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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. I never suggested a tribe should be given whatever territory they want or claim. I don't suggest "negotiating" and giving FNs what they want. The fact is they claim the whole province. They can't have whatever they want. They are a tiny percentage of the population. They would have to take what they are given if they want to go that route and be self-governing. As a small population, they don't need more than their share of the land. No I wouldn't give them Haida Gwaii. Maybe 10% of it on the west coast Maybe a few small pieces of land on the coast. We would have to give more than one piece of land. Maybe a small percentage of Vancouver Island. But all other tribes and reserves on the island would have to move to that area. You must know they are never satisfied and always want more. They never will be satisfied. It's time to change our approach because the present approach is not working. Continenta Horn, a famous native woman said white man will always be paying. It will never end.
  2. Many FNs, particularly their leaders and red power activists and their leftist supporters are constantly complaining and demanding self-government. You can't solve that and they are only about 4.5% of the population. The rest of us are 95% of population and are tired of listening to it and tired of paying endlessly. This will never end. The majority of Canadians should be able to make that decision. I don't understand what your problem is. Who cares if a new country is not mentioned. They want self-government and independence. There is no other way to give it to them unless you give them a piece of land to have a place where they can be independent and sovereign. You have not given any other solution. Just complain about any suggestion. You either give them their own area or listen to their demands forever and continue to pay billions to them forever. Which is worse? Giving them a piece of land and saying that is your country. Or listening to endless demands and paying forever?
  3. The education system is being destroyed by leftism in Canada. "Teaching is now a political act that involves indoctrinating children instead of educating them, said Chanel Pfahl, in an interview with the National Post. “There’s a lot of reason to be afraid. We are in a kind of cultural revolution and people really do need to pay attention.” Michael Higgins: 'A lot of reason to be afraid,' says censured teacher critical of the woke revolution in classrooms (msn.com)
  4. No likely going to happen. The person has to be someone who would have the allegiance of millions of Canadians including the Armed Forces and RCMP. There is nobody in Canada who would fit that requirement. Only the King or Queen. The GG is only a representative. The King is still the head of state, not the GG.
  5. the U.S. system is Republican, an entirely different system that ours. We have Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy which is very different. It requires a non-political head of state.
  6. Heads of state are supposed to be above politics. That's why we don't elect Kings, Queens, or Governor Generals. How could a head of state be independent from politics or be neutral if they were elected? One of their jobs is to be a referee if a government is tied and can't decide who should be the Prime Minister. Or dissolve a government in certain situations. How is that possible if they are partisan?
  7. The theory of evolution has been well de-bunked. One example is the great fraud of the Piltdown man which had a huge effect on society but years later was found to be a fraud. "On the contrary, Piltdown man was extremely influential in shaping evolutionary thinking and early research on human evolutionary theory. For the four decades before it was exposed, Piltdown man was considered the ‘missing link’. It was used as one of the key evidences against creation in the Scopes trial. It altered the education in the United States for a whole generation and found its way into major science textbooks and encyclopedias—and it was a hoax. There were over 250 publications on Piltdown man alone!1 The implications for evolutionary theory were tremendous. Entire evolutionary-developmental theories about hominid evolution were based on Piltdown and many of those were demolished when the fraud was exposed. 250 publications! It would be nothing short of historical revisionism to downplay its significance." Evolution fraud (creation.com) The theory of evolution or Darwinism is just one of the tools that has been instrumental in destroying our western civilization or Judeo-Christian civilization. If you want to learn more about the history of Christianity watch a long interesting history video on youtube. I just watched it and it also shows how Christianity influence society and history down through the ages. It is 2 hrs 33 mins and made up of about five parts. When one part ends, wait for the next part to start. Don't think it is over. Very interesting and scholarly. History of Christianity (2000) | Full Movie | Dr. Timothy George | Mona Hurlbert Fisher - Bing video
  8. That's the reason I asked should natives who wish to be independent be given a piece of land where they could be self-governing and have their own country with a border? Many native leaders are claiming they want to be self-governing. Since that can't work within Canada and would conflict with Canadian laws and system within Canada's territory, why not give them their own territory and let them have at it. Just one condition. They must pick which country they are going to be a part of: either stay in Canada and obey our laws and quit demanding self-government and self-determination and whatever else OR take out citizenship and stay in their own territory. There would have to be a border and essentially no crossing back and forth except under certain conditions, including a passport and laws governing visiting. Those who wish to remain part of Canada would have to swear allegiance to Canada and agree to the conditions which would include no more demanding special rights and privileges for FNs.
