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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. Appeasement never worked with Hitler and the Nazis and it won't work with Communist China and Russia. America and the west are in a new Cold War with the Alliance of Evil but many have not realized it yet. They play hardball. Trying to placate them won't work and may just encourage them to be more aggressive. The west, and Canada especially, is in an extremely difficult position but got itself into it by it's own choice. There are no easy solutions. We are in for a struggle for the long haul and it may not end well.
  2. The book Axis of Evil by retired LT. General Robert Maginnis describes in his book Alliance of Evil how the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation are in alliance and represent the biggest challenge to America and it's western allies that the world has ever faced. Maginnes spent much of his life serving America in high military operations and pentagon military intelligence and has a vast knowledge of world affairs and the threats America and the west face. He took a bullet through his shoulder and managed to survive it. Took part in operations in the Panama with the removal of dictator Noriega, operations in the failed operation in Somalia, and various other operations. He worked in intelligence for top brass as well. He says America and the west are locked in a new cold war with Russia and China. Their aggressive behavior is evident in many ways throughout the west as they have infiltrated all aspects of society and collected vast amounts of information technology, including militarily, and embedded agents and influence throughout our political systems and every facet of society. Their goal is dominance. We can complain and protest as much as we wish, but this is not going to change the situation. They have global ambitions that we may not be able to stop.
  3. Yep, and the Liberals and most politicians and a lot of business people in Canada have had a lot of dealing with China over the years, but it is now coming home to haunt them.
  4. What about the one or two million Uighurs who are suffering rape, forced sterilization, forced abortion, abuse, and possibly death in concentration camps. They are trying to destroy a whole population. Does the world stay silent and do nothing? There are other minority religious groups that have suffered endless persecution, prison, etc. as well yet Canada went ahead and did all kinds of business with China for decades.
  5. I tried to explain that climate change, God and the Bible are all inter-related. God is in control of events. Man cannot control such things as climate change. The fact that Daniel prophesied the coming of Christ in Daniel 9:25 KJB and this was fulfilled centuries later could not be rigged because Daniel lived about 600 years before Christ. Daniel prophesied "25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks." Daniel 9:25 KJB Now, Bible scholars say one week of years refers to 7 years. So if you multiply 7 weeks plus 62 weeks, that is, 69 X 7 = 453 years. From the time Jerusalem was restored and rebuilt was exactly 453 years to the time of Christ's birth. There is no way this is a scam. It is just a plain fact that happened exactly as foretold in the Hebrew Bible five centuries earlier. This proves the authority of the Bible and the fact God inspired men to write it. It is undeniable. Check the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 53. This also is a prophecy about Christ and described what happened to Christ. The prophet Isaiah lived during the time of several kings of Israel mentioned in Isaiah 1:1, believed to be around 740 B.C. or more than 700 years before Christ came. So what does this have to do with climate change or global warming. Plenty. What I showed you proves that Bible is true and God is in control. God mentions nothing about man-made climate change. Climate has always occurred, is a natural change, and is under God's control. No need to run around claiming the sky is falling. There is no climate emergency that we can do anything about.
  6. You missed the fact that the Bible was written over a period of 1,600 years and the prophecies (predictions) were written by the prophets who lived long before the prophecy was fulfilled. The Bible is not one book. It is a collection of many books written by many different prophets and apostles. The Old Testament was completed about 2,400 years ago. So the book with the prophecy about the Messiah was written centuries before Christ came. It's fulfillment is described in the gospels written in the first century A.D. That prophecy was fulfilled hundreds of years after it was given in the book of Daniel. If something is prophesied centuries before it happened by one prophet and then centuries later recorded that it happened, it is clear that it is a fulfilled prophecy. There is no gimmick and no way it was anything but a future event fortold by a writer inspired by God.
