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  1. Yes, I appear to be wrong about crossing the street, but it was still the goon who went out of his way to accost Mike and his son. You completely ignore the main point being made here. That is not false at all. You seem to be one of the many people who don't grasp the difference between assault and battery. Battery is the typical legal term for physically harming someone. You do not need to harm someone to assault them physically. You can find many links to lawyers explaining this: https://www.lomtl.com/articles/understanding-the-difference-between-assault-and-battery/ It was the goon who went over to them, repeatedly. He instigated this. That is on the video. Houck was standing on the corner, it was the goon who went over to them to instigate this and repeatedly did so. It was only after he kept coming back to try to keep accosting his son was he shoved. If you say crap to someones child, accosting them, you don't get to pretend like you are the victim when a parent protects their child. I am not interested in your sick defense of killing 900,000 babies every year. That is pretty shitty. Yes, assault can be a federal offense depending on who you are assaulting and under what circumstances... he was not charged with assault. He was being vindictively prosecuted for a violation of the FACE act. Yes, all of what you cited has to do with interfering with access to an abortion provider. Which... he was not doing. The goon had to walk over to them and keep coming back to them, that has nothing to do with trying to interfere with someones access to an abortion. That is the point. That is the point you keep ignoring here. That is the only point that matters in why this was a vindictive prosecution. Where was Houck violating the FACE act? He was not. The DOJ had to stretch this to try to get him which is why it took the jury something like an hour to find him innocent. I am not pretending anything. He was the victim. The DOJ sent armed guns drawn FBI agents to arrest him at his home, when they knew he would willingly turn himself in. It was a vindictive show of force. He was never charged for assaulting that goon because all the local investigations watched what happened and seen that it was the goon who instigated this. The DOJ was not going after him for assault, they were going after him for violating the FACE act, which he clearly didn't do.
  2. Of course there is some politics around elected politicians appointing them... but you would make it even more so. That is the point. It is already a consideration people can make in voting for someone. There are constantly judge appointments opening up. You don't need to know an exact date. And? How is he abusing his position now? He has a rich friend who takes him on vacations. That is the summary of what his so-called "abuse" is.
  3. LOL, you are the one pushing Russian propaganda to support their proxy war in the Donbas before their full invasion.
  4. I value spelling. Is being a good speller a plot of the devil now?!
  5. Not necessarily at all. Any Judge worth their salt will be a voracious reader and writer. Every ruling will come down to researching the law and legal precedent. The entire concept of precedent is that there is not change... it is a precedent. The law is the law, it doesn't change based on societies views. It changes when society elects politicians who change it. The law is static and inflexible. Judges interpret the law, and legislators change it. You are mixing them up here. The judiciary is supposed to be above political games like this, which is why it is a life tenure.
  6. Who is feeble-minded? There is a process to remove justices if it comes to such obviousness, and the "life tenure" also comes down to good behavior. They are not supposed to be making laws; they are interpreting them.
  7. You are just obfuscating now. Ukraine has more leverage with NATO/US support, which you oppose. Again, the point being: " you support it ending in the most beneficial way to Russia, on their terms, leaving Ukraine high and dry. "
  8. And you are upset about it... Oh... and what is this injustice you are upset about? Try to follow along.
  9. This is not hard. It is not a black-or-white, 100% good-or-bad question, nor are they 100% equal. In this war, Ukraine is the good, and Russia is the bad. Russia and Ukraine are not equally bad here. Russia is the one who started this war, started all this killing, that you seem to pretend to be so upset about. You are so in the tank for Russia that you can't even admit that, even to a slight degree of difference, Russia is worse. Yet again, you continue to dodge the fact that you don't support giving Ukraine any leverage here. It is not some absurd far fetched position that Russia gives up and completely leaves all territory as you keep building a strawman to argue against. As I said and you keep ignoring: " you support it ending in the most beneficial way to Russia, on their terms, leaving Ukraine high and dry. "
  10. LOL, when confronted with the facts of what they did, you turn to "obligation" I don't care what you think is their "obligation" here or not, it isn't the point. The point is that they did in fact interfere and and provide aid to Biden by all of a sudden deciding not to share factual information to social media when they had been doing so before and were in a meeting with them for that very purpose when asked about this. Wow, talk about a Strawman. They were not being asked to endorse Giuliani or his claims. The narrative that was falsely being pushed was that the entire thing was Russian disinformation, the FBI sat on correcting that lie which in fact did provide support to the Biden campaign.
  11. Do you really not believe this? It seems your requests are coming across more as sea lioning right now... https://abc3340.com/news/nation-world/the-view-host-suggests-caitlin-clark-aided-by-white-privilege-not-being-lesbian-sunny-hostin-wnba-iowa-indiana-fever-basketball-nba-the-view-abc-race-lgbtq
  12. Perhaps you don't follow American pop culture stuff or recent political events, but in the past couple of weeks, this has been all over the news with how certain talking heads are upset that only after a pretty white girl like her makes it to the WNBA does it become more popular and other black WNBA players have been targeting her with hard fouls and others celebrating that and other famous figures celebrating and encouraging that behavior.
