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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. When I was being admitted to a Catholic hospital quite a while ago, which is sort of a public hospital and funded completely by the government, I was asked what my religion is? What does that have to do with going into a hospital? Why would a Catholic hospital ask someone what their religion is? I have never been able to figure that one out. Sounds very suspicious. Like I said, Romanism is a very authoritarian system. The fact that they are a Catholic founded and somewhat still under the Catholic church, is of concern because Rome considers they have the only true religion.
  2. I always thought we were supposed to be a model country of freedoms. But it appears it is not true. We don't have as much freedom as the Americans. I don't think the Senate has much power. It appears they have even less than I thought. The first problem is the Senate is unelected. It is as you just a group of elites that were paid off with a Senate seat. I thought any new legislation the government wants to bring in MUST be passed by the Senate. So how can the government ignore any amendments that the Senate makes? I don't understand how that works. Doesn't the Senate get the final say?
  3. Who was the famous American who said you can pry his gun from his cold dead hands? Sounds familiar. Perhaps a famous American actor.
  4. Don't know who Randy White is.. Worshiping the false god of liberalism is the same as worshiping the god of Baal.
  5. Now we have the Church of Trudeau. Actually had it since Pierre Trudeau's time. He brought in a Charter of Rights to tell us we don't have rights except what government gives us. Nobody recognized that is what the Charter of Rights meant and so-called Repatriation of the Constitution, which we already had. Everyone thought we were really getting something in 1982.
  6. Sadly, we seem to be stuck with a little dictator and his radical Socialist supporter unless Singh wakes up and lets Canadians have an election. What is ridiculous is to have a situation where the country is under the influence of a Communist country and has had an effect on our elections, but nothing can be done about it.
  7. Here is a basic truth I will repeat. Romanism or Popery is authoritarianism by nature. Many of our leaders are part of that system. Rome believes they are God on earth. That is basic Catholic teaching. The Pope is the representative of God on earth. Pontifex Maximus. The Vicar of Christ. That is what the definition of authoritarianism is folks. The Reformation threw that out and embraced the basic human right that everyone has the right to believe what they wish and worship God in whatever way they choose. The right to believe that worship is between an individual and God, not between an individual and the Church with the absolute dictator its head and the Church ruling every aspect of a person's life. Today that has been cleverly replaced by government who believes they are the absolute ruler of everyone's life to an extreme degree and you have no freedom except what they deign to give you.
  8. Just reading a book called Roman Catholicism by Lorraine Boettner written 50 years ago. It is a comprehensive examination of all of Roman Catholicism in the light of Biblical teachings and the Reformation. It mentions countries that are predominantly Roman Catholic are the ones that have the most Communists and often authoritarian (less democratic). For example it mentions Italy 50 years ago when the book was written was about one-third Communist voters. Spain, Portugal, strong RC countries have been very authoritarian (Franco, Mussolini). The Inquisition was centred in Spain, directed by Rome, but spread through much of Europe. Central and south America also had many people leaned toward Communism. They are pouring into the U.S. and Canada now. Why did Trudeau encourage all the illegal migrants to come to Canada? The answer is they will vote liberal and left. Che Guevara, Castro and other revolutionaries fought in central/south America and liberation priests promoted Communism in central/south America. Cuba which is RC had a Communist revolution. Other authoritarians in the 20th century that caused the death of tens of millions of people were Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, etc. So beware Canada. Many if not most of our leaders are RC and seem to be very authoritarian. Now we are learning about their attempts to impose controls on freedom of expression on the internet. Why is it that Romanism seems to lend itself to authoritarianism and Communism? We should learn Rome was a totalitarian system that ruled the western world with an iron fist for over 1,000 years until the Reformation and subsequent wars to break its stranglehold on northern Europe and bring a certain amount of freedom and fundamental rights to western nations. Millions of people died in past centuries to gain the basic freedoms, denied by Rome, that we now take for granted. The Reformation and wars following in the 16th and 17th century were all about getting basic freedoms such as freedom of religion, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, and the right to live one's life free from government or church authoritarianism. Don't let the forked tongues of politicians fool you. Many of them have an agenda of control. We should not rest easy because they are working to regain authoritarian control over nations. This seems to be a basic tenet of liberalism, Socialism, and progressivism: authoritarianism and globalism. You don't have to believe me. Just look at the facts and what is happening.
  9. We are finding out more about Beijing's interference and it looks like they didn't like the Conservatives because they were not as Beijing friendly as the Liberals. Liberals seem to be more in line with the Beijing kind of authoritarianism.
