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  1. Yeah, I know what you said, but that doesn't make it any more honest or accurate. Here is change I support: 1. Remove "gun-free" zones and allow people with concealed carry permits to carry concealed in schools 2. Allow teachers who wish to be armed, to do so. It can include some minimum standards and safety practices 3. States that are "may issue" states that basically don't allow for concealed carry at all should change to "shall issue" so that people can reasonably obtain concealed carry permits 4. States with high restrictions on where you can carry concealed to the point of absurdity or impracticality should loosen those restrictions effectively ending gun free zones that only stop law abiding people from carrying firearms 5. Mandatory background checks on all firearm sales, BUT open up NICS use to individuals so they can do this on their own and not have to go through an FFL which is a bureaucracy that costs time and $$$ and is not always available in rural areas or smaller towns 6. Red Flag laws, BUT with clear and compelling language that guarantees a path to challenge them and obtain firearms taken 7. Enact universal concealed carry reciprocity across state lines 8. Hold LEO accountable for their failures on background checks and failing to follow up on known criminals or people with issues that could make them deadly threats 9. Increase security in schools with more SRO's and better plans for physical security and its implementation 10. Less "restorative justice" in schools and more punishment and removal of known problem children or those with gang affiliations 11. Stop electing left-wing soft on crime DA's who are more interested in "equity" than justice that they do not go after violent criminals or support no-bail policies that let violent criminals or known gang members back on the streets... 12. Increase penalties for firearm laws that are broken and actually start enforcing the laws currently on the books better 13. More teeth behind Emergency Protection Orders, if people are a proven threat to another, need more than a piece of paper warning them to stay away
  2. If Putin cracks, you don't have to ask for the land back, you take it back. And it is comical that you are here mocking that, when your bad mockery is literally no better than what you want to do. You want to surrender to Putin and then issue hollow threats. No, that is not what you have said about negotiation. You flip-flop on it being the best after I repeatedly challenged you by saying it was the only way out. I already defeated this claim of yours, and now you are back to making it again. No, it is not the only way out, you are just completely ignoring the discussions we have already had now where I have outlined this already. And you have yet to explain what negotiation means beyond Ukraine surrendering. No, for you, it is about surrendering to Russia, because you support Russia winning. Peace is not obtained by surrendering to the aggressors. You only invite more aggression. You are not interested in peace at all. Well, they talk tough to dissuade Russia from invading, but they were all pleading for peace as well. You ignore this because you push lies to support and justify Russia and now you want to surrender to them. You are already expecting them to negotiate peace in a humiliating fashion. You want Ukraine to surrender.
  3. Again, history proves otherwise. The war can become too costly, too long, too much for even Russia. No, that is not all you have said. You continue to be wishy washy and flip flop back and forth on saying that this is the only way out. You changed it to "best" after my repeated challenges and now you are back to only. At this point, I conclude you are willing to say anything to support a Russian victory here. You continue to be two-faced as well. You won't support Ukraine now, but sure, you will threaten Russia that we will support them later? It makes zero sense, and you keep ignoring this every time I point it out. This is a discussion between you and I and YOUR positions. I am challenging YOU and what YOU are saying. Again... You continue to be two-faced as well. You won't support Ukraine now, but sure, you will threaten Russia that we will support them later? It makes zero sense, and you keep ignoring this every time I point it out. It gets really old that people like you ignore things already posted. I already shared the link here showing that Ukraine was wanting peace BEFORE Russia invaded. You post this revisionist history here, it is dishonest.
  4. Where do you get that nothing has changed? There has not been significant change because folks like you only want to focus on hating guns.
  5. What exit ramp? They don't need you to give them an exit ramp... they are the ones pushing the war. They can exit whenever they want to. The question is, how are you convincing them to stop their war of aggression? The only thing I see you offering is surrender. Nothing magical about it. War is brutal and Ukraine will have to push and punish and fight for it. Unlike you, I support them and want NATO/US to continue supporting them in their efforts so they can. There is give and take going on here, Russia has not just held onto everything they have taken. Ukraine made a massive push back on them during the initial invasion, made some decent gains during their offensive, but now Russia is making some gains in their offensive as well. This notion that Russia simply holds what it has and lets nothing go or cant or Ukraine wont ever be able to push back is just wish casting on your part and exactly why I say you are practically supporting Russia. Certainly not if folks like you have their way. This is meaningless words with no substance behind them. Russia is not interested in peace. So now what? How? How could it have been stopped? Russia has been pushing on Ukraine for 10 years now. They took Crimea. They instigated a proxy war in the Donbas, and then launched a full scale invasion. The whole way Ukraine and the world were asking for peace.
  6. I have discussed this with you before, and you have proven to be anything other than an adult. Unless you have forgotten your belief in the magic birth canal? When you are in a Starbucks and overhear a pregnant woman talking about her baby growing inside her, do you interrupt her to say: "Hey, that is not a baby inside you. Grow up and use proper terminology!" I am not even sure you have every been around a pregnant mother, well, at least one that plans to keep her baby and wants it. They don't think their unborn child growing inside of them is just some mere lump of cells nor do they call it their fetus. Give me a break. It is you and the other baby killers who want to change the language to make yourselves feel better about what it is you are doing. The pregnant... woman. Women get pregnant. Don't tell me you are so crazy with the gender ideology nonsense you think men can be pregnant now too? Ah, I see. So you are opposed to child support now? Or any other government law forcing parents to have to care for their children?
  7. I know your spelling was wrong. I also know there is no Palestinian holocaust.
  8. No, those "special privileges" were to move any criminal cases to the Federal courts. How is that above the law? Do you question the legitimacy of the federal justice system now?!
