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Everything posted by Moonbox

  1. Yeah I don't really understand what you're saying here at all. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Yeah, we concluded that you made it up! You spent the last 2 pages of this thread trying to explain why you won't (read can't) provide the quote, and now you want to move on. Spasming out in more paragraphs of written puke doesn't change that you were caught lying and bullshitting...AGAIN! 🤡
  3. Nope. That's just you making up what you want to argue against...again! Too dumb to argue against anyone else, CdnFox can only argue against himself! Who will win? CdnFox, "Loser of the Year" or CdnFox "Fullretard strawman"? Even odds, I'd say.
  4. Aww...muffin. Why are you talking about polls and prevailing attitudes when there are no actual polls? Is it because you're cluelessly bullshitting again? Getting the vaccines and thinking the vaccines are good idea are not the same thing. 🤡
  5. This is what you were claiming: This was a fantasy argument you invented to argue against, because you're too dumb to argue with anyone but yourself. Whatever question you may or may not have asked was probably lost amidst you soiling yourself with pages of worthless rant-spam nobody reads. As for the eventual question itself, now you're the one sealioning, LOL. Refer back to:
  6. It gets a lot of money from the UN, the UAE and other muslim states, and let's not forget all the funding from Iran.
  7. I have clarified my position. It's that the effects of carbon taxes on inflation are grossly exaggerated by know-nothing clowns like you. It was my first post in this thread. I've reiterated it several times. The fact is that even in light of that clarification, you're so tragically stupid that you kept going back to argue against the point you made up, that someone somewhere ever argued that taxes don't increase costs/prices. This summarizes pretty much every debate anyone has here with you. You're literally too dumb to argue with anyone but yourself.
  8. What monopoly is that? On job positions? Private sector still has plenty open...the public sector doesn't. What does that tell you? Who said anything about the decision makers being special?
  9. What polls are those? Do you have some new polling that folks (and the medical community) have reversed their thinking on vaccines? Or...are you just cluelessly bullshitting again?
  10. That's exactly how it works, unless you're an absolute fool and live in clownworld. Proof is always on the affirmative, rather than the negative. If you claim I said something, you need to prove it. I can't quote myself not saying it. Way to tell us you never received a higher education without actually saying it. No Education, Employment or Training. CdnFox - Re:Politic's resident N.E.E.T. I didn't say it, so I couldn't have meant it. 🤡
  11. When the problem is too many underperforming and overpaid public servants, and the militant public sector union monopolies and a government that panders to them, you think that adding layers of bureaucracy is going to improve the situation? I agree with this, but when you have ironclad job security and a sweetheart CBA that ensures you never have to do more than the absolute bare minimum, the decision making priorities are how to maintain the status quo rather than actually improving outcomes.
  12. If you're claiming I said something, you have to prove. That's how logic and reason work, muppet-brain. Having a seizure and compulsively spamming emojis doesn't cut it.
  13. Still can't find that quote, it seems. Just, 8 more emoji-spasms, and another several paragraphs of worthless carrying on:
  14. If I did, all you'd have to do to prove it is take 10 seconds to copy+paste a quote. Instead, here you are on page three, still shitting yourself and carrying on like a clown.
  15. What, do the Zionists suppose they're getting full reparations hundreds of years of anti-semitism? Don't think so. They barely even got anything out of Germany. Maybe, but if he gets what he wants out of Ukraine, he'll have emboldened the regime he built and his successor could carry on with much of the same. We'll be insolvent, our economy would collapse, nobody would lend to us or want to do business with us, and it would probably take us decades to recover. That's why.
  16. Nobody anywhere, ever said anything even remotely close to that. The only person who did is you, when you were making up things to argue with yourself about. Now we have another half-page of raving emoji spam and worthless carrying on, amounting to nothing more than: All of this could be resolved with a copy+pasted quote, you hilarious assclown - if only that quote existed outside of your clownworld make-believe. 🤣
  17. Of course it's an established principle. How naive do you have to be to suggest otherwise? Ukraine isn't being supported by the West because of International Law or any steadfast moral principles. It's being supported because Putin is a megalomaniac and geopolitical foe whose ambitions are in everyone's interest to thwart. Whatever grievances Iran may have against the US/UK etc, decades of poor decision-making doesn't all come back on them, just like you can't blame the Teacher in 5th grade who hit you for the hit-and-run fatality you caused under the influence 30 years later. That doesn't mean the teacher is absolved, but she had nothing to do with you getting drunk and getting behind the wheel.
  18. You can't. That's why you run yourself around posting "crap" for pages and pages trying to explain why you won't prove it, instead of taking a few seconds to copy+paste and actually prove it. This is the sort of 10-IQ batshit stupidity that makes you comedy gold.
  19. You didn't make any points. It was just verbal diarrhea, like 90% of your posts. Thankfully, your ranting and worthless nattering comes with a warning label: compulsive every sentence. That means you're having another seizure or something, and thus the substance of your post is nothing more than:
  20. They may have initiated/helped it along, but 50 years later, blame for this dysfunction lands back home. Iran is a shithole because of its leadership and because its people continue to tolerate it. Colonialism and Imperialism are a lazy excuse for why the Middle East can't sustain anything but repressive dictatorships.
  21. but you are - you're just not trying to be. 🤡 Yes, they can go back and look. So can I. So can you. If the quotes you're saying exist are there, you'd be able to take <30 seconds to copy and paste them in lieu of pages worth of batshit nattering on why you won't.
  22. You're absolutely making up what I say. That's why you can never, ever quote me actually saying it. Instead, all we get is you pissing all over yourself with another worthless, long-winded tantrum. 🤡
  23. We do, but the most important thing is getting the public to understand. For the last 10-15 years, the public sector unions have done a better job building their narrative and driving the story. Tone-deaf buffoons like Tim Hudak were easy targets for the Teacher's Unions etc to make them out as villains. This is also a problem, but I suspect small potatoes. Part of the problem is nepotism, where contracts are getting awarded to friends and acquaintances with little oversight, the other side of it is that the public service is full of mediocre to useless people who are incapable of doing the work themselves.
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