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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. That's his best trick, getting knot heads like you to believe he doesnt exist. But you're all knot heads so it's really not that good a trick is it? Oh wait I keep forgetting you're a knot head.
  2. You wrote: No. It is your interpretation that is wrong. The fact is a person who has true faith (by God's grace), is going to have a changed heart and a willingness to serve his Lord and Savior. FIrst prove its wrong. You can't from the bible but go ahead give it a whirl. Second what if they aren't willing? Oh wait they don't have "true" faith right? Show me from scripture where it says faith must be "true". Or do you mean like James said, we are justified by works and not faith alone. That faith without works is dead. The best you heretics can do is pitifully claim our interpretation is wrong because nothing in scripture supports your perversion. Lastly if faith alone is all that's needed (that's what alone means, only) then why do I need to be willing to serve God? God knows our hearts right i could rob a bank and because I have uttered the magic incantation, then I'm saved, matter what right? Faith alone(only). If I'm alone in a room there is no one else there, I'm the only one there. I'm alone. Faith alone saves so nothing else is needed. Correct?
  3. Leftists have been and are presently and will continue to sodomize America if they aren't stopped. I'll give the devil his due though, you people were smart to take control of education and the media. You indoctrinate kids in your facilities then reinforce the training through the media. Very wise but the devil is a sly bastard but he's ultimately thr biggsst loser.
  4. The answer to the question has extensive theological roots. As an example some people believe that Peter couldnt possibly have been selected by Jesus to lead his church because Peter betrayed him but Jesus did. Please don't whine that it doesnt answer the question. It does. You just don't t like it and I don't care. As to my response it's right on topic. There is a reason Trump is so popular but leftists are too stupid to search for why. They think they know so they question it. That's not only intellectually lazy it just makes leftist look stupid.
  5. Yes. I don't think how hockey is played has changed as much as baseball, football and basketball.
  6. Being tolerant of leftist m0r0ns has ruined America
  7. Oh ok. Makes sense I'm not saying it's happening in this case but one thing i dislike around the WNBA is the suggestion by some that it's as good as the men's game. Saying that makes me think the person saying it believes we are stupid. Yes blaming others. I saw a video of a WNBA player talking to NBA players and she suggested if they didn't party just one night week and sent the money they would have spent on the partying to the WNBA tbs league would be doing fine. The men weren't having it. They pointed out the NBA has been carrying their asses for decades. Put up a better product and people will buy it.
  8. I show you where your claims are biblically wrong and what do you do? You ignore it and attack the catholic church. NO WHERE in scripture does it say we are saved by faith alone. It's amazing how they have twisted you out of proportion. Why do you appeal to "commenteries" if scripture is so clear? How many times have you switched churches because you didn't like the "gospel" the cashier turned pastor was preaching?
  9. Who threatened a black professor at Harvard because he didnt dance to the leftist tune? Who says blacks aint black if they are sure who they are viting for? Who whines pisses and moans whenever someone they disagree with is invited to speak at a university? Who refuses to talk to family members because they voted for trump? Honest to goodness if you had a brain you might be dangerous
  10. Its hilarious to see a sola scriptura "Christian" appeal to commentaries. If scripture is so clear why do you need commentaries? What was it Luther said? Oh yeah, "In these matters of faith, to be sure, each Christian is for himself pope and church". (Werke, Weimer: 1898, 5:407, 35.)
  11. It's amazing how blind they make you people. You knew nothing before then the perverters of scripture trained you in rote memorization of scripture. Then they have you read the "commentaries" written by master perverters of scripture. You're so blind though and so void of reason that you haven't figured out yet why you need commentaries written by men if scripture is so clear. It would be funny if there wasnt so much at stake.
  12. As clear as, "You can see, then, that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone"? James 2:24 As clear as, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my heavenly Father"? Matt 7:21 As clear as "Those who have done good deeds will rise to life, while those who have done evil will rise to judgement"? John 5:29 As clear as Matt 25:31-46? As clear as "For the son of man will come with his angels in the glory of his father, and then will repay everyone according to what has been done."? Matt 16:27 As clear as "The one who plants and the one who waters have a common end, and each will be rewarded in accordance with his labors"? 1 Cor 3:8 As clear as Colossians 3:23-25? As clear as Rev 20:12 As clear as Rev 20:13 I know it's hard to hear but you've been deceived friend. You been lied to with perverted scripture
  13. How do you mean they "...held their own and played like they belonged in the same conversation as th NHL"?
  14. I have watched it on ESPN I think it was. It was ok. I wasnt blown away. I have seen jt on their schedule again but I haven't tuned in. I just recently ran across Athletes Unlimited? Its apparently centered on women's professional sports. I watched a basketball game between Hull (the gray team) and the orange team. ThT was the teams name. They kept focusing on this one player with wild hair and playing while wearing what looked like sunglasses. It was bad shooting and slow. What got me was the promos...they claimed these were world class athletes. I dunno.
  15. It's amazing how stupid leftists are. Eight years and you STILL can't shake trump. Let me ask you a question, this is a sincere question, do you believe that as a conservative I think Biden or any Democrat gives a shit about me? I know you think you know why trump is popular but if you actually did you wouldn't say the stupid shit you do, but youre a leftist so you're limited. Try answering my question away please. Look I'm even being polite to someone who has to wear a hockey helmet all the time.
  16. You sound upset that people won't defer to your buffoonery
  17. Incorrect and ignorant That's exactly what's happening but I know you have to try and make yourself believe a baby isn't being killed.
  18. Copy and paste where I said you said it. Now tell us why do you leftists hate blacks who won't stay on the leftists plantation so much that some of you leftists feel compelled to threaten their lives and the lives if their families.
  19. I guess we can at least say he's physically healthy as he cant find his way off the stage.
  20. The piece of shit purposely altered my words. They do that all the time.
  21. You can read can't you? No I won't stfu. Don't like it? FU No just pointing out when a black professor reports something the leftist planation owners dont like he and his family have their lives threatened. We can see how leftists treat blacks that support trump. I'd say stop being stupid but....
  22. Nonsense Now do you care to tell us why leftists hate blacks that won't stay on the leftist plantation?
  23. That blacks are more often killed by cops. Bullshit. But the topic of this thread however is whites who hate blacks that don't want to stay on the leftist planation
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