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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. I watched the full series movie "The Crown". Very enjoyable. I am a fan of the constitutional monarchy and think it has been a very good system for Canada. It helps to ensure Canada is not taken over by a dictator because the fact the Armed Forces and RCMP still swear allegiance to the Queen means it would be difficult for a renegade PM for instance to cancel elections and set up his own dictatorship. Secondly we are part of a Commonwealth of Nations which automatically makes them our allies.
  2. You don't seem to be aware of the facts. 9-11 killed around 3,000 people. Since 9-11, more than 30,000 people have been killed by jihad terrorist attacks around the world, including a lot of Muslims. They don't seem to care if Muslims are killed as well, but many christians are killed every week in some parts of the world. Hundreds of people are killed every week or month by jihad terrorists. The west cannot just sit back and do nothing. That is not a sensible approach. The truth is these jihad terrorists believe they will go to heaven right away and receive 72 virgins if they die fighting for Allah. That is the simple fact. That's why we see often that lone wolf attacks are often perpetrated by unstable, individuals with mental issues and who may have a criminal record, but who believe they can escape all their problems by dying in jihad and get those 72 virgins.
  3. It's a well known characteristic of Liberals/NDP to put the rights of criminals ahead of the rights of victims and the safety of citizens. This is proven by the fact the NDP/Liberals voted against laws the Conservatives put forward to toughen up the criminal laws to protect citizens. The law the Conservatives brought in to deport convicted terrorists with dual citizenship was opposed by the Liberals and NDP. Since Trudeau was elected, he changed the law to allow a convicted terrorist with dual citizenship to allow him to retain his Canadian citizenship and remain in Canada, not only putting Canadians at greater risk but costing taxpayers 100,000 dollars a year or more to keep people like that in prison. The law the Conservatives brought in to give more power to the RCMP and CSIS to protect Canadians from terrorism was opposed by the NDP and Liberals. They made the phony claim that citizens rights would be infringed on. They also claimed protesters of oil pipelines would have their rights hindered. More Lefty propaganda. If people are protesting legally, they would not be affected. Liberals promised to change that law. Not sure if they have changed it yet.
  4. A good example of the behavior of some that oppose Trump is the thugs the operate among protesters. In Berkley, California they banned a pro Trump speaker from speaking on campus by rioting and destroying some property. How many cars have been burned since Trump was elected and how many streets have been illegally blocked and people intimidated by these masked thugs. Ask yourself why so many are wearing masks?
  5. I would think many people in Europe might disagree about becoming Eurostan. It has not happened yet, although some countries are nearer than they were 20 years ago.. Maybe people in Europe will finally wake up but I'm not holding my breath. Europe is full of liberals who don't have a clue and could care less about their freedom. We have the same kind of liberals in Canada who are taking us down that path.
  6. You blocked me, so perhaps can't see my reply. You made a comment to everyone and should expect replies. That's how it works. If you want to speak to a moderator only, you need to send a message to one.
  7. Non-western perspective seems to be there is no such thing as freedom of speech. We in the west take freedom of speech for granted but people in her culture have a completely different world view. Individuals don't comment on just anything. Every utterance has to be Sharia compliant. What people don't understand is the non-muslim world must according to the Quran become subject to Sharia Law. Everything must be geared to that goal. Freedom of expression does not fit that paradigm. That is why she can block so many people.
  8. No, I wouldn't take it as seriously as you. I don't believe such claims. It's way too far fetched. It won't go anywhere. Only a diehard democrat would believe that kind of stuff. The Russians did not effect the outcome of the election and nobody said they did. If they can't effect the election, why would there be any collusion? It just doesn't make sense.
  9. Just looked him up on Google. He is a well-known entertainer, conservative talk-show host and writer. He has written many books. Your opposition to him probably stems more from disagreeing with what he says. I don't know if there is any truth that he is a drug addict. Blowhard is a subjective term. Depends on your point of view. Talk show hosts who speak forcefully are the ones who get big audiences. It's part of the job.
  10. There have been claims for months by some democrats that there was collusion between the Russians and Trump team during the election campaign. As a result of such claims, there is an ongoing investigation by authorities such as FBI, but they are investigating because they are required to investigate any allegations. It doesn't mean or prove there is anything in it. Democrats know that if they can keep investigations going, they get some propaganda value out of it. That's the nature of the system. I doubt it will find that the Trump team was working with the Russians to defeat Hillary and the Democrats. This is not an investigation for treason. There is such allegation except maybe by some extremists.
  11. Trump is not being investigated for treason. That's fake. If you read the 64 Ways, you will see that the tactics which are being organized by the activists are undemocratic and anarchist. Taken from manuals of anarchists. Planting radicals in what are supposed to be grass roots meetings of constituents for the purpose of creating chaos and disruption of meetings.
