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Everything posted by -TSS-

  1. Athos from Vancouver. Yeah right. More like Athos from St.Petersburg.
  2. The strike in the Crimea was a huge humiliation for Russia as a lot of Russian tourists escaped in panic. They had trusted the word that Crimea is safe for holidays. People on the beach in their swimming suits while in the background there's a huge explosion.
  3. People say that the reason why American internal news get so much international attention is because America sets the trends. What happens in America now happens elsewhere later. However I don't think other countries are going to start passing stricter abortion-laws. So why does this particular American news get so much international attention? Maybe because somehow all westerners somehow identify with America as if we're somehow all Americans.
  4. Germany is the weakest link of all. If and perhaps even when they start freezing next winter the sanctions against Russia will all be for nothing as Germany will cave in.
  5. Christianity is dying and Catholicism is the fastest dying Christian creed. In Europe Catholicism is completely dead almost everywhere even in the nominally Catholic countries. Not least because many Catholics view the current Pope as an impostor. I wonder what the situation is in the Central-American countries.
  6. These people need some improvement in their PR-skills. I mean Klaus Schwab is a comical character. Just like from a villain from a Bond-movie with his lines "you will eat ze bugs". Bill Gates is an absolutely unlikeable hideous creep who is like somebody who was bullied at school and who is getting his revenge now. If these people are the best they've got we still have hope.
  7. In Canada if you want to travel from Toronto to Vancouver how do you do it? Obviously you fly. The distance is simply too long to do it practically otherwise. If flying becomes a luxury only the rich can afford it means it will eventually break the country apart.
  8. What's your opinion? Is the Canadian system of parliamentarism better or worse than the American system of strong presidential power? In the American system you can't remove the President in the middle of the term unless you can claim that he has broken the law and that is a complicated process. In the Canadian system and in every parliamentary system you can remove the PM if he is useless and you believe someone else can do a better job.
  9. That happened in Italy in the early 1990's. All the established political parties collapsed and new ones were formed after. Not sure if Italy these days is better off though.
  10. As I said it's been almost 20 years since I have last flown. However I live very near the main international airport in Finland and I go to work by train which connects to the airport. Those trains are always absolutely packed full of people with those suitcases which you pull behind you and which take a lot space and which make an annoying screeching noise as their wheels roll on the ground. I can't help wondering how many of those people belong to the crowd who say that they are very worried about the climate change but don't you dare touch my foreign holiday.
  11. I realised the other day that last time I flew on an airplane, that environmentally most harmful way of transport, was before Greta was born. I guess in North-America where distances are vast it would be at least very unpractical, if not impossible, to give up flying altogether.
  12. I'm sure you are pleased that you don't have that problem in your country.
  13. Can you think of any other so-called western country, for example Canada, the UK, Finland, Sweden etc, where there would be serious claims about questioning the legitimacy of elections?
  14. I wonder is BoJo like Trump also in that respect that people will still be talking about him long after he's gone.
  15. These fertilizers have made greater harvests possible in the first place. Let's give up on them but please let's not pretend that would mean that nothing would change regarding our standard of living.
  16. In the American context if there wasn't the right to abortion there would be millions of more georgefloyds. The stereotypical anti-abortionist is a white male conservative. Of course that's just a stereotype but why would anyone like that want any more georgefloyds by banning abortion?
  17. Would some Canadian provinces be better off as countries of their own than being part of Canada and if so then which ones?
  18. The main difference is that Canada as a vast country has a federal system of government. The UK is a unitary country. Even though there are regional parliaments in Scotland, Wales and Northern-Ireland they could be abolished with one vote in parliament in London. The same couldn't happen that easily in Canada.
  19. Perhaps Wallace will win after all. Sunak may be British but for too many British people he just isn't.
  20. In the British political system when they have an election and the government loses then on the next day after the election the leader of the largest opposition-party becomes PM. That is if they have an absolute majority though. However, against this background it seems odd that in the case when the PM steps down in the middle of the term it takes a ridiculously long time to elect a successor.
  21. I think last time there was this level of uprising in a PMs party was in the last moments of Thatcher's premiership but she had been there for 11 years. Johnson only three.
  22. They really should some deputy-system so that in cases like this there's someone who takes over straight away. After all, it takes weeks to find out who's going to be the next PM. When a party is in opposition they have time for this kind of very lengthy leadership-elections. Not when it's the governing party.
  23. He can only blame himself. He had very good cards but he blew it. But who's going to replace him? It looks like the resigned Chancellor Rishi Sunak is the favourite.
  24. America is imploding. No way there's ever going to something like Reagan winning 49 states. The country is hopelessly divided and declining fast. There's not going to be any presidential election anymore where the losing side wouldn't accuse the winners of cheating.
  25. Canada seems to be a very well functioning country and therefore it is the desired destination of millions of people worldwide. However, a true test of a country is what happens to it if things go seriously wrong. People become poor and there is no future. If that happened to Canada would most of its people leave for somewhere else after a better life? Of course that happens everywhere when things go wrong but the threshold of that happening is higher in nation states if for not any other reason people don't like to be surrounded by foreigners, which happens if you emigrate. Therefore Canada is a good administrative arrangement rather than a real country.
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