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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. We are liable for nothing done back in history by previous governments. If we were, how far back do you want to go? How about the Inquisition in the middle ages? Should the Catholic Church be forced to pay compensation to all the descendants of the victims of the Holy Roman Inquisition. More recently what about the wars in the 20th century? Should the descendants of the soldiers who fought in WW2 receive compensation from Germany today? I think you get the point. The idea of liability does not apply to historic events which people today had nothing to do with but which some activists want to claim compensation for. Activists constantly claim "inter-generational trauma", the phoniest excuse imaginable. Everyone has suffered trauma in their lives of one kind or another. Just get over it and move on. Don't expect to live off other people or get rich on it.
  2. MANDEL: Son who killed mom with eight blasts to head now free on parole (msn.com) Liberals and left continue to bend over backwards to attempt to rehabilitate dangerous criminals by releasing them instead of giving priority to the protection Canadians. We recently saw the consequences of this in Saskatchewan where ten people were murdered and twelve more injured on the Cree nation when a prolific violent offender was released.
  3. My belief is not just what I want. My belief is what God wants me to believe and I try to share it because that is what he wants me to do. Everyone falls short and nobody is perfect in this world. It is mistake to determine truth or falsehood of something by examining other people. Ultimately truth only comes from God's word, the Bible. I am talking about God's revelation to mankind and what he wants. When he says thou shalt not kill, I believe it and accept it as absolute truth. When he says thou shalt have no false gods, I believe it and accept it. I don't make the environment or mother earth a god as many environmentalists do.
  4. I have already explained countless times that the evil things that happened in history are not the fault of Christianity as taught in the Bible. They are the fault of the fallen, evil nature of the human heart. If a baby has blemishes on it's body when you give it a bath, you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. You incorrectly attribute the faults and sins of mankind with biblical Christianity which is a false and simpleton conclusion. We have many charletons selling things in the world. That does not mean we abolish material goods because some bad people are selling them. It is the same with the Bible. Some people misinterpret the Bible or ignore it's teachings and do evil things. That is not the fault of God or his word, the Bible. The Bible is not just an historical record of some things. It is far more than that. It is God's revealed will for mankind for all ages. It applies today just as much as it did 2,000 years ago. It is not the "opinions of men" and nowhere does it claim to be. It is God's truth that must be studied and understood.
  5. Actually the Christian perspective (the Bible) is not bleak and unforgiving because it teaches the reality is there is a God who cares, who can be personally known and does forgive those who believe (in Jesus Christ). Their transgressions and sins are forgiven. They are the only ones who have a real hope and assurance. Darwinism and atheism offer no hope, no forgiveness and no future. You contradict yourself when you say there is hope because evolution denies there is hope. Evolution says everything is just a cosmic accident and we are here for nothing. That is not hope my friend. You are in denial or confusion.
  6. Empirical science support faith in the existence of God. False science like evolution is not really science. Read my post again. I said the evidence of God is all around in the creation. Why try to just be contrary? Faith is based on reason and evidence.
  7. The evidence of the existence of a supernatural being we call God is overwhelming. It is all around you in the creation. All you have to do is open your eyes.
  8. You must have a sad existence. No meaning, no hope, no future. Just an accident in the cosmos. That leads to a life of ultimate meaninglessness and despair.
  9. The atheist or Darwinist universe is far worse the believer's world. The Darwinist universe tells us we came from nothing, by nothing, for nothing, and survival for nothing. According to Darwinism and your ideology, we are nothing more than meaningless blobs of chemicals. In that case, there really is no hope. Life is just an accident and after it is over, there is no hope or future for anything. You and other atheist's universe is a one-way ticket into ultimate meaninglessness and despair.
  10. Evolution is not science. It is a philosophy developed by atheist philosophers. "Why did the theory of evolution begin The theory did not begin because there was a preponderance of evidence in its favor. Rather it began as a rebellion against the evidence of creation supported by science. The founders of evolution were not scientists, they were philosophers, so-called."
