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Everything posted by Drea

  1. I hope he does move to the federal sphere. Canada could use someone who has guts. I would consider him a serious contender for PM.
  2. Tell that to a judge... next time (really if I believed you) you are in chambers or in court, ask the judge about "con" law. Seriously. The judge will ask... do you mean "contractual law"? And will proceed to reprimand you for using unclear language. As a lawyer (if I believed you) you would know how important clear, concise language is. You are not a lawyer or you would know this. Cheers! Hey Sulaco, you started it with the fumbling aging hippy slur. How exactly did you become a high-powered law practitioner when all your professors were aging fumbling hippies again? How did that work? Did you go to the Dean and tell her/him that you were smarter than the professors? How did that work out for you?
  3. Canadians give a damn. If the PM dies, the conservatives have a leadership race and voila! a new leader! We don't need a "backup" as our leader is not a target for every disgruntled human being on earth. Remember when Cretien choked that guy himself -- that was great! You would never see a USian leader with the guts to take on a heckler him/herself. Your politicians are so fearful for their lives that they have swarms of security. Is it any wonder? The USA has many enemies and must remain vigilant to protect its leaders. In Canada -- the PM just jumps in and takes care of it himself. (of course I would never expect Mr. Harper to defend himself, he is much too out-of-shape -- he'd probably have a coronary, fall on the guy and kill him that way. LOL)
  4. Well, being that you were taught by "fumbling leftover hippie professors" how could you possibly know anything about contractual law? You are only as good as your best teacher so obviously (if I believed you) you would be (if you truly were a lawyer) a fumbling lawyer. Those do-it-yourself courses on the back of "Easy-To-Do-Crosswords" do not qualify as real education.
  5. You edited your post, but missed two typos... Learn and read are spelled incorrectly in your post. "Con" law -- is that your teen-text-shorthand for "contractual law" by any chance? Law graduates don't normally type or speak in "text" language. So I call your post "bullshit!". You are no law grad.
  6. And Hannity will have to exchange his bowtie for a long tie to cover his hardon. The only reason Repub men are happy about the VP is that they have a pretty face to masturbate to. I would bet my next year's salary that 99% of Rebub men masturbated during her speech. Wool, meet eyes.
  7. "Law is BORING!" "I am smarter than my professors" LOL Have you replaced your teach yet grasshoppa? How did you learn anything if all the profs were "fumbling leftover hippie professors"? You crack me up. Lawyer, infuckingdeed. LOL I took a bit of business law and I never thought of it as "boring". If law is so "boring" why did you major in it? Perhaps planning a future in politics? You certainly have the language and rhetoric down pat -- call McCain now! (but only if you are "hot" so you can look good on stage) LOL
  8. Guyser is all angry now. *snickers quietly whilst at work* The USA beauty pageant has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with looks. Who cares what the issues are -- Obama is the messiah, a muslim, an "elitist" -- but man is he HOT! Palin is a hockey mom pitbull -- but man is she HOT! You people are so silly. Hollywood has gone to your heads and all you care about is appearance. Your election is a complete farce (so is ours but that's a different thread LOL). But it keeps you all busy for a few months. Instead of thinking how your going afford your hip replacement or how you are going to pay your mortgage or eat for the next two weeks... you get all wrapped up in "celebrity" worship. Have fun and don't get too angry when the rest of the world voices its opinion -- after all, its only an opinion and cannot hurt you... BOoga BoOga! LOL
  9. BACK THE FUCK OFF USA -- if you don't want people in other countries telling you what to do, then get the out of them already. Not only do YOU have to live with your choice -- the rest of the people on earth do too: America's Empire of Bases Frrom Wiki: List of United States military bases 737 U.S. Military Bases = Global Empire Number of US military bases overseas is staggering The rest of the world has every right to be involved in your so-called election. So tough shit. Suck it up. If you want to have your fingers in everybody's pie, expect the owner of the pie to be, at the very least, aware of you and at the most, talking about your "popularity contest/beauty pageant".
  10. Yes, that is correct. We were lusting for one another... and got married. We were not lusting for babies, just each other LOL. I guess if you say so. LOL The man that I am with and I are not going to have children together -- does this mean we are not "allowed" to get married, in your opinion? We are not going to procreate, so why get married? And no, I was not pregnant (nor did I want babies) when I got married young -- I decided to marry my first husband because I was an naive teenager (long ago in 1983). We did not have children together, I left him so that I could go to college -- motherhood was never my ultimate goal. Do you wish for a baby every time you get an erection? Is your erection an indicator that you are ready to become a father or is it just your body reacting to a "turn on" perhaps? Couples get married because they want to share their lives with each other. Sometimes this involves having children and sometimes it does not. Men and women can be friends, lovers and/or parents. It's about sharing life with a partner, not owning someone. And if you don't think along those lines you will always have difficulty holding on to a relationship.
  11. When you think about it, Palin is the best choice. She is going to sink the Republicans already leaky ship. Go Obama/Biden!
  12. The conservatives are all twisted up in knots trying to justify this so-called family values woman. "She can handle it!" They say "She is doing the right thing!" They say Well, we will see if this attitude from the conservatives --> "Women are People Too <-- sticks LOL. I have bookmarked THIS thread for a future discussion about families, teens births, mom's working full time, etc. So the next time some rightwinger says "But the mom should stay home and raise the children! They need her at home." I will bring up this thread and watch them twist and contort themselves again. And Black Dog, it's the hypocrisy that have us centre/lefties pissed off -- conservatives who normally vilify women for working while they have small children have done a complete flip-flop. They are falling all over themselves. It's funny really. Cheers!
