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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. Perhaps read Genesis chapter two and three in the King James Bible and learn about the fundamental doctrine of the Fall of man. God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, a paradise, and told them they could eat of any fruit in the garden except the one tree, which was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then the serpent came along (Satan) and tempted Eve by questioning what God had said. Eve was seduced into eating the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam and he ate it also. The book “The Westminster Confession of Faith - For Study Classes” by G.I. Williamson explains this subject. “By accepting, without question, what God said about that tree, Adam could gain true understanding of its meaning and purpose. But as soon as Adam sought to know (make interpretation) apart from subjection to God’s word (Gen. 3:6), he was lost, and wholly in error. And as soon as the authority of God’s word was rejected (3:4) and the authority of man’s own reason enthroned (3:5-6), it became necessary for Adam to deny that the “fall” had happened as God said. The diabolical condition of man’s heart we call “total depravity”. We say that as a consequence of what Adam (an actual man, the first man) did (at a real place and an actual time), all men are, by nature, “wholly defiled in all the faculties and parts of body and soul.” By this rebellion against God, “the whole human nature became ethically perverted so as to become wholly contrary to God. Thus every part of that which constitutes man’s created nature was polluted and corrupted.” “We believe that part of the difficulty that is experienced with this teaching is due to the failure to recognize the corporate aspect of human existence. The Bible does not regard the human race as so many isolated individuals, each separately created by God (as were the angels), but as an organic unit created in one man -- and then, one pair -- having the power to produce offspring in their own likeness and image. Adam and Eve were the “root of all mankind”. This is how the depraved nature became the nature of all mankind. To summarize and show the love of God, God sent his only begotten Son, into the world, to redeem lost and fallen man, i.e., those who will believe in his Son. In God’s economy, the only atonement acceptable to God for sinful men, is the shed blood and death of his Son. Therefore in God’s love, his Son died on the cross on Calvary and shed his blood, and three days later was resurrected from the dead by the power of God. Those who believe and accept this sacrifice or atonement for their sins are forgiven and receive eternal life and will live forever in paradise with God. So yes, God is love, and wills that every person come to faith in his Son and receive salvation.
  2. You are not forced to believe or care what the Bible says. But the existence of God is a fact evident by the creation and his word, the King James Bible, proves itself as coming from God. Nobody is "forced" to believe anything. You can continue to deny the reality of God and his word, but if you choose to do that, in the end you will lose everything. " 9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. 10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be." Psalm 37: 9, 10 KJB This verse says those who believe God will ultimately inherit the earth and evildoers (those who deny God and his word) shall be cut off. Those who not believe are the wicked and they shall end with nothing. I am doing you a favour in telling you these things, because it is like a warning sign of what is ahead if you do not change. You are not forced to believe or do anything but I have tried to help you by pointing out what the Bible says. It's entirely your choice. The Bible says many are called but few are chosen. I can verify this is true from what I have seen. I will conclude by telling you the Bible says God loves everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe.
  3. China is building hundreds of coal-fired electricity-generating stations both in China and abroad. "Yet China's overseas ventures include hundreds of electric power plants that burn coal, which is a significant emitter of the carbon scientifically linked to climate change. Edward Cunningham, a specialist on China and its energy markets at Harvard University, tells NPR that China is building or planning more than 300 coal plants in places as widely spread as Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt and the Philippines." -npr.org China's CCP is not dumb like half of the population in the west who are asleep on what is really happening in the world. The CCP are doing things to increase their economic and military strength in the world. If they were really serious about cutting CO2, they would be changing what they do. Instead they emit more CO2 than any other country in the world.
  4. Yes, because God has said "thou shalt not kill". We already have laws against killing. What' so difficult about that to understand? Laws against killing has nothing to do with Sharia Law. Sharia Law is Islamic law which is totally different than western law. Laws against killing are just civilized. Since God has forbidden killing, there's not much to debate. But people on their way to hell don't care. Eternity in hell will not be happy time. If you don't believe hell is real, just think about how God created everything and is in control of the universe. Do you really believe there will be no accountability for all the evil in the world, and the killing against his express command? You are fooling yourself, or the Devil has you fooled completely. Either way, it doesn't matter. If a person does not repent and believe the gospel, he won't be saved. Lawlessness and killing will continue in this world, but life is short and we will all face judgment after death. Government legalizing killing does not remove it from God's command and does not make it right. It is still under the same commands in God's written revelation. But there is still time to be saved, but I wouldn't put it off because we could be gone any instant in time. Hebrews 9:27-28 KJV And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
  5. No such thing as Christian "sharia". You are way off base. Don't know where you got your ludicrous ideas. Nobody is forcing you to believe anything. Your choice; heaven or hell. Sounds like you've made up your mind.
