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Everything posted by Boges

  1. Oh so we're going to do JFK thing. If that's what you want to do then you have to ask who's behind it? Could it be the GOP that wanted to make Trump out to be a martyr? Why was Trump golfing without a bandage the next day but he was sure to wear one at the convention?
  2. You really believe the Democrats thought that? even after the debate performance? They had to save face. From what I've heard, polling showed that he had no shot after the debate performance. Aging comes for all of us, it's not a character flaw. It's certainly possible he could be experiencing a steep decline in cognitive ability. Now Trump is the one that's going to have to watch all his lapses due to age.
  3. The assassination has quickly been moved off of the news cycle. There are a large faction of voters that are "double haters". They'd rather sit out than vote for an 80-year-old man from either party. Adding Harris to the equation changes that. She'll have to perform though. I'll be interesting if Trump refuses to debate her.
  4. You're the one that brought. Again, Jamaican father. Obama's father was from Kenya. What racial background makes one from the "truly black American" community accept a political candidate?
  5. To most people, yeah. If calling Obama black pisses you off so much, that says more about you than anyone else. My wife has hispanic heritage, though my kids look pretty white. Would it be reasonable for me to get upset if someone called them white because they're actually bi-racial? Then maybe focus on that. Because this makes you look silly.
  6. Sure, if you wish to be pedantic. Does minority work? I think the term used frequently in Canada is "racialized". Honestly this is a tedious debate. I hope Trump's team fixates on it to look ridiculous.
  7. I dunno. I think using the term black as a catch-all for anyone with African heritage isn't unthinkable. Where do you think the majority of Jamaicans have their heritage from? But feel free to make this the issue that bothers you. I'll make you look completely sensible. 😉
  8. What about the first female person of colour. I don't even think it's PC to simply say Black anymore.
  9. So if both parents have African-American heritage, that somehow gives one more minority credentials than someone of mixed race? She's clearly a person of colour. She's not white.
  10. Please clarify the textbook definition of a "black" person. Was Obama not black either? Are people of South Asian heritage with darker complexions also not "black". This is an interesting hill to die on.
  11. Find one potential Harris voter that's upset that they were denied the opportunity to select their presumptive candidate. And labelling her as "not black" is flailing at it's finest. Her father is Jamaican.
  12. GOP supporters are taking the news of this new opponent so well. 😆
  13. You don't have to start a thread about every talking point you're being fed on Alt-Right message boards.
  14. Holocaust denial. Didn't think this thread would get there.
  15. That money was raised to defeat Trump. They seem to be doing even better with the Kamala ticket. I bet the Republicans can't find one person that voted in a Democratic primary that feels their vote was wasted.
  16. How is it anti-democractic the a nominee can be picked at a convention? In Canada we see this all the time in leadership contests. Candidates endorse other candidates that switch the balance of power amongst delegates. The "presumptive" nominee is stepping down and endorsing his VP. The party seems to be rallying around this, based on the fact almost all major players have already endorsed Harris and no one, other than maybe Joe Manchin, has tossed their hat into the ring. The delegates will still get a chance to select their leader.
  17. I'm saying that to counteract the point that this is some anti-democratic coupe. The Dems are thrilled to have a young candidate to rally around.
  18. I'm not bragging. I'm pointing out that the party is rallying around this candidate. The reason Biden was convinced to finally step down is that the fundraising had taken a hit since the bad debate performance.
  19. Oh so now you're here defending Biden. 😆 Things change. It's clear Biden can't continue to be POTUS for another four years, he's aging too rapidly. Not forcing him out 18 months ago was a mistake in hindsight. But the Dems are in a better situation now. And spare me of the democracy talk. Party politics are different than a fair election to elect a government. In Ontario, the leader of the PC party was forced out due to sketchy claims of sexual assault and Doug Ford was quickly installed without much consultation. No one screamed that democracy was being trampled on.
  20. Oh so donations don't matter? The fundraising to support Harris has been record-breaking. I think Dem voters will get over being robbed of selecting a candidate.
  21. And? It's a nitpick to say this was a circumvention of the primary process, robbing Dems the opportunity to pick another leader. Technically it's true, but practically no realistic candidate was going to challenge a sitting POTUS.
  22. So let's say he does step down? Then Harris would be POTUS and the candidate anyway.
  23. The talking point that Primary voters were robbed of their chance to pick their representative is hilarious. As if they feel bad for all those people that voted for an incumbent POTUS now saddled with having to support his Veep? I saw a Vance tweets saying that if Biden doesn't think he can run then he should step down now. I think most objective people are more worried that Biden will face four more years of similar declines vs his state now. That's ultimately why he can't continue. Aging is not for the faint of heart. It would be deliciously fitting if the Trump narrative that sticks is that he's the old guy with dementia.
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