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Everything posted by Borg

  1. I suppose the next thing is you will be telling us that politicians and fat bureaucrats are employees of the taxpayer. Careful if you do - you will be considered a dangerous taxpayer - one who demands accountability. Not your average canucklehead. Borg
  2. Just prepping you for the invitable. Don't worry Be happy Borg
  3. Cannot understand? LOL Why does this statement not surprise me. How canadian you are. Because they can and therefore will. Tax me I am a canucklehead and a willing victim of the political process. Borg
  4. Great body, decent face. Stick her with a few thousand troops that have not smelled anything other than piss, puke, sweaty body armour and have not showered in 20 days of 45 plus temperatures and she could have anything she wanted from them. Perfect choice from an editors point of view - and who cares what happened in the "safe house" and as to who she is boffing - I can name a hundred guys that would gladly stand in if the opportunity came along. Let her do what makes money for the networks and the outfit she works for - when that stops she will have to find new employment. In other words - you might not like it - but she is doing what her company demands because the people who own the company make lots of money from it. She asks the questions she is told to ask - time for those who do not like it to change the channel. Borg
  5. Torture - causing discomfort or extreme pain to gain information that may save lives or prevent attack ........... Not gratuitous torture. Once the information has been obtained cease and desist. Easy to criticize when sitting in an arm chair - but you put people in the field - some who might not come home because YOU have put them their. They get pretty close. They will do damned near anything to protect their brother. Sometimes you will stand for things that you would never do elsewhere. Life and death have a habit of making people do this. Is it right? Well, it happens and some turn a blind eye because it works and because the info is needed in a hurry. Is it wrong? Well, when you pick up the pieces of your friends upper torso to ship him home you might just wonder if some extra information might have kept him alive. Tough to apply that geneva convention when the opposition does not believe in it. It makes others start to not believe in it as well. Who does it? A large number of countries will do it. Not many will admit to it. On both sides. It will continue. Not often by the common soldier - he is now far too well policed and worries he may do something wrong and come home to jail - when in fact he should worry more about coming home in a body bag. No matter how regal we like to sound when we talk about it - torture will continue. I am sure there are those who will love to piece by piece tear this response apart. Reality is different than theory. Just a pragmatic outlook on something that needs no definition. Stats can be made to tell a lot of stories - if torture will keep my son, brother, sister, mother, father, or friend and so on alive - I support it. I suspect there are a great number of naysayers here who might also change their tune if they had someone in the line of fire. Honesty will not come easy to them until it actually happens to them. The media is simply doing what it does best - selling copy by creating controversy. Borg
  6. Good point - never happen - crown is always spring loaded to charging the shop keeper. It is very rare for the crown to give an ATTA BOY for using a weapon to prevent crime or stop crime. Criminal - had a tough life - has had no advantages - therefore is to be pitied. Law abiding citizen - has worked hard and is reaping benefits of labours - MUST be punished for doing harm to a criminal or preventing a criminal from enacting a crime through the use of a personal weapon. After all s/he is rich and must be taking advantage of society by making a (dirty word) profit through his / her labours. All media - for the most part - provide input on how hard the criminals life has been rather than demanding the LEGAL system (not justice system) reward the law abiding citizen for his / her efforts to protect society. We do not demand personl responsibility for actions anymore - no one is guilty anymore - there is always a reason or excuse. So - citizen - suffer - wait for the police to show up. The police will provide some pity for what has transpired. Especially while investigating the event that took place. While YOU (the victim) were waiting for help. You can take comfort in that sympathy. Not that it does much good. When the police leave you can hope it does not happen again. Canadian victims in the making. Borg
  7. Agreed - I have studied it for several years - but you need to be within reach to do any damage. Physical defence requirements constitute an emergency scenario. I will not willingly let you get that close. That is one promise I keep - especially where I am now working. Borg
  8. Actually it has - I am not in the mood to prove it to you but the info is there - all you have to do is look for it - most likely you will not. And - some of the most violent cities are those that outlaw firearms ownership (so those who obey the law become victims) within city boundaries - once again - all you have to do is look for it - most likely you will not. Cheers Borg
