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The New World Order


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Before there were central information authorities that were popularly trusted, there was a lot of belief in conspiracy theories...

With the decentralization of information, this craziness seems to be on the upswing. It's all a laugh for those of us who don't double check our drink umbrellas for hidden microphones, but .... and this is important:

Normal people need to shut down these false rumours whenever and wherever they may be taken seriously.

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Before there were central information authorities that were popularly trusted, there was a lot of belief in conspiracy theories...

With the decentralization of information, this craziness seems to be on the upswing. It's all a laugh for those of us who don't double check our drink umbrellas for hidden microphones, but .... and this is important:

Normal people need to shut down these false rumours whenever and wherever they may be taken seriously.

If I may, what exactly are you speaking of?

'central information authorities' ?

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Television news, newspapers, magazines. These are the types of information often attacked by the fringe dwellers.

They are responsible for their information, though, unlike a nameless handle on a website.

Note that the 9/11 "truthers" are more often than not anonymous, and on the web, therefore irresponsible for that they write.

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Normal people need to shut down these false rumours whenever and wherever they may be taken seriously.

But the laffs, Michael. Think of the laffs.

And believe me, nobody laffs more than the Alex Jonses of the world, who are undoubtedly making a pretty good living off this whole cottage industry. They probably pay their taxes too.

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Have anyone on this forum watched the TV show "Jericho"? Why? It came on last year and the story is about the town of Jericho, Kansas, experience an attack on the US by nukes that hit the major cities within the US. Because of their location Jericho, doesn't suffer from the nuclear fallout that kills millions of people. They do experience the panic, lack of food, water, trust and all the mental and emotional problems that a town would go through. It was cancel by CBS BUT 40 MIL fans got it back on and I'm glad to say I was one of them. The reason I wanted it back on was the fact with today society and not knowing actually how the leaders of countries will react to situations, this could actually happen. The US does seem to be divided up in different sections with their own governments. The US flag, as we know it doesn't exists. The new world order could apply to this show and how survivors had to fight their own people. Its a fantastic show.

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Have anyone on this forum watched the TV show "Jericho"? Why? It came on last year and the story is about the town of Jericho, Kansas, experience an attack on the US by nukes that hit the major cities within the US. Because of their location Jericho, doesn't suffer from the nuclear fallout that kills millions of people. They do experience the panic, lack of food, water, trust and all the mental and emotional problems that a town would go through. It was cancel by CBS BUT 40 MIL fans got it back on and I'm glad to say I was one of them. The reason I wanted it back on was the fact with today society and not knowing actually how the leaders of countries will react to situations, this could actually happen. The US does seem to be divided up in different sections with their own governments. The US flag, as we know it doesn't exists. The new world order could apply to this show and how survivors had to fight their own people. Its a fantastic show.

Season One was increadible. They got a great cast together for the show. It really shows how things go downhill fast, and how the people are the ones to get themselves back on their own feet.

Good ol Homeland security!

And you are correct, the show never really deals with how the government is reacting to all this and how they are trying to get things under control.

Edited by GostHacked
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Television news, newspapers, magazines. These are the types of information often attacked by the fringe dwellers.

They are responsible for their information, though, unlike a nameless handle on a website.

Note that the 9/11 "truthers" are more often than not anonymous, and on the web, therefore irresponsible for that they write.

Are they responsible for their information?

Who holds them responsible?

We saw how 'responsible' the MSM was wrt information re: Iraq, the recent incident with Iran, just to name a couple of incidents that come to mind.

Did the media give us all the information available?

Or did they regurgitate there spoon-fed news?

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....We saw how 'responsible' the MSM was wrt information re: Iraq, the recent incident with Iran, just to name a couple of incidents that come to mind.

Did the media give us all the information available?

Or did they regurgitate there spoon-fed news?

The MSM doesn't owe us a damn thing in the way of "all the information". Get it yourself if you find the MSM lacking.

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wrt: fluoride

Scientific America, has put a large article out about Fluoride

Jan 2008 issue pgs.74-81.

I know, I know, such a 'tin foil' hat publication :rolleyes:

I got it in front of me now.

