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  1. Why don't "we," as in the Biden administration, even care? I can't even remember the last time he or anyone mentioned them or demanded their release or made any real efforts at public pressure campaigns to do so.
  2. Ukraine is the good guy... HERE. It doesn't matter how corrupt you think they were, you claim you want peace... their being corrupt doesn't somehow make Russia the good guy for invading them. Yet here you are... basically justifying it again. The funny thing is that Russia is just as corrupt at a minimum, if not obviously more so. Yet... you continue to ignore them with your ire. Oh really... so where does the blame belong then? Where are you placing it exactly? Again, this can end any number of ways, you support it ending in the most beneficial way to Russia, on their terms, leaving Ukraine high and dry.
  3. I just gave you two examples of this reality. The Biden DOJ dredged up a case that had already been dropped and investigated by local authorities to try to go after an old Catholic man. They sent an armed FBI team to his home to arrest him in front of his family with guns drawn when his lawyers had long ago told the DOJ he would gladly surrender to them if they decided to push forward with any actions to prosecute him. They had all the evidence and facts up to that point which showed it was the Abortion clinic goon that went across the street to instigate a confrontation with him and his son and only after he continually assaulted his son did he push the goon away. The Biden DOJ ignored all this, they were on a mission to use the FACE act to target abortion clinic protestors to send a message. The folks on J6 who didn't do anything more than wander around and leave did not attack anything or anyone.
  4. The war can end many ways. You very specifically want the war to end by Ukraine surrendering and/or negotiating an end from a position of weakness with no NATO/US support. What you offer is anything but common sense and mostly built around pushing outright lies and Russian propaganda. So, what exactly is it I am concocting here? Cheering on Ukraine and being an independent thinker are not mutually exclusive things. Ukraine is the good guy here, the victim to evil Russian aggression. Why wouldn't I cheer them on? You see, when you post crap like this, it reveals your intentions and motivations - which are clearly skewed to supporting Russia. So, the question is not why I would cheer on Ukraine. It is why you wouldn't? Why do you cheer on Russia and support them? This is an article from April... was there something in here specifically important to any point you were making here? Other than the fact that you are still ignoring all my questions?
  5. Depends on the circumstances. We currently have an issue with school shootings being somewhat of a social contagion, and the political left thinks schools are magical places that should be gun-free zones... which leaves our children defenseless inside, and school shooters are able to kill many with no resistance. So, now you want to ensure that no one is there to help protect the kids from bad people?
  6. Underfunded? As compared to what, where? Last time I checked, the US spends more on public schools than most other industrialized countries with far worse results. Public schools get huge sums of money. This is always the argument from the left here, that they need more $$$. There is never enough for them.
  7. What are you rambling on about? It would help if you could form complete sentences with whole thoughts.
  8. The stupidity. You say I am being extremely childish in the same sentence you tell me to try Exlax. Look in the mirror. Instead of dealing with the actual question I posed to you, you are the one resorting to such childish responses. You tried to push on here a few weeks ago that Russia was in some big offensive and that Ukraine needed to surrender, as if they couldn't hold out and argued they were stretched too thin and had no one left as if Russia was on the verge of some major offensive they couldn't stop. So... what happened? How far did they get? How hopeless was it for Ukraine? You don't like these questions because your narrative was destroyed.
  9. There is no "normal" when it comes to packing the court. This is nothing more than wish casting of the most extreme kind of petty political partisanship from the left because you all want to politicize the court far more than you currently cry about it being. It is the same stupid hypocrisy with the left crying about saving Democracy by having to destroy it, cheering on the removal of a candidate from the polls so people can't even vote for them to "Save Democracy!" Packing the court is the term for doing something outside of "normal" to modify the courts for purely political purposes. Simply nominating and appointing Supreme Court justices as they retire as part of an ordinary course of business is not court packing. I understand it just fine, if you and others are reducing it to mean a President appoints someone because they are ideologically aligned with them... well, duh. That is what every President does. The term is meaningless at that point as every appointment is "court packing" No, that is a bad presumption on your part. So, where is your evidence?
  10. And Ukraine is not going to surrender just because you keep saying they should either... Yeah, you repeatedly brought up this point in your efforts to demand Ukraine surrender to end this war, as if it was over and they just needed to see the light. So... is it over? How far has Russia made it? How much closer to Odessa did they get?
  11. You want to reduce the income tax in conjunction and proportionally to this?
  12. Not false at all. Need look no further than how Garland vindictively went after people with the FACE act. Or how the DOJ is currently going after folks associated with the lawlessness on January 6th for misdemeanor-level offenses while ignoring other violent criminals in left-leaning lawless protests.
  13. Ukraine is defending itself. The war can quickly end when Russia's aggression ends. How is that big Russian offensive that you were practically cheering on a few weeks ago now going?... doesn't look like it is all over for Ukraine yet.
  14. Appointing justices as part of the normal process is not packing the court.
  15. Hamas is indifferent to endangering them and watching them die because of their actions.
  16. No, they have not turned themselves political. You are the one playing political games. Instead of arguing the merits of the case, you play simpleton talking points about how many were appointed by Republicans.
  17. I hope he is more vindictive than any of you fearmongers fear. After Biden has weaponized the DOJ as he has for the past several years, Democrats need to understand there are consequences.
  18. I don't wonder at all. When the left wing pushes a narrative to destroy the SCOTUS reputation backed by their left-wing media campaign to do so... in conjunction with their overturning one of the worst decisions the SCOTUS ever made regarding one of the most politically contentious issues, it is no surprise that their polling is suffering. They are not politicians, and justice is not a contest of popularity.
  19. So what? Their use of any symbol doesn't somehow negate anyone else's use of it. They were also flying American flags too... so I guess we can all never fly American flags now? This is an absolute lie not based on any evidence what-so-ever.
  20. Ewww... Keep your odd fetish thoughts to yourself. Seriously, get a journal for this stuff.
  21. Supposed to... according to who? There was no insurrection. There were many flags flown that day, including the American Flag. The only dumb thing going on here is this stupid phony outrage game you are playing
  22. Except the outcome is not inevitable with our support. The so-called inevitable outcome has not happened for years now. If we pull support for Ukraine, that gives Russia an upper hand to break lines of defense = more dead Ukrainians. You don't have to say it, I am pointing out what the results of your policies will likely do.
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