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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. Yes, I admit I erred. I would go for the blasphemy laws but for things like blasphemous movies. I don't know if I would agree with punishing people for burning a book or using profane language. That may be extreme. Islamic countries will give the death sentence for blasphemy. I don't agree with anything like that.
  2. I don't know. Maybe some doctors will give a kid a prescription. Is there a law that says they can't? I am not an expert of how young people could get prescriptions to start with. Pointless to go further on that. Maybe they could; maybe not.
  3. I also added I don't think blasphemous movies against Christianity should be allowed. I am having second thoughts and thinking maybe the blasphemy law should be maintained for certain cases such as a blasphemous movie. Yes, those things should be against the law.
  4. No, he was not an abusive parent. He was trying to protect his daughter from the perverted system. Parents who want to protect their children from the abusive school system and abuse of transitioning school kids are not being abusive. They are being responsible. It is child abuse to teach kids they can transition if they feel like it. Do you realize how crazy it sounds to support kids transitioning? You are sick man. I am not afraid to talk about it. I never said schools give drugs. Obviously drugs are provided by prescriptions and pharmacies. I never said drugs are given in all cases. You just started implying I said schools give drugs. Never said that.
  5. The blasphemy law was removed from the books a few years ago. That's fine. Then why did you claim people want blasphemy laws today? I have never heard of any Christian who wants such laws. Blasphemy laws exist in Islamic countries. Nobody in Canada wants them here. Lots of things happened in the past and there were lots of strange laws. Your problem is you have a hate for Christians and are very biased against them. You have false ideas about Christianity it looks like. I would question the idea of having hateful, blasphemous movies against Christianity though. If someone put out a movie against transitioning or LGBTQ or specifically against Islam, I imagine there would be accusations of hate and attempts to shut it down.
  6. "Ontario school trustee barred from meetings after questioning gender transition policy Linda Stone was censured by the Durham District School Board for questioning their policy of coordinating the gender transition of students without parental consent" "An Ontario school trustee has been barred from attending board meetings in part because she publicly questioned the district’s stated policy of accommodating a student’s decision to switch genders while keeping it a secret from their parents." This school trustee's freedom of speech was blocked by the school board as well. Ontario school trustee barred after questioning trans policy | National Post There was a case in B.C. which went to court. The mother supported the daughter who was transitioning to a boy and the father opposed it and opposed any kind of medical treatments to support transitioning. The judge ruled against the Father and imposed a silence order on him so he could not speak about it on social media or publicly. The father's rights as a parent were denied and also his freedom of speech taken away.
  7. I think you are not telling the truth. Muslims protest in the streets and execute people for blasphemy. That doesn't happen in Christianity in the west. No Christian churches are calling for blasphemy laws.
  8. Aside from the gun laws, there are many other examples of why Canada has less rights. I already gave you some examples.
  9. I don't really oppose a certain amount of gun control. The problem is the liberals are hypocrites and target the wrong people, legal gun owners. They are not the criminals. The liberals don't do enough about the real criminals and illegal guns coming into Canada and they let dangerous offenders out on parole or out on bail all the time.
  10. And insult Canadians. She had the privilege of being a Canadian and living here but does not appreciate it and now has become a red power radical.
  11. It only goes to prove my original point that Canadians have far fewer rights than Americans, as you have proven. Canada is more of an authoritarian state with less freedom than America. Canada has been run by liberals most of its history, which does not defend personal freedoms.
  12. As I said, it is far more comlex than you think. The Charter is not the final word on rights in Canada. Rights are also based on historical precedent, past legal cases, and how authorities interpret rights. Often they can be wrong because of such things as that sentence in the Charter/Constitution that says rights are limited. It doesn't give serious protection to rights. Our right to an unbiased, publicly funded broadcaster does not exist. The CBC is just an arm of the Liberal government and completely biased even though the taxpayers pay for the CBC. That is a violation of rights. A public broadcaster should be neutral and unbiased. The CBC and Liberal government are in complete agreement. "They agree on climate alarmism, the size of government, the need to combat the pandemic with complete lockdowns and vaccine mandates, criminal justice leniency, wide-open immigration, the superiority of the public sector over the private, and Internet censorship, among other topics." GUNTER: CBC is so cozy with Trudeau government because they have the same interests (msn.com)
  13. I shouldn't have to write a book to tell you there are many areas where people are denied rights. Ask the tens of thousands of people on waiting lists for health care procedures. They are forced to pay for a public health care system, denied private health care in Canada and yet not given timely health care by the public system which is the only system available to many people. Ask the many business owners in cities in B.C., especially Vancouver and Victoria that are being repeatedly vandalized by people who have been constantly arrested and released. What about the business owner's rights? What about the rights of people who are assaulted every day around Vancouver?
