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Everything posted by HisSelf

  1. Oh man. The anti-semite card. This reminds me of what the police do when they beat somebody up and then charge them with assaulting a police officer. LOL.
  2. I was hoping this would turn into a discussion of how Canada's policy towards the Middle East is influenced by big money, but of course Argus, who is from Hillary Clinton's (we will blow Iran to smithereens if it attacks Israel) state (oh wait, wasn't that Arkansas?) came and dropped the anti-semitism bomb by referencing Hitler. And so it goes. All too often, it seems.
  3. Too bad a post like this has to start with the words 'Politics aside...' Maybe 'Idiots aside' would be more appropriate.
  4. Bernier dipped his wick. Good for him. Are we all supposed to check all of our lovers for their past indiscretions? Sounds like stalking. Max dipped his wick in a hot babe. You go boy. This from someone who is NOT a Tory suppotrter.
  5. Ah-hah. No come-back. The 900 pound gorilla. Get a windmill...
  6. The thing about threads like this is that it attracts people who consistently think that support for Israel is an "a priori" declaration of the suspension of International law. How did this happen?
  7. The Czechs are sports demons. The Swedes... The National dream could do a lot better. After all, hasn't Europe been our traditional threat? THE MIGHTY FRIGGIN DUCKS? Come on.
  8. And that would be why? North America has done for Israel. What has Israel done for North America?
  9. This is an interersting development considering that Bush is now trying to make peace in the Middle East his legacy before he gets relegated to the dustbin of history. Anybody who wants to participate in this thread should read Robert Fisk's "Pity the Nation". Feel sorry for Lebanon. These poor people are like Burma, but the hurricane never ends.
  10. O brother. OK. So sub 'The Steelworkers of America' for 'Supporters of Israel'. Does that help?
  11. You guys remind me of the German sargeant from Hogan's Heroes. I see nothink!
  12. The NHL made a really bad decision some time ago and decided to expand into the US south. Nobody down there gives a good god-damn about hockey. Look at the pathetic attendance figues for playoff seats - we be talkin' two-fers here. It's time to get rid of the losers. I am in favour of the Jimmy Patttison model. Any team that does not make the playoffs has to put its franchise up for auction in Europe. Imagine a league with teams from Moscow, Stockholm, Prague, Helsinki, Saint Petersburg... Hockey heaven.
  13. They have until now. Could be we are on the cusp of a truly egalitarian world where options are on the table like apples at the supermarket. On the pther hand, we might be entering a world where bullets decide policy. Which of these do you think is enshrined in the Declaration and the gifting of the Statue of Liberty? This was in response to American Woman and her post <<America makes everyone else adjust! Right?>>
  14. Yeah right. Matts Sundin scored his whateverth goal and within a week, the Leafs were selling pieces of the friggin net at fifty bucks a pop freeze-dried to a pic of their hero. That's Leaf's marketing. That year, the Leafs celebrated their last Stanley Cup win. You want to know how pathetic that was? Look up the dates between these two events. That's Leaf's marketing. Leaf's marketing has nothing to do with quality. Leaf's marketing is a guy with a bad suit and bad breath telling you that he owns a castle in Spain.
  15. A bell weather thread. So does America adjust, or does America make everybody else adjust? Guess where this is going?
  16. Yeah the Leafs. Just amazing. This is an organization that has been kept alive by marketing. Marketing is the biggest house of cards man has ever invented. As Galen Weston senior once said, "You can get people to eat horseshit if you put enough sugar on it."
  17. If you lower gas taxes, you will encourage consumption. Where will that get you?
  18. What a load of self-serving sentimentalized crap. Israel came into existence because of the Balfour Declaration (Britain); it owes its incorporation as a state to the UN, moved by the US and seconded by Russia, and it continues to exist by virtue of its friends in North America. Get a grip.
  19. Israel is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a big shindig in Toronto this week-end, sponsored by Ivan Reitman (scion of Reitman's Womens' Wear store and big bucks film honcho - Ghost Busters, etc...). The husband/wife team of Heather Resman and Gerry Schwartz once raised 11 million buckeroos for Paul Martin. During the last Israel/Lebanon war, when Harper backed Israel against Hesbollah, the powerful twoful switched their allegiance to the Harper Conservatives. And so now we see Harper going to a shindig to celebrate what is, after all, a minor event. The fiftieth maybe. The hundredth, for sure. But the 60th? Yahz boss...
  20. Not surprising to see the biggest supporters of Israel here attack Obama. After all, isn't Hillary from New York? Hasn't Obama said he would actually talk to Iran, Hamas and Hesbollah... as opposed to the policy of losers like Bush and Cheney who just cross their arms and turn their backs? Hillary is just more of the same. America has done one hell of a lot for Israel. What the hell has Israel done for America? America is ready to talk turkey, which is a little different than behaving like a turkey. It is high time America decided to engage. Only an idiot would think that it still has options. It no longer has options. Think India. Think China. Think Russia. This is Realpolitik today. Iran has just announced that it will no longer quote its oil in US dollars. This is your wake-up call. Be there or be square. Na-noo, na-noo.
  21. McCain will lose because Americans will soon understand, if they do not already, that the US cannot afford a war AND health care while still having a good economy. If the Republicans were such a shoo-in, you wouldn't see right wing talk show hosts suddenly doing 180 degree pirouettes to stand behind him.
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