  11. As I said you have not studied the creation side of the argument, so you basically know nothing about it. Evolution has been soundly refuted by professional and scholars. quote For almost 150 years we have been taught evolution. The premise of evolution was a fabrication from the beginning. It was not founded on scientific findings but on rebellion against the truth. Even the founders and promoters of evolution knew that it was not likely. It was easily debunked by science. So, we can surmise that evolution, the great hoax, is just that. Why did the theory of evolution begin The theory did not begin because there was a preponderance of evidence in its favor. Rather it began as a rebellion against the evidence of creation supported by science. The founders of evolution were not scientists, they were philosophers, so-called. They observations to support their theory. As far as observations go, they are useful in producing good science. But these philosophers became biased in the observations they used. The choices they used were determined by their already determined bias. Their choices of observations were only those that supported their predetermined conclusion of evolution. If the observation supported their view, it was chosen. Those that contradicted their views were rejected. A philosophy You can see how they turned science into a tool for promoting an agenda. It was no longer the search for truth that it was intended to be. After all, science is defined as the search for knowledge. Instead of searching for knowledge and presenting facts, they introduced the interpretation of the facts into the equation. Science had taken a turn toward alchemy. The philosophy that spawned evolution was that of secular humanism. To define it in clearer terms, secular humanism is atheism. It did not settle for being simple atheism, but became “anti-theism”. That term does not mean that they did not believe in god, but that they were against God. So, evolution was founded by a philosophy that was openly in opposition to a Creator. Plainly stated, they were at war against their Creator. The premise of this philosophy makes it clear that they know there is a Creator. They not only know the fact but they actively fight against His revelation in creation. The illogic of secular humanism philosophy The conflict If secular humanists were, as they say, atheists, then that should end the question. If there truly was no Creator, or God, then there is no real logic or reason for life. It would not matter if someone believed in God or did not believe in God. So, the secular humanist should go on his merry way and enjoy his existence. Why should he get involved with other people who are doing just fine? Why would he impose his philosophy on others when it will make no difference in their lives. Secular humanism says that life ends in oblivion, nothingness. It does not matter if you live a “good” and “moral” life or a wasteful immoral life. After all, it has been shown that people who profess a belief in God live meaningful and productive lives. Even if there was no god, that would be worth promoting. But, the secular humanist is not looking to help people. They want to defeat God. They are anti-theists. Secular humanism=Evolution Instead of adopting a “laissez-faire” approach, the humanists promote a false science. It is called evolution. In the mid 19th century when evolution was getting its foothold in science, it was easy to promote. Though design was evident in science, they changed the perspective. Instead of emphasizing design they began to promote “change”. The reason for this was a treatise that Charles Darwin had penned called On The Origin of Species(1859). In “On the Origin” Darwin said that all life we see on earth descended from one original life form. He used the term “evolution” to describe this progress. He presented many false scenarios of how life forms and body types might have evolved. What scientific evidence he presented was weak, at best, in proving evolution. Change: the champion of evolution The evidence used for evolution was meager at best. His whole premise was founded on the change in the length and size of the beaks of finches. What he defined as evolution in the beaks of finches was reversed in the following generations. So, in fact, there was no evolution. But, there was a “savior”. “Change” to the rescue. Rather than defining evolution as bringing about a new species, it was now defined as simply “change”. The trick worked. Who could deny that change did not occur in living things? Observation bore out the fact of change. Soon, it was an accepted thing that “change” proved evolution. The next step As “change” became the mantra and evolution began to take hold, humanists made their next move. That move was to make inroads in the education system. Education was the tool of religion in the founding of the United States of America. Since it had been successful in the building of the nation, maybe humanists could use it to promote their agenda. So, education became the tool of the humanist agenda. The first step was to get control of the system. The best way to do that was to get all education under one umbrella. What better umbrella than that of the government. The end goal was the umbrella of the Federal Government. This push began in the early 1900s with the emphasis on the local and state governments. That sounded alright since it remained close at home and easy for the populace to control. But, the Federal government grew and