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Everything posted by Drea

  1. Who gives a flying ****? Fact is these idiots are scared shitless of people who are "different" than they are -- on both sides of the border. Obama is a man. Just like any other, he is not "scary" because he is black. The boogie man is only scary to the one who believes in it. So in actual fact, you are "scared"... Obama is not "scary".
  2. I proudly tell people how thrifty I am. I remember a number years ago an aquaintance's new husband had bought her a $4000 refrigerator. $4000! for a fridge! Gold plated? Nope, just stainless steel.... Waste and excess are marks of insanity imo. LOL
  3. I am currently wearing a Danier off-white leather skirt and matching suit jacket... $24.99 for the set. And yah, I look better'n Ms. Palin in her overpriced ill-fitting suits. No one need know you buy clothes from the VV boutique. If you don't tell them, how will they know? LOL Excess makes me sick to my stomach... always has, always will. So people actually care (or even notice) if a handbag, shoes or a suit is a "brand"? Pfft.
  4. I shop at Value Village and look every bit as professional as any "suit" out there, including women politicians. Shame shame shame on her and her handlers for this unwarranted, unnecessary excess.
  5. Any solutions? Or just insults? As a citizen of this country I am in a position to comment. Clearly, something needs to be done about our dependence on oil... today it's at $72/barrel. How much lower before it is no longer feasible to extract it from the tarsands? It doesn't just bubble up from the ground like in the middle east. So what happens then? When it's too late and we are paying $10/litre? Realistically we need to seek alternatives (and offer incentives to companies -- tax breaks, etc) before it gets too expensive or we run out. I am just being realistic. *shrug*
  6. That's all well and fine until it becomes too expensive to extract it from the tarsands or when it simply runs out. I am not saying electric is the way to go... why not coal burning cars? ...If we have lots of it...and emmissions mean nothing... (you don't "believe in" global climate change or air pollution so you should have no problem with coal being burned as fuel for everything!) Wouldn't it be great to be sitting on your non-smoking restaurant patio with a coal burning bus idling there? Or realistically , governments could force the automakers to develop engines that get a minimum of 100+ mileage. Currently your gas powered vehicle actually uses only 30% of the fuel you put in it, the rest is completely wasted. If we don't force the automakers to change, perhaps we should tax the shit out of those who drive gas guzzlers? A vehicle with low mileage, for example, could have a levy of 200%.... works for me, I drive a 6cyl. LOL
  7. Oh goodie! Now we can raise other taxes (income tax increase anyone?) to pay for new technologies. Oil is going to run out. It is not infinite. We need to research and develop new, green energy right now. If we don't do anything now, a carbon tax will seem like a cakewalk compared to rising costs when there simply is no oil left, nor any alternative. Where is the money to do this going to come from? BC already has a 2% carbon tax -- if we can do it then so can the rest of the country.
  8. Glad to see another person on the side of legalizing marijuana. But why not prostitution? IMO it would make it alot safer for all involved -- hookers and johns. There is absolutely no way to stop people from selling themselves nor is there any way to stop people from buying their services. Might as well make it as safe as possible for all parties.
  9. or the word "also". Goshdarnit she's got "regular people" slang down pat. lol Biden nailed it regarding family -- I love it that he didn't let her get away with "poor me I have children -- one in Iraq and even a disabled one! -- I'm a MOM!" and did anyone else think it really stunned to bring the baby? Leave him at home -- he's a baby for goshdarnsakes!
  10. my biggest fan chimes in! -- even though the post had nothing whatsoever to do with HER. Thanks so very much girlfriend! Ps... I don't "swing" that way so you might wanna look elsewhere. I AM flattered tho.
  11. hyuk hyuk another rightwinger who cannot refute the topic so he attacks the poster. Good deabting skills there buddy! So why not prove to everyone that these are not, in fact, facts? And no sweetie, calling on Jebus will not help you --his existence is a conspiracy dontcha know! (one you gleefully fall for LOL) Because you can't. You only know how to spew on-line insults. Thanks so much for further proving how uneducated and ignorant the rightwing is. Cheers!