  10. We are starting to see more dribs and drabs of the Chinese interference. " It’s also impossible for the Trudeau government to deny that whatever the scope and scale of the operation, Beijing desperately wanted the Liberals to win, and to specifically win at least minority-government status in the 2021 elections, and Beijing was ferociously determined that the Conservatives should lose. That latter objective, on its own, hasn’t been subjected to much scrutiny. What’s been overlooked is a pro-Beijing influence operation that targeted the Conservatives, especially during the leadership of Erin O’Toole, and the pro-Beijing forces weren’t finished with O’Toole after the poll results came in on the night of Sept. 20, 2021. Five months later, while everybody’s attention was focused on the Truckist jamboree in Ottawa, O’Toole was overthrown by his own caucus in a coup that featured Beijing-friendly activists playing a background role. By the time O’Toole took the helm from Andrew Scheer in 2020, they’d already taken over the old Chinese Canadian Conservative Association, and a wealthy Chinese property developer with deep connections in the Chinese Communist Party had gone so far as to set up at least ten “Chinese Conservative” associations across the country." Beijing simply could not abide Erin O'Toole's tough-on-China policies | National Post
  11. It looks more and more like Canadians do not have fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech if the government can pass a law like this controlling what people say OR READ on social media.
  12. My point was that the clinic with only one doctor for four hours a day is totally inadequate for this area with a town of about 20,000. Lots won't be able to get in and will be turned away.
  13. There are serious problems in the public health care system simply because it is run by an inefficient bureaucracy and politicians. In our town, we have a walk-in clinic that is woefully inadequate for a town of 20.000. Yet they are only open for 4 hours per day. I heard they only take about six people per hour because they only have one doctor. That is an average of about ten minutes per patient. I guess the rest of the people don't get to see a doctor and don't get treated. It is a disaster. It's funny how some people want to blame the failing public health care system entirely on Covid.
  14. The question I would have is how is "national security" harmed by Canadians knowing the details of the Chinese Communist Party interference? How else are Canadians going to figure out how to defend Canada's democratic system from foreign interference? Obviously bureaucrats and CSIS are not able to protect it. If it to be protected, it has to be grass roots Canadians that know the details and do something about it. The interference is at local levels.
  15. You must be very naive if you think you will get satisfactory answers from Trudeau or a liberal. The most you will get is information obstruction on "national security grounds", obfuscation, diversion, confusion, and blame shifting.
  16. In Trudeau"s 2017 visit with the Pope in the Vatican, he gave the Pope a huge volume: "For his part, Trudeau gifted Francis a copy of "Relations de Jesuits du Canada," a rare 6-volume edition that documents the Jesuits' reports on Canadian territory, and a Jesuit vocabulary in a special edition." Here's what Pope Francis and Justin Trudeau talked about | Catholic News Agency Considering the Jesuit's and Rome's secret diabolical history, this reveals a lot about Trudeau's trust in the Jesuits and Rome. We know the Pope is a Socialist, a Globalist and a Jesuit himself. Trudeau is a strong globalist as well. That in itself should be a concern, in addition to all the deeper concerns.
  17. There are other news websites. This one gives a similar figure. 11,581 died after being put on healthcare waiting lists in 2020-2021 | True North (tnc.news) Some websites have lower figures. 8,400 Canadians died while waiting for healthcare (yahoo.com) Whether it is 11,581 or 8,400 it is still a catastrophe. Over 10,000 Canadians died from 'excessive waiting periods' in health care since 2019: Report | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com
  18. FIRST READING: The Trudeau family's weirdly close relationship with Communist China (msn.com)
  19. There should be a detailed explanation given to the public by Trudeau as to what constitutes privileged or private information in relation to the election interference. The explanation should be full and there should be some definition of what kind of information the public can be told. The public must be tired of being treated like school children. The patronizing comments by bureaucrats saying on the committee we can't tell this and that is tiring. It does not instill confidence in the government. I'm sure people believe the government is simply trying to hide things to protect their incompetence. The public has a right to know everything possible.
  20. Over ten thousand Canadians died during delays and cancellations through the 2020-21 COVID-19 pandemic, a new SecondStreet.org report reveals. These were from causes other than Covid. These people died because of lack of treatment for cancer, heart conditions, etc., not from Covid.
  21. CTV news announced today the RCMP is investigating the leak from CSIS of Chinese spy interference. Canadians apparently have no right to know anything if it comes from unauthorized channels in CSIS. Why is CSIS not authorizing the release of such information? Guess they are not permitted to give any information out unless authorized by Trudeau. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
  22. A book worth reading is "Why Naziism is Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarianism" By George Reisman. Available on Amazon Kindle. The Nazis controlled companies and set prices just as Socialism would do.
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