  9. If the news reports that China's interference mainly benefited the Liberals, why should anyone believe anything a Liberal says on the subject? There is good reason the Liberals would downplay the effect on the election outcome? 53% of Canadians say this is a serious threat to democracy. It seems to me the Liberals are automatically in a conflict of interest when they speak on the subject since they are the beneficiaries of the influence. China-linked WeChat accounts spread disinformation in advance of 2021 Canadian election | by @DFRLab | DFRLab | Medium
  10. For those that might be interested in some truth here is a good free movie to do with Evolution versus Creation. A Matter of Faith | Creation vs. Evolution | A Rich Christiano Film - Bing video My hope is that there are some wise men / women out there somewhere that will watch this. If you really want to oppose leftism and resist it from destroying the west, then there is only one direction to go. " 9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. " Proverbs 9:9 KJV
  11. Would look forward to a PP government seriously dismantling or changing the CBC structure entirely to make it more politically neutral and clean out the wokeness. Stop giving taxpayer money to media companies and other liberal favourites. The CTV seems to be mirror image of the CBC. Maybe examine why that is. The Supreme Court needs major changes but I am not sure the government would have much power to do that and make it less liberal and less woke. Killing the carbon tax and stopping the attack on the energy gas and oil industry would be a very positive step and eliminating the plans for forcing Canadians to buy EVs would be helpful. Changes to the system to invigorate home building would be a big improvement. Stop the environmental attacks on Canada and ban foreign money coming in to the environmental movement.
  12. Very true. Your assessment is very accurate. What is amazing is that so many people seem to still believe Canada is a morally, intellectually advanced country, when in fact it is becoming the opposite.
  13. I explained it in previous posts, but you chose to ignore it.
  14. "The Bible is consistent through both Old and New Testaments in confirming that homosexuality is sin. What does the New Testament say about homosexuality? | GotQuestions.org
  15. One news article says this issue could be the one thing that causes the collapse of Trudeau and the Liberals. We will see.
  16. That is nonsensical. God does not command Christians to do such things.
  17. I have already explained some of that. I doubt that anyone could just go out as a vigilante and kill someone at the time of Leviticus was in force. It would only be the leaders of Israel who were in charge and would have to likely follow certain principles of justice to find someone guilty. But the point is which I already explained is that only applied in that period of history because Israel was God's specially chosen people and laid down certain laws for them because they were expected not to be the same as the heathen nations around them (the Canaanites for example). There is nothing to indicate things will change from the way it is now in the world. Leviticus was for the people of Israel who lived 3,500 years ago and that system is not coming back in the present age. We are not part of Israel. We are part of the Gentile nations. The Bible does prophesy that Christ will return anytime and take the believers out of the world and that will be followed by seven years of tribulation in the world and one world government of the anti-Christ. That will be followed by Christ returning and establishing a thousand year millennium reign on earth with the believers. Do you wish to be part of the believers that the Lord will take out of the world any time and live forever with him? That is the important issue.
