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Shady last won the day on January 1 2022

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    London, Ontario

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  1. BLM tears down 100 year old John A. MacDonald statue.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. BubberMiley


      We know he was charged with first degree murder. If he happened to be pro-BLM, this would bother you.

    3. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog


      Kind of dangerous wanting to discuss the evidence here because apparently disagreeing with Bubber means you're insane.

      Oh well, he might be surprised to learn the revolution hasn't happened yet so he or his is not going to be sending anybody to the Gulag for contradicting the 'Party' line.

      And currently there is considerable disagreement between rational examiners of the evidence and hysterical believers in the cult of BLM on what the Rittenhouse case is showing. Here's walk-away, Liberal Tim Pool showing the weakness in the true believers' argument. He gives a pretty rational and incisive look at what does and doesn't make sense so I imagine Dr. Bubber is going to diagnose him as insane. The rest of us can learn what the actual evidence is showing though.




    4. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog

      Heavy is usually a good source for the facts on this sort of thing. 

      Here's their 5 fast facts on Rittenhouse:


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