  13. Exactly. What was this unlawful means? Citing this as Hodad did doesn't explain that at all.
  14. This is true... but it is what the FBI didn't do that is the problem. They knew then that all the claims about it being disinformation were not true and they remained silent. Their silence was just as condemning as they allowed it to happen. They had already been regularly meeting with social media companies and were proactively working with them to advise and provide information to combat false stories... but when this came up, they said nothing. In fact, they said no comment. They allowed the story that it was all Russian disinformation to run.
  15. Not everyone did that. Your being ignorant or dishonest of this fact doesn't make me a liar. This is exactly my point. The folks who merely wandered around and left are being maliciously persecuted. The DOJ is trumping up charges to go after folks. Can you not read? I very specifically said "misdemeanor-level offenses", that is not violence.
  16. Directed is your word, not mine. Biden appointed Garland, he doesn't have to direct him to do every little thing, he certainly isn't stopping them either. Biden sets the tone, Biden hires these people. Biden is responsible for what is going on.
  17. It is simply amazing the lengths you will go to to argue the most obviously absurdly wrong points. Old is subjective... not going to quibble over someone almost 50 years old being called "old" or not. He was a goon. He had a history of instigating crap. Mark Houch was across the street and that goon was the one who went out of his way to cross the street to instigate crap with them. No, the legal definition behind assault is literally what he did. He got in their faces, their personal space, to verbally insult them, including his 12 year old son. Of course, you don't care... and this is EXACTLY why I cheer on Trump being vindictive because that is exactly what you are doing here. They were across the street protesting, they were not harassing anyone. The goon had to come across the street to confront them. Decent people do not go across the street to verbally accost and assault 12-year-old kids peacefully protesting. The father was investigated by local authorities and they found his claims to be valid and there is video of it. He was only shoving that goon to keep him from continuing to accost his son. That is not a federal crime. The FACE act deals with obstructing access to the abortion clinic. Hell, even if Mark did really wrongly attack the goon, he could have beaten him half to death on the ground... that has nothing to do with the FACE act. They were across the street, nothing they were doing there was obstructing access to the abortion clinic. That is precisely why using the FACE act to go after him, even after local authorities investigations cleared him, was a vindictive use of the DOJ, on top of the fact they sent the FBI to arrest him at his home. This is precisely why we need Trump to go after folks on the left the same way, because maybe then you will get it.
  18. Not much difference between the Palestinians / Hamas and the Nazis at all, other than the Nazi's had the power to systematically round up and kill a whole lot more Jews than Hamas had the power to do, thankfully. I deny your spelling capabilities.
  19. Why don't "we," as in the Biden administration, even care? I can't even remember the last time he or anyone mentioned them or demanded their release or made any real efforts at public pressure campaigns to do so.
  20. Ukraine is the good guy... HERE. It doesn't matter how corrupt you think they were, you claim you want peace... their being corrupt doesn't somehow make Russia the good guy for invading them. Yet here you are... basically justifying it again. The funny thing is that Russia is just as corrupt at a minimum, if not obviously more so. Yet... you continue to ignore them with your ire. Oh really... so where does the blame belong then? Where are you placing it exactly? Again, this can end any number of ways, you support it ending in the most beneficial way to Russia, on their terms, leaving Ukraine high and dry.
  21. I just gave you two examples of this reality. The Biden DOJ dredged up a case that had already been dropped and investigated by local authorities to try to go after an old Catholic man. They sent an armed FBI team to his home to arrest him in front of his family with guns drawn when his lawyers had long ago told the DOJ he would gladly surrender to them if they decided to push forward with any actions to prosecute him. They had all the evidence and facts up to that point which showed it was the Abortion clinic goon that went across the street to instigate a confrontation with him and his son and only after he continually assaulted his son did he push the goon away. The Biden DOJ ignored all this, they were on a mission to use the FACE act to target abortion clinic protestors to send a message. The folks on J6 who didn't do anything more than wander around and leave did not attack anything or anyone.
  22. The war can end many ways. You very specifically want the war to end by Ukraine surrendering and/or negotiating an end from a position of weakness with no NATO/US support. What you offer is anything but common sense and mostly built around pushing outright lies and Russian propaganda. So, what exactly is it I am concocting here? Cheering on Ukraine and being an independent thinker are not mutually exclusive things. Ukraine is the good guy here, the victim to evil Russian aggression. Why wouldn't I cheer them on? You see, when you post crap like this, it reveals your intentions and motivations - which are clearly skewed to supporting Russia. So, the question is not why I would cheer on Ukraine. It is why you wouldn't? Why do you cheer on Russia and support them? This is an article from April... was there something in here specifically important to any point you were making here? Other than the fact that you are still ignoring all my questions?
  23. Depends on the circumstances. We currently have an issue with school shootings being somewhat of a social contagion, and the political left thinks schools are magical places that should be gun-free zones... which leaves our children defenseless inside, and school shooters are able to kill many with no resistance. So, now you want to ensure that no one is there to help protect the kids from bad people?
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