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Everything posted by Canadian_Cavalier

  1. Liberals preach tolerance until they remember the existence of rural areas. Then, they think of a backwards underclass of untermenschen because they fail to rationalize how someone could possibly not think like them. I don't think all urbanites are evil or dumb, I just think they're more misled by popular media which is very prominent in those places, and generally people who depend more on services will be more leftist and pro-big government. There are plenty of leftists in rural areas, too. Look at the state of Vermont and Northern Ontario. While cities like Calgary, Virginia Beach and Colorado Springs also have reputations for being right-leaning.
  2. Remember when these people were bragging about how they read "banned books" when pornographic material became forbidden in certain US elementary school libraries?
  3. Best of luck to Ukraine. Being on the side of freedom and democracy is preferable to being on the side of Kim Jong Un.
  4. I agree with ExFlyer that this is off-topic. You may have to request a moderator to move this thread to the appropriate subforum. Anyway, I hope Americans are happy with a leader just as incompetent as ours.
  5. I didn't say Jesus was God. I used "Christ" in a way that a person would use "Trudeau" to describe our Prime Minister. You can debate the attributes the Bible gives Jesus, sure, but virtually all scholars are certain the historical Jesus existed. You sound like one of those people who get upset when someone prays for you instead of giving you a scientific hypothesis...
  6. The existence of Christ isn't really up for debate. Virtually all historians of antiquity believe he existed. Jewish and Roman people of the time wrote about Jesus, and his baptism and crucifixion are widely accepted as historical. Sure, his miracles and resurrection can be up for debate, but Jesus existed. To think otherwise is to believe in a highly fringe theory.
  7. He got the school system to defend him even with all that backlash from parents, how is that not a win?
  8. Still a great achievement for a party that polls said would lose in a landslide for a very long time. In some polls, the WIP got 20% of the vote. In the actual election, they got next to nothing. All those "cranky old farts" I see here, they support Trudeau and listen to the CBC religiously.
  9. I think the climate is changing and we should invest in nuclear power as the best way to lower emissions. The antinatalist argument falls flat when one realizes not a single Western country has a birth rate above replacement. It's all Africa and Asia. You never see these people telling them to stop having kids. This issue is being weaponized to shame us for reproducing and make us pay more taxes to the government. At least Canada doesn't seem to have those Just Stop Oil nutjobs from the UK and Germany.
  10. 100% guarantee they won't actually learn anything cool or interesting, it'll be a CRT fest about how everything is White people's fault ?
  11. 338Canada now shows university towns like Waterloo, Thunder Bay and Kingston being in play. Devastating for Trudeau.
  12. There's a difference between conservatives and libertarians. The most hardcore libertarians want to do crazy things like abolish driver's licenses and legalizing the sale of marijuana to children. Conservatives believe small government can work with the people, not no government. There has been little actual evidence supporting any benefits to giving kids irreversible changes to their bodies, and many come to regret it deeply later on. Adults do have the right to mutilate their bodies. The people who don't are the children. Leave them out of this. Conservatism is not hardcore libertarianism, please learn the difference.
  13. I'm getting real tired of the nonsense of certain Republican politicians like MTG, Gosar, and Boebert. None of them contribute anything of real value to American conservatism. They're like the Republican version of "The Squad".
  14. Because letting Putin take the land of a sovereign nation unchallenged is pure cowardice and sends a message that he can do whatever he wants. The purist isolationist policy of the pre-WWII US was immediately discarded after the bombing of Pearl Harbor because the event thereof instantly rendered it obsolete. Though as Iraq demonstrated, the US should have to have a good warrant to get involved in any conflict, but I believe this is one of them. Independent countries can make their own rules, I'm anything but a globalist, but something must be done about unjust invasions. No actual soldiers should be sent unless Russia directly attacks a NATO country, of course.
  15. Dear God I can't wait until he's voted out and Pierre is PM. Do liberals know just how much our international reputation has been swirling down the toilet for the past 8 years?
  16. Poilievre has had so many good moments I can't even count them. Things I remember are what he said about the convoy, his farmer commercial on Ag Day, and when he was recently heckled in Yukon. My riding is safe conservative but I'm still so excited to vote and make a change in Ottawa.
  17. The vast majority of ideas adopted at the convention should be very agreeable. Hiring people because of their race (DEI) is bad. Finding a realistic solution to lower our emissions without destroying our economy is good. Free speech is good. The vast majority of people I see upset about the ones related to transgender issues were never going to vote conservative in the first place.
  18. Canada will not leave NATO and it should not, either. A defensive alliance that protects us from China and Russia is good and I don't see why some "conservatives" (looking at you, PPC) think otherwise.
  19. This guy has my respect. He went in to make a fool out of the public school system and won.
  20. Liberals when Abacus: "I WUZ NEVER ASKED! FAKE POLLS! ELECTION ISN'T CLOSE!" Liberals when Nanos: "PIERRE IS DONE! IT'S OVER!"
  21. Hello everyone. I am new to this site, wanted to talk to likeminded people. Sometimes, I see talk of wanting to lower the voting age to 16. For me as a young conservative Canadian, this is absolutely ludicrous but I had trouble stating why without having to bring up personal interactions. Now I have proof. In 2022, a student vote mock election was held in Ontario along with the real one adults got to vote in. While adults elected Doug Ford with one of the largest PC majorities in decades, students went the complete opposite way and chose the NDP. Now, the problem isn't that I personally disagree with the NDP, it's that the fact that minors having different experiences and rights than adults sways their vote. Few pay rent or that many taxes which could've made them vote closer with adults. The biggest piece of evidence I have aside from that are the Student Vote results specifically in the riding of Parry Sound - Muskoka. In the actual election, this place was somewhat of an oddity. Like the rest of Central Ontario, the PC candidate won in the actual election, but the Green Party wasn't very far behind due to the riding having no liberal candidate. Unsurprisingly, the Green Party won here in the Student Vote. But the biggest oddity is actually the performance of Andrew John Cocks, the candidate for the minor right-wing Ontario Party. In the actual election, he only got 3% of the vote. In the Student Vote, he got 20%. Since the Ontario Party is nowhere near as popular in neighboring areas as there, I am led to conclude that there were a lot of students who only voted for Cocks because they thought his last name sounded funny. This means that many of these students are politically unserious, and raising the voting age if anything else should be more palatable than lowering it.
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