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  1. Are you OK? I know it is similar to a machine gun, I am the one who just said that. You are the one who wrongly claimed it made it a machine gun. Yes, you did in fact say exactly what I quoted you as saying. It had nothing to do with banning guns...
  2. It's the rate of fire, not how much fire can practically be sustained.
  3. No, that makes it function similarly to a machine gun. You were the one who said "The details of the mechanism don't matter when it comes to KILLING PEOPLE."
  4. Now, you are back to the same original stupidity as before. That is not the definition of a machine gun. Functioning similar to a machine gun, doesn't make something a machine gun. Words have meanings. You can run people over with a car, too; that doesn't make a car a machine gun.
  5. You are still not being honest now. This: "In REALTY a bump stock does convert a semi-automatic weapon into a machine gun. " Does not equal this: "AR's with bumpstocks perform substantially the same as machine guns. "
  6. We need to do away with the FACE Act. The same damn people on this thread cheering on putting her in prison for blocking movement into an abortion clinic are the same people cheering on Hamas protestors blocking people on roads and schools.
  7. Yet again, you just say contradictory things. You were not saying war was chess a moment ago, you were saying war is a matter of who has more on paper. What, mistakes? Imagine that... now you want us to believe Russia is going to perfectly hold what they have. No, you support Russia and surrender to them on terms most beneficial to them. What you support leads to more aggression, more war. Already explained to you many times more things can work than negotiations that are most beneficial to Russia.
  8. Its almost like you are cheering them on.
  9. Maybe... just maybe you will engage with me honestly one day. No where did I say I wanted everyone packing everywhere. I certainly do think those with concealed carry licenses should be allowed to carry more places and teachers with safety standards should be allowed to carry if they want as well. Well, if those things are on his record, then it would show up. You don't know if someone is a criminal or not if you don't know. How would you ever know if someone was addicted to drugs or not? Are you going to send someone to follow them around and live with them 24/7 for a couple of months?
  10. What does this have to do with anything I was saying here or show how I was not being honest? That is rhetorical, it doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying and I have been honest this whole time.
  11. You claimed he did nothing. Even after I corrected you, then you tried to play dumb games with the timeline, I corrected you again, and you still refuse to admit what you are doing and that you were wrong. No, the point was not that the damage was already done. The point is that you have repeatedly lied now and are twisting things to further your lie. It is your characterization that Trump had some control over a rioting mob that he could make them all stop.
  12. Nothing was dodged. You keep ignoring my responses.
  13. Seriously, how many threads have you started today? You can't even keep up with the garbage you posted in the others.
  14. No, they don't. You have to read into that. You have to fabricate things not said. No, it is your words that are drivel.
  15. You claimed: "There is a LAW REQUIRING JoSCOTUS RECUSAL when a case involves THEIR WIFE" Ginni Thomas is not part of any case before the Court. Alito was not flying any flags, nor are they insurrection flags. Again, nothing here demands he recuse himself. I already knew you were posting garbage, the questions were mostly rhetorical hoping you would have enough decency to admit your lies. No, you run away when you are backed into a corner for the lies and crap you post.
  16. I swear... you just puke this nonsense all over the forum. Spam, spam, spam, then run away. Nowhere did he sympathize with insurrectionists, let alone more than pregnant women. Do you ever stop posting drivel?
  17. Not at 12:53. Babbit was shot at 2:44. You are the ones claiming Trump was somehow in control of a rioting mob and if only he hit the magic stop button telling them to stop this could all have ended much sooner. Now you are here mocking the fact that Trump did in fact tell folks to be peaceful and Babbit was not watching. Duh. Glad you are coming around to my point. The issue isn't what you think about it... its that you keep lying and trying to claim he did nothing. Now that I have shown you repeatedly he did more than nothing, you are just trying to downplay what he did. Oh, I see. So now you play both sides. Trump controlled the rioting mob with his tweets and then you say his tweets are worthless and didn't do anything. Another outright lie. They did not all leave after that video. I already explained this. Members of Congress were still calling for help from the National Guard to clear the building and perimeter after this. The National Guard did not show up until after 5 and they were still clearing people and it was not until around 8 they declared it secured.
  18. LOL, I am not assuming anything. That is literally what they tried to do on day one. He thought he could quickly conquer Ukraine and dismantle their government. They are trying to conquer Ukraine to obtain their goals. After they failed miserably to take Ukraine in the first invasion push, Putin started singing a different tune and changing his stated goals. What Russian propaganda will you push here to tell us how noble Putin's intentions were? Let me guess... Russia is so great and wonderful, the great Putin was just trying to get rid of all those Nazi's and poor Russia was lied to about NATO expansion...
  19. I would love to know if he thought his wife being pregnant was of no consequence. Just a mere clump of cells in there... just a fetus. No one talks like that, except people trying to justify killing babies.
  20. What are you talking about? What case involved a Supreme Court Justice wife that they did not recuse themselves from? I swear, you spam this forum with this nonsense and then run away from most of it when you are called out for making ignorant comments.
  21. Yes, by force. War is not a matter of mathematics. This is not a game of risk. It it were just a matter of what is on paper, Russia should have already conquered Ukraine. You continue to falsely presume that Russia is committed to this war forever. You have no idea of knowing that or knowing how long they are willing to keep eating these costs. Why... it is almost as if you support Russia winning. No, you can stop the war in many ways; like Nationalist, you just happen to want to stop the war in the way that most benefits Russia by surrendering to them. We are not under Trump, and I am not arguing with Trump. It is your positions and arguments here that are awful.
  22. That was one part of something like 12 things I offered. So you sitting here claiming I want nothing to change because I asked you to explain what you meant by "real" is just a dumb lie. A dumb lazy lie. And no, they are not superficial if you have submitted the right paperwork for the people to be in their backgrounds. They routinely work to stop felons and other people who are not allowed to purchase guns from doing so.
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