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Muslims Muslims Muslims

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First of all, learn how to post. If you wrap everything in quotes none of it gets carried over for a response.

Not that most of what you had to say was worth much of a response, but it is Saturday morning so..

Yeah, it was preceded by your equally brilliant Dude you're a dumb ignorant: Not to mention followed by You know what, you can stick the Shariah up your arse,

You want to talk like that don't go sniveling about personal attacks.

I think that Canada does not benefit from having Muslims here, and that we should take no more. I'm sure there are some who are fine people. But the culture of Muslims seems among the world's most backward. The religious and social intolerance and hostility of Muslims in general throughout the world, but especially from the middle east appears to be worse than any other culture on the planet. No one here really denies it. They just hope that the backwards Muslims who have come to Canada will adapt, or at least, their children will, and cast away their primitive cultures and religious intolerance of their parents.

For me, I see no reason why, given the numbers of people who want to come to Canada, we should bring in such a backwards people, a people who cling fanatically to their old ways, their old beliefs, and are hostile to our culture. We owe them nothing. We could easily replace them with Asians or others from eastern Europe perhaps, who would cause less trouble and be far and away more likely to adapt and adopt Canadian culture and values than Muslims.

Again, you are making excuses. No one does violence like the Muslims. The IRA at their very worst, never blew up car bombs in the middle of crowded markets or sent killers into schools and pizza parlors to murder children. They never machinegunned schoolgirls at bus stops or flew airplanes into crowded buildings. Almost no one does such things except Muslims, and Muslims do them routinely.

10,000 fatal terrorist acts since 911. That's not a "couple of assholes", okay?

And no, it's not all Muslims, but Muslim society breeds these people, and Muslim society does not exactly condemn them either. The most fanatical hatreds are preached in mosques, and carried in newspapers and taught in schools throughout the Muslim world on a daily basis, so don't shrug and say it's just "a couple of assholes". Even if most Muslims aren't out blowing up school buses, they don't seem to have much of a problem with those who do.

Yep. let's ban Muslims, and let consumers of child pornography go with a pat on the head.

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First of all, learn how to post. If you wrap everything in quotes none of it gets carried over for a response.

Not that most of what you had to say was worth much of a response, but it is Saturday morning so..

Yeah, it was preceded by your equally brilliant Dude you're a dumb ignorant: Not to mention followed by You know what, you can stick the Shariah up your arse,

You want to talk like that don't go sniveling about personal attacks.

I think that Canada does not benefit from having Muslims here, and that we should take no more. I'm sure there are some who are fine people. But the culture of Muslims seems among the world's most backward. The religious and social intolerance and hostility of Muslims in general throughout the world, but especially from the middle east appears to be worse than any other culture on the planet. No one here really denies it. They just hope that the backwards Muslims who have come to Canada will adapt, or at least, their children will, and cast away their primitive cultures and religious intolerance of their parents.

For me, I see no reason why, given the numbers of people who want to come to Canada, we should bring in such a backwards people, a people who cling fanatically to their old ways, their old beliefs, and are hostile to our culture. We owe them nothing. We could easily replace them with Asians or others from eastern Europe perhaps, who would cause less trouble and be far and away more likely to adapt and adopt Canadian culture and values than Muslims.

It's maybe because THE HUGE MAJORITY of Muslims who come here are not like that Mr Brains. You just answered your question. Basically your opinions are only emotional ones and you base nothing on fact nor reason!

Again, you are making excuses. No one does violence like the Muslims. The IRA at their very worst, never blew up car bombs in the middle of crowded markets or sent killers into schools and pizza parlors to murder children. They never machinegunned schoolgirls at bus stops or flew airplanes into crowded buildings. Almost no one does such things except Muslims, and Muslims do them routinely.

10,000 fatal terrorist acts since 911. That's not a "couple of assholes", okay?

And no, it's not all Muslims, but Muslim society breeds these people, and Muslim society does not exactly condemn them either. The most fanatical hatreds are preached in mosques, and carried in newspapers and taught in schools throughout the Muslim world on a daily basis, so don't shrug and say it's just "a couple of assholes". Even if most Muslims aren't out blowing up school buses, they don't seem to have much of a problem with those who do.