  7. Stephen Hawking was a die-hard atheist. He is the last person on earth to listen to. You don't have to give any church any money to investigate and find out where the Bible came from. All you have to do is Google authority of the Bible or Is the Bible authority and start reading some of the articles. You can find that out without spending a cent just by reading about it on the internet. There is lots of evidence in the Bible itself. One is fulfilled prophecy. A prediction about a future event could only be done on a consistent basis if it came from God. The Bible does that. There are many fulfilled prophecies. Google Bible prophecies fulfilled and you will find them. Here is one: "Daniel 9:25 – “So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years” In this prophecy, Daniel is claiming that there will be 69 weeks of years between the issuing of a decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the appearance of the Messiah. Now keep in mind that this bold prediction came 538 years before Christ was born. Now let’s investigate a little history, OK? In 464 BC, Artaxerxes, a Persian king, ascended to the throne. His twentieth year as king would be 464 BC. Nehemiah, the Jewish cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, was deeply concerned with the reports about the ruined condition of Jerusalem which came about as the result of their being defeated (Nehemiah 1:1-4) and as a result, he petitioned the king: >Nehemiah 2:5,6 – “Send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may rebuild it. So it pleased the king to send me”. Scripture then provides us with the exact date of this decree to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem. According to the scriptures the decree is issued “in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king” (Nehemiah 2:1). The Jewish calendar month was Nisan, and since no day is given, it is reasonable to assume that the date would be understood as the first, the Jewish New Year’s Day. And, in the Julian calendar we presently use, the corresponding date would be March 5, 444 B.C. This was the day on which the decree was issued to restore and rebuild Jerusalem." - List Of Bible Prophecies Fulfilled | Believers Portal
  8. The Big Bang theory is just that a theory. It is faulty for a number of reasons. An explosion does not create order. It creates chaos. The big bang theory does not even attempt to explain where it all came from and how order was created out of chaos. The universe is an orderly creation. The sub atomic particles, energy, molecules and laws of physics all work together. This demonstrates an infinitely high intelligence, or God who created it all. All these particles and laws that govern them could not have come about by a cosmic accident. Science does not begin to address that because there is no explanation apart from God. If you looked into why the Bible is authoritative, you might find out why. But until you do that, we're really beating a dead horse.
  9. The thing is that God created the earth with apparent age at the time he created it. The Bible says he created trees and all creatures. Then he created man. So at the time everything was created, they had to have an age built in. So the rocks and earth would have had an age which may appear old, but actually was created that way in an instant. So that crater you mentioned would likely have been created with the appearance it was 1.849 billion years old. You underestimate the power of God. When he created things, they would have to have an appearance of an age. The alternative is where did everything come from? There is no explanation apart from a Creator.
  10. All Canadians do not think the same way. There are many varied opinions. I think God and the Bible is central. God created everything and made science what it is. He gave man knowledge. What you do with it or don't is up to you and anyone else. We don't live in a Communist system where only one line of thinking is permitted. Isn't that what democracy and freedom of speech is all about.