It's called Second thoughts about Fluoride.

It discusses the affects of fluoride ingestion on bones, where the chemical stores

"proliferation of osteoblast cells, increasing the risk of bone cancers"

"alters the crystalline structures of the bone, increasing the risk of fracture"

fluorisis: permanent damage to the permanent teeth as they develop in young children

High exposures correlate to lowered IQ:

An epidemiological study suggests the mechanism may be the formation ofaluminum fluoride complexes that mimic the structure of phosphates and thus influence enzyme activity in the brain.

There is also some evidence, that the fluoride, may ENHANCE the uptake of lead to the brain. lovely!

Fluoride and thyroid disease.

Interesting to note in the article:

the advocates of fluoride (government and industry)

carried the day in part by RIDICULING opponents

but that certainly didn't make them correct now did it?

oh and BTW: unlike the fluoride in your toothpast,

the fluoride in water is a by product of fertilizer manufacturing in which phosphate ores are treated with sulfuric acid

mmmmm, double yummy.

where I live thankfully WE DO NOT fluoridate water, sadly there is talk of bringing this garbage back.

I will be actively opposing this.

as a topical treatment I have no issue, but NO to ingestion.

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The MSM doesn't owe us a damn thing in the way of "all the information". Get it yourself if you find the MSM lacking.

of course they don't !

they are beholding to advertisers and shareholder,

But Michael Hardner is claiming they are "responsible" for their information.( hence more reliable and superior)

I am asking MH how it is they are "responsible" to us , as he is claiming, and who is holding them responsible?

Edited by kuzadd
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Main stream media is superior to almost every alternate news gathering organization including some professional intelligence services from smaller nations.

Main stream media is responsible and they are certainly beholden. First and forfemost they are responsible to their subscribers. Without their subscribers there would be no advertisiers and without advertisers the shareholders would flee.

The tinfoil media on the otherhand are bascially only answerable to their toasters and small electronic appliances. Occasionally an alternate site will score a hit, but that more of a fluke than the norm.

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wrt: fluoride

Scientific America, has put a large article out about Fluoride

Jan 2008 issue pgs.74-81.

I know, I know, such a 'tin foil' hat publication :rolleyes:

If you mean, Scientific American, it is a "MSM" publication now owned by a group in Germany. It is not peer reviewed, and now has watered down content and style for higher circulation.....ergo fluoridation "controversy".

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wrt: fluoride

Scientific America, has put a large article out about Fluoride

Jan 2008 issue pgs.74-81.

It discusses the affects of fluoride ingestion on bones, where the chemical stores

"proliferation of osteoblast cells, increasing the risk of bone cancers"

"alters the crystalline structures of the bone, increasing the risk of fracture"

fluorisis: permanent damage to the permanent teeth as they develop in young children

So nothing about Fluoride being used as a mind control.....? Maybe they haven't ingested enough yet.

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True or False? www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57502 This deals with North Carolina new drivers license and how on the back of the license is a hologram of North America instead of the US or North Carolina itself. The thinking is that its for the North America Union.

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If you mean, Scientific American, it is a "MSM" publication now owned by a group in Germany. It is not peer reviewed, and now has watered down content and style for higher circulation.....ergo fluoridation "controversy".

Yes it is a MSM publication BC, but personally when I compare it to Popular Science, (hearst publication), which is a piece of garbage. No comparison. I also like Discover magazine.

Thankfully the Scientfic American gives lots of references for anyone to further check out for themselves.

nad make up their own minds.

we've had a little debate raging in our own city, for a while now.

Oh and we have had no fluoridated water in our city, and my kid (who is an adult now) had ZERO cavities.

Amazing huh?! How is that possible , without swallowing the toxic waste by-product from chemical fertilizer production.? What a unique way for industry to dispose of toxic waste, lobby the government of the day to pour it in the drinking water?

Aah nothing new under the sun!

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True or False? www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57502 This deals with North Carolina new drivers license and how on the back of the license is a hologram of North America instead of the US or North Carolina itself. The thinking is that its for the North America Union.

I notice that World Nut Daily didn't interview anyone from the Northa Carolian Gov't.