Muslims don't pay taxes it's true I forgot, they don't help Canadian society in any ways, they are only a threat and useless...Of course

Are you trying to excuse some violence now ????? Killing is Killing, but it want to play this game, then:

Genocide by Spanish Christians in America toward Natives, Hitler, Stalin, Crusades (kill all Muslim people mainly). Give me a source for 10 000 acts please. Did you ever see one in Canada, from your own eyes??? Yes or No?

What about the BASQUES???? THEY killed many people one or two week ago in Mallorca, Basque people, non Muslim people. But I must be wrong, since it's only Muslims who did bad things like that throughout history!

Of course, in Muslim countries, terrorists don't go to jail and they are invited to meet with the President of the King!

By the way, of course all Muslim people (the huge majority) have a primitive culture. That's why in Tunisia, women got the right to vote before France....Also that in the majority of Muslim countries, women can work, be educated, attend a football game. That's why most Muslim countries don't use Sharia and even fewer use it at 100%!!!

Keep being paranoiac and preventive toward a scare that is given to you by the Medias!

Edited by monkeyman
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I would suggest to you that no one who believes in Sharia law makes a good citizen, and we should not want any of that sort. And if the numbers in the surveys are correct, then countries where 50%-60%-70%-80% want Sharia law are not countries where we ought to be recruiting our future citizens.

The risk is a hell of a lot higher than 1% that they will not be what we want.

Haha, you're still speaking about the Sharia, the law that you know because of TV.

Let's say that 100% people who want Sharia want it to be able to cut the hand of a woman who would steel! (of course!!!!). No one could ask the Sharia and remove some PRIMITIVE elements like this one!!!!

We are in Canada, the ONLY WAY, that Sharia would be applied is if the Government would ALLOW IT. That's the only way. Muslims have been in France for many years and is the Sharia applied there -----?NO!!!!!

You adjust the numbers to your position, for example Canadians wanting the Sharia. The were asked if they would LIKE TO HAVE TH SHARIA HERE, they answered. The survey was not about MAKING THE SHARIA COMPULSORY which is a totally different thing. But because you don't like Muslim people and you're educated by T.V. you decide to interpret the numbers in your way!

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You're not even creating a conversation or giving arguments, you're just making some funny replies to be ''cool''. Won't bother answering you.

It is a simple matter to match your silly assertions with an equal level of nonsense. Raise your game and others may do likewise. There is a hidden message in my post that you did not understand.

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It is a simple matter to match your silly assertions with an equal level of nonsense. Raise your game and others may do likewise. There is a hidden message in my post that you did not understand.

Others? You think yourself as the world or what?

I raised my game, I said that Muslims were all bad people, they are 100% not integrated in Canada, they are all terrorists, they all rape their wifes!!!!!

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Others? You think yourself as the world or what?

No....it's not about me or you. You say you are a Muslim...so what ?

I raised my game, I said that Muslims were all bad people, they are 100% not integrated in Canada, they are all terrorists, they all rape their wifes!!!!!

Trying to get more attention won't work.....be a Muslim on your own time.

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Others? You think yourself as the world or what?

I raised my game, I said that Muslims were all bad people, they are 100% not integrated in Canada, they are all terrorists, they all rape their wifes!!!!!

Wives (pl). Bienvenue au Canada.

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I knew it but, thanks for reminding me.

I was born here, so you don't need to welcome me. Thank you.

Really? Because from the quality of your arguments, to say nothing of your very poor grammar and punctuation, I had assumed you were a recent arrival. Perhaps you might go back to school and pay more attention this time.

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The more I read (Quebec forums are much worse) I see people having some bad opinions towards Muslim people. Mostly on the following aspects:

#1) They have many wifes

#2) They don't integrate

#3) They see women as animals

#4) They are wild people

#5) They all hate Occidental people and values

In my case I don't qualify in any of these aspects. Most journalists take one or many anecdotes and they put them on the newspapers or on the ''Tee-Vee''. It's so wrong. Of course some Muslim people are ASSHOLES and they should stay in their country instead of coming here and try to impose ''The Charriah" or commit Honor murders and all that stuff. But most of them come here just to work, as my parents did (Doctor and Manager in a store) and hope that their children (me) will integrate to the society well, chose the religion they want to chose etc.