  13. I would like the NDP to get the opposition this time 'round. Just maybe then the Liberals will finally understand the huge mistake they made with Dion and find a new leader.
  14. ModerateAmerican, you are not a rightwinger so whydja retract it? Was it really really baaaad?
  15. I am on the last week of my two weeks off. First two weeks in a row for five years! I used to go to "Curves" every morning... but I got lazy and cancelled the membership. Now I can sleep in until 6am - I need eight hours and it's tough to get to bed before 10pm. Good sleep or workout?... hmmm I choose blessed sleep. LOL
  16. Of course she can! It is unreal to see the twisting. For years and years the rightwing has espoused traditional family values. The liberal family who needs two incomes is selfish for putting the children in daycare right? The liberal mother should quit being so selfish and stay home -- that liberal family should learn to live on one income right? After all, the rightwing has always said that moms need to be at home for their children. But they don't even see the hypocracy! They don't even see themselves doing it... so far up their asses their heads are.
  17. That's right! A lazy, happy, healthy, employed Canadian! Neener Neener. Cheers!
  18. I love you too White Doors! And none of what I said was "facts" -- just my opinion. And if you don't like my opinion toooo bad, sooooo sad for you. The FACT is White Doors, you just wanna be a tough old American and you aren't and that really pisses you off doesn't it? Because, in Canada, men like you are like neutered bulls. Udderly useless. Cheers!
  19. First ever response to the infamous kkkkimmyy...! What I meant was that even feminist knows when to put her family first. The woman has a handicapped child at home AND a pregnant daughter who needs her. She also is running for the party that espouses traditional family values where children come before career. The right has (before Palin) made it very clear that women who work and put their children in daycare are selfish bitches who care only about their own greed. Yet she is leaving her desperate children in a lurch. If my son were to *break his leg, I would stay home to care for him. *A broken leg is one helluva lot less serious than raising a downs baby or helping your teenage daughter with her first (very frightening) pregnancy. Not only is the daughter pregnant, but it seems Palin just says "Thanks for looking after your baby brother while I trot around the country -- and by the way, I won't be home very often, I will be far away in Washington so you are going to have to look after him all the time. Don't worry though -- gramma will help. Buh Bye!" Did the Repubs do this purposely to sink themselves? LOL
  20. Who says that Canada has to be a political power that influences the rest of the world? Can one not be content just to live a decent life? Does one always have to go after the brass ring? As long as all the citizens are happy and healthy, why would anyone want Canada to "dominate" world economics or politics? Only the most insecure need the rest of the world to "bow down" to them.
  21. Thanks. I had no idea.. poor guy -- he almost quit politics and then FIVE YEARS LATER he remarried. Unlike McCain who left his sick wife (after screwing around on her) and was re-married less than a month after the divorce. .. but this is about Palin vs Biden right Shady? Shady, do you think after five years Biden should move on or do you think he should mourn forever? Did he have a handicapped child and pregnant daughter at home? I would be willing to bet that the "some time later" in the above quote was more than 4 months. Every mother (in Canada) gets a year of paid maternity leave... so they can raise their child. Palin is leaving her 4 MONTH OLD HANDICAPPED child AND distressed single pregnant daugher. Yessiree, the model of family values
  22. What tragic car accident? Got a link? Her SON has downs syndrom and now her oldest daughter not only has to deal with raising him, but raising her own child as well. I assume the oldest daughter has taken on the responsibility of her youngest sibling as all the pictures show the baby in HER arms, not his mother's. (I will find link of pics and post for you to see for yourself) ALL pregnant women fear that their child will be born with something wrong with it. Palin's daughter, looking after a downs baby, has double the fear. Downs children are very loving but require much more care than a "regular" baby. So the rightwing laments mothers who put their children into daycare so they can earn minimum wage and yet you "let it slide" when a rightwing woman leaves her handicapped child in the care of others. Fug... how lame.
  23. LOL A young Cruella DeVille on the town! Sorry but that is a really really bad dress for anyone not in a porn movie! Let alone for a politician's relative. LOL
  24. I spoke in first person -- I said I do not... I do... etc... see! Now where did I say all Canadians... looks like I am just mentioning MYSELF, not everyone: I know you just wanna be a tough big ol "influential" American, but you aren't (neither am I) and that really pisses you off doesn't it?
  25. I am a very liberal feminist and let me tell you if I had 1. a baby with downs AND 2. a pregnant teenage daugher (who is no doubt scared shitless that HER child will also be born handicapped - wouldn't you be scared as a 17 year old in those circumstances?) I would certainly NOT be taking on a job that would require me to be away from my family when they need me the most. My 17 yo niece had a baby (she is 4 now) and she needed the support and encouragement of her mom throughout the pregnancy, and once the baby came home. Family Values my ASS! Palin: "I am sorry John, I just simply cannot accept this nomination/appointment at this time. As a family values advocate, it is in my family's best interest for me to stay close to them at this difficult time." That would have made MUCH more sense. I feel so sorry for her baby boy and her poor daughter having to go through the pregnacy without the day-to-day support of her mother. If my son were to break his leg... I would take time off work to care for him. Even feminists know that if you have children, your first obligation is to their health and wellbeing. Shame on Palin for being so selfish.
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