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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. So you're saying leftists idi0ts vote for the person they think won't beat the opponent. Got it.
  2. Intersectionality exists. Only a dunce would deny it. That's not the point. The point is what does it matter and what should you do about your "victimhood". Try to keep up
  3. You aren't suggesting that your "rising out of poverty" is proof there is no God are you? BTW "church officials" have no sway over anyone's decisions. Even God has no sway you are completely in control of your decisions and every decision has consequences but they are the result of your decision and no one else's.
  4. No it doesnt. Whats wrong with you? Your views are so warped you think they're normal. I keep forgetting that you people can't let the words speak for themselves because you have to pervert them.
  5. They mostly are crazy and they preach intersectionality and victimhood. Prove me wrong
  6. No they aren't and I didn't say that. See you're trying to think again and that's where you get into trouble but your IQ is 65 so...
  7. Yes faith AND works. You might get it yet. If faith alone was all thats needed works wouldnt need to FOLLOW. Think for once. God gave you a brain right?
  8. What solution? Don't try the analogy thing you'll get a headache.
  9. Faith without works is dead. Thousands of passages they say faith saves wont change that faith alone is dead. You do all the mental and theological gymnastics you'd like to justify your perverted interpretations it doesn't change the facts. As to forgiveness of sins John 20: 22-23. You lose again. You never get tired of that it seems.
  10. No he perverted it. You buy the perversion. Faith alone is dead faith. That's you.
  11. So you think if someone else "causes" a problem other people are "responsible" for the problem. So you stuff your fat face with cheeseburgers year after year and cause yourself to have a heart attack then that means McDonald's is responsible for it. Thanks for making my point.
  12. No you ignore Jesus. Salvation IS by faith AND following the will of the heavenly Father. Faith without works is dead faith. You don't listen to the word of God you listen to the word of the loony little monk Luther.
  13. Responsibility is the enemy of the left. Intersectionality and victimhood is how they determine value.
  14. Kind of like reading sola scriptura and sola fide into scripture. Jesus says one thing but you decide what he means.
  15. You love it even though you don't know what it means??????? I'd bet the person who wrote it doesn't either.
  16. I can't really help someone with an IQ of 65 reach an IQ of 105 now can I?
  17. The left isn't interested in facts. Remember that their imbecilic leader said they prefer truth to facts.
  18. It's amazing how rarely leftists use their brains. What relevance is their % of the population? Don't thank me, I have no interest in helping you out.
  19. So it comes naturally. That's what I figured but it's good to verify.
  20. It's amazing how analogies are lost on some people. Do you mean to be obtuse or does it come naturally? You realize cops kill more whites than blacks right?
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