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Everything posted by gunrutz

  1. Its pretty easy for psychological pseudo science to be seen as a success when those who change the rules are writing the expectations as well. Can this person who got a zero do the work, yes or no, if no, by any measure offered in the real world it would be considered a failure. Now the kid might not feel bad about themselves, so that's good, i suppose, but sometimes feeling bad about yourself is required to show you the error of your ways, but no, everyone is good and special and we can't have someone not thinking badly about themselves even when they deserve it. That kind of bullshit is directly related to this society progressives are trying to build, it is rooted in the 'we are all the same' culture, sorry we aren't, some people are going to work at the grocery store and some are going to be doctors. There is no shame in either, it is simply reality, no we don't have to kill each other over food, or raids the others camp and steal their women, but to try and remove all competition from life simply because someones feelings might be hurt goes to far and is completely against our natural way of being.
  2. The fact that he is right probably matters to some of us, and I know just like not giving anybody a zero nobody can ever be right or wrong, and nothing can ever be black or white, are any of you enjoying this ride down the societal sewer? He has principles, he was fired for them, he made the choice, but sometimes people do that sort of thing, you know, stand up for beliefs they consider important, oh look and me getting all absolutist, i know that isn't allowed anymore but it just feels so right. This policy is idiotic, an off shoot of the sociological quagmire progressives are burying us in, a zero is just a number, any seriously deficient individual with a minimum of effort could score higher than a zero on any public school assignment. An earned zero shows a complete lack of respect and effort and therefore is honestly earned, the real world doesn't care to hurt your feelings when you do nothing at all. We talk about educating our children, is teaching them that actions do not have consequences the right way to do it? Well i suppose someone has to fill the tents at occupy events or protest in the streets over tuition hikes.
  3. Im not a big fan of Obama, i watche Clinton on the daily show last night and i'd trade for him right now, but as for Romney I can't imagine how giving more tax breaks to the wealthiest is going to help, it hasn't helped up to now, but I also don't agree with making it easier for people to not work, neither of these are good options, both sides are playing to their base, the wealthy or the poor. Extremes never make for good policies.
  4. Yes, and smaller class sizes doesn't make for easier work for the teacher, nah.
  5. Lol, yes, teachers are responsible for our future, more then say peoples parents, because no one that has been home schooled ever does anything useful, or even people who quit school aren't ever successful. Im sure since many of the pro athletes out there had gym class they wouldn't have succeeded without it, or that if your teacher isn't making 80k/year they won't be able to teach well, it's a silly notion. No one is saying that teachers don't perform an important function, but they don't have peoples lives in their hands, and they don't need to be exceptionally intelligent to do the job. If the government decides to pay less teachers can choose to do something else, there is no shortage of teachers waiting for others to retire who would be more than happy to do that job for a lot less, let alone a wage freeze. Perhaps there are too many old teachers hanging on simply because the job is that easy, why retire.
  6. You could never be a good teacher with that much disrespect for the unwashed us. You will fit right in. You're right about something though, teachers do have more to do than teach, just as many people have to do more than one thing at work, the vast majority in fact, teaching like most everything else is just a job.
  7. Payments? What payments, that's all money from Quebecer's, none of it comes from anywhere else, they are entitled, where's Cybercoma, you clearly need a lecture.
  8. Read it again, you made the point that only 38% of people wanted the registry gone, this is assuming there was only one issue to vote on during the election, some people would vote Liberal or NDP even if they were against the registry, so what you wrote is completely irrelevant and nonsensical.
  9. So climate change has basically become your religion, further study is not required because we know Al Gore came down from the mount with the AGW tablets in his hands, end of story. But yet studies like this one from last year http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v1/n7/full/nclimate1229.html seem to indicate there could still be some large factors at play that we don't completely understand. I am all for reducing pollution, i certainly believe that we could be warming the planet, but there is no evidence that proves it is us alone, or that this isn't natural as it has happened before, nor will any of this minor warming prevent the inevitable ice age that will at some point devastate man kind when it comes, if we are still around. Climate changes, with or without our assistance, the small changes we might be forcing are nothing compared to those that have and will happen naturally. It is you who are the denier, the denier of possibilities beyond our control or understanding, i accept the possibility of any outcome with the knowledge that if it is solely our doing we won't accept it until it is already too late, that is our nature. We will then have to adapt, just like we always have, we survived much, much worse, like the last ice age, and times when the planet was warmer than it is now. You really believe that scientists have all the answers? There are numerous examples from history where they had all the answers, and then didn't, for you it is dogma, for some it is a consideration.