  18. This is what one person's commentary on the laws in Leviticus says: "Chapter 20 Chapter twenty, now God begins to get a little heavier. In chapter twenty God goes over some of the things He dealt with in chapter eighteen, only in chapter twenty telling that the violators of these things should be put to death. I know a lot of these sob sisters are crying out against capital punishment. But if we practice capital punishment as the Bible says, we wouldn't have near the crime problem that we have today. I don't know what's gone wrong with our judicial system, but we are far more interested in protecting the rights of the criminal than we are of the innocent victims. There's something awfully stupid about our whole system that releases the rapists, and the murderers and all back, and the kidnappers, back on the streets to repeat their crimes over and over again. Something stupid when you can't bring up the past patterns of a man's life for a present crime that he's committed. The man is showing himself to be a habitual child molester, or a habitual rapist and all, then he should be dealt with as a habitual child molester. As far as I'm concerned better to-I'll pull the switch if they need someone. He can ask God to forgive him, and God will forgive him, and he'll go to heaven; he'll be a lot better off. But we'll be a lot better off too, and a lot safer, and our children will be a lot safer walking in the streets. I wouldn't have to worry nearly so much in sending them off to the store. We are living in a crazy, corrupt world that's gone wild. It's because we've forsaken the law of God. We've got a bunch of sob sisters, pantywaists. Romaine could tell you about them better than I could. If a father sacrificed his child to Molech, he was to be put to death. [Don't mess with him.] If he is worshiping the god Molech and in so doing offers his child as a living sacrifice to Molech, kill him, put him to death. Stone him with stones, for I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among the people. And if you in any wise hide your eyes from him who has sacrificed his children to Molech, and you don't kill him, then God will set his face against you, and against your family, to cut you off, for those that go a-whoring after Molech, from among the people. And if a person seeks after those that have the familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a-whoring after them, I will set my face against them. Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God. And ye shall keep my statutes: I am the Lord which has set you apart. Every one that curses his father or mother shall surely be put to death: [That's heavy.] A man that commits adultery with another man's wife, both of them shall be put to death. A man that lies with his father's wife, those of the incestuous relationships were to be put to death. Homosexuals [verse thirteen] were to be put to death, bestiality a person was to be put to death; both for men and women ( Leviticus 20:2-15 )." Leviticus 20:13 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - StudyLight.org It is a fact that the criminal justice system is far more interested in protecting the rights of criminals than protecting the victims. Twelve people on the Cree nation were stabbed to death in September by a known dangerous offender let out on parole. A police officer in Ontario was killed by another dangerous offender let out on bail a couple months ago. These are facts nobody can deny.
  19. Leviticus does cause some people difficulty simply because they think of the God of the Bible as treating everyone in every age exactly the same way. In some ways things are the same in all ages. God looks upon certain sins just as serious as he took them in Old Testament times. Perhaps the punishment for such sins has changed because there were reasons for the death penalty in the time of Leviticus which are not the same today. God dealt with Israel in a special way at that time in history. Dispensational theology teaches that the Bible is divided up into different dispensations. That means that God dealt with people differently in the different ages. He dealt with Israel differently at the time of Leviticus than he does with people today because we are in a different dispensation. The age several thousand years ago was called the Dispensation of the Law; today we live in the Dispensation of Grace, which began 2,000 years ago. God specifically chose Israel as his special people, something else many people don't understand. When he chose them as his special people he gave them the laws that Moses received and the special laws in Leviticus which were very strict. People today often cannot understand that. Because Israel was specially chosen as his special people, they were not to live in sin and worship false gods as the heathen nations around them did. So he imposed very serious penalties for disobedience. One of them was the death penalty. For example, Leviticus 20:2 KJV says if anyone offered his child to Molech, he shall be put to death. The heathen nations did offer their children as a sacrifice to the false god Molech. God was enforcing his law against this with Israel, his chosen people. God had his reasons for doing this. The same penalty applied to homosexuality in Leviticus 20:13 KJV "Moloch, also spelled Molech, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice. The name derives from combining the consonants of the Hebrew melech (“king”) with the vowels of boshet (“shame”), the latter often being used in the Old Testament as a variant name for the popular god Baal (“Lord”)." The Canaanites offered their children as a sacrifice in the fire of Molech. The death penalty seems to me because God chose Israel as his special people and he said in connection with this: " 3 And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. " Leviticus 20:3 KJV So God demanded and expected his chosen people not to defile his sanctuary (Israel had a sanctuary or special place where God was present) and to profane his holy name.
