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Moonlight Graham

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Everything posted by Moonlight Graham

  1. Tasers are fine, as long as they are used in the proper context, which obviously sometimes isn't the case. I would look into possibly dropping the voltage on those things. There is certainly a safety concern with them. My hope is they can make them safer, or a better technology altogether is found to replace the taser. But until then....ZZZZZAP!!
  2. BC, he never really admits to being wrong about the surge. He does admit that it has succeeded, but he says he doesn't regret his vote against it. Great interview btw i can't this interview took place & i never heard about it until now!...proving once again anyone will do anything for some votes.
  3. why in the world wouldn't you add the Bloc & Greens to this poll?
  4. Some wars, unfortunately, are necessary (: ie: WWII). To forget the sacrifices that generation and others have made in order to protect your right to freely post a poll like this on a message board is a cultural crime. Despite your honest intentions, your head is cleary shoved far up your posterior on this issue. Canadians are being taught less & less about our history, we need to learn from our past in order to make the best decisions in the present & future. This statement is entirely false. Pick up a history book (or visit the war museum! ). BTW, if you actually visited the war museum you'd know that there is an entire section dedicated to the history of Canada's involvement as U.N. peacekeepers. Canada wouldn't be much of a "peaceful nation" if the U.S. suddenly sank into the ocean.
  5. I don't blame Cheney nor Bush nor Biden for not wanting to fight in that war. I probably would have done the same thing. Though i suppose there's a difference in being a conscientious objector and being a coward.
  6. Hers was definately a very good speech. But i think it has been elavated because of the expectations & pressure she had (and rightly so). However, if you just look at the speeches on their own merit, i think there's been a few good speeches as good as hers. For instance, i thought Joe Biden's DNC speech was really good also.
  7. Hey Moonbox, love the name. You'll have to pay some royalties though . I'll call it the 'Moon Shift' and you have to pay me a tax for every post you write under that username. I was out of the country when Dion proposed this Green Shift plan, so i've had to catch up whats been happening. Seems there are advantages and disadvantages to all the proposed systems. I'll have to do more reading to see which one most analysts say works best. Here's a good little article with some of the pros & cons of some of the proposed plans: http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=552899 BTW, i sorta agree with you. IMO the only way we're going to really tackle this carbon & pollution problem is if nations like Canada and the U.S. etc. grab China & India by the balls and tell them that if they don't join in on a plan for seriously tackling their emmisions & environment problems, that we simply will not trade with them or put some sort of limit on their trade. This would also help human rights issues in China. Good ol' fashion blackmail baby!!
  8. She had a good speech i thought. She speaks very well & can react on her toes. If i were a Conservative/Republican i'd be very happy with the speech.
  9. This is impossible. The Palin pick was announced, what, about 12 hours after the DNC had ended the night before? Do you have some poll numbers from in-between those hours i'm not aware of?
  10. Palin is such a horrible pick for McCain. He more than virtually any other candidate in U.S. history needs a VP thats ready to step in & be Pres. on Day 1. Even less experience than Obama. McCain is totally pandering with this pick. I thought Romney would have been a good choice, at least that ticket could run on experience. If only Romney had a vagina. But at least Palin is kinda hot. That will make the debates more entertaining for me.
  11. I'm sure you'd agree that would be a pretty short invasion.
  12. But we're never going to get them all. Even if Afghanistan were 100% successful, how many other countries would we have to invade? They're still in our country for cripes sake!! Even if we were to export or jail every terrorist-linked immigrant/refugee in every western country in the world, you're still going to have home-grown terrorists, like the ones that were training near Toronto for an attack within Canada. Why were they pissed off? They said because Canada was among the countries in Afghanistan killing other muslims. Heck, even if we were to kill every terrorist that existed in the ENTIRE WORLD right now, we would do something stupid again at some point in the future that would get more Muslims PO'd & another generation of Muslim extremists would be created. Most of us don't understand or really give a poop about Islam. Militarily occupying or even having a military presense within a muslim country is a big no-no for a lot of them. We didn't give a crap that when we launched attacks & set up military bases within Saudi Arabia near Mecca & Medina (Islam's 2 holiest sites) during the Gulf War, & that a great many Saudi's & muslims became PO'd (including Bin Laden). It's like we kicked a couple of honey-bee nests and one of the bees stung us, & instead of just trying to avoid the nests, we instead got really angry & decided to kill all the bees in the world. I'm sorry but there's no freaking way we're going to kill all the bees, we're just going to end up making more of them angry.
  13. What you said here is kind of frightening, don't you think? Ya its a war & they are the enemies, but they are also surrounded by millions of innocent civilians. The gov't (and thus by extention the military also) works for us, they represent our will. We, the ordinary citizens, should decide when to go to war & when not to go to war. We do this through our elected representives. And though you may not like it, anti-war supporters have as much say as the pro-war supporters. And history has shown that sometimes the anti-war supporters have been right. Obviously we need to leave the day-to-day operations and & general strategies up to the military, but we must also also have a say in what our military does, ie: which wars it fights & the basic behaviour/rules they must follow (ie: Geneva Conventions & other human rights issues). I'm sure there are a few generals who, if left unchecked & able to do whatever they wanted, would just carpet bomb the hell out of Afghanistan in order to get the job done quickly & easily with little regard for civilians & infastructure. I agree, most of us have no idea how to fight & win a war, but we do know right from wrong. That's why i think its a great idea the media is in there, so they can keep our military (and gov't) honest, not to mention send the pictures & stories of war back home so we all aren't living in our la-la land bubbles & we can see ourselves the true impact of war.
