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Shady last won the day on January 1 2022

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  1. FBI pleads guilty to doctoring documents used to justify surveillance on Carter Page.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. BubberMiley


      You think Bill Barr should still be there after this obvious coverup?Shameful! Have you no decency? :lol:

    3. betsy



      The Justice Department’s independent inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, has found that law enforcement officials had sufficient reason to open the Russia investigation, and found no evidence that they acted with political bias."

      What is that "sufficient reason?"  Would that be the doctored documents mentioned above?


      If it's not, then it's not the issue.   Here is the issue:


      doctoring documents used to justify surveillance on Carter Page.

      That's scary stuff, Bubb.......if law enforcers can make-up charges to justify making your life miserable.  You're supporting what the FBI did? 


    4. BubberMiley


      Yes, because the "FBI" started a legitimate investigation into some shitstain traitors and found lots of info on "Individual 1" that will be used to lock him up when he is forced, kicking and screaming,  from the white house.

      You think he's destroying the post office and undermining democracy so he can just be president? He's doing it to stay out if jail. Because he knows that's where he's going when he isn't president anymore.

      And you Trumpers will never be able to live down what idiots you were. :lol:

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