  9. Arm Canada? LOL I love it but you are dealing with canuckleheads - they will scream blue murder that only police should have firearms. Look up how many police shoot themselves or the wrong people some time. In the end any RESPONSIBLE citizen that wants to own a firearm should be allowed to do so. Never happen in Canada. As for legal purchase - ask someone to go and buy a firearm now - if someone who has NEVER owned a firearm can buy one, actually take it home and then take it to the range and fire it once - without violating a law - within 3-6 months they are either well connected, they are very lucky or they have nothing else to do with their time. Try to bring a "deadly weapon" - sword, kukris, etc into the country - even as a collector - good luck when you hit customs you criminal killer you! LOL As for teaching all people martial arts - I support that fully. A little capability goes a long ways. In the end - any ability to bring harm to others will be treated harshly at best by the majority who wear a police uniform, most members of the media and likely the vast majority of citizens who live in that nanny entitled nation called canada. I am not so sure I even want to start on property protection and personal self defence. No matter how honourable you are - exercise this right and you WILL go to jail - you then have to defend yourself - and it is rare that you will get off - it does happen - but be prepared to be ruined financially if you do exercise that right. Do not plan on the police to protect you - generally they arrive well AFTER the crime is committed - and if you are not able to communicate your problem - then what? Well, you are on your own. A five minute response time is great - 30 minutes in some areas is consider very fast - I can do a lot of damage in that time if you are not able to defend yourself. This is canada - tax me and make me dependant upon the system. Too bad the system does not work as people think it should. If you respond by stating you believe the system to work well most of the time, I would ask you this one final question. What if it does not work when YOU need it? Most people never give that question any REAL consideration. And I bet a majority here on this board will prove my point. Cheers Borg
  10. Try the sand in the middle east - far from Kingston. I can assure you we have never met. In fact I am not even interested in doing so Out of this one. LOL Borg
  11. Loved it - sounded like a road warrior that has not had a vacation since grade three and her take on south africa was bang on. Her comment on the hog town airport is completely wrong. It is not number three - it is number one or two depending on how long I have been harrassed by someone in the other two airports who cannot speak english and does not understand I do NOT want his/her dirty hands in my shaving kit. Toronto airport must have an ordinance that prevents anyone from being involved in security unless they have a heavy accent, do not have manners, usually need a shave and could stand some cleaning up. Oh, and if they would say please and thanks once in a while it would also be real nice. Otherwise Canada is basically a land of people who are quite faceless and have few redeeming features. Generally speaking canadians stand for very little. Unless of course it is to say "sorry" after being run into by some unruly kid with a cart full of over stuffed suitcases while returning to Hong Kong or Lebanon after exercising their right to free medicare despite never paying a dime in taxes. Love that free and easy passport. Borg
  12. Jackie Seems to me you know a lot of schitte about schitte - bravo - love reading about it - LOL Bottom line - squinty made it happen and you are stuck with him, his ilk, his lies, his damned lies and of course his taxes - makes me laugh No one gives a schitte about who WANTED to do it - in fact it could have been that POS trudeau for all I care - but squinty got r dun! Good ole squinty the lieberal - bless his sweet and truthful heart for being straight up and never lying to the electorate. Hell it could have been that idiot from kebec that tried to being in an hst - what was his name (?) - had a fancy comb over job because he was embarassed about going bald - any way not important - squinty did 'er - and you folks from hog town should be proud. Without the idiots from that hell town it would never have happened. Now that you have it we should start seeing a lot of new jobs and a huge up tick in the economy - like taking money from people will make that happen. LOL Someday that place called toronto will slide into the lake if we get lucky and take most of the residents with it. Have a good one and happy July first old boy Borg
  13. In the end it does not matter who WOULD or who WANTED TO create this lovely tax - the voters fell for it hook line and sinker. And old squinty will bring it in. To try and deflect by pointing at others who DID NOT bring in this fun filled tax and say they would have is simply a joke in itself. Fact is - no matter what people say, think, read and write about - we know who did bring it in. No politician fears the voter in canuckleland - they know they can basically do as they see fit. When their popularity fails in one party, they then move to another party - many examples of this in canuckleland - and start over - and once again the canucklehead voter falls into step and does as expected. All in all a bit of a joke. Need to remind the politician that they are EMPLOYEES of the tax payer - but then aqain the taxpayer needs to grow a set of gonads and start telling the politician how to operate rather than the other way around. I have to admit I find it somewhat amusing to watch the complaints about this "revenue neutral" tax. Lots will complain but I suspect MOST did not even vote - meaning - in my books - they have no right to complain. Borg
