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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. NO. Christianity brought us a civilized society. Where did you come from? I bet it is an uncivilized place and probably a dictatorship as most countries are. Christianity brought freedom, democracy, and human rights which don't exist in most of the rest of the world. Nothing fanatical about the Bible. God created everything and everyone belongs to him. If you want to call believing that fanaticism, be my guest, but you are dead wrong.
  2. That would destroy the country. No investor or company would invest in a place like that. They would go elsewhere and there would be no jobs here. That's the Socialist mentality.
  3. Appears you don't know much about the Bible. The Bible advocates personal, voluntary charity, not state Socialism, which is what you are advocating. That would result in everyone losing their freedom. Why would any company or investors want to invest in a country where the government took what they earn? It doesn't make sense. That is one reason it doesn't work. You end up with a very poor country and no freedom, much like the third world.
  4. You have a very naive view of the world. Socialism has always failed. Communist leaders have always been in it for themselves. You need to wake up.
  5. The Bible is not religious fanatic The Bible defends the freedom to own private property and that means freedom to work and keep what you earn. Why would you want to give the government what you earn and let them control your life. That is not freedom. Freedom and free enterprise are not fanaticism. Keeping what one earns is just common sense and taking from others is theft. You think politicians are in it for the good of the people rather than themselves? That is fiction.
  6. Sounds good, but the fact is somebody has to pay for building housing and apartments and it cannot be the taxpayers. It has to be investors. The problem now is caused entirely by useless, corrupt, interventionist governments that have made it very difficult for housing to get built. Municipal governments have also created huge problems with endless regulations, red tape with additional costs for builders trying to get building permits. Land has been locked up around many town and cities creating extremely expensive real estate. Canada has one of the largest land masses and smallest populations in the world. There is no excuse for the high cost of real estate. It is government that have driven up the cost of building homes and apartments. They don't accept responsibility but they are the main problem. Then we also have environmental radicals that don't want land to be used to build on and oppose development every step of the way. That is happening right now around the Toronto area where groups, including the NDP, are opposing making the green spaces available to develop for homes. No end of whiners and obstructionists.
  7. Then stop thinking government should provide everything. Defend a proper work ethic and stand up for freedom, not government control and Socialism. Wealthy people do not create poverty for other people. That is one of the biggest lies of the NDP. Wealth is not the big bad boogy man. Wealth and investors is what creates good-paying jobs for everyone. Why do you think the west is more prosperous than than Asia, Africa, and South America. It is because people with wealth invest it in corporations that create more jobs and generate more wealth. Stop believing the lying NDP and left. Socialism has failed where it has been tried. Leftism is wrecking the west.
  8. "The Bible tells us that Socialism is slavery and thievery. And anybody who has lived under Socialism can confirm it. Socialism destroys the Biblical work ethic and confiscates assets earned by producers and gives them to non-producers. This de-motivates producers and creates a cycle of sloth, poverty and dependence." What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact Couples should not be living together unless they are married and shouldn't be having kids unless they have a job that can support them. Instead of expecting government and taxpayers to support you, get a skill, trade, and a proper job. There is no "right" to a free home. We should not be bringing in immigrants who think government owes them everything.
  9. Because it would cost billions to build the number of houses that are needed. Socialism is one of the biggest threats the western world faces. Everyone wants free stuff but nobody wants to pay for it.
  10. Do you know how childish that sounds. "Be nice to me and I will give you all that I have". Really, you think they will be nice to you if you give them more and more? Grow up! Being here first does not necessarily carry a lot of weight. They may have occupied only small villages scattered here and there around the province and did not occupy or own the vast regions of wilderness throughout the province, even though many bands now claim ownership of thousands of square kilometers, much of which they never occupied before. People migrated from one place to another all over the world. Where do they cow-tow to previous aboriginals and pay compensations of billions of dollars and give the aboriginals control over the justice system and everything else? The British didn't need to negotiate surrenders or agreements with aboriginals. So why would you think they need to now all of a sudden? That is not how countries were settled or colonized. That is how the world was settled. The British simply assumed ownership and control. Prior to that the province had many different tribes or bands of natives living throughout the region. However, there was no one government. Queen Victoria simply declared the area a British Colony in 1858. On the 20th of July 1871, British Columbia became part of Canada. It extends from the American border on the south to Alaska on the north. If you think the natives still own the land you live in some kind of alt realty. They were given hunting and fishing rights in certain areas but were expected to follow the laws of the land.
