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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Oh Jeez Mr Petty himself wants to argue reusable bags aren't environmentally friendly. Ones you use for years aren't as good as plastic you use once and toss. Well guess what if - the alernative you want for PM thinks like that he's too f*cking dumb to be a PM. Dumb enough to promote Danielle Smith as Minister of Environment. So buy a paper bag for 35c and wear it over your heads.
  2. WTF are you talking about? That's what you have to bring with you to put your purchases in right now. If you forget they offer to sell you one.
  3. For all those that can't read past the headline and can't do math: How much your income tax is going up in 2024: None. Unless you made more money the rates are the same as now.. Your EI and CPP deductions will go up some. The payroll taxes go up too,. but you don't pat those, your employer does. IF your employer deducts those from your wages, shoot the money grubbing crook or join a union. Carbon taxes go up Apr 1st. They do not go up 17c/L, that's what you pay now. They go from 65 to 80 bucks a ton, you'll pay an extra 3 or 4 cents. That you will not even notice as the Oil companies will boost prices just before the tax comes in and then more than that when it does. They'll gouge you at least a dime for their own pockets. The "Canadian Taxpayers" group doesn't give a flying f*ck about YOU, they bought and p[aid for by employers and industry. They like every other group desiring to suck you in just call themselves a phoney name. Like the man said: You can fool some of the people ALL of the time.
  4. Sorry Deluse, it isn't the ones who got the vax that are the 'cultists', in your usual ass backwards use of dictionary definitions. It's the ennsie-weensie ,tiny whiney minority that refused to and are still snivelling years later. If the Boss says you need to wear a hard hat to work here, you're free to work somewhere else if you won't.
  5. So MAKE IT. That was exactly the point, stop with the "it ain't there Right F^cking Now so it never can be" argument with alternative energy solutions. Your Grandpa didn't have electricity or telephones, now you can't live without hydro and a phone in your pocket. He didn't have sidewalk, paved lighted streets or underground utilities, now they won't even let you build without those. The economics works both ways: DEMAND also increases SUPPLY not just vice versa.
  6. Why do you want to prove to other people that you voted? You're have to if you want your opinion to count. You're also free not to if you want to remain an insignificant pimple on society's ass.
  7. Funny how we've all 'heard' about this. Some become LOTS and two more make ALL. Immigrants have always come here expecting to work their way up. Ones with "skills" should be wise enough to look at certification obstacles and cost of living before they head out. Even though certs for doctors and nurses are being redone to attract more, you don't expect to just waltz in skip all the seniority steps and start doing brain surgery at the top rate. Or management. I know many people who moved to the US, to the UK to Australia and some who came back again. If I'd had a $100K job offer, I might have too. Might have some sympathy if I didn't work alongside so many immigrants who worked beside us in then mines, the mills, assembly lines. But gotta live in Toronto or Vancouver? And moving to Hong Kong cuz Calgary is too expensive? Like I said, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
  8. As you are the King of reading anything and not comprehending what you read. Congrats on that.
  9. So go. Don't let the door hit you in the ass. Seems to be a lot of front page stories about people leaving because they think something's better somewhere else. Like it was a real problem or something.
  10. When my Scot F.I.L. ragged me for having 'eye-tye' blood I'd rag him back that Scot cuisine was derived from the offal the Romans tossed over Hadrian's wall.... Natives because they had the misfortune of living between Europeans and pepper. India was England's Jewel in the Crown as they could actually taste something when they ate. Canadians argue over pineapple on pizza when anchovies aren't even on the topping selection..
  11. Perhaps because they too can see reversing it would be the stupidest thing possible.
  12. Democratic dictators and Nazi communists... oxymorons that announce to the world you are one.
  13. Amthrax, schmanthrax! Only a couple people a year die from that, so why make people get vaxxed just to go hunt for WMDs? Sissy pansy nanny state sheeple wah wah wah...