  14. LOL! Nice answer - you really do not have a clue What is past is past - it is the present that matters - UN is corrupt. Done enough tours wearing the maple leaf in the various shit holes in the world to be completely unimpressed with their abilities. Locals as a rule detest the UN once they have sucked the honey pot dry. Canuckleheads as a rule are so idealistic as to not see the truth of the UN and how they are failing - in some cases quite purposefully. Borg
  15. There is always a way around government interference into private lives - just be sneakier than they are Borg
  16. Complain? Why? Squinty MuhGinty got voted in by the resident canuckleheads and now the voter will pay the price. And to think the voters actually believed him when he said it would be revenue neutral. LOL! You guys get what you deserve. Now the whining starts - hilarious. Borg
  17. With the right kind of marketing you could make money at that Borg
  18. Toronto - one of the nicest places in Canada - pretty much strictly defined by garbage, crime, an excess of low quality folks and of course - traffic Everything that happens there is well and truly deserved Borg
  19. No - tell me it ain't so! Well I am sure there will be many apologists here that will categorically state it is ok because Israel ... blah, blah, blah. However when the shoe is on the other foot they scream foul. After all it is the canucklehead way Borg
  20. Free beer to journalists at the side of the mosquito free lake according to an article I read somewhere. Why would they write anything bad about a place where they can eat and drink for free? In truth most people in Canada probably do not make as much as this puddle of warm piss cost the taxpayer. That alone should raise a persons hackles - but of course it will not. Tax me - I am a canucklehead. Borg
  21. McChrystal is just one example of many who have come to lose a great deal of respect, and in his case he very likely made a conscious decision to let it show, for their national leader as they come to recognize his weak and self centred incompetence. When McChrystal was selected for this position he was closely vetted by obama and his gang - and I can guarantee you McChrystal asked THEM some tough questions. The game must have changed behind closed doors - in other words obama changed the rules in some manner - and McChrystal was not happy. McChrystal will never tell us why - but there was a reason for this and some members of the inner circle of his support staff will know. It will slowly leak to the military foot soldier. McChrystal did not get to where he was without the smarts to see what he was doing well in advance. Right, wrong or indifferent - agree or disagree - what he did - he did knowing full well what the outcome would be. A personal choice was made and he was prepared to live with it. Very telling about the relationship between certain military members and the prez. It also shows how tenuous the military is when someone of this rank is prepared toss the prez the finger and to do this in such a public manner. Tpoaz comment - I think the guy wanted out of Afghanistan because he probably this war is going no where. It seems all the top brass have to do is break the rules and they get to come home, and the guy fighting have to wait to the war is over or the sad way. This comment from topaz illustrates an extreme lack of knowledge of the military and a complete ignorance on something the military has and most civilian worlds do not have - Loyalty. You can be sure that McChrystal would never do this for the reason above - if anything it was done to express displeasure at incompetence (canuckleheads will say changing rules in the middle of the game) of the obama administration. McChrystal KNEW he would have to fall on his sword yet he did it anyways. His "boys and girls" for the most part know this as well - even though they do not know the inside story. Loyalty is a two way street and if you do black ops and rise to the top you WILL get loyalty both ways - essentially McChrystal told obama to f**k off - I admire him for the willingness to sacrifice himself at the expense of his career. How many of YOU would do the same in a similar circumstance? Not many I would warrant. Borg
  22. Or they just do not give a shit anymore. Borg
  23. Just part of the political process of this country. If it had been a 'Stan country or a minor african country it would have involved blood and guts and cries for UN intervention. Borg
  24. Female visible minority in a politically correct country. Create a position for her ...... Why am I not surprised? Keeps her in a nice standard of living - where was she going to go if she got the boot? Seems to be a politically correct sympathy position. How does a regular working stiff get one of these plums? Wonder what it pays? Borg
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