  11. No, I don't think so. You need to study the Bible. Genesis says God created the earth. It doesn't give the date but it is believed the earth (and universe) was created 12 to 15 thousand years ago. You probably don't believe that or the Bible, So you need to study the reasons why the Bible is authoritative and what many scientists believe about creation. If you study that you will be in a better position to make an informed decision about the issue. There are many articles on the internet and some are at creation.com website. Man is believed to have been created six to ten thousand years ago. The point is God created man and gave him dominion over all creatures a relatively short time ago. So that means God is in control. Atheist scientists who believe in the millions or billions of years theory think creation is some kind of cosmic accident and that there is no Creator in control. That is fiction. Creation could not have happened by accident. Do you really think that God, who knows the future and everything that is going to happen, would not be in control of the climate? I can tell you almost all climate alarmists and doom sayers do not believe the Bible and think man can control the climate. That is the reason they look at the figures around CO2 and the atmosphere and come to the climate alarmism conclusion. There is no proof man causes global warming. It is purely speculation. Speculation is not proof. They have a tendency to automatically blame man for everything that is happening in the weather or climate. It is ludicrous. There are a lot of things prophesied that will happen in the future, but the Bible says nothing about CO2 or global warming as a result. There are major calamities coming on the world but I don't think it has anything to do with burning fossil fuels. Many of the climate alarmists are worshiping mother earth, a false god. They would sacrifice mankind to save the planet in their mind. You can read the article on anthropogenic global warming at: A biblical and scientific approach to climate change - creation.com Part of the article says: "Correlation does not mean causation: That the temperature has been increasing along with the level of CO2 does not mean that one caused the other. For example, between June and December of 2008 both the temperature in Calgary AB Canada and the Toronto Stock Exchange Index decreased dramatically. However, one did not cause the other. Thus, the observation that the atmospheric temperature and CO2 concentration are both increasing does not mean that one is causing the other—either one may, indeed, be causing the other, or both could be being caused by something else, or they could be completely unrelated. Science is often captured by a ‘ruling paradigm’: A paradigm is a framework used by default for the interpretation of data. It is just assumed to be true. Sometimes this is done explicitly when scientists do not have a better idea and so they just run with the best idea they have, anticipating that they could be wrong. At other times, the ruling paradigm is subliminal or is being hidden by certain players in the game. In the latter cases, data that are inconsistent with the paradigm are treated as errors by the researcher or dismissed because the researcher is judged not to have appropriate credentials, unacceptable political leanings, any sort of religious beliefs, or funding sources deemed inappropriate. Or, if none of these applies, the errors are accommodated within the ruling paradigm by introducing ancillary hypotheses. The Ptolemaic geostationary model of the solar system is a well-known (false) paradigm that ruled the interpretation of astronomical observations for about 1,500 years. The big bang and biological evolution are two modern ruling paradigms in cosmology and biology/paleontology respectively. Thus, it should not surprise us that climate science has been captured by the ruling paradigm that anthropogenic CO2 will cause catastrophic climate change. Nothing else is considered. Peer-review does not ensure truth: Peer review, especially when coupled with publication in ‘prestigious’ scientific journals, has come to be taken as the ‘gold standard’ of science. And the contents of scientific papers are often treated as beyond question. There are numerous examples of failure in the peer review process. A prominent incident prompted one academic to write a scathing critique of peer review that was published in The Guardian:23 “At its worst, it [peer review] is merely window dressing that gives the unwarranted appearance of authority, a cursory process which confers no real value, enforces orthodoxy, and overlooks both obvious analytical problems and outright fraud entirely.” The Climategate emails (see later) showed that this problem afflicts climate science."
  12. Take a look at this graph. Shows man contributes very little CO2.
  13. The total CO2 is still only 0.04% of atmospheric gases, and of that man's contribution is insignificant. Almost all of the 0.04% is natural CO2, not from man-made fossil fuels. You haven't addressed that. This is all just a U.N. political scheme to bring in U.N. control of the populations.
  14. If if the total man contributes has gone up from 6GT, it is still miniscule compared with the total CO2 in the atmosphere and the total is still only 0.04% of the total atmosphere. Water vapour is the cause. Far more water vapour in the atmosphere. So it is logical to believe CO2 is not the cause of global warming.
  15. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04% of the atmosphere. "The atmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 and humans contribute only 6 GT additional load on this balance" Figure out from that how much of the CO2 in the atmosphere is produced by humans. "That means humans contribute 0.0083 % of the CO2. What is 0.0083 of 0.04? It is so small it is almost immeasurable. The amount of water vapour varies from a trace up to 4% of the atmosphere. Water vapour is what causes global warming. CO2 contributes very little to global warming. Man's contribution is so infinitely small that it is impossible to prove man causes global warming. The infinitesimally small amount man contributes would point to man not contributing to global warming. It would appear man contributes 0.00032 % of the CO2 in the atmosphere which is nearly nothing.
