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  1. Wow. I never said Bowser was Pelosi. Any other irrelevant little observations you wish to make to distract from what you claimed? Not sure what you think that proves or says in response to your outright lie. Again, you lied. You are a liar. Trump never told or directed anyone to invade the Capitol.
  2. You made a point about taking the war to Russian soil. They are. They have been. That was what the example was of. Make up your mind. Do you want Ukraine to negotiate their surrender with the man, or does someone like him need to be stomped out? Why has that window passed? Again... Russia is invading Ukraine, the end to the war is in their hands or in Ukraine forcing them to end it or you are wanting Ukraine to basically surrender. Buy time for what? You want the war to end... now you claim negotiations will buy time. You are "being a realist" entirely in Russias favor... Best... how? Certainly not the best for Ukraine. The best for Russia. Which seems to be exactly what you want.
  3. You people have been brainwashed, duped, and lied to. Now all you can do is mindlessly parrot what you have been told. "A January 6 committee staffer asked Ornato, “When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?” Ornato surprised the committee by noting he did recall a conversation between Meadows and Bowser: “He was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed,” Ornato told investigators." "Meadows “wanted to know if she need any more guardsmen,” Ornato testified. “And I remember the number 10,000 coming up of, you know, ‘The president wants to make sure that you have enough.’ You know, ‘He is willing to ask for 10,000.’ I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it. And that she was all set. She had, I think it was like 350 or so for intersection control, and those types of things not in the law enforcement capacity at the time.” Ornato was correct. Bowser declined the offer, asking only for a few hundred National Guard and requiring them to serve in a very limited capacity. " https://cha.house.gov/2024/3/chairman-loudermilk-publishes-never-before-released-anthony-ornato-transcribed-interview
  4. This is an outright lie. Trump never directed anyone to invade the Capitol. This is an outright lie. Trump never encouraged anyone to storm the US Capitol.
  5. "Executive privilege... for what?" <--------------------- QUESTION MARK So you think they are magic words that are uttered and make everything OK?
  6. So, now you support Ukraine fighting back harder? Great! That is what they have been doing: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-military-says-it-carried-out-refinery-attack-june-5-2024-06-10/#:~:text=June 10 (Reuters) - Ukraine's,billion dollars in lost production. The consequences of having to deal with a Ukraine armed and equipped with more lethal firepower that has been devastating Russian armor, devastating Russian men with artillery, all the things that have been grinding down the Russian war machine. It's more than you just wanting to surrender. So now... you want more support and more aggression? OK, great! So, now you support more military aid, like more air support? OK, great! https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/ukraine-may-store-some-f-16-warplanes-in-other-countries-to-protect-them-from-russian-attacks I don't consider more than 100 Billion in aid and more "for show" support. So, now your tune has changed! Lets give them more support. OK, Great! Putin is struggling with manpower, weapons, and resources even more than Ukraine is. This notion that he can somehow just do this forever is nonsense; why... is it almost wish casting on your part. Nothing you have said here supports the only way out of this being negotiation. Nothing you have said explains how Putin is a trust worthy person to negotiate with. OK... sure isn't getting them very much more in the last 3 years now. Who said victory? I am merely pointing out that Russia is losing a lot of manpower and weaponry. You have no idea of what the future holds. Why... it is almost like you are cheering Russia on. Battlefield conditions change daily, strategy and tactics continue to evolve, there are way too many variables to definitively declare that Ukraine can't make any gains or that Russia will stay committed to their losses forever. You just got done saying in the same post that they were the only way... glad you are coming around to my position.
  7. I was responding to your excuse here. So, were you just making that up? I asked a question. Are you unfamiliar with how those work?
  8. No, that was an extension of your logic. No, the motivations could have been numerous, and again... almost anything can affect an election, that doesn't make it a campaign expense. And no, that was not what was proven in court. You just ignored the majority of my response, in which I picked apart your ignorant, if not dishonest, claims. Worry about your own credibility.
  9. Executive privilege... for what? They are not magic words that are simply uttered and make everything OK.
  10. So... Garland is withholding material from Congress to play politics for Biden... Do you think that makes it better? LOL
  11. What are you rambling on about? Your argument here has been that it is not worth the bloodshed. That peace is what you desire. Following your absurd logic, the world should have just let Hitler roll over them and the US should not have provided support to anyone. You are looking back in hindsight from the end of the war... when if we followed your depraved indifference, it would be looking at the start of the war and seeing Hitler steamrolling all of Europe. No, you support Russia. It is your biased and wrong conclusion that this is only some war of attrition that Russia will never quit. Why? Because you are on here supporting Russia. They talked to Russia since 2013. Russia took Crimea. Then Russia instigated a proxy war in the Donbas. Then Russia launched a full scale invasion. Every step of the way they were talked to. Before the invasion Ukraine was pleading for peace and to not invade. You are being beyond disingenuous, if not outright deceitful since you have repeatedly pushed Russian lies and support for them... and now you are all like, if only we talked with Russia there could be peace! I have answered this question before. Russia is a geopolitical foe. They routinely act against our interests and the general interests of freedom and liberty around the world. We expend great sums of $$$ to be prepared to counter their threats and they are the reason NATO exists. Ukraine is an ally of sorts we have been working with and supporting since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is in our interests to support them against aggression and to oppose Russian aggression. The real question is why you don't care if Russia invades Ukraine. I mean, I already know you push their lies and support them... but not sure why you do.
