not make me angry or afraid.In dictatorships,differences of opinion are not tolerated,something that clearly has similarities with the "progressive" mindset.

Lou Dobbs is off the air,who else do you want?Speak up,tell everyone who they should not listen to.....

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How much time am I supposed to spend on a show before I make my mind on it ?

I'd suggesting watching in at least a few times a week for about a month. Then you'd discover the nuances of him, when he's joking, and when he's serious.

And the clips I have seen include some incredibly stupid and clownish things.

Like what? Are they the same 3 or 4 clips sifted out of over a years worth of shows that I referenced a few pages ago?

You may enjoy ridiculous behavior

I disagree with your premise. Again, aside from a few clips from over a year and a half worth of shows, I'm not sure what behavior you find ridiculous. What's even more interesting is that you form this opinion from not watching his show. And even refusing to watch the clip I linked to. You had somebody else watch it. Probably because you didn't want reality to destroy the stereotype you've spent so much time constructing.

And yes, I referred to you as a hypocrite. Why? Because you pick and choose which "unacceptable" behavior you rally against. You claim it's because of over-the-top antics, disinformation, and clownish behavior. But for whatever reason, your only energy of criticism gets directed toward Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh. Now, you'll openly admit that others are guilty as well. But you have nary a word to say about them, until somebody else brings it up. Otherwise, you're completely silent. With one exception. Glenn Beck.

I think it's time you just admitted. It's not necessarily the behavior, or the so-called disinformation. It's his politics. He's a right-leaning broadcaster. And you don't like right-leaning politics. Which is perfectly acceptable. Except that you're not being up front about it. You claim a cause for the "greater good" of politics and discourse. I don't believe you. And the facts point to my premise as being correct.

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I think it's time you just admitted. It's not necessarily the behavior, or the so-called disinformation. It's his politics. He's a right-leaning broadcaster.

Isn't he actually a parody of a right-learning broadcaster, sort of like Stephen Colbert? Surely that bit about empathy being equivalent to fascism was a joke.

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The fact that Glenn Beck irritates/bothers/frightens you guys on the left makes me enjoy watching his program all the more. :P

Offhand,I'm trying to think of someone on any of the other left wing networks that irritates/bothers/frightens me as Beck does to you.I even watch MSNBC sometimes,and I can't believe how this network is almost the polar opposite of FOX.Non critical of the Obama administration for anything,critical of the Republicans,even though they are not the one's running the country.But...I still watch them sometimes.A different viewpoint does not make me angry or afraid.In dictatorships,differences of opinion are not tolerated,something that clearly has similarities with the "progressive" mindset.

Lou Dobbs is off the air,who else do you want?Speak up,tell everyone who they should not listen to.....

It's not the right/left of the viewpoint that is upsetting, it's the ridiculous claims, and IMO the destructive and divisive nature of the messages that upsets me.

I could say that I enjoy Alex Jones, because his views that the Bush government was behind 9/11 somehow upset the right - but I don't. I think it's awful, frankly, and at a time when we are facing new and complex problems our #1 problem is unity. If we can't address problems together then our problems will eat us.

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I'd suggesting watching in at least a few times a week for about a month. Then you'd discover the nuances of him, when he's joking, and when he's serious.

That's too much. Do you invest that much time listening/watching Naomi Klein, or Michael Moore, or Keith Obermann (sp?) ? Good for you if you do, but I prefer to read opinions here and Q/A with the poster.

Like what? Are they the same 3 or 4 clips sifted out of over a years worth of shows that I referenced a few pages ago?

I have watched a few times when he talks about how Obama is a socialist, which is already irresponsible and inaccurate enough, but drawing lines between the US government and Nazi Germany ? That's enough to make me change the channel. Add to that the ridiculous crying and the stupid grandstanding...

If I see David Frum, or David Gergen on TV as I'm flipping through the channels I always stop to hear what they are saying. The same used to go for William F. Buckley.

But Michael Moore, and Glenn Beck are the worst kind of pandering scare mongers to my mind.

I disagree with your premise. Again, aside from a few clips from over a year and a half worth of shows, I'm not sure what behavior you find ridiculous. What's even more interesting is that you form this opinion from not watching his show. And even refusing to watch the clip I linked to. You had somebody else watch it. Probably because you didn't want reality to destroy the stereotype you've spent so much time constructing.

People who called Bush a Nazi, and people who call Obama a Nazi are zealots. Kind of like a Lictor post, once you read a few key phrases you have rightly made your mind up - you know what they are saying. It's not closed-minded, because you have read the post or watched the clip to form the opinion.

Folks on another web board post these "Bush did 9/11" videos that are, like, one hour long. After five minutes, I know what it is so I stop watching. These people accuse me of being closed minded, presumably because I didn't waste 55 more minutes watching more of the same.

And yes, I referred to you as a hypocrite. Why? Because you pick and choose which "unacceptable" behavior you rally against. You claim it's because of over-the-top antics, disinformation, and clownish behavior. But for whatever reason, your only energy of criticism gets directed toward Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh. Now, you'll openly admit that others are guilty as well. But you have nary a word to say about them, until somebody else brings it up. Otherwise, you're completely silent. With one exception. Glenn Beck.

Bullshit. A few years ago, I was posting against the 9/11 conspiracy folks quite adamantly as well as those who felt that the government's security measures were taking away our freedoms.

Ten years ago, I was more closed-minded and unwilling to accept the arguments of the right but I have had my mind changed on a lot of issues. Eventually, I decided that the right-left arguments that are fought, are mostly fights about identity. The so-called right-wing government of Harper isn't going to try to end gay marriage, nor eliminate public healthcare and the so-called left-wing government of Obama isn't going to nationalize industries or hike the top tax rate to even that of the Reagan era let alone the Nixon era.

I realize it's sad for the idealogues on this board, but the big left-right battles were mostly fought in the 20th century. My take is that we need to focus more on efficient management of government services, and productive and responsible dialogue about the big issues that government faces.

I think it's time you just admitted. It's not necessarily the behavior, or the so-called disinformation. It's his politics. He's a right-leaning broadcaster. And you don't like right-leaning politics. Which is perfectly acceptable. Except that you're not being up front about it. You claim a cause for the "greater good" of politics and discourse. I don't believe you. And the facts point to my premise as being correct.

My experience says that the longer you're on these boards the more nuanced and 3rd-way your opinions become. I have been here since 2003, I think. Check August1991, Morris, Kimmy and some of the other long-time posters, and you will see you can't pigeonhole them easily into right/left.

But, obviously I can't be fuly objective about myself. What about you ? Do you hold any left-of-centre opinions or do you play it straight down the right side of the card ?

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