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Nefarious Banana

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Everything posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. Count and content are two different things . . . . . congratulations on 32,461 postings. Great count, no doubt about it. Content is another matter entirely . . . . yours could be summed up in a short paragraph. Again, a great short paragraph it would be. Carry on Mike, and have a safe, happy holiday
  2. Have yet to read anything from you that is definitive on any subject. Wishy-washy responses are your forte . . . carry on!
  3. This thread is about American politics . . . . . not Canadian politics. ?
  4. As was mentioned by a caller on the Roy Green show . . . . Would the Chicago Blackhawks invite the Toronto Maple Leafs to practice with them?
  5. The language of the left . . . . political correctness, has all but muzzled discussion. The present Liberal govt. are masters of this tactic. Question anything of the Liberals, and you're branded as a racist, global warming advocate, gay basher, anti-green, etc., etc. For the most part, the academics of this country are left/far left . . . Jordan Peterson being the delightful exception, and have slowly and surely undermined free speech and thought. We've become a country of pussies . . . .
  6. Daughter-in-law is a health care worker in a seniors facility . . . central BC. Her elderly patients haven't seen family or friends since March. She's masked/covered, and hardly recognizable. She and the other health workers are the only human contact for these elderly folks. She's also overworked as other colleagues choose not to work. Her elderly patients are alone and are in despair . . . . . and pass away. Sad state of affairs.
  7. Bonnie Henry rules BC with an iron fist . . . . people walking down the street with masks on, alone in their cars-masks on, everywhere-masked up. Trained seals, scared rabbits, or sanctimonious monkeys . . . . . ?
  8. Mike . . . . a cup of China tea may be just the thing to calm you down. And yes, you are a winner . . . in every way.
  9. As long as you're voting for the 'winning' side . . . . . you can call yourself a winner too. Justin is your boy . . . be proud! To turn the country upside down over climate change at this time is ludicrous. To import oil while we sit on our own, again . . . ludicrous.
  10. Was kicked out of Social Studies in high school . . . the teacher was obsessed with everything Egypt. Asked him why we weren't learning anything about Canada, considering most of us would live, work, and pay taxes, and die here. Made the mistake of also mentioning that if I wanted to know anything about Egypt, I'd buy a postcard. Kicked out, but made me a student of Canadian history, especially western Canada. Agree . . . . Dominion Day !
  11. You've lost all credibility . . . . . hoping you're well and not showing any signs of the disease from China.
  12. Have watched that more than a few times . . . . Trudeau is truly a light-weight in the mechanics of the sweet science.
  13. Harper has an education and acts in an adult manner.
  14. Thought you were living for 'free' on Indian Reserve . . . . ?
  15. A rather amusing statement . . . . you, using the word 'trust' in reference to the present Federal Govt. Your center Canadian definition of unity is 180 degrees from what is really happening in western Canada.
  16. Your above post must be the longest in your history . . . Pearson, Mulroney, Chretien, Harper . . . . some of many. I may have disagreed with their policies or vision, but at the end of the day or the end of their term, there was the satisfaction that they'd had the best interests of Canada at heart. That their vision of Canada was to bring as much unity as possible for the good of all citizens, and the country was relatively undamaged by their term at the helm. Do you feel this way now/anymore/ever with the present Federal Govt.? Do you think that the morale (pre-Covid) of the Canadian citizen has been damaged by inept Federal leaders? That Canada can ever have a sense of unity again?
  17. BC's Premier Horgan talking tough . . . . . collection agencies going after unpaid Covid-distancing fines. Maybe the offending unemployed father of four who hugged his kids and bending Bobble-head Bonnie's decree will get tossed into cells where social distancing is strictly monitored. Swat teams roaming the neighborhoods on Christmas Day . . . . . can anything be more festive than that?
  18. How's China doing these days. Never hear anything from their pathological govt. Turn loose some concocted pathogen and watch the rest of the world stagger. Who knows for sure.
  19. Sarcasm is lost on you. Toronto refers to your mind-set , , , , sunrises and sets on Toronto. Nothing else matters. As long as you spend your vote on a winning side . . . . I guess again, nothing else matters.
  20. Why are you so worried about what other people think . . . . . try thinking for yourself. You expect everyone to think like you do, then publicly whine about it when there's a different opinion than yours. Your leader will tell you what to do. Don't vary from his plan. Be happy . . . if that's possible.
  21. Well, you stand in line and do as you're told . . . . get the vaccine, the bar code tattoo, the wallet card, and whatever it is that your leader tells you to do. Be proud! Shout down others that have questions about your unwavering compliance, the intelligence of your leader, or the complete 'sand-bagging' of this country. You are the perfect citizen. Again, be proud . . . . and do as you're told.
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