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Everything posted by HisSelf

  1. The head of the union is a guy named Kinnear. Either he was the one with the idea or he didn't have the mojo to stop it. Either way, he is toast. He made McGuinty look good for legislating them back to work. Sentiment was already against them. New hires getting $50K? Come on now. People are now talking about making the TTC an essential service. Personally, I think it's time to push for a regional transportation system with Provincial funding and make THAT an essential service. It works in BC.
  2. Mohammed Karzai, US-backed plenipot-whatever of Afghastlystan, showed up for a big media event and damned near got killed for his troubles. He was heard to mutter as he ran off-stage, "Where is that damned Cheney when you need him." Earth to Karzai. See if you can find him when it's time to bargain for a safe harbour. Ask the Shah and Ferdy... I actually feel sorry for the guy. Reported by The New York Times Best quote of the article: "Afghan state television, which was showing the ceremony live, cut off its coverage as people fled the scene."
  3. The lack of notice was a HUGE mistake. When I heard about it, I wondered how anybody could have made such a dumb mistake. If these guys think they were getting abuse before....
  4. Canadians were joining up before Hitler attacked Britain.
  5. Looks like we're in for a few lean years. The Bank of Canada is now saying that we can expect at least 2 years of near zero growth. Fortunately, we have some elasticity built into the system. Anybody care to guess what it might be?
  6. Did I hear a squeek? Is there a mousey about?
  7. A pink ass a ding dang doo. Says it all. It is awfully hard not to associate Hillary's foreign policy stance with her (New York based) election funding... Sort of like trying to figure out why a Texan loves SUVs.
  8. OK. So look at the fancy dancing that Israel does around this issue. Ever heard of a guy named Mordecai? Any time you get into the nuke issue, you are up to your chin in alligator doo-doo.
  9. Looks like we have another candidate for the cone of silence. You two can play spin the bottle in the dark...
  10. What I see here is a lot of agreement that the justice system (in Canada) is broken. So how should it be fixed?
  11. Yeah. When did politicians get declared an essential service
  12. Nobody in the region (Gaza/Israel/West Bank) is behaving rationally. That stopped a long time ago.
  13. So are you saying that election rhetoric doesn't necessarily translate into post-election policy? Good heavens
  14. Always refreshing to see that somebody of your station is able to use the word sophistry in a sentence. Clinton is ramping up the rhetoric in response to the perceived rhetoric from Iran. Get the picture?
  15. So far Jack is the only guy with no flies on him. Let's see. We have an economy headed for close to zero growth, of not recession (according to the Bank of Canada) and big enviro issues scowling at us over the horizon. I'm predicting NPD and Green Party gains.... and another minority. What we could use right now is a NDP/Green Party merger like the Reform/Conservative merger. We could see a whole new ball game. Change is in the air. Look at Les Canadiens. Go Habs Go!
  16. When was the attack? Did I miss it? This is what I get for watching the BBC News! Those Anti-semites at the BBC didn't cover it.
  17. Difficulty with negatives is a sign of brain injury.
  18. Nice to see that things are moving in a positive direction because somebody is willing to have open discussions as opoosed to the dumb-ass stance the US State department has taken for far too many years. Let's not forget that this is also how the Oslo Accords came into existence - by doing an end run around the US State Department, the Palestinian Authority, and the Knesset.
  19. Has it not been universally acknowledged that Ahmadinejad 's statement was misinterprested by the western press? Quelle surprise, n'est-ce pas? I prefer Obama's stance, which basically says "Let's talk." H. Clinton is taking the same dumb policy stance that W took - shoot now, talk later. Does the world really need more radical rhetoric? Where is the leadership? If Clinton is going to just shoot from the lip when somebody else does, then the leadership is with the first shooter, is it not?
  20. Looks like the cockroach theory is holding up yet again. It originated in Wall Street - bad news about a stock is like cockroaches. Once you see one, sooner or later, a whole bunch more will emerge. Don't be surprised if we get an election real soon....
  21. What we have here is a case of US Law Enforcement agents coming in to our sovereign territory and entrapping a Canadian citizen into breaking a US law. Apparently these idiots think this is Afghanistan. But then they think everywhere is Afghanistan, don't they? Boogada boogada! We need a law making it illegal for a foreign law enforcement agency to operate under cover on our sovereign soil.
  22. We're all part of the big American family? A new take on who's your daddy I suppose. W may be your daddy, August1991, to most of us (according to just about every poll taken in the past year), he's just crazy old uncle George.
  23. We have an excellent precendent with alcohol and prohibition. How many people have you seen machine-gunned down at the local liquor store? Oh come on. The Association of Chiefs of Police is going to publicly take a stand to please the politicians? Fat chance. It exists for political reasons indeed - to further the political objectives of the Chiefs of Police.
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