Federal aid extended to states and localities. With that growth came control. Soon Federal aid meant Federal control of curriculum. Guess what philosophy of science took precedence. If you guessed secular humanism, you were correct. The “coup de gras” In 1963 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that all references to God had to be removed from the curriculum of Federally subsidized school systems. That meant that all schools related to any local, state or federal entity could not teach any Biblically related subject. The Supreme Court of the USA The “coup” was completed. Only “secular” subjects could be taught in public schools. That meant that only secular science could be taught in public schools. The science that fit that bill was that of evolution. The secularists had been successful in morphing their philosophy into a science. It was a “science” which by then was being shown to have no real science to support it. But, that was OK for them. They had the government backing them. The TRUTH There are several truths that must be forthcoming. The body of science did not cease to grow in knowledge. As knowledge increased, it became more evident that evolution, the hoax, was not science, but philosophy. What was the first sound argument against evolution has once again risen as its nemesis. Design A watch is designed. It does not happen by chance. William Paley first presented evidence for design in nature. Darwin was never able to refute him. The only way around the apparent design was to ignore it or make fun of it. They were able to do this on the macro level for many years. But, as I said, knowledge continued to increase. As new discoveries in microbiology have come, design has become more and more apparent. It is not a simple design that thwarts evolution. The complex design found in the simplest living forms is beyond any ever imagined by mankind. In fact, the complexity of design is beyond any designs of the smartest humans. Evidence of design Could this happen by chance? The design evident in even a single protein of a “simple” living cell is astronomical. The possibility of a single protein coming together by chance is beyond possibility in this universe. Let me give an example. There are 10>80(10 followed by 80 zeros) atoms in the entire universe. Compare that to the possibility of one protein forming by chance: 10>108(10 followed by 108 zeros). Can one call himself a logical reasoning person if he believes that could happen by chance? Yet, we have allowed so-called scientists to tell us that such a thing happened. Is that what we call a hoax? That is what evolution is. Continuing evidence As knowledge about DNA has continued to increase it has become more evident that evolution never happened. Mutations were supposed to be evolutions “savior”. As mutations increased in genomes they brought about change in the given species. Evolutionists hailed this as proof of evolution. Though there was a change in the genome research found out that it was the wrong kind. Recall that evolutionists defined evolution as change. In a way mutations were evidence of change, but not evolution. Darwinian evolution was supposed to trace the growth of complexity in living things. To become more complex, a living species had to add information to the genome of the DNA. Scientific research found that there was no mutation that added information to the genome. Though there were some that affected no noticeable change in the species, none added information. The facts showed that every mutation subtracted information from the genome. According to DNA science, Darwinian evolution is impossible. Why is evolution, the great hoax, still accepted and taught? What a pertinent question. It is not taught or accepted because it is a scientific fact. The reason it is promoted is that if you do not accept it as fact, there is only one alternative. The alternative is that of divine creation. If one accepts divine creation then one would necessarily need to acknowledge a creator. In acknowledging a creator one would thereby acknowledge submission to the creator. Of all the “creator” scenarios there is only one that is logical and fits with scientific laws. That one is the creation scenario set forth in the Bible. This is why secular humanists refuse to accept the Biblical creation scenario. They will not submit to the God of the Bible. Secular humanism By definition secular humanism denies the existence of a deity. To recognize any deity requires either submission or rebellion. According to the Bible, all creation(including humans) acknowledge a Creator. But, according to the same Bible, not all submit to His authority. Secular humanists do not submit to the authority of the Creator of the universe. Because they are in rebellion, they do not submit to His laws. By their actions, they acknowledge a Creator, but by their words they contradict themselves. I recommend that you go to brainyquote.com and look up such atheists as Richard Dawkins. Read through his quotes and see just how many times he contradicts himself. Better yet, check how many times he contradicts scientific facts. You will begin to understand why evolution is the great hoax of the 20th and 21st centuries. Authority and evolution the great hoax More often than not, secular humanists assert their authority. Because they are a scientist, you should believe them. They will ask you to set aside your brain and logic just to believe them. And their reasoning is because they are the authority. What