  14. I used to believe in it, but "multiculturalism" is a sham. You can keep your religious beliefs etc., but you must also assimiliate into Canadian culture. Immigrants & new Canadian citizens should be made to learn english or french, not encouraged to keep to their own kind. This is Canada, not an airport terminal. There also has to be more Canadian history taught in our schools.
  15. Do you not think NATO/U.S. has wanted dearly to enter Pakistan? Access denied, even under the leadership of the U.S.'s dear friend - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf...who (as i just mentioned above) has just recently resigned as President under impeachment charges. There's just no freaking way we're going to be allowed to start a war within Pakistan.
  16. How do we finish it? Al-Qaeda & the Taliban have safe haven in Pakistan. The U.S.'s numbero uno ally in Pakistan, (former) President Pervez Musharraf, just resigned under threats of impeachment. The very powerful ISI in Pakistan has been playing both sides with the U.S./NATO during this war & almost certainly have no intention of allowing NATO to enter Pakistan to combat Al-Qaeda/Taliban. Furthermore, you cannot defeat an international ideology with carpet bombs. Even if Afghanistan is a "success", anti-West terrorism will still remain in a massive way. Al-Qaeda did not even originate from Afghanistan, it was mostly used as a safe haven & training ground out of neccessity. Bin Laden is a Saudi. Of the 19 hijackers on 9/11, 15 of them were Saudi Arabian. None of them were Afghani's, none of them members of the Taliban. In all logic, the U.S. should have invaded Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq. But of course Bush & Co. would never attack their best buddies, but they would be dumb enough to start such a war.
  17. Leave. What we're doing in Afghanistan is the exact reason why Al-Qaeda et al. wanted to kill us in the first place. What we're doing is asinine, not to mention illogical. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
  18. True enough. But after Katrina, i don't blame them at all.
  19. The whole "elitist" thing is dumb. I would WANT the President to be an elitist. I WANT him to be the best & brightest the country has to offer, and by being so i'd assume he'd have gone to some great schools & in his life has been relatively financially successful (successful lawyers & businessmen etc. usually are). As long as he isn't completely out of touch with reality, owning 7 houses is fine. I wouldn't want the President to have 1st-hand experience of the morgage crisis. I would think the freaking President of the United States should at least know how to properly manage his money & assets.
  20. Sadly, despite your huge Republican bias, i have to agree with you. I'm disappointed in Obama, he could be so much more. But he just plays the smooth political games like everyone else. But he's still lightyears better than McCain.
  21. I don't give a hoot how many houses McCain or Obama has. What matters are the issues, and what each candidates' stance is on them. It makes for funny soundbites i totally admit, but in the end who gives a rat's behind that McCain has 7 houses & Obama has 1 yada yada. Yet all the major media TV outlets have this as their #1 story tonight. Which just goes to show that this kind of thing DOES influence people's vote, which is pathetic proof of how moronic & uninformed the majority of Americans and Canadians are. ...almost as stupid as Clinton supporters voting for McCain instead of Barack "the black male Hillary" Obama.
  22. From Matthewgood.org: Here's a link to the Gorbachev Op-Ed.
  23. The U.S. Missile Shield is a stupid idea & a vast waste of resources. It is designed to defend against nuclear missile threats from rogue states. Ok, now exactly how many "rogue states" have nuclear missile strike capabilities? Maybe North Korea, if it keeps up its program. Thats about it. Iran doesn't even have the capability yet, and even if they did i'm pretty sure the 'ol "if you bomb us we'll bomb you" philosophy from the cold war would keep them in check, as it did with the U.S. & the USSR for 50+ years. Pakistan is a Muslim nation, and they have yet to go nuclear wacko on anyone. Iran is run by a bunch of jerks, but they aren't completely idiotic/suicidal jerks.As for terrorist groups, they are almost certain to detonate a nuclear device within the target country itself & not by a sophisticated launched missile strike.
  24. Before Harper was PM, the Canadian military was an atrophied piece of bunk in need of some TLC. I don't think our military needs to be greatly expanded. I just believe it needs to be sufficient & actually, ahem, functional. It has had more funding by the Conservatives, although i don't like how they've been using it (ie: Afghanistan). Canada needs the basic ability to defend its sovereignty and be able to properly defend its borders while also able to respond to most any domestic crisis. This doesn't mean we need to load up on fleets of F-22's. We just can't have our helicopters crashing into the ocean and we need to have the ability to transport our own troops with our own vehicles. When it comes to arctic sovereignty, we don't need a big aramada of battleships to defend against the Russians. I'm quite sure most of our western allies would want the arctic & its resources to be in the hands of Canada and not Russia, and would be willing to give us a bit of hand if Russia does become militarily aggressive. Yay for NATO!
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