  16. Of course the climate changes. That is agreed by most people. But what causes it is the issue. I don't think man causes climate change. Climate has always changed. It is driven by natural causes such as the changing radiation from the sun. There are far greater things to worry about in the world such as the new cold war developing between the U.S. (including the west) and the Russia-China alliance. China is a growing military and economic power and is doing whatever it can in the world to increase it's influence and power of western countries. Putin in Russia is also doing what he can to make Russia a serious superpower that would surpass America and the west.
  17. You mean spend billions of dollars and create a welfare state where working people pay for every possible necessity of life plus all imaginable recreation and entertainment facilities for people that won't stay in school, get an education, and a job?
  18. Books I have seen say Hitler was a Catholic. In fact the Vatican signed a Concordat between the Nazi government and the Vatican. The book "Smokescreens" by Jack T. Chick says "Read what the press of the Spanish dictator, Franco, published on the 3rd of May, 1945, the day after Hitler's death. It said, "Adolf Hitler, son the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity." It goes on to say "Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory." Hitler himself stated, "I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party." Get the book "Smokescreens". The 100 million dead figure from Communist revolutions in the 20th century is the number given on various articles on the internet. Who cares what the exact number is? We know Communism is a diabolical ideology that killed millions. Tens of millions died under Chairman Mao during the Communist revolution, the Cultural revolution, and the Great Leap Forward.
  19. Yes, but there are different ideas about the Old and New Testament. Most churches do not follow most of the rules and regulations given to the Jews in the Old Testament. There has always in the last 2,000 years been the Old Testament (which was the Jewish Bible and later the part of the Christian Bible) and the New Testament which was written after Christ came. This is a somewhat complex theological subject and takes a bit of study. I am no expert in it and don't claim to be. "Conclusion The teachings of Jesus, the Council of Jerusalem, and other New Testament teachings (John 1:16-17, Acts 13:39, Romans 2:25-29, 8:1-4, 1 Corinthians 9:19-21, Galatians 2:15-16, Ephesians 2:15) make it clear that Christians are not required to follow the Old Testament rules about crimes and punishments, warfare, slavery, diet, circumcision, animal sacrifices, feast days, Sabbath observance, ritual cleanness, etc. Christians still look to the Old Testament scripture for moral and spiritual guidance (2 Timothy 3:16-17). But when there seems to be a conflict between Old Testament laws and New Testament principles, we must follow the New Testament because it represents the most recent and most perfect revelation from God (Hebrews 8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:1-18, Galatians 2:15-20). However, freedom from the Old Testament Law is not a license for Christians to relax their moral standards. The moral and ethical teachings of Jesus and His apostles call for even greater self-discipline than those of the Old Testament (Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28, 31-32, 33-34, 38-42, 43-48, 7:1-5, 15:18-19, 25:37-40, Mark 7:21-23, 12:28-31, Luke 12:15, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Galatians 5:19-21, James 1:27, 2:15-16, 1 John 3:17-19)." - christianbiblereference.org
  20. Leviticus is part of the Old Testament law which only applied to Israel several thousand years ago. It does not apply to Christians and never did. The only things that apply to Christianity are things like the the ten commandments that are valid through all time and restated in other parts of the Bible or New Testament. This is not really a debate about abortion but since you ask, "24 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;" Isaiah 44:24 KJB This verse and other similar verse show God considers the unborn as persons and therefore they fall under the command "thou shalt not kill". Exodus 20:13 KJB
  21. I won't try to answer all of your points now because of time required. But will answer this one and leave the rest for later. If you are speaking about religious folks, you are correct. There are many different religions in the world. The so-called Christians that committed war crimes and started wars were not Bible-believing Christians. Romanism is not Biblical Christianity. Hitler and his henchmen were Roman Catholics. So if you are judging by all the false religion in the world, of course you could say they started a lot of religious wars. But my comments were specifically referring to the teachings of the Bible which forbid unjust killing and aggression. Bible believers don't oppress women and gays. That is another fallacy you have fallen for. The Bible teaches men are to love their wives as themselves (Ephesians). Bible believers don't believe in homosexuality and don't believe it is the proper way to live, but they don't oppress them or bother them. I was specifically referring in my comments to the Bible as a guide, not various religions and people. They are not a guide. Communist revolutions has resulted in at least 100 million deaths in the 20th century. The world wars killed more people in the 20th century that any other wars all through the history. They were not exactly religious wars. Jesus taught to love thy neighbour as thyself. I can't see how you can fault true Biblical Christianity for that. Missionaries who are following the Bible do not "oppress the savages" as you claim. They teach them the true gospel and try to help them live a civilized life in accordance with Bible teaching.