The problem is that many Muslims do fit one or more of the above categories. When Christians and Jews dominated the immigration pool, they largely set out trying to "Canadianize" or "Americanize" themselves as fast as they could. Many adopted Anglicized names (personally I'm not crazy about that for a lot of reasons), went to night school to learn English, and quickly moved to full, seamless participation in their new lands.

They joined political parties and sought office based on local and/or national issues, not based on prejudices and hatreds from the home country. In many cases, the home countries were quickly forgotten since phone calls were initially non-existant or later both impractical and exhorbitantly expensive.

Enter modern immigration. The Muslims, almost universally, oppose Canada's and America's close relationship with the State of Israel. That is a major sticking point since Israel is almost universally recognized by non-Muslim nations. Even the Vatican and Israel, since 1993, have been exchanging diplomats.

Another sticking point is the insistence of many Muslim students on ritual footbaths. Most religions conduct their observances off work or school hours. Islam seems to be different in that regard.

As for violence, almost all Muslims are themselves quite peaceful. What they don't do, as a group, is marginalize their radicals. The Jews quite universally pushed the Jewish Defense League, a violent group, to the fringes. Muslim radicals would not be able to hide without the cooperation of their communities. Can you imagine the Jewish community sheltering the 9/11 bombers while they attended flight school? Would never happen.

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Really? Because from the quality of your arguments, to say nothing of your very poor grammar and punctuation, I had assumed you were a recent arrival. Perhaps you might go back to school and pay more attention this time.

I'm French Canadian, my first language is French. I also speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Italian. It's a a forum, so I don't spend time looking at grammar. It's better to make some mistakes and say something intelligent, than saying stupid things with nice words, as you do.

Your argumentation is basically ''googling'' everything and giving us some stats that are meaningless.

When you'll be able to speak another language than English and write it, you'll be able to speak.

Mr ''cool guy because he uses correct punctuation in forums''!

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I'm French Canadian, my first language is French. I also speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Italian.
Do you know how to speak Canadian as well? It's your country's language.

Also, did you not bother to read my post two up from this one (link)?

Edited by jbg
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As for violence, almost all Muslims are themselves quite peaceful. What they don't do, as a group, is marginalize their radicals. The Jews quite universally pushed the Jewish Defense League, a violent group, to the fringes. Muslim radicals would not be able to hide without the cooperation of their communities. Can you imagine the Jewish community sheltering the 9/11 bombers while they attended flight school? Would never happen.

This is a really good point.

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I'm French Canadian, my first language is French. I also speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Italian. It's a a forum, so I don't spend time looking at grammar. It's better to make some mistakes and say something intelligent, than saying stupid things with nice words, as you do.

I haven't seen you say any of these intelligent things you claim. All I see you doing is playing the whiny drama queen and making silly complaints about how people insist that ALL muslims are this and ALL Muslims are that. It's childish, if you want the truth, which is why I figured you must be from some backward culture. The terrible grammar just comes on top of that.

When you'll be able to speak another language than English and write it, you'll be able to speak.

Given you don't have much of value to say, I suppose it doesn't really matter what language you don't say it in.

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Hi everyone, I'm new on this forum and I'm sorry if it's not the right section to post my comment.

I am wondering why so much people are scared of Muslims in Canada, being myself Muslim ( I don't practice, I'm just "Muslim") my parents are, nobody has more than 1 wife, nobody in my family here wears the scarf, nobody in Tunisia in my family wears it. I was born here, I consider myself as being CANADIAN.

The more I read (Quebec forums are much worse) I see people having some bad opinions towards Muslim people. Mostly on the following aspects:

#1) They have many wifes

#2) They don't integrate

#3) They see women as animals

#4) They are wild people

#5) They all hate Occidental people and values

In my case I don't qualify in any of these aspects. Most journalists take one or many anecdotes and they put them on the newspapers or on the ''Tee-Vee''. It's so wrong. Of course some Muslim people are ASSHOLES and they should stay in their country instead of coming here and try to impose ''The Charriah" or commit Honor murders and all that stuff. But most of them come here just to work, as my parents did (Doctor and Manager in a store) and hope that their children (me) will integrate to the society well, chose the religion they want to chose etc.

Most of Muslim people in the world, don't have many wifes, aren't terrorists.