  12. Is the fact that our election was purposely (but for no reason -- fixed election dates anyone?) occuring during the most important election the US has ever had... It is a fact that statements have been made that our economy is fundamentally strong when our economy is about to crash and burn with the US. It is a fact that our banks are teetering... It is a fact that Merril Lynch Canada made a statement that Canada is in the same boat as UK and USA It is a fact that the campaign adds that are designed for stupid people. It is a fact that the left, right and center are using fear tactics. It is a fact that the real issues being avoided, media seems to be covering sheeple topics (hockey mom anyone?) It is a fact that our Federal debate to be held during US debate. It is a fact that SPP EAU and Agreements for US troops now being allowed to police Canadian soil not talked about This is a fact too --> Police trying to insight riot covertly during SPP meeting protest in Quebec. (Can be seen on youtube -- go ahead go and see it.) It is a fact that this group (Bildegerg) meets on Canadian soil -- do you think they meet for tea and crumpets? Some things to look into, but I know most of you probably wont.. <---- this is the most glaring fact of all -- "LA LA LA -- we can't hear you! My guvmint is goood, people ('speshly immgrants) baaad". say the rightwing apologists
  13. Click the link... there is no difference between Muslim and Islam. A muslim is a person who subscribes to Islam. Your opening statement was "I would say something about how great Islam is but...well im sure you will all do it for me." Of course, if your intent was not to slam all those who are Islamic then you would have typed "I would say something about how great the Taliban is but... If you meant just the Taliban, say so.
  14. What's the difference between islam and muslim? You don't want to comment on the article. It's obvious that the only reason you brought it to the forum was to use it against Muslims. It is unfortunate that this woman was killed. It's always unfortunate when people who are trying to make a difference in the world are killed. No need to use her death to further the antagonism toward Muslims in general.
  15. It's one thing to open a thread about a news item and offer your opinion on it. But it's another to open the thread and add the inflamatory remarks "I would say something about how great Islam is but...well im sure you will all do it for me." You used this news item to bash all of Islam, not just the Taliban. What were you expecting?
  16. female cop killed ooOOooo... SEE! Bad Christians in America killed a female cop! *he MUST be Christian, mustn't he -- after all, all US citizens are Christians so we must blame Christians! If he only believed in the right god, he would never have committed such horror! Rape AND female cop killing? Must be a Jebus-fearin' kinda guy! /sarcasm. I posted this to show that one cannot simply blame "Islam" one must put the blame on the Taliban. Not all those who practice Islam kill cops -- some don't even pray 5 times a day -- some just "think". And amazingly enough -- some Muslims are not even members of the Taliban!
  17. Too funny! My brother and his best bud rebuilt a Pontiac Sun Bird (early 80's late 70's, can't remember exactly) anyway -- they put in a 350 small block into this little light car (orignially had a 4 banger) and had just gotten it on the road... were staring at this girl's butt and BAM! hit a pole and wiped out all their hard work! Bro still talks about it 30 years later. He loved that car.
  18. When I said she looked "normal" I meant that she didn't have the pockmarked face of a meth addict, nor was she pencil thin. But perhaps you are correct as I didn't ask her. Those who sell anything are out to make a buck. That Starbucks you bought the other day went towards someone's pocket. So what? What about the purchasers? Should a person be able to purchase sex or drugs if they want to? I believe a regulated sex trade and that regulated, legalized drugs would decrease crime. If a person wanted to buy sex, he/she would simply go to a brothel in which the workers are tested for disease. If a person wanted to buy drugs, he/she would simply go to a "drug store" and purchase it -- completely eliminating the criminal element. If you do not agree, please show the proof that thousands of people are incarcerated because of selling or buying illegal alcohol. As an added bonus, we could collect taxes on the transactions! Conservative policies do not work with regard to prostitution and drugs. The progressive approach would not only decrease the number of offenders in prisons - it would take away the profitabilty of drug crime (why buy from a street dealer, when you can purchase it at a lower cost in the drug store?). Criminals are not selling drugs because it is fun, but because it is profitable. Take away the profit and you take away the criminal.
