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Everything posted by Boges

  1. When I was younger my parents took me too a Cruise and one of the ports was Mazetlan. The excursion we went on was too a nearby island so I can't really comment on the safety of the city. It's a rather large city though.
  2. The OPP gets its funding from Rob Ford? Who knew?
  3. I'm thinking of going to Cuba next month. Most resorts in Mexico have good security as well. Getting assaulted in your resort is the exception not the rule. There was also the Ianiero Family. http://www.canada.com/topics/news/story.html?id=64b6bebf-9bfe-4d3e-9e6a-be9cb4cd0538&k=20643 But instances of violence on the resort appear to be rare considering how many people go there from Canada.
  4. Not the hotel but I've heard gang violence has stepped up in Mazetlan. Riu resorts have a good reputation actually however.
  5. No but Mazatlan isn't Playa del Carmen. This is a bad thing that's happened make no mistake. But no details were given as to the circumstances of this assault. Are we even sure she was beaten up by a Mexican and not another tourist? But regardless, as soon as a Canadian gets hurt in Mexico the same people come out without any information and ask "Why do people still go to Mexico?" As if it's like going to Lebanon. This happened last week. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/01/17/mexico-canadian-killed.html Why the Hell was he in that town? Was he even a tourist?
  6. Not in Toronto but this one is Classic. http://www.thestar.com/news/article/1092378--hamilton-city-worker-who-crashed-car-while-drunk-gets-to-keep-his-job
  7. I can cite many instances where Unionized public servants didn't end up losing their jobs even though they did something really bad because the Union protected them. http://jimfairthorne.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/sleeping-ttc.jpg That guy never got fired. He did die recently though.
  8. Or the Ontario Premier McLiar or Daddy Dalton. I swear I've seen His Lardness used to describe Rob Ford though.
  9. Everyone I know that goes to Mexico goes to the Mayan Riviera. It's on the other freakin' end of the country. Don't go to Toronto because there's a heroine problem in Vancouver. That's how retarded these anti-Mexico alarmists sound.
  10. Post the warning and let me see the wording. Should the Canadian government warn people from going to Jane and Finch? Typcasting an entire nation based on an assault that happened in one city on the West coast is assinine.
  11. So you believe an anonymous CBC informant over the Toronto Chief of Police and the OPP commissioner? Just checking.
  12. Yes but Cuba is an oppressive Communist country. Can't go there too. How about Jamaica? The crime rate is high there but they don't shoot tourists so that place is great. Being alarmist about this assault is far worse that people saying the recent Italian Cruise ship running a ground is evidence that Cruise vacations aren't safe.
  13. The Patriots are evil and the Gmen are a team of destiny. Elisha Manning might end up having a better overall legacy than his neck-challenged brother.
  14. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fN_DHh9hZYc/TcDGYuY5zyI/AAAAAAAAK9M/5SjcsMrLSss/s1600/face-palm-demotivational-poster-1233926135.jpg
  15. It wasn't silent. Reports said there was a rhythmic slapping sound.
  16. No evidence of this. Believe what you're going to believe but the only thing that Ford admitted was that he dropped an F-bomb because he was frustrated, He didn't berate the officer, however, according to the Chief of Police and the OPP commissioner. BTW had the CBC ombudsman not piped in a few weeks ago, this story would be dead.
  17. Sort of like how People that are PRO Life are anti-choice. I'm sorry but attaching the stigma of "Stupid" onto ideals of a political party are pretty divisive.
  18. See this is the problem when you buy a pure-bred dog. What type of mutations had to be bread into a dog to get them as small as a Matlese? Can they even give birth on their own?
  19. So if I believe that Abortion is "Evil" and I say that any party that supports Abortion is Evil. What am I saying about the followers of said party?
  20. It's interesting the column calls Conservatives stupid. It just attacks certain things Tony Clement has done. It's not a comprehensive damning of what the CPC has done in it's 6 years in power. It's just nitpicking a few things. Calling people with differing political views stupid says more about the author than the people the author is talking about.
  21. Apparently he lost 10 lbs this week. I hear when you're obese like that the first weight loss is the easiest part.
  22. That's the reality for a vast majority of Canadians. It's only in the Public Sector where workers and unions can hold their defacto shareholder's hostage.
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