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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. So you STILL can't show us how the UN is the ONLY way to do it. Thanks.
  2. So you can't tell us how the UN is the ONLY way to do it. Figured but it's always nice to have the low intelligence posters verify their low intelligence.
  3. Where did I do that? I said you read leftist toilet paper for birds. Try to keep up chum. It will be much easier to train you if you can
  4. Moroons? Yeah you're a real genius. You have no idea who or what I am but you think you do based only on the fact I disagree with your leftist bullsh*t. It tells me what I need to know about your intellectual limitations.
  5. I try to decide things based what in observe. There is a woman cashier at the grocery store I shop at and if she was any slower she would be going in reverse. Sometimes they put her at the "express" checkout. I think they do it on purpose. I won't get in her line no matter how busy any other line is. It has nothing to do with her being a woman she is just s-l-o-w. I'm not sure how she keeps the job. As to pilots I can only guess they are competent if they are still alone to fly. Again I care more about someones ability than their sex.
  6. And Jesus said, whoever believes AND is baptized will be saved. How many times does Jesus need to say something before you decide he must mean what he says? Salvation IS by faith but NOT faith ALONE which is what heretics claim. The Bible doesn't contradict itself you contradict the Bible with your solas. You follow Luther not Jesus.
  7. I've told you before, which is proof you dont listen, that volume is not synonymous with accurate or true. Until you figure that out I don't really care what you post.
  8. Democratizing it would do nothing. In one of the pirates of the Caribbean movies there's a scene where all the heads of the pirate gangs are going to vote on some issue. Each leader of each group votes for themself, very democratic but nothing happens. They even comment on how the vote is exactly the same every time they vote. People need a personal reason to do abandon their purposes to support someone else's purpose. Ive noticed that refers to a lot of organizations.
  9. I've been through this with you already. I pointed where Jesus was speaking figuratively but he changed and spoke literally. You have decided he couldn't possibly be speaking literally. If you won't listen to Jesus so you won't listen to me but that won't stop me from telling you the truth. I even showed you that in the earliest days of the church they believed what Jesus said that we must eat his flesh and drink his blood. Keep copying and pasting like a trained monkey though, it seems to make you feel better a jut ignoring Jesus.
  10. Two things, first Jesus said, Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Second, James is clear we are not saved by faith alone. BTW not a single one of those verses says faith alone. AGAIN you confuse volume with accuracy.
  11. All you offer is rejection of Jesus. No where does scripture teach sola scriptura. It's a protestant invention. No where does scripture say what books should be in scripture. You don't even follow your own inventions. You're as confused as Luther Calvin and Zwingli
  12. The fact remains protestants perverted scripture to their own designs and the architects of the great schism couldn't even agree between themselves what was real and true.
  13. Yes the church has had it's problems because the people in it are not perfect. The things is you folks think your perfect and every time you get shown how wrong you are you have a hissy fit. You follow one of the three heretics I previously mentioned and not Jesus but you get all uppity. I've never really been impressed with protestant sanctimony
  14. You sure seem intent on denying that the heretics you follow were blood thirsty haters and the killers. Luther Calvin and Zwingli were demented lunatics who called each other the anti christ and had no compunction about calling for thr death of people who disagreed with them. You people can't get your own crap together but you think you can decide whats true and what isnt.
  15. I know, right???? That biden gets away with all kinds of sh*t
  16. Its either Mike and gruesome newsome or gruesome and Mikey. I think it will be the latter rather than the former. They see gruesome as the white male successor to biden and would hope to have 8 years of gruesome to build mike up then unleash her for hopefully another 8 years after that. Leftists are patient if nothing else. They will play for the long game.
  17. Typical brainwashed leftist, you read that bird cage carpeting. I bet even you don't read that sh*t do you?
  18. Right peaceful negotiation. Your task now is to show how that can ONLY happen through the UN.
  19. Do you know who Michael Servetus is? Jesus said let him who is without sin cast the first stone. I know you dont listen to Jesus but thought I'd remind you anyway. It's amazing how you people traipse out the same old tired rote responses. It's almost as if you're programmed only to regurgitate what's put into you.
  20. I agree with a lot of that but the problem I see is what constitutes the "collective good". I don't think we can ever completely remove the selfish purpose from our decisions. I don't think having a selfish purpose in necessarily bad. The difficulty is working together for the collective good while simultaneously meeting our legitimate self purposes. This is best exemplified in the global warming debate. People who are less dedicated let's say to the global warming cause are often referred to as climate "deniers". That fails to acknowledge the legitimate selfish purpose the so called "deniers" might have to the way some want to "address" climate change.
  21. I agree. I think hes whiter than snow and is embarrassed to be white. He probably thinks he quite special because hes so progressive.
  22. Thats probably the case because even now there are freaks and perverts who describe themselves as minor attracted persons and before long we will have to accept that garbage as well. if we dont then you will be canceled. what was once disgusting is now beautiful and what was once beautiful is now putrid. brandon is a freak and a pervert and you love that garbage.
  23. There is no doubt that the downward shift in the culture is work of satan. The removal of God from the public discourse is the bedrock of that work. The increasing levels of tolerance for perversion is everywhere. Its started with abortion, then gays, then same sex "marriage", the destruction of families and now we cant tell the difference between a man and a woman and heaven forbid you commit the mortal sin of "misgendering".
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