What do you think about Muslim People ? I'm curious, I always thought that English Canadians were more tolerant than French Canadians were, it shows on Tee Vee first of all!

Are you scared of Muslim People? Do you really think they don't like Canada and don't want to integrate (Immigrants) etc...

I hope this discussion will have some different points of view!

There are benefits to some small degree with the secularization of a nation..and there is a down fall to this God removal and the destruction of ancient Christian doctrine..values that built this nation were Christain values - we have removed our very foundation of our civilization. Muslims have not done that. Nor have orthodox Jews...the west hates Muslims because they are strong thought their religious dictates..where as we are weak because of the reliquishing of our doctrines....a weak person always fears those they percieve as strong. If you are afraid - you become unfocused and weak. Why would a Muslim make him or herself weak by embracing a secular system where in the west our daughters are taught to be whores and prositutues...where marriage is frowned upon and discouraged - Where we have unwritten policy in our schools where males are slowly from childhood conditioned to be femalish and submissive...where a man who is the protector of his familiar clan is deemed an abuser if he stands up for what is healthy and right for his family?

In the alternative - most Muslims are prejudice of mostly all westerners - they assume we are Godless and without rule of law...but - there are many among us that have deep and powerful beliefs that we keep private - Muslims must understand that there are westerners who do not display their faith - but are just as faithful as Muslims..that should be recognized - some of us are "infedels" and some of us are NOT!

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I haven't seen you say any of these intelligent things you claim. All I see you doing is playing the whiny drama queen and making silly complaints about how people insist that ALL muslims are this and ALL Muslims are that. It's childish, if you want the truth, which is why I figured you must be from some backward culture. The terrible grammar just comes on top of that.

Given you don't have much of value to say, I suppose it doesn't really matter what language you don't say it in.

Haha if someone doesn't have the same opinion as yours he's from a backward culture! I was born and raised here ;), so no backward culture for me. I'm just as Canadian as you, except that I'm not an ignorant that has been educated by T.V.

It's not about all Muslims as I said. The problem with you is that you generalize everything without knowing what you're speaking about. Your opinion is basically just one way, you don't judge in an objective way. No concessions, your opinion is 100% right and nothing a part from it is good. No point debating with you then!

Keep being scared of Muslims..

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Haha if someone doesn't have the same opinion as yours he's from a backward culture! I was born and raised here ;), so no backward culture for me. I'm just as Canadian as you, except that I'm not an ignorant that has been educated by T.V.

It's not about all Muslims as I said. The problem with you is that you generalize everything without knowing what you're speaking about. Your opinion is basically just one way, you don't judge in an objective way. No concessions, your opinion is 100% right and nothing a part from it is good. No point debating with you then!

Keep being scared of Muslims..

"Keep being scared of Muslims" ----- I don't like that - I fear no man on earth....seems that this second generation Muslim is ungrateful to those that allowed him into OUR family _ OUR home -- Immigrants believe that Canada is a no mans land - a place up for grabs - that there are no owners - I own the damned place! once you are here for fifty years and have assimulated then you can talk like you own the place. In the mean time show some respect for the people who built the house you are so cosy in. Oh and also - "debate" is for insecure competitive people - you are westernized.. :lol: You are now offically tainted...ha!

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"Keep being scared of Muslims" ----- I don't like that - I fear no man on earth....seems that this second generation Muslim is ungrateful to those that allowed him into OUR family _ OUR home -- Immigrants believe that Canada is a no mans land - a place up for grabs - that there are no owners - I own the damned place! once you are here for fifty years and have assimulated then you can talk like you own the place. In the mean time show some respect for the people who built the house you are so cosy in. Oh and also - "debate" is for insecure competitive people - you are westernized.. :lol: You are now offically tainted...ha!

So basically, if I was born here, speak French and English, pay taxes, my best friends are White Canadians, I can't say that I'm Canadian and that it's my country and that I belong here. Is that what I understand ?

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I haven't seen you say any of these intelligent things you claim. All I see you doing is playing the whiny drama queen and making silly complaints about how people insist that ALL muslims are this and ALL Muslims are that. It's childish, if you want the truth, which is why I figured you must be from some backward culture.

Hah! Unfortunately, one doesn't have to be from a backward culture to be childish, say unintelligent things, and be a whiny drama queen. We have plenty of those homegrown :(

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