  10. He did himself no favors with that one, there s some truth to it though. But not 47% worth.

  11. Yes because everyone who didn't vote cpc wanted the registry.
  12. So we should stop using the product that made the modern world what it is because it won't last forever and we won't be able to make all of those things, but i guess not having them now makes sense, somehow.
  13. So we are now going to go along with one of the evil oil companies? O the irony.
  14. Except of course when your dire predictions of more major hurricanes, more killer tornadoes, major sea level rise, major increases in temperatures, and so on haven't actually happened, it is some of you who look for excuses, well it must be because of a b or c, and i will admit that it could be. Why don't those of you on the bandwagon admit that maybe we don't know enough about any of this to be sure what is happening or why, it the isn't skeptics who believe in fantasy. We could be causing warming, but it does appear that our very best predictions aren't always accurate, maybe our understanding isn't as complete as some of you desperately want it to be.
  15. It's fun when the communists admit that they are against freedom of choice, your way is the only way right comrade?
  16. So sorry, but in order to do that, the audience,(you), would have to be reasonable and you just aren't. Quebec is no more entitled to this data as they are to any other cancelled federal project, seeing as they have been getting more money from the feds than they have been contributing since just about forever, maybe Quebec owes the feds for creating the registry largely to placate them specifically. We could call it a registry debt, they can pay it off in installments, of course they wouldn't be using their own money to pay it back, still it's better than nothing. They are used to spending wealth they didn't create on things they don't need and other provinces don't have, the registry debt should be no problem for them, demand that Alberta open up some more oil wells so there is more fed tax money available. Surely they will complain about the environmental disaster, but they will spend the money anyway.
  17. You don't think that some of the welfare bums of the world aren't just a tad lazy? Or the single mothers with multiple children out of marriage aren't just a tad irresponsible? As if anyone here would put those two in the category of real hardworking business people. Complete nonsense.
  18. It's amusing to watch you dance around every subject while not actually admitting the underlying ideals that you subscribe to, but every once in a while...When I read you're post i see an occupy protestor, a student protestor, people pretending they are fighting about an issue when in reality they want to tear down the whole system, you know the one that makes this one of the very best places in the world. But you could do it better, you know the right way, extremists always do.
  19. Thanks but I already have a job, and not doing that for a living doesn't mean i can't make judgements about the value of that work. Aside from that did you learn that level of argument on the school yard? It's very near the level of Im rubber you're glue, or i know you are what am I.
  20. People from all over this country pay for Quebec's entitlement society, should those people have access to Quebec's day care system? Your argument isn't one. This is a federal issue and Quebec will eventually lose, regardless of all the hopes and wet dreams of anti gun nuts. I suppose Quebec might have liked to see the avro arrow built in Canada, maybe they should take the government to court over that.
  21. How many people have been shot at a gun show in Canada?
  22. Remember all those extreme Hurricanes we are going to have? http://policlimate.com/tropical/global_major_freq.png How about all the severe Tornadoes we should be having? Even with better than ever detection... http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/ef3-ef5-t.png Could you imagine if the sun (the sun, impossible) had an impact on our climate? Strange but.. http://media.washtimes.com/media/image/2012/09/06/radiation_s640x466.jpg?4180073ee5adc95ed997f421cfad488a40196023 Btw, some of the arctic sea ice sensing data is showing the decrease leveling out and maybe starting to increase which if true is actually early. Of course in the Antarctic there is more ice than normal, no doubt you fine people already knew that. http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/images/daily_images/S_timeseries.png
  23. Just an fyi for some of you who seem to caught up in what this piece of paper says or what that map shows, there are no borders. Quebec is a piece of land, it can be altered its exterior borders and those within, if Montreal decided to separate why couldn't it? You think because Quebec said no that it couldn't happen? It's only the will of the people that allows these borders to exist at all, the will of the people can surely change them. Poor Quebec, so hard done by, how long do you think it would be before a sovreign Quebec decided that labrador was part of it's territory? It's only lines on maps and words or paper people, means nothing, if you can leave us parts of you can leave too, or would the new Quebec state try to force them to stay, i think that would be pretty likely.
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