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Everything posted by paxamericana

  1. I'm not religious so I don't have any qualms with gays over marriage regarding religion. My concern is the family unit, from a goverment/public policy perspective,. are gay couple able to raise their kids just as effectively as hetero couples if so then fine, marry away. Kids aren't for everyone but that's the point of marriage, it's meant to bring about a union that will produce functioning members of society. Unless of course you don't believe in the institution of marriage.
  2. Why is it when conservative criticize anything that contribute to the deterioration of marriage, we get called out as racist. Things that detract away from raising a child to be fully functioning members of society is called degeneracy. The question regarding gays is what to do about it, it's been around for ages? Should we encourage it by allowing a official recognition by the state? What is wrong with the rejection of that idea? Regarding the transgender community. Look these people are suffering from a mental illness called gender dysphoria, it should be treated as such. It does no good to tell someone with a mental illness that they are fine and the rest of society should accept them and their perception of reality. Sure gender means we carry a blend of trait from both stereotype, but to say that you are a woman in a man's body does not make you a woman. Sex reassignment surgery does not make you a woman, it is not a vagina, it is a wound that never heals. Anyone who allow their kids (under 18) to a knife because they "feel" a certain way should be put in jail for child endangerment. The bathroom bill was meant to protect not public bathrooms but locker rooms where there is a shared common space to undress. But it's much easier to call us racist for pointing these things out... Oh don't even get me started on sports, I'll die from aneurysm. https://nypost.com/2018/02/25/transgender-boy-wins-girls-state-wrestling-title-for-second-time/ "Beggs is in the process of transitioning from female to male and taking a low dose of testosterone."
  3. Word on the street was, start world war 3 under some pretense of either Russia vs China or US vs Russia and China, wipe out a good chunk of the population, start again and use the pretense of ending all war with a one world order....
  4. Yes, Canada will kowtow to Beijing. Question is, what are the consequences for doing that when it comes to America?
  5. You can bring that up to your globalist friends when you meet them.
  6. Globalist exist friend, facts don't care about your feelings.
  7. So you're finally admitting that Canada's suicidal progressive policies are no longer sustainable? I thought Canada wanted to champion progressive/post-modern neo marxist ideologies? Since when was america obligated to be in lock step with Canada? Sounds like the lack of a Canadian identity and failed leadership makes Canada ripe for the taking. America should Carpe Diem and make Canada Great Again.
  8. annexation of canada when?https://torontosun.com/2016/09/14/trudeau-says-canada-has-no-core-identity/wcm/60461a6d-7cb4-42a9-b242-05be9aaea46c
  9. Umm I think you failed to realize why hummer when out, it was for economic reasons and not environmental. If I could afford to drive a hummer everyday I would.
  10. Slow down there ted kaczynski, GM's short sightedness is one thing, tying it to trump's deregulation which helps the economy is another.
  11. because france? ....https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46460445
  12. I think GM and Ford's business move are un-patriotic and short sighted. They've basically moved all their sedan production to China while making nothing but Large SUV and Trucks for exuberant prices. This is silly because gas is a limited commodity and will eventually bounce back up. Once oil prices goes back to 150 a barrel no one will be buying these large vehicles. But I'm sure the business analyst at GM and Ford knows this. They're just banking on having their core business in China and not America.
  13. Care to elaborate? I too admit I dislike some of Trump policy even though I'd still vote for him.
  14. Since you all can't vote what are your bets on house and senate control.
  15. Actually republicans mostly agree with you the only problem is that they are not willing to use government in this capacity. We believe these things should be handled by of government like religious institution, friends family. Keeping a small limited government is the point, encouraging people to love thy neighbor and family, build a sense of community so they take care of you. Like back when the country was founded.
  16. Conservatism in america is on the decline, to take its place is a bunch of degenerates who support a welfare state, think that sexual promiscuity (hook up culture) will lead to a happier life, think that identity politics should take precedent over good governance, large shift away from traditional family values. Picture of the tolerant left poster child antifa...in portland
  17. I used to be like you once, green eye about our Canadian little "brother". Then I realized they are just disgruntled because they have a mouse elephant mentality, they hate how everything we do have massive influence on them while not having a say in the matter.
  18. You're proving my point, Canadians don't hate americans you just hate our government , foreign policy when we put America first, and conservative value we stands for because we ain't about that communitarian way of life. So basically you're only hating half of our country.
  19. Lets just say there's more than one hater in Canada. Fact is, this whole forum are full of people like that. They come here to complain about us.
  20. Which part is less desirable? Reapplying for the visa or paying for your own healthcare?
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