  20. " The salvation of men and their eternal destiny in heaven or hell rests on question as to whether the Bible is the inspired, preserved and accurate word of God or not. Because of the Bible being God's word to us as to how we may know Him and receive eternal life , throughout history there have many attacks on the authenticity of the Bible. Some are open and direct and others more subtle in seeking to discredit and cast a shadow over the Bible as being God's word. Clearly there is a common source for each of these attacks and that source is Satan himself who seeks to destroy men by destroying mankind's only source of knowledge of God and redemption from sin. Unregenerate and unbelieving men who are rejecting God, in the pride of their own selfish and corrupted minds, think they do a great service by criticizing the Bible. How sad and tragic is it that a man would personally reject God's love for them and His salvation and then seek to rob others of God's truth. The Lord gave a solemn warning to those who would tamper with His word in Revelation 22;18-19: How We Got the Bible - How God superintended the writing of His word and preserved it. (bible-truth.org) (Rev. 22:18-19). " 18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Those are the the second and third last verses of the Bible. Extremely important. One's eternal destiny hangs on those words. Remember the Bible was probably the biggest selling book in history. It has been translated into many languages. Millions upon million of people acquired it over the last number of centuries. There is a reason for that.
  21. False. Only skeptics and heretics question the accuracy of the King James Bible. There are many corrupt modern Bible translations in English, but the King James Bible is 100% accurate and trustworthy. There is a vast amount of information to prove that. "How We Got the Bible A seven lesson course on how the Lord gave and preserved His Word through the centuries. By Cooper Abrams" How We Got the Bible - How God superintended the writing of His word and preserved it. (bible-truth.org) It is easy to throw out one-liner sentences with no proof and it is easy to simply refuse to read any articles to learn the facts, such as the above website. I have even run into some church leaders and elders that automatically reject any information such as the article in the link above. That's just the way the corrupt world is.
  22. Because it is the only source of truth. You have not given any other source so I must assume you have nothing. Truth does not fall from the sky, or in some book that someone wrote unless it originates from the Bible. When I am talking about truth, I am talking specifically about moral truth and moral history of mankind, and how God created mankind and eternal truths about mankind. These are things that the Bible is the authority on.
  23. I never said you should do anything to accommodate me. I simply state the truth as I believe it. You refused to accept it. That's entirely your choice. But I would ask then what is your guide or foundation for thinking and living? The world has suffered wars, revolutions, crime, divisions, since the beginning. The 20th century which you might say is the modern age had the worst, most devastating wars in history. Communist revolutions in the 20th century killed 100 million people. Fascism killed tens of millions of people in Europe. Yet you say the Bible is a flawed book in 2023. What great wisdom has the world received in the 20th century or now in 2023 that will make it a better place pray tell? What better source of wisdom and truth has suddenly appeared that is better than the Bible? You must be living in some alt reality if you think the world is any better in 2023 than it was in 1917 or 1939 when the world wars started. "The Bible is unique! It is not enough to say that it is a unique Book, for it is a collection of sixty-six ancient Books. Moreover, this unique collection of Books is bound together by a central theme and a unity of purpose which makes the books into One Book. This Book tells of the ways in which God revealed Himself to mankind over a period of several thousand years. This account of the ways in which God has intervened in human history provides us with a description of the nature and the attributes of God completely different from the concept of God found anywhere else in the entire world of literature. The Bible is history, but history strikingly different from ordinary history. Secular history tells of the rise and fall of nations, of great wars and battles, and of the ways in which men and nations have affected the peoples of surrounding territories. But the Bible goes further than that. The Bible is an interpretation of history, showing how men (as individuals and as nations) have either been blessed or punished by God for their attitude to Him and His holy laws. It is this unique explanation of the moral and spiritual factors behind the historical narrative, which makes the Bible so relevant to us today." 1. The Authority of the Bible | Bible.org What wisdom does the modern world have that doesn't come from the Bible or is better than the Bible? What makes you think the ancient people who wrote the Bible under the inspiration of God were wrong?
  24. That's hilarious. You rarely comment on the actual subject, but rather attack the poster. I simply respond to your nonsense.
  25. Of course. It makes perfect sense and fits in with what the Bible says. Since you have not watched it, how do you know whether it is true or not. Making assumptions again I see One of the most ridiculous comments you have made. The Bible strongly opposes Communism and Socialism. If you had read any of the articles which I posted parts of you would know that and wouldn't be bumbling along in the darkness with ridiculous ideas.
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