  12. Wow. Now you are acting as if America is on the same moral playing field as Russia. You will do or say anything to defend Russia. It is just bonkers.
  13. So... your idea of consequences is to let them get away with their aggression. No, the longer this war goes, it doesn't automatically favor Russia. They are losing more men and more hardware than Ukraine. It can continue to be too costly for them in the long run. What protections? You are already here saying your support for Ukraine is wavering now and won't clarify if you still support them. So... what protections will be in place? This is not the only way out.
  14. This is such an ignorant comment. Most of those gang members are already illegally in possession of guns and breaking numerous other laws. No one needs to use these laws to get them, the left wing DA's already can get them but they are peddling their soft on crime policies instead. They catch them, let them go on no bail, and they are back on the streets killing people.
  15. No, that is not what he said. It was reported that he discussed with a lawmaker saying Judges need more money or 1-2 might leave. So what? Judges are allowed to talk about their pay conditions. No, you are conflating this timeline. He had no business before the court; that money was over 20 years of friendship. They were friends for years before Thomas made any comment about needing more pay. 1996 - Became friends. 2000 was when he commented about needing more pay. 2005 was the court case that Crows parent company had a non controlling interest in and that Crow himself had nothing to do with. Seriously, you are a complete waste of time. You just spew garbage and then run away when I repeatedly have to correct you in thread after thread. So what? That was not a violation for Thomas. And no, there are limitations on gifts, but none like you say for all federal judges:https://www.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/vol02c-ch06.pdf This is absurd nonsense. A politicians entire life could impact the election outcome. They need a house to live in... they need to eat... You are being absurd.
  16. What geography did you specify that has anything to do with this argument? You certainly didn't in the comment I just responded to. Where was it a point of contention about predicting rare and random events? Where have I failed to admit to this?
  17. Listen, I did not come here to argue with you. I just read the article and provided some more context.
  18. So, is it your contention that school shootings and school violence are of no level to be of any concern, then? Case by case doesn't mean anything. You keep saying to do something after the fact.
  19. It seems you want to argue and be disagreeable. I was just sharing some information and context here.
  20. Here you go again. I have already had this discussion with you before. Bribe has a very distinct definition. It is not a bribe to go on vacations with your rich friend. Calling me stupid doesn't change the stupidity of your comments here. Where is it lawful to claim hush money payments as a campaign expense in New York? He can't legally report it as a campaign expense... because it was not one. Paying hush money to someone is not a campaign expense.
  21. You play dumb well. You must have a lot of practice. So what? That doesn't make it OK to single them out for desperate treatment based on race. You can't even deal with Hockey or K-Pop. he WNBA is barely a regional sport... yet here you are drawing large conclusions about its viewership.
  22. It is a yes or no question. Do you no longer support any aid now, or do you think that you might not in the future? I am not asking if you will always support aid and support to Ukraine. However, now I am asking what exactly would make your support wane or why you no longer do. Well... yeah, it does. Maybe not completely gobbled up, but Russia has certainly taken some significant chunks and is still trying to take more. No, that is not the only way this conflict ends. First, Putin can't be trusted, he is a liar. You might as well be demanding we talk to Hitler to bring an end to WWII and just let him keep France. Russia can be pushed to the point where this conflict is to painful for them. There are more options. This is not an answer, it is a hope, that they will negotiate or that we would even be negotiating with someone on good terms. As I said, there are more ways out than this.
  23. Well, I don't claim to know much about any of this, but I did read the article. A few notes to point out here: 1. Prosecutors noted these charges "do not relate to the Media Company [the Epoch Times'] newsgathering activities". 2. That Chinese Cult is really a group of Chinese Americans who advocate against the Chinese Communist Party.
  24. Of course he is not this glib about the right of Clarence Thomas to have a rich friend who takes him on vacations... What stupidity. If Trump had claimed paying off someone with hush money as a campaign expense then that would have been a violation of federal campaign expense laws. This is why we rightfully point out the stupidity of the charges he was facing. There was no campaign crime he was concealing.
  25. What I said: "Here and in other threads, you clearly have some kind of bent against white people that borders on racism if not out right being racist. " I don't have to prove this, your words do. Oh, I get it now. So you are white-knighting too! Thanks for correcting me to what you are doing as well. Just like many black people don't like watching a bunch of white people in many other things. So? And many of my Asian friends love K-Pop. Bigots! All of them! There are more white people than black people in the audience for everything... including NBA, NFL, etc... yet, Hockey is mostly a white audience compared to those. Stop with the games, you know the point I am making and you are trying to hide from it. I guess you would be the expert there. Thanks for the advice.
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