  22. The problem with anyone using his own reasoning as the ultimate guide of truth and error is that it has proven to be a failure throughout history and is not a reliable or trustworthy guide. We don't need to look far in history to realize that. The Communists, the Naziis both thought there own reasoning or ideology was the best there was. It resulted in 100 million deaths in the 20th century and unimaginable suffering and continues to cause that. The prisons are full of people who thought their own way was the right way. Society is full of people who think their own way is the best way. Sometimes, they are fortunate that it works out for them in business or their personal life. Often it does not work out. The Bible on the other hand reveals why our own way is the wrong way. It teaches how there is a far larger dimension to life and the world than the visible material universe. It teaches us that the material universe will not bring genuine lasting happiness. It teaches us that our own way may be disastrous and will not lead us down the best path. It teaches us that there is a God who created us and created everything for his own glory. It tells us that God loves us and that we are primarily accountable to him. It teaches us that there is a purpose for our lives and that human life is a gift from God and it is sacred, that is, that only God has the right to end it. Even though there is often suffering in life, we need to look to him and his word for understanding of how to deal with it. There is a reason for everything even though we may not fully understand it. We need to trust in him. But before one can trust in him, there must be a complete transformation. In the Bible, that is called the new birth. The gospel of John speaks about that. It can't be just a desire to change one's ways and try to be a good person or do good deeds. That is not what the transformation is. It requires a new birth as spoken in the first chapters of the gospel of John. One must be delivered from this present evil world and transformed into the kingdom of God's Son. One then becomes a child of God. It can happen instantly when one turns or is converted to Christ. It is not done by good works. It is accomplished by God's grace through faith. Ephesians ch2: 8, 9 Anything short of that will not do it. This faith is a gift from God and it comes through study of the word of God. "17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17 KJB
  23. I don't know where you get your statistics, but most of the gun crime is not in smaller towns or rural areas. It is in places like Toronto and is committed mostly by black people whose folks came from places like Haiti or Africa. Most shootings by young men associated with gangs. If they could take the guns away from these people, there would be a lot less shootings. But then the police would be accused of racism for searching black neighbourhoods. and residences. Also most shooting are not done with so-called assault weapons or long guns. Criminals don't use those kind of guns. They use hand guns that they can easily hide. Law-abiding guns collectors and target shooters are not the ones doing the crimes. You don't reduce the number of killings unless you go after the right people and the right guns.
  24. The problem with "the fewer guns, ...the better" idea is the law-abiding gun owners like hunters and target shooters are not he ones killing people. It is the criminals with illegal guns that are doing most of the killing. Most of these killers are in the major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc. If the government really wanted to reduce gun crime and killing with guns it would eliminate all the illegal guns in these cities. They would be searching every suspected place where there might be guns. But they don't do that probably because of charter rights advocates and they would be accused of racism. You know who does most of the shooting in Toronto. We already have armed security guards for some things, like Loomis and Guardia, that handle the money being shipped in and out of banks. Why not allow someone to be trained as an armed security guard to protect the staff and businesses that are the target of criminals? Don't have to give a handgun to everyone. But there are certain businesses in areas of cities that are targets of criminals. They need armed security. Are they allowed now to hire armed security guards? Why prevent these businesses from protecting themselves?
  25. Liberals are changing the laws now to give lighter sentences for visible minorities and abolish minimum mandatory sentences.
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