  14. It is far more complex than you think. There are rights that are based on historic precedents, law cases and many other documents. The right to own long guns is a right entrenched in history and precedent. The 1982 Charter of Rights is not the last word on rights either as you seem to think. Just because a right is not specifically stated does not mean it does not exist. Leftist ideology wants you think rights don't exist unless it is spelled out in the Charter but that is false.
  15. That is false. People can own long guns in Canada if they take a course, pass the test, and get a permit. Criminals have lots of guns and they are brought in from the U.S. usually.
  16. Parents and families in Canada who believe in the Bible have zero rights in public schools. The children are indoctrinated with sexual orientation and gender identity ideology. Kids can decide to transition and school can keep it secret from parents. Children can get drugs to supposedly aid in transitioning. Another violation of human rights. There are violations of the right to free speech which I won't get into on here. Do you think a person should have the right to shoot an intruder in self defence of himself and his family? Also teaching kids leftism ideology in schools is a violation of rights. Jagmeet Singh has been known to go to public schools to visit kids. Another violation of rights.
  17. Many things that in Canada might fall into question by the authorities. Freedom of speech is one example. Less in Canada. Right to own a gun for self-defence is not permitted in Canada. Yet criminals with illegal guns is widespread in Canadian cities. Defending yourself from an intruder in your home more likely to be questioned in Canada.
  18. Only if you are a Fascist, Communist kind of atheist. That is why you think humans don't have rights. You think humans can be treated by governments any way they wish like in authoritarian countries. Rights are God-given. God created man with certain inalienable rights. The American Constitution is better than Canada's and recognizes that fact. Almost anyone in western countries would disagree with you. Where did you come from?
  19. I wonder how many people know that our so-called Charter of Rights says: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. This kind of wording really negates any stated rights because it gives politicians and bureaucracy the power to ignore and trample rights that people think they have. Rights in Canada become a matter of authorities having their interpretation heavily-weighted in favour. The belief that Canadians have rights is seriously overblown and exaggerated. There is no such thing as inalienable rights in Canada's system. Americans on the other hand, do have inalienable rights: "The list is extensive, and the following are but a few: To act in self-defense To own private property To work and enjoy the fruits of one’s labor To move freely within the county or to another country To worship or refrain from worshipping within a freely-chosen religion To be secure in one’s home To think freely." Inalienable Rights - Definition, Examples, Cases (legaldictionary.net)
  20. If a person had the money to hire lawyers and investigators, they could probably challenge the election results in some ridings based on foreign interference. Just the news coverage on that would be useful.
  21. Where is Elections Canada hiding? I thought their job was to ensure fair elections. Isn't that what they get the big bucks for? "The commissioner of canada elections is responsible for regulating federal electoral events and enforcing compliance with the Canada Elections Act.[" Elections Canada - Wikipedia Trudeau says Canadians had a fair election, but if China was working to help Liberals get elected and defeat Conservatives, why should we believe him? The question is since he is the Liberal leader, why should he even comment on it? Isn't that a conflict of interest? Where is the Ethics Commissioner? Should a probe on foreign election interference in Canada expand? Committee to decide - National | Globalnews.ca
  22. LILLEY: Trudeau deals with China's alleged election tinkering by hunting whistleblower (msn.com) Yet, 29% of voters still support him? Must be wacked out on drugs.
  23. With 29% still supporting Liberals and 18% supporting NDP, Canada is very messed up with a leftist mindset. They want leftism which is what is destroying the west. Too bad. Canada is otherwise a beautiful country with its mountains, lakes, rives, creeks, forests, and vast wilderness areas. Unfortunately, the problem is a lot of people have wrong-headed thinking. These leftists expect government to solve all of their personal problems and provide everything for them. Governments cannot provide a utopia. The idea they can is a lie being pushed by the NDP and Liberals for votes. Blame the rich, blame the greedy corporations, which by the way, provide all the good-paying jobs in resource industries. We have to take responsibility for ourselves as much as possible and do something if needed. Get educated, a skill, a good job, etc.
  24. Today this is a general principle but not a limiting factor. Circumstantial evidence is taken into consideration by a judge or jury. There are not always witnesses available for every crime. Other evidence must often be used.
  25. This website explains the impact of Christianity on western civilization. Of course we will have lots of deniers, but the history cannot be denied and is easily verifiable. The Impact Of Christianity On Western Civilization Essay Example - PHDessay.com More than one thousand years before the birth of Christ, the biblical requirement given by Moses was that no man is above the law and one witness is not enough to convict any man of a crime he may have committed. A matter must be established by two or three witnesses. (Deuteronomy 19:15 KJV). These two principles are well established in our legal system today. "15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. " Deuteronomy 19:15 KJV Another is the general day of rest that most of society enjoys with the exception of those whose job requires them to work. This comes from the principle that God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh day. This was first established by law for the nation of Israel as the Sabbath or Saturday, but was changed by the early Roman church council in 325 A.D. to Sunday for the church and as a general day of rest for everyone.
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