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Everything posted by buffycat

  1. Good grief Scribbles, with your cut and pastes one would think you'd be a pro at using a search engine: IDF used Palestinian girl as human shield in Nablus Just one of the recent ones where children are targeted and used. Go to it now. There is terror on both sides, yet one is a recognized Occupier and the others simply refugees in their own lands. Much of this would have all been solved had Israel retreated and given up the West Bank, Gaza, Sheeba Farms and the Golan. Just go back to the defacto 67 borders and learn to live with your neighbours. She has not done this. Too bad for her, too bad for the Israelis - many of whom do NOT agree with the current status of the illegal Settlements. Oh and if thats where you want to see indoctornation which is on par with extremist islamic propoganda, the Settlements are the place. Does the existance of one make the other acceptable? Of course not. Yet that is what you would have us all believe.
  2. Holy Hannah Batman you guys are really into the spin and take out of context approach eh? I made two comments on different ideas on this thread. 1. The damn mouse 2. Targetting of children - to which I responded that BOTH sides did it. It's truly amazing the way you guys spin, perhaps you are sons of Rapunzel?
  3. Speaking of blame shifting: The only blame I see being shifted anywhere is the blame OFF Israel and her actions ONTO everyone else - the eternal victim whines again! Ugh. What is really astounding is that while any show which does what this Memri translation says it does is certainly dispicable - but is it any more disgusting than the hate so evident here for muslims? What do YOU teach your kids?
  4. Sharkman - do you consider B'TSelem not to be authoritative? Also, I was commenting on the rabid hatred present for anything Palestinian -which was voiced loud and clear here in this thread! Have you been following the conversation? Or do you need a time out? To perhaps reconsider? Or - do you just not like facts? Hate exists on both sides sharkman, as your own vitriolic posts demonstrate.
  5. I wonder how Crow feels about millions of folk thinking of her as they visit the loo. Talk about shitty 'vibes'.
  6. B'TSelem I think some reading needs to be done by some of the rabidly blind Israeli supporters here. Those who are critical of Israel's actions in the Occupied Territories do not by default condone the use of terror on the side of the Palestinians. What a baseless argument. Oh and Wilbur - BC Chick simply put up a google search link - it was you who now brings up one site which the search engine threw up there. Total strawman. Both 'sides' do target children, not always officially - but certainly it happens. The difference here is that Israel occupies the Palestinian territories, illegally, but none the less she is still expected to follow international laws wrt to the treatment of the people under one's occupation. Because of this, and some very bad decisions on the parts of her various governmental admins, the situation of Palestine is disasterous - not only for the Palestinian people, but for Israelis as well. These blind arguments on either side of the debate are useless. The racism here is also astounding, as is the name calling for lack of any kind of fact based responses. Sad really. BTW - while this Micky show is probably pretty questionable - it is no different to air this and tout is as the norm as it would be to out Fallwell or Robertson - or goodness be - Phelps! as the norm of the American style Christiandom. Two wrongs don't make a right - but blindly judging all by the worst of their lot is a big mistake. Also, calling folk Israel haters and anti-semites really does NO justice to anything you argue for. It's old and worn out - try talking FACTS instead.
  7. On a more serious note, if the teach showed and 'r' rated movie to underage - that's enough to have her reviewed. The lawsuit is ridiculous. However, why was brokeback given an 'r' rating? I never saw it, nor do I intend to, but was the rrr rating (hee hee) only due to its gay themes? I would be far more concerned about incidents like the recent one in Tennesee where teacher terrorised the children in their care with a mock gunman attack. http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/articl...1333/FEATURES05 Crazy world.
  8. I always remember the jist of a statistic (in this case the huge profit margin and the hypocrisy in not legalizing under the pretext of immoral profits gained).... but I'm so bad at remembering the stats themselves, how embarrassing. At least I remembered there was 5000 in there somewhere. In my defense I was skimming the article in a waiting room. I kinda thought that when I looked it up. I could've easily done the same - eeks! Still though, you've got to admit that is one hell of a mark up! ESP for the substandard product that Hellth Canada peddles!
  9. Did you read my post? Do you know anything about these conflicts? Did you wait for me to reply when you asked: "Are you saying that every single stich of land that is present day Israel is occupied Palestine?" Yikes. I am talking about the Occupied Territory of Palestine - those lands Israel has Occupied since the '67 war. I would also mention the illegal settlements - so is that the land that the Palestinians are supposed to give back? I am not talking about Israel proper - ie Israel with her pre-67 borders - I am refering to those lands since illegally settled and occupied by her. Occupations tend not to go down well with the native populations - which results in misery for both sides. WRT Lebanon - do you have something against the Lebanese? How has Hezbolla occupied her? Do you even know the origins of Hezbolla? If Israel had not attacked Lebanon previously I doubt that we would be seeing anything of the sort of militancy demonstrated now and again by the likes of Hezbolla or other organisations on all sides of this conflict.
  10. These doctors would say you are crazy. I think you are an egomaniac. I think its about time you told us what qualifications you have that can be used to determine what is good science and bad science. You have claimed that you are an engineer and that you understand structural engineering, but every single statement you have ever made on this topic has been shown to be wrong through a straightforward application of common sense that does not require the qualifications of a structural engineer. So, what kind of engineer are you and why should people continue listening to you explain how science works to them ? C'mon Poly don't you know that 2+2=5??? Just admit and give in...it's nice in the realm of never never land! Physical laws don't apply!