  11. Britain broke away from the Holy Roman Empire (the tyrannical dictatorship of the papacy) five hundred years ago under Henry VIII. Although Henry VIII's reasons for breaking from the Papacy might have been to be able to divorce, there were many godly people in the UK who recognized the Papacy was a false church and decided to reject it in favour of the Bible and to return to true Christianity. Thousands died at the stake for doing so, especially under the rule of Catholic Queen bloody Mary in the 1500s. It was a tumultuous age. So did much of Germany led by Martin Luther, Geneva and area led by John Calvin, and other places led by Protestant leaders. Prior to that countries endured centuries of the Holy Roman Inquisition where many people were dragged before the Inquisition for heresy, tried and punished. Some were given a warning, some were tortured, imprisoned, and some were burned at the stake. The Dark Ages were centuries of wars, plagues, and many terrible things. After the Reformation in the 1500s, there were wars, and various struggles in Europe but they gradually developed Parliamentary systems, recognized human rights, starting coming out of the dark. Today, with the falling away from the knowledge of the true God in the west, and the embracing of secular humanism, progressivism, western nations are becoming more divided. We are seeing the decline of Judeo-Christian values that brought us stronger families, belief in certain basic principles, and human rights. Now we are seeing the growth of ideologies such as atheism, secular humanism, Socialism, Progressivism, which reject traditional values and historic Biblical beliefs. Today young people are not taught the truth of what happened in history and are not taught the basic truths of the Bible. Instead they are taught the great deceptions of Darwinism (evolution) and sexual orientation. Nations are being fed with endless fake climate change alarmism, and things to create racial division, all diversions away from historic Christianity and the Bible. Without an understanding of the Bible, people have no frame of reference, no rudder, or no anchor. The world and it's ideologies become the dominant guide in their minds. You might think you can resist evil or resist false ideologies, but without the truth of God's word, you are like a ship without a rudder drifting on an ocean of false teachings. The Entire History On 'The Jesuit Order' & The Plans Of World Domination Full Documentary YouTube - Bing video The secret History Of The Jesuits (TSHOTJ) - Introduction - Bing video
  12. Why not the Bible as it is God's word. Would you consider it narrow-minded?
  13. Men cannot work their way to heaven as Romanism teaches. Neither can supporting Leftism (Socialism) be considered a righteous or good thing because it is contrary to what God said in the Bible. One might be able to make a case for some taxation for certain essential things like police and roads, but how far do you carry that? If you listen to Socialists, there is no limit. Taking away the wealth of one to give to others is not charity and is stealing. We now have a society where many people think they are entitled to everything and believe government (taxpayers) should provide everything. Time to believe the Bible. "11 But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; 12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. " Hebrews 9:11 KJV There are no earthly priests who can offer sacrifice for sin as Romanism claims to be doing with the Mass. Christ offered one sacrifice for all time on the cross, never to be repeated as the Epistle to the Hebrews says.
  14. "New geological study proves that the green energy movement is impossible to achieve The math doesn’t support the net zero activist movement’s rhetoric. Eliminating indispensable fossil fuels, as Germany is experiencing at an accelerating rate, without replacing it with the equivalent of alternative energy, would quickly collapse modern society. Think of it as the “Jonestown Massacre” on a global scale. (American Thinker) — The renewable energy fantasy goal is achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Carpet-bombing propaganda has convinced the public to accept the extravagant claim that technology currently exists to reach net zero carbon emissions. Like carnival barkers, the net-zero fanatics say renewable energy is affordable, sustainable, scalable, and not an economy wrecker. The goal is to create a first-generation green power grid relying on wind turbine farms, solar array farms, and power storage battery banks replacing fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. In addition, the new power grid would power a global fleet of electric vehicles that would replace the internal combustion engine. Western society has taken one hundred fifty years of progress to achieve a fantastically complex energy system using the dense source of cheap hydrocarbon energy, the master resource. Yet the net zero devotees believe that the complex energy system can be dismantled with minimal disruption and replaced with a low-density renewable energy grid that is intermittent and non-scalable, in less than thirty years. Well, I have horrible news for the devotees: the green energy fantasy collides with the laws of thermodynamics. The Greenies never researched whether or not there are sufficient base and rare earth metals and adequate time to mine and build out the technologies to accomplish the net zero carbon 2050 target date." New geological study proves that the green energy movement is impossible to achieve - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) People can buy EVs if they wish. But putting taxpayer money into it is a waste of the nations resources. Taxpayer money should not be spent for an impossible and useless purpose of trying to replace fossil fuels when it is an impossible scheme to achieve. It is throwing good money away. Taxpayer money comes from hard-working Canadians and taxes just reduce the prosperity of everyone. The shift to net zero and away from fossil fuels is simply a pipe dream and is not going to happen in the foreseeable future.
