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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. You can differ all you like but you've been told "complete" means the same as "only". It doesn't. AND is the optimal word. If you only do one of the things on each side of AND you have NOTHING.
  2. Ok. Why not pick mine and start the thread? Looking forward to it.
  3. That doesn't say scripture alone. A "complete" car has 4 tires so that means all you need for a complete car is 4 tires? Really? Why do people abandon logic and reasoning when they read the Bible? I agree but your assuming everything and anything after the "original apostles and their disciples" is useless. That's a logical error and doesn't jive with scripture. Behind that do you know who Polycarp and Ignatius of Antioch are?
  4. Like which ones? I agree especially since it removes books from the real bible.
  5. See what I mean any questioning of science dogma brings out the inquisitor in your type.
  6. Yes it is what you said. It would help if you could keep up. Science is now a religion. Oppose the dogma, face the inquisition. I didn't think you would but you should.
  7. We should never question science should we? Do you know who Peter Boghossisn is?
  8. As I said it's a crock of bull sh*t. So you want to say science holds up to closer scrutiny you don't want it to actually hold up to closer scrutiny. But I'll tell you what here is my favorite proofs of the dangers in climate change https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/08/us/glaciers-national-park-2020-trnd/index.html How could anyone possibly question anything science says.
  9. So we agree "holding up to closer scrutiny" is just a pile of horse sh*t. I love agreement
  10. Climate change is the best example. Any evidence offered to the contrary is disregarded as wrong or as denial.
  11. Those are plugs. He had them done years ago. Look at pics of him from the 70s and 80s
  12. If only that were true. It may have been at one time but science is a religion now.
  13. Well I guess you'll just have to make the best out of being Canadian. The alternative is my dog who is smarter than Biden and not a lying racist.
  14. I think it's more wishful thinking than truth to say, science is "holing up to closer scrutiny".
  15. But not someone who has said a much racist sh*t as Biden. You people are brain damaged
  16. There's an active thread about the history of bidens racism. We know dems are the creators of the KKK and they blocked civil rights legislation. They like to claim they are tolerant but here is a video of what leftists actually think about black people in their own words. https://youtu.be/3JGmKHrWKMQ?si=w6dSse2Svs4i5pKv
  17. What's not good is the imbecile is supposedly the President of the United States of America
  18. Here is something that isn't word salad, biden is a lying racist imbecile and a low life piece of scum. And those represent his best qualities.
  19. Is that how we determine who is racist?????? Really? You people are whacked in the head.
  20. Right. That's what he MEANT to say it just came out in bidenese. If trump said that leftists would have lost control of their bowels.
  21. Don't forget "You cannot go into a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."
  22. I bet my mortgage money that if trump has said it you wouldn't give a sh*t if he joking, youd crap your pants about him being racist. This is exactly why leftists should never be treated with respect. They think everyone is as stupid as a leftists
  23. There only needs to be one rule, pay up or you're out. Simple and easy to remember
  24. No the UN is a colossal waste of time and money and you havent offered one shred of evidence to prove me wrong. You being held captive and being forced to take part in the discussion? Send me your address and I'll send the cops over.
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