  14. Figures. We're used to USA being a tad behind the civilized world when it comes to things involving issues concerning society. So if it happened while Biden was King Shit, he must have personally ordered it. The Pentagon and the Health department aren't able to make decisions on anything. Just as the fact someone didn't get vaxxed proves you were forced to get vaxxed. And the fact you didn't get vaxxed and lived proves the vax didn't work and was dangerous. Just as the fact the sheep Canadians who obeyed their dictator died at less than half the rate then the Land of the Brave proves nothing. The fact the sun rose every day of the entire Trump administration proves he is the Sun God. Put it on your baseball cap "Proud anti-vax Trump Worshipper' and convince yourself that everyone else steps away from you means they respect you so much.
  15. It's the natural order of things. If you don't agree you're a communist subversive and should be shot.
  16. Let's begin to analyze the suggestion by determining exactly how you can vote twice. How does that even answer the question? Does doubling down and repeating something make it so? Tell you how that can work out. They had an 'election' in Greece in 1947. As so many were illiterate and had never voted before they gave everyone a blue card and a red card. You dropped the Red in the box for the Communists, the blue in to vote for the King. When you left you gave the leftover card to the person at the door. If it was a blue card, you were directed to a line of Army trucks waiting to take you away. but it proved you voted!
  17. Did Biden 'mandate' that or did the Pentagon order it? Or are you like anti-vax Canadians that think the President and the PM are minor deities that decide if your pancakes rise in the morning. Did it happen before Jan 2021 before Biden even took office? sheer desperation of the Trumo ass lickers
  18. Her family were Scots that emigrated here in 1965, One day her Mom visited and decided to cook us burgers and chips for dinner. She mentioned to my 7yr old daughter that never before had she eaten one of "those" hamburgers. My kid looked her square in the eye and said "Gramma what are you? Some kind of alien?"
  19. My Mom made all the disgusting middle class 1960s specials - tuna casserole, weenies & beans, shit on a shingle, feed 6 of us all week on a turkey etc. even those nasty jello salads when throwing a party. *dreaded her "Chinese food" w 5 day old leftover meat, soggy veggies and a can of pineapple tossed in. Hell, used to rag Mom about eating her "phlegumes"... veggies boiled in an aluminum pot until they were the consistency of snot. The 1st wife's Dad did all the cooking when she grew up, her Mom filled the percolator w instant coffee and baked a ham with the cloves poked thru the plastic wrap once. Had to teach my wife how to make hot dogs on our 1st camping trip - take the plastic off FFS! I had to learn... I had to raise 2 teens when the 1st wife left and I was insolvent. Amazing what you can do with a $1.50 jar of Dollarama Ragu if you have a spice rack and some leftover Italian sausage. Or an appy dinner of crackers, veggie w dip, a can of kippers and oysters & cheese. Kids loved that. Then I ended up w an ex camp cookie, fantastic baker, lover of exotic foods, over doer of everything. 2 of us and she cooked for a platoon. I was the budget buddy - no you're making meatballs, you don't need a whole pound of burger meat in the sauce too. Use the cheap cheese on pizza, not the 5 r old Balderson's from the deli... Fortunately the cows they raise here only make $58kg steak or hamburger so it's not a hard choice. $90 frozen turkeys or $20 hams for Xmas.
  20. Same was said about solar panels you can now find in the discount section at Crappy Tire and 48 packs of AA lithium batteries at Costco for what those old zinc ones cost for 2 when I was young. Those 9V square batteries that powered you transistor radio almost all day at the beach for about $20 in today money,
  21. We need a dictionary definition so MAGA people can claim they're not one.
  22. How are they supposed to learn? There's a knob on the stove it either burns things to shit or it's off? And you have to touch disgusting things that grew in dirt or are dead, bloody and just infested with germs! Just DoorDash me some pizza pockets! My daughter before she married a head cook. Hey Dad, let me make the agedashi tofu... 6 months later......
  23. Actually it wasn't, they simply justified it a necessary. That's why Herman Goering was an evil shit and Bomber Harris and Curtis LeMay were good guy heroes. Maybe the xo called "right" could rejoice if Israel just pulled out and fire-bombed all Gaza instead.
  24. Oh I wouldn't take the Victoria Cross from a flop-eared ninny like Charles....[/s] Here's one cartoon from a life time career I know the reactionaries in the forum will take offence to, after all those with fascist beliefs don't like exposure. That's why ploughboys don't get to choose who get awards.
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