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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. So you dont know that there are loads of pastors from the 20-30,000 Christian denominations that your perversion caused who are converting to Catholicism???? You really should get your head out of your a..!
  2. Sadly the weak do convert to your perverted version of "christianity". The "strong" protestants who can think convert to Catholicism. You get the runts we get the pick of the litter.
  3. So still no citations just your words. So this heresy sat rejected and idle for 1500 years until the looney monk picked it up. LMBO oh course it did. The church fathers correctly declared it heresy.
  4. The first half of that prayer is entirely biblical and the second half isnt worship. Let's stay in topic though. Prove either of your perverse "solas" are true. If you want to discuss the Hail Mary start a thread.
  5. So no citation just your ramblings. I suspect someone told you about this but you never actually read it and now you just repeat it.
  6. So you dont think there is one person anywhere who thinks they are geniuses and very honorable? There are fools right now that think men menstruate and can have babies. Why are you being a coward and addressing only one half of my previous post. Don't tell me you're a filthy liar like another mOr0n poster here who altered my words. Is BLM honorable?
  7. That's not a citation it's a claim. Cite from the person's work evidence that addressed the question.
  8. Cite for us someone who came before Luther who believes the things you believe.
  9. Some may see each of them in the ways you describe. Mongrels on the left think BLM is genius, savvy and honorable. Is it?
  10. Cite for us someone who came before Luther who believes the things you believe.
  11. Your savior? Luther? Must be because the garbage you believe started with him. I see you're entertained by videos. You don't read much do you?
  12. I wonder how many rounds of scotch they all shared before they decided they had "deliberated" long enough on this stupidity?
  13. Poor robo lives ina pandemic constant outage. Dreams of being a real boy someday
  14. Son of the greatest heretic of all Dougie
  15. But scripture alone is not biblical so you're logic is circular. In other words its nonsensical. No one worships Mary or the saints. That a lie you believe. Oh I remember you now the one with nothing to add. Son of the biggest heretic of all.
  16. Reformation day???? LMAO the day the devil tried to destroy the church. He couldn't do that but he sure fragmented it. ""Reformed" to what? Protestant heresy?
  17. Nothing there says Scripture only. Why do you always resort to attacking? We aren't addressing those other things yet. You people use these tactics all the time. It's sad to watch you actually because not only are you wrong you just stutter and stammer with rote responses.
  18. So some of scripture is true and some isnt? Who decides what's "righteous"? I bet everything you agree with is "rightsous", am I right? Let's not waste time, of course I'm right.
  19. You think rich people are rich because they have piles of cash sitting under their mattresses. Are you brain damaged? I must say though the one thing I respect about lashisqua James, which separates her from the other mealy mouthed leftists is, shes honest enough to say she wants to "get trump". The rest of you claim to care about democracy as if anyone with a working brain believes that. Good for lashiqua.
  20. Anyone who would actually do a good job as president isnt willing to put themselves through the bullshit of running for the office especially if they're a conservative.
  21. We already know every leftist is off their nut.
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