  6. Altai, Pastor Andrew Brunson is on the Jimmy Bakker TV show this morning telling his story of what happened. He spent 23 years in Turkey as a missionary for God and Jesus Christ. I wish you could hear him. He is a sincere Christian. He described his 2 years in prison. He believes he was arrested to send a message to anyone thinking of coming to Turkey as a Christian missionary. He said he then believed it was changed and he became a bargaining chip to deal with the U.S. He mostly is describing his time in prison. He said he was surrounded by Muslims and told repeatedly every day that he will become a Muslim. He suffered incredible mental torment and stress as he struggled through that time. He at times questioned whether God had left him, but of course even if he felt forsaken by God, God was still there with him. As the Bible says, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee". He wrote a book "God's Hostage" which I might get. It is available on Amazon, as a soft cover book and a kindle book. This is the true story of Andrew Brunson's persecution as a Christian. It is also noteworthy that on the last day Pastor Andrew Brunson was in Turkey, he was convicted of terrorism, then immediately released from prison (by order of Turkey's President), taken to an aircraft, and flown directly to the White House to meet with President Trump. He then kneeled before President Trump, laid his hand on his shoulder, and prayed for the President. I just saw him praying for President Trump on the Jimmy Bakker program.
  7. "religious right" is the place to be if one is heading for heaven. If one is heading for hell, they likely support abortion and other things condemned in the Bible. Better read the New Testament, gospel of John, and ask God to save you and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. The Bible is God's written revelation to man and tells how to avoid going to hell and how to be saved. It is not complicated. It is simply a matter of faith in Jesus Christ and believing in his once for all sacrifice for you personally. Make him your Lord and Savior and become a child of God. You can decide whether you want to spend eternity in hell or go to heaven for eternity. Life is too short to waste in foolishness and iniquity and squander away the chance to be saved and go to heaven. "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJB
  8. While the west is squandering it's resources and wealth on fighting the hoax of man-made climate change, Russia and China are building military power which will rival or push them ahead of America and west. Get the book Alliance of Evil. Let's not forget it was the U.N. which is largely controlled by Communist countries which forced this global warming agenda on the west.
  9. So you only consider left wing sources as honest? That's a surprise because it is the left wing that kills millions of unborn babies and supports biological men using women's washrooms and changing rooms. These are the immoral people you trust. On the race for corruption and immorality, I think the Democrats won the race long ago.
  10. How about this? "4. Hunter Biden’s firm scored a $1.5 billion deal with the Bank of China only days after his father paid an official visit to the country. As Peter Schweizer, a senior contributor at Breitbart News, revealed in his bestselling book — Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends — Hunter Biden inked a multi-billion dollar deal with a subsidiary of the state-owned Bank of China in 2013. The deal, which was the first of its kind, created a private equity fund, Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) to invest Chinese money overseas. The timing of the lucrative deal has been brought into question as it came only 12 days after Hunter visited China with his father aboard Air Force Two. Officially, the then-vice president was visiting the country amid escalating tensions over islands in the South China Sea and decided to bring his granddaughter and son along. In a March 2018 interview with Breitbart News Tonight, however, Schweizer detailed the political machinations that preceded Hunter Biden’s $1.5 billion venture with China. Schweizer said: Since its creation, BHR has invested heavily in energy and defense projects across the globe. As of June, Hunter Biden is still involved with BHR, sitting on its board of directors and owning a minority stake of the fund estimated to be worth more than $430,000."
  11. This just shows how difficult it is to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Following these health directives would be extremely difficult and unlikely in many cases. It is probably a nearly impossible request for many people. Sad reality.
  12. I don't see any similarity there. You didn't read the article and see how the conflicts of interest and large amounts of money were paid to Hunter Biden in the different connections. Don't waste our time if you can't be bothered to read the information.
  13. You didn't read the five ways Hunter benefited greatly from his political connections through Joe Biden, not just when he was a Senator but also later when he became a vice President. Corruption. and conflicts of interest is standard fare. They have a long history of milking the system.