  12. " Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/64-ways-obama-is-sabotaging-trump/#vopt5I4dS7SHEo8p.99" This is unprecedented. Setting up a Operations centre to oppose a democratically elected president, not for the democratic purpose of preparing for the next election, but for the purpose of using every strategy possible to bring the government down by questionable means. Whether any of this is legal or not, I am not a lawyer and couldn't answer that question. It certainly sounds sinister. In taking the view Trump is an illegitimate president they are disrespecting the democratic system and the outcome of the election. The democratic system is supposed to operate in the elected Congress and Senate. "28) The manual advised protesters to spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposed the Republican host’s positions. It said, “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.” It also urged them to ask “hostile” questions – while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” – and loudly boo the GOP politician. Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/64-ways-obama-is-sabotaging-trump/#SrS5K5DzyDHZkGjk.99"
  13. Because if you read the 64 Ways .. it shows there is an organized and professional effort by certain key operatives underway to attack the government and eventually bring down Trump. MSM doesn't report this.
  14. Canada recently said they are giving 360,000 dollars to the third world (Africa) for family planning, which is a euphemism for abortion. Appalling that we have a federal government that would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of our tax money to fund aborting unborn babies in Africa. At the same time, Trudeau and the Liberals are running up a 30 billion dollars debt here at home. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't we have to pay interest on any federal debt? This interest will be an added burden on taxpayers. Trudeau is increasing taxes with his carbon pricing scheme, giving billions to the third world, and driving us deep into debt, which our children and grandchildren will have to pay back. Guess he is trying to make a name for himself on the U.N. Maybe he's eyeing a future job as secretary general, or some position on an international body. I'm sure the U.N. will love him for his generosity with our money and his blindly following along with their climate change agenda. Incidentally he took over 300 people to the Paris climate change conference at taxpayer's expense. How could Canadians have elected them?
  15. NAFTA is a good deal for both countries with more than one billion dollars a day in trade crossing the border and thousands of jobs in both countries depending on it. I don't think it will be changed much. Maybe some minor updating. In the past the NDP was the most vocal opponent of free trade and their key supporters, the union leaders. I'm not sure they are still opposed to it. Maybe they have seen the light.
  16. 37) Talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said he was certain the former president and elements of the Democratic Party were behind the protests because they have been too organized and too professional to be random eruptions of grass-roots discontent. Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/64-ways-obama-is-sabotaging-trump/#1DOHqivqgw7ASeJJ.99 It's true as this article on WND says. I think it should be obvious the protests were NOT just random grass-roots protests. They were well organized. Your claim that WND is not a credible source doesn't stand up. The 64 Ways do make sense. If you want to believe everything the CBC tells you (or doesn't report) or the CNN slant go ahead. But I don't.
  17. If what you say is true, that taxpayers are paying for denomination schools, it is unacceptable. We have freedom of religion. Anybody can go to any church they wish and believe what they wish. I just think taxpayers should not be funding any religious schools.
  18. Leitch is a good choice. Me too. I read the Bernier was supporting the separtists back in the 1990s and early 2000s.
  19. I thought you were a "defender of the right", as your info says. You can't be a defender of the right and be a leftist at the same. You know what happens if you try to walk with one leg on each side of the fence. This link you gave with the critique of WND has the sound of being written by a leftist, probably a liberal democrat and maybe even more radically left. It's funny that these anti right people always find time to throw in a bit of anti-christian jibes. Regardless of what you believe spiritually, the article 64 Ways seems to be reasonable. I have read part of the 64 Ways down to about #32 and it makes complete sense. It is nothing outlandish which some might think from the title. It actually makes a whole lot of sense. It simply is pointing out how the anti-Trump people are part of a professional protest organization of activists and activist trainers, and it is run by Obama in the background for now. It describes how they are going about their plan to oppose Trump's agenda and possible bring Trump down. Haven't finished reading it.
  20. So you have read the long article in 10 seconds? Amazing!
  21. How do I move it to United States Politics? Just sent a request to the Administrator to ask it to be moved.
  22. It might seem outrageous and unprecedented that a newly departed president would devote himself to overthrowing his successor, but that is exactly what a mountain of growing evidence appears to indicate. Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/64-ways-obama-is-sabotaging-trump/#W2APqBS2eyLASAui.99 http://www.wnd.com/2017/03/64-ways-obama-is-sabotaging-trump/
  23. I think the doctor was annoyed with the patient because he refused to quit smoking. I'm not sure what happened finally. I doubt if most doctors are like that.
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