  9. Clearly, It did not speak for itself. I have about a dozen proposals I would like to see to improve things. You claiming I have no desire is just you making crap up.
  10. No, Trump did not incite the attack. The dozen or so worst offenders had dubious intentions before Trump ever spoke... but you will claim his speech incited them? The simple fact is that you don't care about the facts. Trump said to be peaceful, the vast majority of folks were in fact peaceful. The vast majority of folks who even got caught up doing anything criminal that day were peaceful, they wandered around and left. But then, in the same breath you will sit here claiming he incited this violence, you will ignore Democrats "inciting" violence during the summer of violence around BLM protests. Give me a break.
  11. Talk about some mental gymnastics and being plain bad at math. Even if we accept your timeline starting at 12:53, that is still not even 2 hours before Trump sent out the tweet saying to be peaceful. You don't just get to pretend like that doesn't count, when you were trying to claim he did nothing for 3 hours. Even then, the 12:53 time is dubious at best, because he was not even done speaking until it was just after 1:00. The 12:53 time is when the first small group of folks basically walked over some cheap temporary fencing... At that time no one knew what was going on or how serious anything would turn out being. Trump couldn't know, he was still on stage talking for crying out loud. But yeah, sure, throw that into your timeline where you claim he was sitting around doing nothing. Seriously, at this point, you are just being straight-up dishonest. It is pathetic.
  12. It helps if you actually read the Constitution.
  13. How are you persuading Russia to do anything? Again, you are not even willing to help Ukraine now... but you want to help them in the future? That makes no sense. Why would Putin believe that if we were unwilling to help Ukraine now, we would later? Your position makes no sense. No, it has not. NATO/US backed Ukraine before the invasion and committed to their defense as well as sanctions. We have continued to support them and the initial Russian invasion push was largely pushed back. Ukraine can continue to make gains and make Russia suffer. YOU are the one who is pushing weakness. YOU are the one who is making this two faced argument now, not wanting to support Ukraine while then criticizing Ukraine for not being strong enough or having enough of our support. Oh, I criticize the timing and decision making on our support, but that is a different discussion and your criticism is two faced. You don't want to fix it and make it better, you want to make it worse. And yet you presume Russia will go on forever with no real plan beyond that. Of course there is still saving face. Ukraine is still in the fight. Nothing is over yet. YOU are the one advocating for them to give up. You won't support them now, what sense does it make that you will then say you will support them in the future? The war is happening now, they need the support now. You were the one who brought it up. You tell me.
  14. No, you cheering on the "34" is a joke. And I bet you have a lot to say about the laws of the land when it suits you.
  15. Report me. There is not any Palestinian holocaust.
  16. Oh, I see now. I disagree with your nonsense and present well-thought-out and articulate rebuttals to it, so I must be in a MAGA info-bubble! It seems you are more in your own left-wing bubble here than I am. The fact that this day was awful or will be one of historical proportions was not the debate.
  17. He did not start it. He attended a peaceful rally and left. The riot was still well underway after he sent that video. You guys pretend like Trump had some control over a rioting mob, when he did not. They were a rioting mob. People in that situation do not usually listen to much reason... or they would not be in a rioting mob to begin with.
  18. Do you not get this? He owed someone X dollars and paid them in 34 installments. And you are here cheering that on as if the 34 means something special. It is a joke.
  19. No, an analogy is comparing different things to make a point. The entire purpose is that they are not the same thing... No, you are not mostly in control of the outcome at all when it comes to other people crashing into you. I don't wear a seatbelt because I don't trust myself. I wear a seatbelt because I don't trust all the other people driving around me. Again... there were zero shootings in Uvdale or Sandyhook before they each had a mass shooting. I don't have to explain why there were zero school shootings before... the point of an SRO is to mitigate the risk of any that may happen in the future.
  20. Oh, so when Hitler was killing Jews, that was all fine and dandy... because there was no explicit laws stopping him. Slavery was cool too, all perfectly legal! This is not a real argument, it is just you saying it is cool to kill these babies because it is legal. So, you fully abide by the law in the states where there are far more restrictions then, making it illegal? Killing babies is not a mere "healthcare decision"
  21. Sigh... it is simply amazing how some of you just absolutely refuse to educate yourselves. 1:34 pm is about when police were beginning to be overwhelmed. 2:11 pm is about when Capitol was breached 2:38 pm Trump tweets to be peaceful That is not 3 hours, that is not 2 hours and 50 minutes, that is not 2 hours and 45 minutes. So, telling you the facts of what he said, is a flimsy defense? Now you are shifting the goalposts again to saying this should have been a foreseeable consequence. OK, so why didn't Pelosi and the Capital police take it more seriously? They heard all this. They knew the rhetoric being spewed. Yet, they didn't do anything more to ensure the Capitol was secured that day. So much for this all being so foreseeable. Except... there was no "beat some sense" comments nor any *wink* nor any "nose-tap* These are all your fanciful creations. Again, do you blame Democrats for all the violence from the BLM riots like this?
  22. No, its not. I wear my seatbelt when I drive not because I predict I will be in a crash, but because I understand there is a risk and I am mitigating it. If I somehow knew/was predicting a crash, I would not even bother driving or change my route or do something else. Same thing with school shootings and other school violence. Placing an SRO in a school is there to help mitigate that risk, not because I am predicting violence.
  23. Where did I say that? I said no such thing.
  24. He sent several public messages calling for peace. He was not in charge of security that day, the local police, the Capitol police... he had no magic "stop" button like he just sat there not pushing it. If only the Democrats cared more about security than their hate of men in uniform, there could have been more National guard that day. As a matter of fact, he posted that message at the direction of Trump.
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