  14. "Joe Biden’s youngest son, Hunter, has a long and muddled history of profiting from business interests tied to the former vice president’s political influence." "2. Hunter Biden was on MBNA’s payroll while Joe Biden was writing bankruptcy reform legislation. In the early-2000s, Hunter Biden remained on MBNA’s payroll as a consultant while his father was writing and pushing the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. The arrangement, which did not become public until after the law was passed, started in 2001 after Hunter Biden had left his position in the Commerce Department. Hunter Biden was paid monthly consulting fees, with some claiming they ranged upwards of $100,000, to advise the company on online banking issues. The 2005 bankruptcy law tightened regulations to make it extremely difficult to declare bankruptcy. The law was heavily favored by MBNA and other giants in the banking and finance sectors. Many consumer protection advocates, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), have claimed the bill benefited special interests at the expense of consumers. Some have even suggested the law only served to hasten and aggravate the recession of the late 2000s. As previously reported by the New York Times, Biden worked against many of his own fellow Democrats in Congress to ensure the final version of the bill was free of provisions opposed by companies such as MBNA. Biden “was one of five Democrats in March 2005 who voted against a proposal to require credit card companies to provide more effective warnings to consumers about the consequences of paying only the minimum amount due each month,” the Times noted." The mainstream media carefully avoided these scandals during the 2020 election campaign. Five Times Hunter Biden’s Dealings Were Conflict of Interest for Joe Biden (breitbart.com)
  15. "Climate preacher/scientist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez predicted recently that “We’re like… the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.” You can add that to the spectacularly wrong predictions made this year around the time of Earth Day 2019. Finally, think about this question, posed by Ronald Bailey in 2000: What will Earth look like when Earth Day 60 rolls around in 2030? Bailey predicts a much cleaner, and much richer future world, with less hunger and malnutrition, less poverty, and longer life expectancy, and with lower mineral and metal prices. But he makes one final prediction about Earth Day 2030: “There will be a disproportionately influential group of doomsters predicting that the future–and the present–never looked so bleak.” In other words, the hype, hysteria and spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions will continue, promoted by the virtue signalling “environmental grievance hustlers” like AOC." aei.org
  16. Canada is on a slippery slope. Since they have already brought in MAID in 2016, now they are going through the process of removing restrictions and making it easy to get and the government is openly saying they are making it possible for people with mental problems to get MAID. This will put countless people in Canada, including handicapped people, at much greater risk. This demolishes the age long, and Judeo-Christian principle of the sanctity of human life. Holland went this route years ago and now it is reported that 20% of those who receive doctor-assisted dying are receiving it without the person's permission or request for it. This is a slippery slope and we can expect the same kind of thing in Canada. With the ever-increasing cost of the public health care system, we can easily see where this will lead.
  17. Canada is still a democracy but to a limited degree. It is run by a small borg of elite located in the Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto triangle and is to some degree an oligarchy. True democracy would reject a leader who has had repeated ethics violations. In Canada ethics doesn't seem to carry much weight. The morally deficient masses still vote them in. Charisma, name, and where they're from has more weight.
  18. Incidentally, I inadvertently didn't post that part but I agree it should be mentioned too. Whichever government did it, I don't agree with it. My criticism was directed at government, period. I am against that decision. But I wonder why the Liberals allowed it to continue the past five years. Why didn't they stop it? Conservatives were no better than Liberals at protecting Canadians from China. Didn't the Liberals spend a vast amount of money on the Asia Infrastructure Bank too? Helping fund projects in China? But Liberals seem to have a special love for Communist China.
  19. I don't think so. Without America there would be no freedom. We would all be living under either Hitler or Communist rule. the wars in Korea and Vietnam were to try to fend off the expansion of Communism, especially the Korean war. Vietnam was more debatable and probably America should not have gone in there. They lost it and it would have been better to just let N. Vietnam take over S. Vietnam. But the thinking at the time may have been that the Communists were planning to take over southeast Asia if they were not stopped. Turned out they never went further than S. Vietnam. But that was probably because they had no navy and would not be able to cross the water to other southeast countries. But hindsight is always better than foresight. I still believe our freedom and democracy in the west with America leading the defense if far preferable to a Communist dictatorship with no freedom. Communist countries do not respect human rights or basic freedoms.
  20. Microsoft News has a report from the Canadian Press: "OTTAWA — Public Safety Minister Bill Blair says he assumes security authorities signed off on an arrangement to allow a company owned by a Chinese police force to run Canada's visa application centre in Beijing." ..."Questions have been raised about the centre since The Globe and Mail reported earlier this month that its operation has been subcontracted to Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Company, which is owned by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau." What is the matter with our government that they would allow such a thing to happen. They allowed Canada's Visa application centre to be run by police in China which handed it over to another company in China. Stunning news. What a disaster our government is in not protecting Canadians.
  21. Greta should be in school, not being a tool for the environmental radicals or the UN. She had been assessed as having some mental issues, such as obsessive compulsive disorder by a psychiatrist in Germany. If you want to believe in a global warming calamity, that's your choice. I don't believe in it. I prefer to believe in God who created us and trust he has the climate under control. Another fact pointing to God is the existence of good and evil in the world. If there were no God, there would be no accountability for all the good and evil going on in the world. That wouldn't make sense. There has to be some reckoning or accountability for what humans are doing in the world. The Bible teaches us there will be judgment. That doesn't mean climate doesn't change. It does. But I doubt man is causing it. Better to adapt to climate change than to try to stop it. We can't stop it any more than we can stop the earth from revolving.
  22. Altai my dear. No American would want anything to do with spying or terrorist groups in Turkey. It has no value to Americans.
  23. You say he was a CIA agent, but that is incorrect. That is not what he was charged for. He was charged with being connected to some terrorist group, not spying.
  24. Don't forget the 100 million people that died at the hands of the atheists Marxist-Leninists behind the Russian revolution and the Chinese Communist revolution, not to mention the tens of thousands killed in the Cuban revolution. Those who fought and resisted Communist revolutions were fighting for freedom, which is a legitimate thing to do.
  25. There is not likely to be a hot war between Russia/China and the west, at least not for the foreseeable future. The reason is would mean mutually-assured destruction (MAD). China's aim is to create a huge imperial empire which they control and this is what they are achieving, without annexing any country or land.
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