is the “authority” that you believe is ill-informed? For the past century, American schools have been force feeding students lies about evolution. There are many “authorities” on evolution because of this. There are many people with PhDs in evolutionary science. It has become evident that many of these people gained their degrees with false dissertations. By false, I mean this. The subject that they researched and proved has been shown to be false or unverifiable. They are an “authority” who is been proven to lack correct knowledge. Even though sound science has disproved every tenant of evolution, it is still taught as fact. Who are you? Are you willing to surrender your mind and life to those who willing mislead you? If you are not willing to question “authority” occasionally, then you have done just that. By question, I do not mean rebel. I mean just what I say. Ask pertinent questions regarding the subject. The answers should be logical and not just because the “authority” says so. It should not be followed by a mantra such as “it evolved” and that is why. If there is not a logical sequence or understanding be ready to look for another answer. Be willing to listen to answers you do not agree with. But do not throw out your reasoning and logic. When an answer follows sound reasoning and logic, be willing to endorse it. Follow the facts, not the philosophy. The conclusion The day is soon approaching when evolution, the great hoax, will be shown for what it is. As the secularists hijacked science to promote their agenda, so science has overcome their agenda. True science is always logical. It is the secularists who have introduced illogic into science. As knowledge grows more prolific it is harder for secularists to lie to the public. They still do lie and make up fairy tales to promote their materialistic agenda. Their rebellion against the Creator grows more and more evident every day. You have been created with a magnificent mind of your own. Your Creator has endowed you with the ability to make your own choices. You can choose to believe the true record of creation set forth in the Bible, or not believe it. You can choose to believe the illogical scenario of the secularists about the Big Bang. But, take a little time and search out the truth of the matter. Do not take my word for it or any other person’s word for it. Go to the source. Read the Bible. Find out what the Creator says about His creation and what He says about you. Then read the writings of secularists and decide which really fits the truth. You make the choice. The Choice This is your challenge. After you search and study, then you must make a decision. There are no fence straddlers. Jesus said it this way, “You cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other.” You cannot believe the secular humanist and believe the God of the Bible. Joshua in the Old Testament put it this way. “Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” I hope that that is your choice. But, it is your choice. unquote Evolution The Great Hoax Science or Philosophy (wisehealthwealth.com)
  12. You need to do some studying from the articles and books listed on creation.com. YOU have only listened to one side of the story. You have to study both sides to be able to make a proper judgment. The facts do not support Darwinsim.
  13. We agree DNA exists, but we know from the vast complexity of DNA and all the other data and machinery in a cell that they could not have been made by evolution. Darwinism or evolution does not add new information to any degree if at all. Information required an intelligent designer Creator to produce it. The Bible does not claim to be a book of science. It is a book of God revealing man's condition, what the problem is, and what the solution is. The solution is to believe in faith the God of the universe who created everything, and accept and believe in his Son, Jesus Christ, as one's personal Lord and Savior. That is the primary message of the Bible. There is no conflict between the Bible and genuine science. There is false science masquerading as real science. That is the theory of evolution and other such similar nonsense. Darwinism is not science and never was. It is not based on observation. So how can you make the claim it is science if you say science is based on observation. I have believed in the Bible and received Jesus as Lord and Savior for 42 years, long before climate change became the controversy it is now. Never heard of it back then. I never became of a believer in order to use it to oppose climate change madness. Jesus said if you know the truth, the truth shall set you free. Right now your mind is captive to false theories and thinking, i.e. atheism. That can lead to eternal damnation. Everyone must make the choice.
  14. When a tree or anything was created, of course it had to have an apparent age. You can't create something without it having an age. Age is inherent in everything that was created. That would explain why the universe had an apparent age when God created it around six thousand years ago. You just can't accept that there is a supernatural being with infinite power to create a universe. When it comes to the beginning of the universe and how we got here, science does not have the answers and never will apart form an intelligent designer-creator we call God. Logic supports this and Scripture verifies it. The Bible says "the fool hath said in his heart there is no God." So you see the reason why many people are atheists.