  15. The sad thing is I have given numerous postings explaining all that from a Biblical point of view, but you continue to reject it. You have given no indication of what you believe, but have opposed everything I posted. So it is a mystery what exactly you believe. Perhaps you are a Roman Catholic of some sort, maybe non-practicing. You commented as if you might be Roman Catholic but don't come right out and say what you believe and why. As for Tommy Douglas and Socialism, I have posted lots of information to show why Socialism, which Tommy Douglas fought for, is unbiblical and evil. You have not given any counter arguments with any reasons. I don't know if it is worth re-posting why Socialism is evil. Suffice to say it is stealing from those who have something to give to everyone else. The right to private property is clearly taught in the Bible and stealing is condemned. So how can you support Tommy Douglas and Socialism? As for Catholicism, I could give you a number of books that go into why Catholicism is contrary to Christianity and unbiblical. Of course unless you know what the real gospel is you won't understand any of it. First you need to find out what the real gospel message of the Bible is and understand how it is different than Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholicism does not accept the Bible as the final authority even though men were inspired by God to write it. In place of the Bible they rely on the Majisterium (group of Bishops or Pope) and tradition to provide them their truth. Protestant Christianity believe the Bible is the final authority, not a church and not a group of men. Five hundred years ago the Reformation took place in parts of northern Europe and the UK. That was a rejection of the false religion of Romanism and a return to Biblical Christianity. Again you need to find out what that was all about. That should be basic knowledge that anyone should understand. Roman Catholicism is a man-made religion of trying to work your way to heaven by doing penance, doing good works, going to Church, and spending an indefinite time in a place called Purgatory, which does not even exist in the Bible. You need to read the New Testament to find out what the true gospel is. Salvation is by faith alone, not by works. (see Ephesians 2:8 KJV and the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans) Also "5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;" Titus 3:5 KJV
  16. I don't go by leftist ideology which is your religion. Thanks.
  17. Your argument is false. Human rights have been recognized in Judeo-Christian society for ages. That is how western Parliaments came to be, how slavery was abolished, how the west developed fair justice systems, how people are innocent until proven guilty, and how basic freedoms were established. These rights did not just appear out of the blue. They developed because certain people believed in God and believed God would hold them accountable for how they treat their fellow man. There was that motivation. Communists and atheists don't understand it. "No. 1: There is one God. That God is the God introduced to the world by the Hebrew Bible — the source of one universal morality. No. 2: The Hebrew Bible (the only Bible Jesus knew and which he frequently cited) introduced the most revolutionary moral idea in history: that there are objective moral truths just as there are mathematical and scientific truths. Without God as the source of moral standards, there is no moral truth; there are only moral opinions. No. 3: Because there are moral truths, good and evil are the same for all people. No. 4: God — not man, not government, not popular opinion, not a democratic vote — is the source of our rights. All men “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” declares the American Declaration of Independence." Dennis Prager: What are Judeo-Christian values? (bizpacreview.com) Your argument is baseless and as an atheist, you have no foundation for claiming human rights
  18. This is why atheists, Communists, and heathen are dangerous people to allow into Canada. Since they don't understand basic human rights are God-given, they don't respect humans have inherent rights.
  19. The BC NDP is setting up a First Nations Justice Council in B.C. Any FN person that is arrested and comes before a judge in B.C. must now be treated according to the Gladue report: "What are Gladue factors? Judges have a duty to apply Gladue principles, irrespective of the charge and regardless of which court the offender appears in. This is not an exhaustive list but covers many of the most common Gladue factors: Impacts of colonialism Feelings of loneliness, abandonment, dislocation from culture, community, and family Loss of access to ceremonies and healing practices Racism and systemic discrimination Lack of opportunity and isolation of community Housing shortages and homelessness Foster care, adoption, 60s scoop Victimization/offenders of violence Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls High rates of incarceration Lower education levels or irrelevance of education Lower-level employment, unemployment, and poverty Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Substance misuse Mental health" Information for the Public - BC First Nations Justice Council (bcfnjc.com) Everything must be considered except the crime and danger to the public. The question is how does that address the larger per capita number of FN offenders in the justice system? Supposedly offenders will not receive the same sentences as non-native offenders and instead be referred to some kind of FN cultural or aboriginal healing system. Why has the NDP not released any studies on how this will work? Where is the evidence that offenders will be rehabilitated and be able to return to society without danger or harm to others? What kind of alternate treatment will they actually receive? What about the concept of punishment for crime? Is the idea of punishment for crime totally non-existent in left wing thinking? How is this kind of system going to be just and more importantly what kind of message will this send to young people who may be potential offenders? How is it going to protect society? What exactly will they be doing with offenders that will make society safer? We have already seen years of repeat offenders committing crimes, assaulting people, breaking into businesses, being arrested, and immediately being released by the courts and going out to repeat their offences again. Is this the NDP solution to stop crime? In addition are NDP and Liberals bent on creating two different systems in every department of government, one for aboriginals, and one for everyone else? That is how it is beginning to look.
