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Everything posted by QuebecOverCanada

  1. FYI I know a friend working in a marketing firm and what he does at work has an impact on the search engine. If you pay money to his company, they will boost your search results on Google. Many companies do that, it's very competitive, everyone wants to stay on top but can't, so you'll have discrepancies every day when you're doing research on Google in the sense of results that will pop up more.
  2. What was extreme? To tariff China? To lower taxes to all Americans and enact lower corporate tax that had the effect to bring back corporations that were offshore? To say no to open borders? To enact a ban for individuals from problematic countries to enter the US? To make a deal between South and North Korea? To have no war for 4 years? To enact deals between Israel and Arab countries? Oh wait... I get it. He said things that were not politically correct, while the sniffer in chief that was instated back in 21 isn't able to speak a clear sentence. But hey, he loves the ice cream. Isn't he a sweet grandpa.
  3. You might think that. I might think you care selectively about which activist dies depending on which regime. To be frank, you have no clue about the hundreds of political prisoners executed yearly in China; and I don't neither. To be totally blunt, we really don't care. The reason you care so much about Navalny is the same reason you support war against Russia; the media has told you to care. Yeah, Politkovskaia was supposed to be the nail in Putin's political career too.
  4. No, no. I'll be very vocal myself. I don't care. I really don't, and it's fine. We don't have to care about activists in countries very far away from ours.
  5. I did not express any support to political assassinations, far from it. Epstein didn't kill himself btw.
  6. Oh no, he must have had an accident. Anyway, what happened to Jeffrey Epstein?
  7. By the way, don't think I'm rubbing you in any way possible. That's kind of erotic in a way it shouldn't be. Joke aside, it's all fun and games, it's a forum.
  8. That's the level you're at. CTV level. Keep showing us your great erudition. It's kind of a comedy.
  9. I don't think you should be taken as an example of a member with great knowledge and that be insulting those two.
  10. Not CTV for one. But anyway, it doesn't matter, even if you watch trash news, you will still get a glimpse of truth once and there. That's why you shouldn't have just one source of news, especially just local news.
  11. Iranians, including thousands of women, celebrated the Iranian Islamic Revolution. It is one of those demonstrations we will have no clue about in our media, and that explains the take I have about Iran. It is a backward country with no will to become liberal.
  12. Now I understand all your garbage takes. CTV is incredibly biased and unreliable.
  13. Taytay worked hard to get the credit from the entire football team. Congrats to her for her event about her.
  14. What damage will be done? He will apologize, and that's it. It can even be beneficial for him, as the woke cult adores White people who apologize on their knees. He has hundreds of millions of dollars, and people won't/will listen to him because of some racist things he said.
  15. We all know WMD were a false pretext to enter the war. Jean Chretien and Jacques Chirac saw through the bullsh*t propaganda.
  16. He's got his ideas of journalism from watching CNN, pardon his ignorance. Maybe he would be anti-war if the host of his morning show displayed in his old-age residence TV changed sides.
  17. Yeah, like in the good old times, like in 2003 when all the journalists were repeating the lies about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. Those were the time, my boy! Integrity at its finest.
  18. I really don't care he said racist stuff, anyway, all Americans have thought or said something racist in their lives. All humans did too, even Canadians. Yes, even you who reads this, even if you pretend hypocritically that it never happened, it did. Even if you're not White, you had racist thoughts. So being angry that he said racist stuff, I don't care once again. That's not the angle to which I would approach this. What I hate about Eminem though, is all his talk about his White Privilege, how he's ashamed to be White, etc. when in reality he's got hundreds of millions in his name and does nothing to help the common man. He's not forgiving about all the commoners who slipped up, but somehow him, we would have to express our gratitude for him because he's the preacher for all the good things in the world.
  19. This is the kind of mentality that led us (the global West) to defeat multiple times in the last 60 years, including thousands of dead soldiers on our side. Replacing dictators in the Middle East, Africa and in Asia has made the areas less safe, more prone to violence, HDI goes down systematically after each intervention. Regime change wars have proven to be totally ineffective and backfired at us multiple times, if not all the times it's been done. By the way, calling a democratically elected ex-president a dictator is incredibly stupid. Even worse, saying a sentence before that all dictators need a bullet to the head infers that you would kill Donald Trump if given the chance is extremely concerning for your mental health. For this reason, for therapy, I really wish you to express your anger at the Russians, on the battlefield in Avdviivka. Pretend they all are Donald Trumps. See how it goes. Please enrol now. I really want you to enrol for Ukraine. A journalist asks question. A political activist debates.
  20. Neither does yours, Chicken Hawk. Go to the battlefield please.
  21. This made me laugh so hard. He's also stupid, but he's not demented. He cant understand how to give a speech, but he's not demented. He said things that were indistinguishable from gibberish, but he's not demented. I HAVE ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE AMERICA (But not demented, eh)
  22. Look. He spent 2 years hiding and cowardly staying inside his cozy home, because of a virus that has virtually the same mortality as the common cold. But then, when the media told him to stop thinking about it because of Putin, then he became GI Joe, ready to save the world... with 18 years olds 10 000km away from his home. How can you not appreciate such a courageous opinion?
  23. Stalemate? They lost many major towns, all of the Azov Sea, lost all their fleet, have lost 10 millions + people from emigration, and call it a victory? On which planet are you on? Then why would our precious help be necessary? Another contradiction here.
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