  15. You place man on the same level as God when you try to demote God and his supernatural work. You also demote God in saying science is on the same level as God and the Bible. It is not. There are many atheists in science and the world. They are no guide for eternal supernatural matters. That is devilish. God is not on the same level as man. God is a supernatural being. Man is a created being. There is no comparison. Your mind seems to be locked in some kind of narrow view where you cannot accept that an infinitely powerful being created everything including us who are subject to him as part of his creation. I know it's tough to admit you are a mere mortal. But you are and life is very short. You will be held accountable for what you believe and the opportunities afforded you to change your thinking. Learning and change is what is required. How old are you or will to say? You appear to be very young.
  16. You forget, I pointed out science says the universe is expanding. That points to a time when it began. Since man has only been here for a finite amount of time, there had to have been a point when man first started living. The only thing that makes sense is God created the material universe since something cannot create itself. Magic is a kind of insulting word because it implies some kind trickery. Supernatural events are not magic. God is not a magician. I have already explained the complexity of the universe, the laws of physics, the existence of the atomic particles all point to an intelligent designer. Where did the atomic particles and the laws of physics, gravity, etc. come from?
  17. Took my wife to the emergency department last night as she had a lot of pain. The sign said the wait was 4 hours. She waited six hours before being seen. In the meantime, other people came in after us and were taken in to be treated before my wife. One FN man I'd say in his 30s came in and played on his smart phone and was taken in after about a 20 minute wait. No sign of pain. The BC NDP government launched an investigation into the health care system recently because there were some complaints about natives not being treated fairly in it. Looks like this has caused a complete change where some natives now get preferential treatment in the wait for treatment in the emergency department. No attempt to treat everyone fairly.
  18. You didn't explain. What doesn't occur? According to his word, the Bible, God is not a part of the material universe. He is a spirit. With God anything is possible. He created the universe from nothing. This is from the Bible, not me. I am not speculating and there is no reason to doubt his word because it came from him. You have to study it, preferably the King James Version 1611, to understand that.
  19. Who created God is an old dumb question that atheists ask. God is a supernatural spirit that has always existed. The universe is made of matter or energy. As I've said many times, something does not create itself. It had to come from somewhere. The only explanation is that God created it. God is not a part of the material universe. He is separate from it. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. But God is also a holy God and cannot do evil. He is perfection. The world is an imperfect place because of the fall of man. His remedy for anyone is to believe in Jesus Christ as lord and savior. That is the only remedy.
  20. Lot of nonsense in that post. Creationists who study the evolution/creation debate often believe natural selection is a fact, but with the provision it does not have the same meaning as evolutionists claim. You have to study it to understand exactly what creationists believe. I've already explained there is no evidence that evolution took place. Evolution as claimed by Darwinists cannot be proven and was never demonstrated in an experiment. It just doesn't occur. A vast amount of information is in cells. Where could this information come from without an intelligent designer creator who put it there in the first place?
  21. If you want to make accusations up and invent things, be my guest. I never said I dismissed science, biology, astronomy, etc. I actually grew up with a great interest in science. I had my own lab in the basement when I was about 12 years old. The local pharmacist could supply me with almost anything I asked for. I only reject things like Darwinism, which conflict with the truth as revealed in Scripture. Darwinism is NOT science. You claim everything anyone says or promotes under the heading of science, is science, but that is not true.
  22. Of course God wrote inspired men to write the Bible for all of man. Why would he only write to one particular group in one particular period of time. The Bible itself refutes that notion anyway. It was written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different authors. Much of it's information and teachings are eternal and directed to all ages. Genesis account of creation is a literal account of God creating everything in six days and resting on the seventh. Nowhere does it say it is allegorical. It is absolutely literal. There is no room for Darwinism which is a denial of the Bible and a teaching that man is just the result of accidental chemical reactions. If you go by that teaching, man was just an accidental occurrence by nothing and for nothing. That goes completely contrary to the Holy Scripture.
  23. As I said, I believe age was built in when it was created. That means light from distant starts would appear millions of light years distant. Remember God created the universe supernaturally. So it would have to have an apparent age built in at the moment of creation. Scientists say the universe is expanding. Therefore it had a beginning. The question many ask is where did it come from? Something can not come from nothing without a supernatural being behind it. Every effect has a cause.
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