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Everything posted by Canadian_Cavalier

  1. It's a tragedy to the point that "seek Canadian Healthcare" has become a minced oath for "k1ll yours3lf". Canada has been embarrassing itself on the world stage, a lot.
  2. Children cannot get tattoos. Children cannot smoke cigarettes. Children cannot consume alcohol. Children cannot drive cars. Children cannot gamble. But children can consent to irreversible sex reassignment surgery?
  3. "Canadian Law" also grants Scott Moe the ability to do what's in the best interests of Saskatchewan parents. I thought it was common sense that the rights of children are limited because, well, they're children. They can't smoke, drink, drive, consent to sex, etc. Why should they be able to decide what gender they are? Why should parents not even know that? You know he's a legend if herbie is triggered over him.
  4. Canada's judge selections are thankfully less partisan than in the US, but that also allows for that to happen. If a judge doesn't believe parents should know what gender their underage child identifies as, yes, that's a liberal judge regardless of who appointed them. Judicial activism is a cancer upon our nation.
  5. The real lesson of residential schools is to not trust government to know what's best for your children. A group of activists have high interest in turning it into Canada's "original sin" as a way to get people (mostly whites) to hate our history and nation. I'll always love this country while recognizing it isn't perfect. God bless Canada.
  6. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-saskatchewan-pronoun-policy-notwithstanding-clause/ Saskatchewan's conservative Premier made the right choice. Unelected liberal judges do not have the right to tell parents how to raise their children. This is exactly why the NWS Clause exists in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Liberals do not own Saskatchewan and this is evident in the fact that every seat there is represented by a CPC MP.
  7. That's incredibly stupid. Teachers should always watch whatever YouTube videos they show to their students in advance so this doesn't happen.
  8. Contemporary Germany is by definition capitalist. The last Socialist Germany was so awful, they had to build a wall to keep people in.
  9. Gatekeeping the forum isn't a good argument, as I believe there are many site veterans who would agree with my position. If you think someone is acting unhinged, refute them with facts. If they won't listen, promptly ignore them. The truth will always prevail.
  10. If you get seriously hurt by something someone said on the internet, you need to leave and go talk to mommy for comfort. Ignoring people is an amazing superpower. Freedom of speech is an amazing human right. "Reminding" is only needed if you have good reasons to believe you're being threatened IRL and if such threats are found on this forum, which they aren't. If you don't like someone's personal opinion, you don't have to listen to them. You can even mute/block them.
  11. This scandal is massive. Videos of it have tens of millions of views on social media. Calls for Trudeau to resign haven't been this strong in a very long time. I don't pledge allegiance to CdnFox. I'm just glad my original post walked so more discussion of it could run. Plus, there's not much else to talk about. This thing utterly dominates news headlines.
  12. I made that before most people knew about this. The story has significantly evolved since then so I think this new thread is actually justified. Big things are happening.
  13. Derangement? This was beyond an international embarrassment for Canada. If Poilievre was PM you'd be the first to call for him to resign. Only the PMO and Speaker had the opportunities to vet that man and both failed. The Speaker is a member of the Liberal Party and was elected under their banner. "Facts are irrelevant" sure sums up your ideology.
  14. It's not about fighting on the same side, it's about ideology. The Germans believed everyone who weren't them were inferior. Finns were just fighting for an independent Finland and did not want to genocide anyone. Finland only "chose" to fight the Soviets in the Continuation War, mainly because they had land stolen from them prior. It was either they choose to do that, or the Germans potentially take over Finland themselves and do it anyway. The USA and USSR fought on the same side in WWII. That didn't make America Communist, nor did it make the Soviets capitalist.
  15. As an Eastern European Canadian this is where I draw the line. Finland unfortunately had to be on the same "side" as Germany for most of the war but it was fighting independently with its own army. Finland later fought against Germany in the Lapland War with very little Soviet support. When you have someone who was part of the Waffen SS and not an independent army, that's where you must consider things. Especially since this guy spoke on the eve of Yom Kippur, lol.
  16. Search #PierrePoilievreIsAFascist on Twitter and you'll see loads of people.
  17. This isn't how popular support works. You assume every NDP voter would gladly vote liberal and vice versa even though that's far from true. When the Canadian Alliance and federal PCs merged into the CPC, certain backers of the PCs saw it as dominated by the Reform/Alliance wing and became what we now know as Trudeau voters.
  18. No, I don't. If he didn't commit war crimes and was just forced to join, then maybe he's fine. He's also 98 years old, so not much we can do now. The point is that if it were anyone else, liberals would be the first to be outraged. They've called Poilievre a Natsee and Fascist multiple times without evidence yet will not condemn someone who served in the Waffen SS.
  19. They fought against the Red Army, which had a sizeable amount of Ukrainians in it too. Russia as an independent state did not exist. Fighting Bolsheviks doesn't make their persecutions of Galician Poles and Jews justified. Their war crimes are well documented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huta_Pieniacka_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidkamin_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palikrowy_massacre Do you always defend the Waffen SS?
  20. I support Ukraine and recognize how complicated Ukrainian nationalist movements of that time period were. But the folks who keep calling Pierre a Natsee without any evidence here sure are quiet on this... Yaroslav Hunka is a 98 year old veteran of the Waffen SS's 14th Grenadier Division, which was made up of mostly ethnic Ukrainians from the west of the country. AP calls it the "First Ukrainian Division".
  21. The Residential Schools outrage over the past 2 years is extremely overblown. There was no actual evidence of mass graves. The RCMP weren't even allowed to investigate. It's clear that a lot of activists are extremely interested into turning this thing into the Canadian Shoah as a means to make people hate our own history. Not saying that residential schools were good, but the real lesson should be to not entrust government with raising your kids. Parents are best for that.
  22. Someone like Graves would want Trudeau for as long as possible because face it - the post-2013 LPC is based around his image. Without it, there will be plenty of division and infighting.
  23. That all makes sense. It could also be a way to fearmonger NDP voters on to their side as well. The most likely scenario is that he subsequently releases a poll where the CPC is doing much worse, so he can say "Ha! Look guys, they're losing support!"
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