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Everything posted by Borg

  1. Now-a-days you often win that war by killing them - obviously you have not been to a war zone in some time. Many are even younger and not interested in anything other than killing you. Rehab does not work when you are on the wrong side of an Ak You truly are out of touch - must be a Canucklehead - Toronto area perhaps? Take off that dress, put on some man pants and go find out for yourself - bet you change your mind. If you only knew ...... Borg
  2. Support bloq Toss kebec Then this discussion is a moot point Let those people go - with their share of the debt of course. LOL Borg
  3. Judge has spoken - Canuck media gets away with murder at home and thinks they can do it on the road as well. Different ball park - tougher rules - so tough tittie. In the end it does not matter what happened some time ago - what matters is what happens now. They violated the rules of the game and got tossed - rightly so. Media hounds need a kick in the nuts now and then to keep them honest - which most are not. Leave that traitor down there - we do not need him or any of his family in this country. Borg
  4. khadr is trash - let him rot where he is and send all his family there for a permanent visit - the country would be better far off. This lawyer is simply looking for fame and fortune - let him stay there as well. By the way - who is paying this legal bill? Does this POS lawyer travel business or cattle class to create this type of crap Borg
  5. By nmissing kebec you are missing nothing - time for them to go anyways - an expensive and spoiled child that has been pandered to and let run amuck for years - all in order to prevent tantrums Would not be missed by many Canucks Borg
  6. Industrious and a pain in the butt. We cut a hole in the dam and shoot them when they come to repair it. Great in the wilderness but they tend to flood out our farm land Borg
  7. Toss the french stuff to kebec and let them run with it? Sell the rest of cbc and lets move on - a huge waste of money overall Excellent suggestions that will never happen - the rest of the media would scream like stuck pigs. The bloq would chime in big time. Albertans would be required to give kebec even more money to keep the feds happy. Borg
  8. Well, voters get what they deserve Governments cannot give to anyone without taking from someone else first - nice redistribution of wealth - take from the working stiff and give to those who do not or cannot. Seems that cracker Squinty used to say it would be revenue neutral - and people believed him Too funny Borg
  9. Bush blamers - just a diversion - been gone for a long time now This is a new topic Bama is a loser - had a free ride for the whole term so far. He cannot stand negative press and is starting to show it He is crumbling and will go down as one of the worst prez in the USA - his numbers now strating show how bad he is Borg
  10. Collateral damage is inevitable in any conflict Borg
  11. No such thing as a moderate muslim - but many think there are Borg
  12. A smart man who saw a way to cash in on the general stupidity the sheep of the world. Have to admire his mercenary ways - and he has millions believing - even to this day he is a "good man" Shows how many are out there who are looking for a cause and a messiah Borg
  13. She is entitled to her opinions It is telling how some will get wrapped around the axles by anothers opinions Borg
  14. Block heads A provincial party in a national house Borg
  15. The creature, mister dithers and iffy - three great liberals - oh, lets not forget that little franco guy with the weak chin, the fluffy hair, the funny glasses and a wife who told him what to do - what was his name again? I think his dog Kyoto got more publicity. Hmmm - he got confused about a question and lost an election so I suppose it does not matter who he was anyways. Yup - we need more liberals. Actually we need more Canadians to vote. Borg
  16. Because even if not actively terrorizing, they support it - sometimes quietly and sometimes openly. Borg
  17. Maybe the land was never sold - I do not know or care - but you are surrounded! Cannot get out without crossing that hated white man land - and it will never go to you - in fact you will be long dead and gone and not even remembered - and your indian land will eventuially come to us as well - you will be forced to actually come to the realization that you MUST deal with us - not the other way around. I cannot marginalize you enough - you are simply a squeaky noise - an irritant to be scratched - and yes - you will eventually lose - because you believe violence is the answer - the voters are starting to NOT like you - lose those friends and you will lose. Too funny Borg
  18. Actually you said: But in the meantime, they'll find a way to blame it on the NEP and Trudeau. Then I said: Having been directly affected by that SOB trudeau - I will be happy to piss on his headstone - but in the meantime I do not see that happening - so I think you will need another soap box No blame was passed Serious question for you: Have you ever had a life savings wiped out by a government bill? Befoire I start it is you that brought this on - remember - not one word of blame was passed - so I will EXPLAIN. If you actually sit down and think on this for a moment - perhaps that is why there are "rightwingers" Have you ever been in a stiuation where you actually were profitable yesterday and then had the opportunity to watch your equipment being taking from you for auction to pay your bills? Have you ever sat and watched your wife age 20 years in just a few days? Or watched your Mom and Dad go from vibrant individuals to broken people because a government program ruined their lifes work? Until you can actually say that you have seen a government - in this country - come into your home and take everything - then you will never understand. I lived it and now I take everything off shore - several different locations - as a board member for another set of companies we have started - from scratch - with borrowed money and no government assistance - we are now debt free and have significant funds available to us. For my family was ruined - made penniless by your government and you think it is funny - because you believe it can never happen to you. And you believe I am a bad person for hating a fucking trudeau And therefore you call us rightwingers - yet we have been there and watched it happen and I saw my parents become old and defeated. For that reason I will call you a fucking ass hole to your face or to the board - and you can report me if you wish - yeah - it IS personal And when I get the expected signal telling me to apologize - I will not and could not - for it is people like you that caused my family to go through hell - and you believe it to be funny - you and yours actually think the NEP was nothing - a joke. Because it is not an insult from me - it is a lifes passion to beat ass holes and fuckers like you with my work and my money - so my up coming family will never have to be effected by people like you. So far when I think about it - we are doing pretty damned good - and this economic bust has made it even better - we have actually made more money than we ever thought possible - and the best part - I am not even there to do it - so I now know it can be run at arms length. I have no loyalty to Canada - it is not a country that I love any more - it has become something that to a great extent I despise - because it stands for nothing - not even willing to demand a person identify themself by showing their face - weak. However I will take from her - as much as I can. Have a good one - would love to have you visit one of our offices some day. Now - back to the topic at hand. Alberta will be fine - energy will always be needed - if not here then somewhere else - the price will go up and life will be good - people just like to complain or point fingers because they are not making money this year - that happens in business as well - so keep the shoulder to the wheel - and remember - Alberta may be taking a big hit - but she has done better than most fopr the past several years - Alberta will be fine. Borg
  19. Once upon a time - it has been cheapened by folks like smallc Excuses for everyone No such thing as responsibility anymore Borg
  20. It would be nice - but not likely Borg
  21. Having been directly affected by that SOB trudeau - I will be happy to piss on his headstone - but in the meantime I do not see that happening - so I think you will need another soap box Borg
  22. So what if the person votes 5 times with different ID Borg
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