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  1. No, you do not just post what happened as if you are innocently just recounting benign facts here. Again, you try to post garbage like trying to claim the US backstabbed Russia on a deal you claim they made but never did. Except you don't. You support Russia negotiating whatever peace they decide to on their terms. Effectively, peace for you is Ukraine surrendering or Ukraine having even more people die before surrendering.
  2. I have made just as much an argument as you have.
  3. Which is it? Are you amused, or am I wasting your time? Let me know when you figure yourself out. Or... don't. It doesn't matter to me, I can't help you either way.
  4. No, some Men are able to get away with it, but there are robust laws on the books that compel men to provide child support and garnish their wages. Men "get away with it" but abscond from the law, working for cash underground and hiding. They are hardly getting away with it, they are criminals hiding and ostracized from normal society. You do not need to pay for lawyers to do these things, the legal system is set up to help those who need it. So... is it your argument now that a woman can kill her 5 year old if the father is not helping? Almost all major insurance covers birth control, it is mandated by law.
  5. No one is forcing a woman to have to have sex and get pregnant against her will. And tons of laws are on the books "forcing" both parents to care for their children—child support... etc. You keep dancing as I keep defeating each of your asinine arguments.
  6. That was not your standard. Your standard was: "cannot affect you" I could have been aborted... abortions could impact anyone.
  7. Just insane how the Democrats will wield the power of government like this. I think the same day of reckoning is coming for how the Biden administration coerced social media companies to kill stories they didn't like and to blacklist people they didn't like. "The NRA plausibly alleged that respondent violated the First Amendment by coercing regulated entities to terminate their business relationships with the NRA in order to punish or suppress gun-promotion advocacy" https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-842_6kg7.pdf Now we get to see how much $$$ the NRA can hopefully get in damages in their suit.
  8. You just said: "What his wife does IN PUBLIC is a reflection ON HIM." So, which is it? Is he supposed to be responsible for his wife/control her actions or not? Where do you get that from? That is YOUR made up allegation, not what she was doing.
  9. Your mad scribbling on the wall is just that... Yes, you repeatedly ignore it every time I point out what nefarious things Russia has done. You repeatedly ignore the facts around the so-called "deal" you keep insisting we made to not expand NATO. I want to support Ukraine in their fight against Russia to the extent they can and are able to. Because I oppose Russian aggression like this. Evil dictators should be opposed. The question is... if you are so concerned about the loss of life, why do you continue to justify the war to begin with?
  10. Wow. So now you want to control women and have their husbands control them too. what advocacy?
  11. Nationalist was bragging about the big Russian offensive this month and how it was hopeless for Ukraine to counter as they were stretched thin. I must have missed the news... why isn't Russia in Kiev yet? I heard this may be one of the most bloody months of war for Russia yet as they threw their men into the meat grinder for paltry gains.
  12. How is he ignoring that? Please look up the definition of IMPROPRIETY and get back to us. Also, how does that apply to his wife? Seriously, this continues to be one of the most dumb, phony outrage schemes by the left this year.
  13. Someone murdering you won't affect me either. So...
  14. You are the one justifying it starting to begin with. Now, surprise surprise, you want Ukraine to quit. Is it any wonder when you push Putin propaganda, you justify the war, you side with Russia, you ignore the nefarious things Russia does, and now your idea of peace is Russia winning and Russia setting the terms for winning, and our bailing on Ukraine...
  15. Gore has gone on to say he should have won... and my comment was directed to YOU. You were the one claiming the election was not legitimate. You are pushing lies to claim that. This is a lie. We do know the vote count. We had machine recounts and we have those numbers too. Look at that, a vote count! FLORIDA Bush, George W. R 2,912,790 48.85 Gore, Al D 2,912,253 48.84 https://www.fec.gov/resources/cms-content/documents/FederalElections2000_PresidentialGeneralElectionResultsbyState.pdf Gore lost.
  16. What truth is it that allegedly hurts? That is not the definition of what constitutes hypocrisy. That aside, we find many things illegal and wrong that do not affect us personally. If someone murders you... that doesn't impact me personally. Should I be OK with that and want it to be legal? No.
  17. This is just a complete fabrication on your part. Where did I say anything here about caring less about what happens after they are born? My position is quite consistent. I think it is just as wrong to kill children after they are born as it is before they are born for the mere convenience of it. No hypocrisy here on my part. A lot of dishonesty on yours though. What does poverty have to do with anything? Are you now advocating that we kill children in poverty?
  18. Oh, this infuriates me. I have long argued that the lies and distrust that our leaders sowed is to blame for much of the resurgence of the anti-vaccine madness we seen around COVID that is bleeding out into the rest of the vaccines we have long used. Anti-vaxxers pre-COVID were almost all conspiracy theory nut jobs who bought into outlandish arguments that had almost no basis on facts, logic, or reality. Then, with all the lies around the COVID vaccines, boosters, and masks and all the draconian measures pushed by the government to force them onto folks... it set us back because it pushed folks into the anti-vaccine camp, and now the anti-vaxxers have a grain of truth to further their insanity on.
  19. So what? That is not the final agreement Russia agreed to. That is not the final agreement that Bush agreed to. That is not the final agreement NATO agreed to. You tried to pass this off as some kind of formal agreement that the US backstabbed Russia on. That is the language of Putin. No such deal was ever formally agreed to by NATO or the US. Yet you tried to claim the US backstabbed Russia. Bush clearly said Baker was out of line and Baker himself admitted he was over his skis. There is nothing honest with how you have framed this or continue to try to frame it. You are literally pushing the same argument Putin is making, pushing his propaganda. You are the one justifying it starting to begin with. Now, surprise surprise, you want Ukraine to quit. Is it any wonder when you push Putin propaganda, you justify the war, you side with Russia, you ignore the nefarious things Russia does, and now your idea of peace is Russia winning and Russia setting the terms for winning, and our bailing on Ukraine... oh gee, why would we ever accuse you of supporting Russia and Putin?! Its a real mystery.
  20. Do I have this much control over you? No one is forcing you to spend any time here posting the garbage you do.
  21. No more pathetic than what you offered. It was in direct response to your comments. You are here trying to justify killing babies, and when I ask you to apply that same logic to killing 5-year-olds... you can't respond. I presume it's because you know I have pointed out the absurdity of your position.
  22. LOL, you can't argue the facts, so you just keep trying to pivot to going after me instead. There is no such thing as black culture either...
  23. No, what I said was that YOU have a racial bias because YOU single out white people as you are here for refusing to accept that they can have culture just as much as any other race. YOU are making it a racial thing. These are just factual observations I am making about what you are doing.
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