  20. So how is the left wrecking Canada from a tax point of view? "Canada is on an unsustainable fiscal path as governments, particularly the federal government, expand existing programs while adding new ones without being honest with Canadians about the ultimate need for broad-based tax increases to pay for them. The Trudeau solution from day one has been to borrow, which simply defers the tax bill to the future. And the bill is already starting to come due. Ottawa expects to spend $43.3 billion next year solely on interest on the national debt. That’s more than it spends on employment insurance, the Canada Child Benefit or the Canada Social Transfer, and almost as much as total health transfers to the provinces ($49.3 billion). The financial pressures from new spending, coupled with increasing debt and interest costs, will eventually force a decision on governments and Canadians more broadly. If we want larger government, we’ll have to pay the price in the form of higher taxes. As Nobel laureate Milton Friedman often reminded us, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, not even for advocates of socialism." Opinion: Four in 10 Canadians prefer socialism but not higher taxes to pay for it (msn.com) It appears most Canadians are not very concerned by government spending. That would explain why a core 29% of Liberal supporters continue to support Trudeau according to polls. Even if Trudeau and his cohorts in the government travel abroad in large contingents of hundreds of people and one or more spend $6000 a night on a hotel, it doesn't seem to fizz on his core supporters. They can do no wrong it seems.
  21. Any FN person that is arrested and comes before a judge in B.C. must now be treated according to the Gladue report: "What are Gladue factors? Judges have a duty to apply Gladue principles, irrespective of the charge and regardless of which court the offender appears in. This is not an exhaustive list but covers many of the most common Gladue factors: Impacts of colonialism Feelings of loneliness, abandonment, dislocation from culture, community, and family Loss of access to ceremonies and healing practices Racism and systemic discrimination Lack of opportunity and isolation of community Housing shortages and homelessness Foster care, adoption, 60s scoop Victimization/offenders of violence Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls High rates of incarceration Lower education levels or irrelevance of education Lower-level employment, unemployment, and poverty Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Substance misuse Mental health" Information for the Public - BC First Nations Justice Council (bcfnjc.com) Everything must be considered except the crime and danger to the public.
  22. Turpel was appointed a couple of years ago by the BC NDP government to investigate racism against FNs in the health care system in BC. Now we hear she was no native. The NDP fell for it and thought they were appointing a native to investigate the health care system. We went into the ER (emergency room) last fall and waited six hours to be seen while a young native came in half way through that time, sat in a chair playing on his smart phone, and was taken in to be treated after about 20 minutes. Didn't seem to be suffering or in pain in any way. I suspect Turpel may have instructed the health care system to give natives some kind of priority in ERs. The BC NDP seems to be bending over backward to look like they are giving natives special considerations. They passed UNDRIP and gave a large piece of land to natives up in northwest B.C. The NDP are giving natives their own justice council. Home - BC First Nations Justice Council (bcfnjc.com)
  23. "But Socialist leaders get extremely wealthy off the stolen plunder. Karl Marx himself never worked an honest job and lived off the efforts of others while going deep in debt to finance his lifestyle.' Our government took hundreds of people to attend the Queen's funeral and some of our representatives stayed in a $6,000 a night hotel in London. That's how much they care about the taxpayer's. Trudeau constantly gives millions of dollars away around the world while running up billions of dollars in debt for Canadians to pay for.
  24. I don't think he was a true Minister. There are lots of false ministers. The Bible warns us about them. Wolves in sheep's clothing. People claiming to be ministers and then preaching Socialism or Communism. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15 KJV)
  25. "Socialism is the theft of capital, human rights, and more -from entire nations, leaving the masses in poverty and darkness." What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact "Collectivisation was launched in the Eastern Bloc countries after the communist parties seized power as part of the transformation of the economic structure. With several exceptions (Yugoslavia, Poland) it was conducted in a very similar way, on the basis of the ideological notions applied by Stalin in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. In an effort to increase agricultural production in the Soviet Union, Stalin initiated collectivisation as a ruthless fight against the class of wealthy farmers (kulaks), who, according to Stalinist ideology, exploited poor farmers and prevented the building of collective ownership in the country. The killing and deportation of hundreds of thousands of kulaks immediately resulted in a significant decline in agricultural production." 1950s - Collectivisation of Agriculture - Socialism Realised Doesn't this sound similar to Jagmeet Singh and the NDP ideology condemning greedy corporations? If the Socialists had their way, there would be no private enterprise or corporations, no energy industry. We would all be living in poverty like Venezuela and many other countries.
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