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well, well well...

"Are you prepared to live in a world in which every newborn baby is micro-chipped? And finally are you ready to have your every move tracked, recorded and placed in Big Brother's data bank? According to the Finnish article, distributed to doctors and medical students, time is running out for changing the direction of military medicine and mind control technology, ensuring the future of human freedom."


Wow. That article is a doozy! I'm speechless.

That you present this article for discussion is a perfect example of hypocrisy.

You ask people "Don't you people question what the media tells you?" "Don't you people question what the government tells you?" "Don't you people question what the corporations tell you?"

And yet you apparently believe read anything you read. Anybody capable of critical thinking should be scratching his head at this article within a matter of moments.

First off, who is this Dr Kilde that the article references?

Here she is! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rauni-Leena_Luukanen-Kilde

Years ago, she was apparently the provincial medical officer for Lapland in Finland. But in 1986 was in a serious car crash that left her unable to continue her career. Now she writes about her many experiences with Space Aliens.

How big of a kook is she? Even other UFO kooks think she's a kook. Perhaps she suffered a serious blow to the head during that car crash? Perhaps she's just senile? Or maybe she really has been visited by aliens hundreds of times, does have telepathic powers, and really does receive messages from space regularly.

Why don't we look at some of her specific claims?

Kilde: "When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye,", Dr. Kilde indicates "it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be projected back to the person's brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target's performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. "

"A 5 micromillimeter microchip?" Micromillimeter? Micro means one-onemillionth. Does she mean one-one millionth of a millimeter? That would be 5 nanometers. That would also be impossible. Even the most advanced electronics foundries only have 45-nanometer processes available. That refers to the size of a *single transistor*. If Dr Kilde's "5 micromillimeter chip" is supposed to mean 5 nanometers, she'd have us believe that these chips are 1/9 the size of the smallest transistor that our most advanced technology can build. That's clearly not possible.

Perhaps she means 5 micrometers (Micrometers are sometimes called microns, but never micromillimeters, for reasons most of us learn in elementary school.) A human hair is roughly 50 micrometers, so that might be what she meant to say. It's still ridiculous, though. A 5 micron chip, complete with "thought sensors", processor, transmitter, receiver, and power source? Consider that for a moment. Your cell-phone has a proper antenna, a fairly large battery, and it only has about 2 hours of talk-time and a range of a few kilometers. Does it seem believable that a chip would be able to transmit for any length of time powered by a battery 1/10 the size of a human hair?

Secondly, the human body is a really lousy transmitter of radio waves. Don't believe me? Here's a simple experiment you can try in your very own home, if you have a cell-phone and a couple of clear zip-lock bags. Turn on your cell-phone, put it inside of a zip-lock bag, and just to be sure it's water-tight, put it inside a second zip-lock bag. Your cell phone has a little bar graph that tells you how strong the signal is. Count how many "bars" your phone shows. Now, fill a sink with water. Submerge the bagged cell-phone so that all of it is about an inch underneath the water. Now count how many "bars" you have. Your results might vary, but I just did this and went from 5 bars down to 2 bars. If you don't think an inch of water is a good indicator of the human body's opacity to radio waves, feel free to experiment on your own. Wrap your hand around the antenna, squeeze the antenna under your arm, or insert the antenna into whatever bodily orifice you feel appropriate.

Thirdly, she has the optic nerve drawing impulses out of the brain. But it can't. The optic nerve only sends impulses in one direction: from the eye, to the brain.

Aside from her description of a physically improbable technology, all Dr Kilde has to offer is claims of knowledge that she has no means of accessing... unless the Space Aliens told her.

But of the sources in the article, Dr Kilde surprisingly seems like the more credible. Let's have a look at Dr Carl Sanders, "who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people."

Let's hear what he has to say!

Sanders: "Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl Sanders, who invented the intelligence-manned interface (IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip, designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.) The 20-billion-bit/second supercomputers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) could now "see and hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with a remote monitoring system (RMS)."