  11. Well, I suppose there are the usual assortment of hardliners vs those who would give away more land. But whatever Israel does, it doesn't seem to change the minds of their neighbours. Give away whose land? It's not Israel's land to take or give away. It's occupied Palestine - this is not in dispute no matter which side you stand on. As far as changing her neighbours minds, Israel sadly made her own bed with her three invasions of soveriegn Lebanon, the latest of which was ridden with war crimes. All Lebanon wants is the locations of ordinances which are STILL killing people. Not such a difficult request - they want to save lives - but Israel won't do it - why? Given that the corruption in the Israeli Admin is rampant, I can't say that their government has any kind of moral ground to stand on in this issue.
  12. Guthrie, I'm not sure if your above reply refers to my post. I will explain. What I am happy about is that the 'hate crime' bill will not be passed. I do not condemn 'leftists' as the so trumpeted cause of these kinds of stifling laws. The thing about free speech is that the most important time that we stand and defend it IS when we DON'T agree with it. Not easy - but necessary in a truly free society. Locking folk up for what they 'say' is no way to run a humanistic and liberty rich society. Terrorists are another story and then again it also depends on your interpretation of what exactly constitutes terrorism - since when it is commited by 'us' it is rarely called such. Having special status in the law for 'hate' crimes is too arbitrary and can be used for massive propoganda purposes, not to mention the dismantling of public dissent - it is a slippery slope. So, I am glad it was defeated.
  13. I think the balance would have to really drastically shift. CO2 enrichment is employed in greenhouses to encourage rapid and abundant vegetative growth. Plants get their needed Carbon from CO2 - less CO2 = less plants. Readings of 500 - 600 ppm CO2 in controlled environments are not unheard of, and work to raise yields: " Colorado State University conducted tests with carnations and other flowers in controlled CO2 atmospheres ranging from 200 to 550 ppm. The higher CO2 concentrations significantly increased the rate of formation of dry plant matter, total flower yield and market value." http://homeharvest.com/carbondioxideenrichment.htm
  14. Sadly, it's the squeaky wheel which gets the grease. I tend to agree with others though - that was certainly trolling. Nothing to be all proud of.
  15. To be frank, I don't think that it would have mattered if Olmert or Bibi was in charge - it wasn't a war meant to be won. IMO the desire was to set Lebanon back 20 years by destroying her infrastructure and flaming the divides of society there. It backfired. Meanwhile, Lebanon has requested time and time again the records of where all the cluster bombs were dropped in the final few days before the 'truce'. Israel will not release it - and this war keeps on giving in the form of children, adults and animals being blown to bitsy by these ordinances (a war crime btw). Nothing much will happen to Olmert, outside of sinking into obscurity after his little stint on stage is up. My fear is who will replace him.
  16. Ron Paul is a true old school republican. I've always enjoyed reading his blog and hearing his clear honest remarks on the goings on at the Hill. I wish him all the luck in the world - sadly though he hasn't got the corporations on his side (since being a conservative by nature - the globalists don't like him). Do you read his writings often Poly?
  17. Indeed, exactly what I thought as I recalled my first year physics.
  18. well, not that I said so but yes, CO2 is a poison - Without which we would have no plant life....
  19. I can't find any information about the independent analysis you refer too. Perhaps you could show me the way? http://www.newsfeeds.com/archive/misc-acti...s/msg00002.html This is just one. Though CSA got into lots of trouble when their report came out. Believe me, PPP cannot grow quality organic cannabis in their contaminated mine. It's ridiculous and certainly not cost effective either imo. If you google it you will find lots of stuff. Try Phillip Lucas, Canadians for Safe Access, Map.. etc. There is lots of reading material out there. Personally the prohibition of cannabis is insanity, IMO. A collossal waste of taxpayers money, police time and jail space - all the while fueling the black market and criminal element. Crazy.
  20. What I always find so interesting when the issue of women's rights in Muslim lands comes up, is that those bitching about it tend to forget that women in the so-called West have not even enjoyed suffrage for 100 years.
  21. Yeah but the military is just working for the Fed & the Standard Oil cartel. I wonder if Montesanto has gotten in to plant their GMO crops. Not to hijack, but Poly - Monsanto is already in Iraq. Order 81. Here's a google list: http://www.google.com/search?q=monsanto+ir....netscape:en-US Kuzadd, great article btw. There have been on many occassions brave military men who have seen things from the other's side. Sadly, this General's feeling will pass quickly as the msm continues to beat the drums for increased aggression, not only against Iraq but also against Iran. What a mess. At times like these I wish Maj. Gen. Butler's wonderful and timeless piece "War is a Racket" would be compulsary reading FOR ALL. *sigh*
  22. I'm having a hard time following the table example - it seems to me that it is only relevant if one has a one-legged table. If there are four legs, then the mass of the table and the force of gravity acting upon it will distribute the weight evenly over all four legs (or three - if you like). Now, unless ALL four legs fail in the same manner at the same time, there is a very good chance that the table top will not fall straight down (ie evenly over the 'footprint' of its four (or three) legs). Have you not seen tables collapse? I have. And they don't all fall straight down. I think this comparison is not workable.
  23. Rue, life is dangerous! That is why we all try to reduce 'harm'. There are many ways to use cannabis - not just smoking it. Whether it causes lung cancer is still up for debate.
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