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Everything posted by HisSelf

  1. The Chinese are holding one hell of a lot of US debt notes. These notes were sold to finance the Iraq war. This sort of thing has not been done since 1776 when the American rebels funded their debts with capital supplied from France. You are in doo-doo up to your eyeballs. Wake up and smell the coffee.
  2. The Chinese have put billions into Africa. So what?
  3. You continue to run the debate out of bounds by citing untraceable references. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Obfuscation is the last refuge of an undergrad.
  4. We have NATO obligations in Afghanistan. We keep our word. And your point about Iraq would be...?
  5. Those of you who watch the cooking shows (big fan here - it's a damned sight cheaper than fancy restaurants and just as good) will have noticed that there is a really big push on for dishes that include the Spanish sausage "corizo". Corizo is hard to find in Canada and when you can, it's damned exepensive. I went out and bought some. Used it in a recipe. Ate it raw. Tasted just like Kolbassa (Ukrainian garlic sausage) which is much cheaper and easier to find. Is this a plot by the Chorizo marketing board? Even worse, by some pastey faced little BMW driving drip with a marketing account to increase Chorizo sales in North America? Try this taste test!
  6. Well let's say, for the sake of argument, that it is. What exactly was it that you were trying to say?
  7. Canadian Prime Minsters have not attended the opening cermemonies of the Olympics since the Montreal Games. They generally do not go to figurehead events because the cost is too high (consider the cost of security, sycophant cotillion, etc... ) and there are more important matters to attend to.
  8. The fall of democracy? Ha ha. Good one. I love it. There is no pure democracy in the world today, but if there were, it would have nothing to do with China. XUL, you are either very naive or very disengenuous.
  9. So true. This is what happened to Tibet threads until the Olympics came along. On the other hand, we have the Middle East with a new outrage every day.
  10. Millions for a camel. Millions for a piece of canvas with $15 worth of paint. At least the camel can breed.
  11. Has it not occurred to you that your only real ally in this fight is completely dependent on you? Do you not see a potential hiatus hernia in your lower musculature?
  12. Are you saying that the US should have asked for guarantees? Well boyo, that's what you do BEFORE YOU SIGN THE FRIGGIN CHEQUE.
  13. I love em both. Hawkins just has so many chops. I loved that the Band brought him on stage to sing "Who do you love" at their Last Waltz concert. Robbie Robertson just has so much class. I loved his intro for Hawkins. He talked about when Hawkins hired him into the Hawks. "You won't make much money, but you're gonna get more pussy than you can shake a stick at." Rock and Roll classic. But Cohen. What a poet. Who else could coax so much out of such a limited vocal range? A master. Really a major talent. His lyrics are just incredible.
  14. CBS 60 minutes (Steve Croft) featured an interview with Feith last Sunday. He had no answers for the massive screw up in Iraq beyond saying over and over that "the President made a decision...". The fact that the decision was pushed by the likes of Feith is apparently no longer relevant lol.... During the interview, Croft related how one of the US commanders in Iraq (can't remember which) said that Feith was basically a moron. He quoted this to Feith and he just smiled a stupid s**t-eating grin. Amazing that the most powerful nation in the world has been sent into battle by the likes of this. Its economy brought to the brink of collapse. Generations indebted to its most dangerous economic competitors. You won't see the Americans boycotting the Olympics. They're too damned afraid the Chinese will call their notes. And for what?
  15. Do you think this is more important than Canadian War Veterans? I saw a letter to the editor in the Globe in which some guy said that the sacrifices of the WWII vets did not matter vis a vis the Holocaust. I couldn't belive my eyes. Our fathers and grandfathers died to liberate Europe. Wasn't that enough? F**k you.
  16. Well Canada has a bank account. You, on the other hand, are living on credit. The fact that you can't see this goes straight to the heart of your creds. Dick Cheney and George Bush (notice the order) screwed you royally. Suck it up. It just ain't gonna get any better. You were sleeping on the woodpile when it happened, and you missed the call for dinner. Turkey with all the fixins.... Too bad for you. Loser.
  17. I've looked at a lot of your posts. I rthink you need to see a psychiatrist. This is the end game, and you are wrong. 80% of Americans know it. Why don't you?
  18. The Toronto Star has it right? Personally I think Rex Murphy had it "righter". The last guy with any chops to tell Ontario what to do is Jim Flaherty. Flaherty was the last guy that even the Harris/Eves Conservatives called on. They were going down the drain and Flaherty was stuck in there to try to put a brave face on it all, fiscally speaking. Anybody who has been watching BNN on this issue can see that even Bay Street holds their nose when Flaherty speaks. How Harper thought he could actually gain anything politically by setting Flaherty loose is beyond me. The most recent poll I've seen shows Dion doing poorly and Harper not gaining while the undecideds are climbing. If there was a decent opposition, Harper would be a goner. Too bad the Libs didn't have the balls to make Rae their leader.
  19. A couple of interesting developments on this front... Harper has announced he won't be attending the opening ceremonies. Good man. The IOC has released a statement saying that because of the high level of polution in Beijing, athletes may not be able to perform at their best. The latter is really interesting because it is an attack on more than one level. Tibet. The environment. Depending on how it came about, the value of the Yuan/Renminbi. I'd love to see the diplomatic tale behind this move. It's getting interestinger and interestinger....
  20. Nicely argued. Whom do you sugest might be a trustworthy arbitrator on these issues?
  21. If Fox is reporting something favourable to the Treehugger cause, I am saying that the Fat Lady is singing...
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