"Low-frequency radio waves". That's a bit problematic, and should be a big tip-off. As a consequence of a mathematical fact called Shannon's Law, Low-Frequency means Low Bandwidth. Does transmitting what someone "sees and hears" sound like a low-bandwidth application? Try downloading a video from the internet on a low-bandwidth connection, then get back to me on the feasibility of transmitting audio and video by low-frequency radio waves.

And, as a consequence of radio theory, low frequency also requires big antenna. Length of antenna is proportionate to radio frequency wavelength. Low frequency means long wavelength, which means long antenna. Is that going to work for a chip that's supposed to be able to be too small to detect?

Does this Dr Sanders sound like he knows what he's talking about? Maybe we should find out a bit more about him.

I did some searching and found this end-times-oriented Christian website, which posted this article where Dr Sanders describes the chip he invented and why he now believes it might be The Mark of the Beast and a sign of


"Dr Carl W. Sanders is an electronics engineer, inventor, author and consultant to various government organizations as well as IBM, General Electric, Honeywell and Teledyne. He is also a winner of the Presidents and Governors Award for Design Excellence."

Wow! That sounds pretty impressive! This guy must know what he's talking about.

...or, maybe he made it all up:

From the same website:

"CORRECTION: Implantable Chip "Inventor" Carl Sanders is a Fraud

Charlatan exposed seven years ago still popular in Christian circles."


Which contains this poignant observation:

"Today, more than seven years after Torell exposed him, Sanders continues to give his presentations and wow prophecy-minded audiences worldwide. Last year he was in Orem Utah, telling the same story. I wasn't there, but I was invited, and I spoke with an individual shortly after who did attend, and who was clearly convinced of the truthfulness of the claims. It was after this that I posted the Sanders statement on my website.

When Sander's fraud was brought to my attention (10/23/01), I did a search on the internet for "Carl Sanders fraud" and found only three pages from two websites that discuss the fraud. Two were Torell's statements, the other was a citation of Torell's first statement.

Apparently the Sanders story is so fantastic, prophecy buffs don't want to believe otherwise, even though the fraud has been known for more than seven years."

And doesn't that hit right at the heart of the matter? Because apparently the Sanders story is so fantastic, conspiracy buffs don't want to believe otherwise either.


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wrt: fluoride

Scientific America, has put a large article out about Fluoride

Jan 2008 issue pgs.74-81.

I know, I know, such a 'tin foil' hat publication :rolleyes:

As I already agreed, it sounds like there are many medical reasons why fluoridation of drinking water should be stopped.

However, *none* of that does anything to support Pindar's claim that "fluoride makes people docile and less resitant to authorities" at all.


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I know, study the works of Raymond Rife and wilhelm Reich

O my, there is sooo much surpressed! it's a shame!

Wilhelm Reich's work isn't "surpressed". His work is published and easily available to anybody.

It's not surpressed, it's just ignored because it's of no value.

Doubtless, the same can be said for Royal Raymond Rife, judging from his fanbase at least.


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Wilhelm Reich's work isn't "surpressed". His work is published and easily available to anybody.

Well, it is not used for healing etc. His books have once be burned! It's a scandal!

It's not surpressed, it's just ignored because it's of no value.

i say the opposite, it is surpressed because it works very well! the 'pwers that be' don't want a healty population

No, they even want to kill a lot of us, because they think there are too many people.

Btw, the don't call us 'people' but 'catle'

I believe once Kissenger said this of soldiers: they are useless eaters.

Doubtless, the same can be said for Royal Raymond Rife, judging from his fanbase at least.

your use of the term 'doubtless' says a lot! You probably know the answer before having it reseached?

Maybe you are a scientist? I don't want to be blunt, but they are the ones most lied too and they even don't know it,

and think they 'know it' Well, they are being srewed on a grand scale.

Once you start digging, you will find out we are being lied to an enorm massive scale.

So massive that lots of people can't imagine it. But he. try to find out.


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Main stream media is superior to almost every alternate news gathering organization including some professional intelligence services from smaller nations.

Are you realy sure??????????????????????????????????????????

try these books:




And find out that before it is on the mainstream news is has been trough a big Public relation company!!!!

and read this book:


when your done come back and tell us what you found out.

And then find out what they have done with 'science'


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