  19. In BC it is now illegal to smoke in any public building, or within 3 metres of a doorway or window, or with a child in your car. Cigarette logos and brand names must be hidden. These laws were introduced by the government. So yes, I trust that if I go to buy a bag of weed or a gram of mushrooms at the "drug store" (like a liquor store) it will be what it is supposed to be. And ingesting it will have age limitations just like cigarettes and alcohol. I recently quit smoking -- fall off the wagon now and then tho -- because it's just not socially acceptable to smoke anymore. I was educated and bullied into quitting by the government! As far as legalizing prostitution. I think it would be safer for the women and for the johns. The other day I asked a cop about this very topic and he plainly said drugs and prostitution should be legal and regulated so he could get on with his real job of stopping real crime. 5 minutes later I drove by a woman on the street. She looked normal (not like a "druggie") and I wondered to myself "what ever happened in her life that drove her to stand out on this rainy street and sell herself". There must be an underlying issue, I am certain she was not doing it because she liked it. -- the forlorn look on her face told me this.
  20. A few times I thought McCain would start full-out crying... his eyes certainly did fill up alot but he managed to blink the tears back (whew! LOL) Obama came across as a much stronger/together, much less emotional than McCain. Anyone else notice the applause and cheering for Barak and Michelle at the very end -- awesome!
  21. Your daughter will be safe when we start teaching our children that girls are not commodities to be used. The media teaches girls they must be sexy (starting before puberty -- ala Bratz La Senza Girl etc). IMO we have gone backwards from the 70's. Now girls are encouraged (by the media) to be nothing but bodies to be desired -- they are told that their only value is how well they can attract a male. Sad. Your boys will be safe from cocaine and pot dealers if we legalize it and educate them. How come you are not worried about your boys purchasing alcohol? I expect another minority. Harper called the election too soon (fixed election dates anyone? LOL) $100 per month daycare is not enough for the low income family to have one spouse stay home. It was stupid and did nothing for families that need two working parents to get by. Nor does it help the single parent. It was utterly useless. Glad you admit that you are stretching it. And chicken little.... the sky is falling -- in one of the most conservative countries in the world they are tanking economically. One cannot blame liberals (or the left) for the mess the US is in. The blame lies soley at the feet of the right wing. Yes you are special I was a single mom and my kid has always been on the honour roll. Still is. He isn't rebellious. He mows the lawn without being asked! Today he and his buds are going "go-carting" -- celebrating his 15th birthday. He is 15 and has never tried drugs. Am I special too? Good on you for being a good guy! My job is not Union either and never will be. Because there are 13 people in the office and we all make an effort to get along and we have a great boss. So it's as much your people as it is you. Congrats on hiring good people. TCCK, I get where you are coming from. You want a safe, secure life for your children. Me too! The ony difference between us is that you would hide your children from all the bad, whereas I would educate them about all the "bad". I have done "bad", still sometimes do. But I want my child to be able to make an educated decision about "bad" stuff, rather than having him ignorant of it's consequences. And I apologize for assuming you were a bible thumper. Cheers!
  22. Holy smokes! New poster has anger issues... eek! LOL Don't you worry your pretty little head... soon Jeezus will come and you will get sucked up in the Rapture. This cannot happen soon enough IMO. Leave the rest of us alone to go about our lives how we see fit. Hurry UP already! LOL Do you not understand that the "criminal element" would be all but erradicted were drugs and prostitution legal? How many times have you been approached by a fellow selling Jack Daniels out of his basement? Why is that? Why don't people purchase bottles of Jack from "street dealers"? If you are afraid your children (OMG! Think of the CHILDREN! LOL) are going to do drugs, educate them, talk to them, teach them to make wise decisions! Don't just cover your ears and say "La La La, I can't heaaar you! If my children don't know cocaine existis, they will never try it..." Once a substance is legal, we can educate people on it's level of harmfulness. As we have with cigarettes. Ever wonder why the instances of smoking has greatly decreased over the past twenty years? E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N.
  23. Have you got a sprinkler system set up in your greenhouse M. Dancer? You know, in case the tomato plants spontaneously combust.
  24. There is no trade agreement with Europe as of September 22, 2008!! Yet everyone is bringing up CURRENT trade practices -- BEFORE any agreement has been even thought of... let alone ratified. It's all conjecture -- Oleg thinks Europe is all gay and femmie -- how do they breed Oleg? Clone 'em? LOL (they do have stem cell research so maybe, Oleg, maybe they are killing all the fetuses to make little gay femmie clones. Riiiight.) Canada (and indeed Mr. Harper) needs to be doing the right thing for our country. This means diversifying our trade. And before everyone has a freakin' stroke -- relax! The deal hasn't been hammered out yet. Cheers!
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